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All American
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The 'Millennials' Are Coming

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"(CBS) Stand back all bosses! A new breed of American worker is about to attack everything you hold sacred: from giving orders, to your starched white shirt and tie. They are called, among other things, 'millennials.' There are about 80 million of them, born between 1980 and 1995, and they're rapidly taking over from the baby boomers who are now pushing 60.

They were raised by doting parents who told them they are special, played in little leagues with no winners or losers, or all winners. They are laden with trophies just for participating and they think your business-as-usual ethic is for the birds. And if you persist in the belief you can, take your job and shove it."

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"'You do have to speak to them a little bit like a therapist on television might speak to a patient,' Salzman says, laughing. 'You can't be harsh. You cannot tell them you're disappointed in them. You can't really ask them to live and breathe the company. Because they're living and breathing themselves and that keeps them very busy.'

Faced with new employees who want to roll into work with their iPods and flip flops around noon, but still be CEO by Friday, companies are realizing that the era of the buttoned down exec happy to have a job is as dead as the three-Martini lunch.

'These young people will tell you what time their yoga class is and the day's work will be organized around the fact that they have this commitment. So you actually envy them. How wonderful it is to be young and have your priorities so clear. Flipside of it is how awful it is to be managing the extension, sort of, of the teenage babysitting pool,' Salzman tells Safer."

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"Mary Crane, who once whipped up soufflés for the White House, now offers crash courses for millennials in, well, the obvious. 'As to the tattoos just make sure they stay covered up within the office, especially if you are going to be meeting clients,' she advises her clients.

'It's a perfect storm we have created to put these people in a position where they suddenly have to perform as professionals and haven’t been trained,' Crane says.

Basic training, like how to eat with a knife and fork, or indeed how to work. Today, fewer and fewer middle class kids hold summer jobs because mowing lawns does not get you into Harvard.

'They have climbed Mount Everest. They've been down to Machu Picchu to help excavate it. But they've never punched a time clock. They have no idea what it's like to actually be in an office at nine o'clock, with people handing them work. And oh, by the way, possibly asking them to stay late in the evening, or their weekends,' Crane says.

She maintains that while this generation has extraordinary technical skills, childhoods filled with trophies and adulation didn't prepare them for the cold realities of work.

'You now have a generation coming into the workplace that has grown up with the expectation that they will automatically win, and they'll always be rewarded, even for just showing up,' Crane says."

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"It's a future of sweet talking bosses, no more 'Pay your dues just like I did.' If this generation knows anything, it's that there are more jobs than young people to fill them.

'I believe that they actually think of themselves like merchandise on eBay. "If you don't want me, Mr. Employer, I'll go sell myself down the street. I'll probably get more money. I'll definitely get a better experience. And by the way, they'll adore me. You only like me,"' Salzman says.

So who's to blame for the narcissistic praise hounds now taking over the office?

Wall Street Journal columnist Jeffrey Zaslow covers trends in the workplace and points the finger at the man who once was America’s favorite next door neighbor: Mister Rogers.

'You have got a guy like Mister Rogers, Fred Rogers on TV. He was telling his preschoolers, "You're special. You're special." And he meant well. But we, as parents, ran with it. And we said, "You, Junior, are special, and you're special and you're special and you're special." And for doing what? We didn't really explain that,' Zaslow says.

'But isn't this generation, particularly of middle class kids, really quite special? Aren't they, in some ways, much better than your generation, certainly mine,' Safer remarks.

'Well, except, when we were younger, you had a piano teacher who expected you to practice your piano and work hard at it, and the parents expected it. And now, the parents say, "Have fun, learn the piano, practice a little bit." So, there's not the expectations that they will achieve and work hard,' Zaslow says. 'It's not the same work ethic.'

Zaslow says that the coddling virus continues to eat away even when junior goes off to college. 'I heard from several professors who said, a student will come up after class and say, "I don't like my grade, and my mom wants to talk to you, here's the phone," he says. 'And the students think it's like a service. "I deserve an A because I'm paying for it. What are you giving me a C for?"'

Today more than half of college seniors move home after graduation. It's a safety net, or safety diaper, that allows many kids to quickly opt out of a job they don't like.

'There once was, if not shame, a little certain uneasiness about being seen to be living at home in your mid 20s, yes?' Safer asks Mary Crane.

'Not only is there no shame with it, but this is thought to be a very smart, wise, economic decision,' Crane says.

'Well, that would suggest that they probably had pretty happy childhoods,' Safer says.

'And who couldn't be happy when you're growing up in a world where there's no failure?' Crane points out.

And dear old mom isn’t just your landlord; she is your agent as well. 'Career services departments are complaining about the parents who are coming to update their child's resume. And in fact, you go to employers, and they're starting to express concern now with the parents who will phone HR, saying, "But my little Susie or little Johnny didn't get the performance evaluation that I think they deserve,"' Crane says."

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"'Could this be that everything is being delayed so that adolescence ends at 30 say and middle age starts at 60 say?' Safer asks Jeffrey Zaslow.

'You can hope that's the case. But, while we're having this delayed adolescence, are we getting behind as an economy and as a workforce, because we're just all playing computer games at work while we wait to grow up?' he replies."

To the so-called Millennials: If this report actually describes the way you are, I don't like you. And I don't think you should like yourself very much either.

11/14/2007 12:39:02 AM

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there are so many better reasons to hate people

11/14/2007 12:41:37 AM

All American
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this is tww. we ain't readin all that shit.

11/14/2007 12:42:40 AM

All American
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^^ I didn't say "hate." And you didn't read the report that fast either, Millennial. Would you like your trophy now?

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"born between 1980 and 1995"

[Edited on November 14, 2007 at 12:45 AM. Reason : .]

11/14/2007 12:43:38 AM

147487 Posts
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you dumb cracker i read that shit yesterday

you should be thankful i didnt say [old]

11/14/2007 12:44:40 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Would you like your trophy now?"

11/14/2007 12:46:10 AM

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Quote :
"dumb cracker"

11/14/2007 12:50:18 AM

All American
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"narcissistic praise hound"

11/14/2007 12:54:03 AM

All American
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11/14/2007 10:57:45 PM

All American
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cbs has gone down the shitter, i can't believe they published this garbage

11/14/2007 11:02:50 PM

25063 Posts
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from what i've seen in the real world - i agree with a large portion of this

11/14/2007 11:04:00 PM

All American
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Quote :
"from what i've seen - i agree with a large portion of this"

I'd agree with it too. 90% of the people I see at school are self-centered irresponsible brats. They have no concept of hard work and think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter. Fuck their parents for spoiling them.

11/14/2007 11:05:32 PM

All American
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^^^ I'm curious to hear why you think this report is "garbage."

11/14/2007 11:07:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"the coddling virus"

11/14/2007 11:08:31 PM

All American
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^^replace "young people" with "black people"'s bitching about some stereotypical bullshit that serves no purpose other than to comfort the people that share the same view

[Edited on November 14, 2007 at 11:10 PM. Reason : &]

11/14/2007 11:08:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The rest of us are old, redundant, should be retired. How dare we come in, anyone over 30. Not only can't be trusted, can't be counted upon to be, sort of, coherent."

The "Millennials" certainly don't mind bitching about "old" people that aren't even actually old. What about that?

11/14/2007 11:12:43 PM

All American
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oh, hell, that's as old as civilization--read "fathers and sons" by turgenev, it's the same shit in 19th century russia

11/14/2007 11:17:18 PM

All American
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^ So, by your logic, ageism is fine--just not racism?

11/14/2007 11:18:39 PM

All American
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where did i say that?

11/14/2007 11:19:13 PM

All American
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^ It was a question, which should have been clear by the question mark. You seem to be saying just what I indicated--what are you saying? And you never answered this question:

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"I'm curious to hear why you think this report is 'garbage.'"

11/14/2007 11:25:25 PM

363 Posts
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I don't agree with the whole article, but there are some good points in there (not what you copy/pasted). Companies are laying off and screwing their employees all the time so I'm working only for myself. If a better opportunity comes along, I'll take it in a second. Fuck it, I'm always looking for a better opportunity.

As far as the casual atmosphere or whatever, what's wrong with that? With essentially no companies offering pensions anymore and a social security system that'll bankrupt soon, we'll probably be working until we're 90 anyway; might as well enjoy being at work and not burn-out in 20 years.

But the whole coddling and praise part is kinda weird, don't agree with that...

[Edited on November 14, 2007 at 11:29 PM. Reason : .]

11/14/2007 11:28:49 PM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm curious to hear why you think this report is "garbage.""

because its fucking common sense?

11/14/2007 11:31:27 PM

All American
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^ So, new attitudes about work, economics, lifestyles, and so on don't exist among a new generation? You sure about that?

11/14/2007 11:36:14 PM

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you fail

11/14/2007 11:37:01 PM

All American
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^ Answer the questions.

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"So, new attitudes about work, economics, lifestyles, and so on don't exist among a new generation? You sure about that?"

11/14/2007 11:40:57 PM

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i dont know what you are talking about

i never mentioned those things

11/14/2007 11:41:58 PM

All American
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^ You are displaying just the type of attitude the report at issue describes--the report that you agreed is "garbage."

I'll break it down for you: The report examines new attitudes about work, economics, lifestyles, and so on among a new generation: "Millennials." Are you saying (1) that these new attitudes don't exist among the generation in question, or (2) that the report is wrong about these attitudes? If you think 2 is correct, what are the new attitudes of "Millennial"? Since you seem to know more about them than 60 Minutes and all the people that were interviewed.

11/14/2007 11:49:58 PM

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dude let me break it down for you

i read that shit 2 days ago and thought "thats fucking common sense"

11/14/2007 11:52:13 PM

All American
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^ Do you agree with the report or think it's "garbage"?

11/14/2007 11:54:40 PM

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11/14/2007 11:55:49 PM

All American
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^ You are both drunkandtarded.

11/15/2007 12:05:08 AM

147487 Posts
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you are a troll

11/15/2007 12:06:00 AM

All American
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^ I'm trolling my own thread, you narcissistic praise hound? STFU.

11/15/2007 12:10:34 AM

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lol dude its really bad when you come off as a fag in your own thread

11/15/2007 12:11:09 AM

All American
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The insinuation that I have anything in common with people born in 1995 kinda bothers me.

11/15/2007 12:11:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Would you like your trophy now?"

^ Yeah, these generational cohorts are imperfect, to say the least. I mean, who decides who is a Baby Boomer, Gen X, and so on?

11/15/2007 12:19:58 AM

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*carl face*

11/15/2007 12:25:01 AM

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Quote :
I'd agree with it too. 90% of the people I see at school are self-centered irresponsible brats. They have no concept of hard work and think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter. Fuck their parents for spoiling them"

Silver lining: they make the rest of us look damn good. Even more brownie points if you do your work without bitching.

11/15/2007 12:27:00 AM

All American
5237 Posts
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hooksaw, you're a baby boomer.

Don't talk about generations who are softer than their parents; you guys wrote the book.

11/15/2007 12:31:10 AM

All American
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I'm in Gen X, you dumbass troll--supposing for a moment that I buy into generational cohorts.

11/15/2007 12:34:04 AM

All American
25609 Posts
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i'm in degeneration X

11/15/2007 12:34:41 AM

All American
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you made the cut by 3 years.

you old fart.

11/15/2007 12:36:00 AM

All American
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11/15/2007 12:36:12 AM

All American
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^^^ You should be suspended for that stupid shit.

^^ If you don't have anything other than insults to contribute, GTFO. And thanks for proving the report correct--you are exactly as it described:

Quote :
"The rest of us are old, redundant, should be retired. How dare we come in, anyone over 30. Not only can't be trusted, can't be counted upon to be, sort of, coherent."

[Edited on November 15, 2007 at 12:42 AM. Reason : .]

11/15/2007 12:39:56 AM

All American
45549 Posts
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way to fuck up the thread, dnl

11/15/2007 12:40:27 AM

147487 Posts
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chit chat crackers

11/15/2007 12:40:41 AM

147487 Posts
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btw i edited it you crybabies

11/15/2007 12:43:02 AM

All American
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^ Well, you've used the fag-bomb, giant rolly eyes, and the Carl face--you're about tapped out, aren't you, dumbass?

11/15/2007 12:45:01 AM

147487 Posts
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thats what your mom said last night

11/15/2007 12:45:35 AM

All American
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^ Okay, you had one more--the Mom shit. What else you got, shithead?

11/15/2007 12:46:52 AM

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