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 Message Boards » » I waited for you Fry... Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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edit post is on nao.

6/15/2010 1:04:10 AM

New Recruit
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I see its time for the monthly saddest futurama episode ever thread

6/15/2010 1:08:14 AM

All American
4058 Posts
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creamy doggy nugget

6/15/2010 1:13:40 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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^^ haha I was going to say, "What number thread is this?"

[Edited on June 15, 2010 at 2:19 AM. Reason : a]

6/15/2010 2:19:08 AM

11725 Posts
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oh god. it's on

7/19/2010 1:31:50 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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great episode

but seriously

fuck this episode

7/19/2010 1:41:37 AM

13178 Posts
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Yeah. It always makes me sad. Especially now that my dog is old and has cancer, and we're not going to treat it.

7/19/2010 2:00:04 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Haha, I get that there's a limit to how much people should spend to treat pet diseases, but the way you said it makes you sound like a dick.

7/19/2010 2:45:02 AM

All American
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I was wondering how long it would take for someone to say something like that

7/19/2010 2:45:48 AM

All American
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the more i think about this episode

the more i think luck of the fryrish is a lot more touching

then again, i've always preferred humans to animals

7/19/2010 2:51:19 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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That one is good, but it has a happy ending for everyone. Fry's nephew becomes famous and shit, and Fry ends up having a blast in the future. In particular he finds out about his nephew and so can be happy about that.

In the dog one, Fry never finds out that his dog spent years alone in the street until it died, which is not a happy ending. Even aside from the animal part there's the message of the whole show: "No matter how much you love somebody eventually they're going to die and so are you."

7/19/2010 2:59:01 AM

All American
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that's not the message

the message is that love drives us to great lengths

christ, i know it's sad and all

but you're taking it to a point of morbidity that's not there

also, apparently they've retconned it so that seymour dies in the explosion that kills fry's temporal double, which is why he's fossilized standing up and whatnot

so they've ruined that whole dying in the street angle

7/19/2010 3:08:29 AM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"also, apparently they've retconned it so that seymour dies in the explosion that kills fry's temporal double, which is why he's fossilized standing up and whatnot"

Well it was basically impossible for him to die in the street in the way they portrayed. In this episode, it ends with the dog lying down and closing his eyes ( ), and you just can't be expected for a dog to die standing up. Unless he freezes to death, in which case I'd expect they would lie down anyway.

Didn't they find his body in the street? I hate when shit gets retconned without attention to detail.

Anyway, I too find the "Luck of the Fryrish" episode touching, but in a different way. The differences between the "aw, that's kinda sad but great at the same time" and "aw, that's kinda " make the Fryrish episode much more bearable overall, and the Dog much more hard hitting. Not to mention you can connect with the Dog episode if you have a dog.

7/19/2010 3:35:50 AM

All American
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i haven't watched anything after "the devil's hands are idle playthings" so i don't know about the retcon first-hand

7/19/2010 3:39:45 AM

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12/28/2010 1:01:17 AM

All American
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Also, any suggestions regarding a technique for training cats for my sledding team would be appreciated as well. I know I’m not a “cat person;” I have tried training a cat by having it pull me while I wore my skis, but it just ran away…

12/28/2010 11:29:27 AM

balls deep
89902 Posts
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After Brazil flooding, loyalty to the dead
Quote :
As the death toll from devastating flooding in Brazil continues to rise, a single picture drives home the sense of loss.

Leao, a medium-sized brown mutt, lies next to the grave of her owner, Cristina Maria Cesario Santana, who died in the catastrophic landslides caused by heavy rain. This AFP/Getty picture was taken on Saturday, the second consecutive day that the dog refused to leave the woman's grave at the cemetery in Teresopolis, near Rio de Janiero.

Brazilians are bracing for more rain, fearing more landslides after waves of muddy water swallowed towns in the country's worst flood disaster on record.

At least 655 deaths were reported in a mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro state, northeast of the city of Rio."

1/17/2011 9:15:47 PM

All American
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Anybody else have the desire to fly down there and get that poor dog?

1/17/2011 9:16:41 PM

balls deep
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Yes, I have that very urge.

The dog is all like "ok, good joke. Come on, get up now.... I'm hungry Get up... please?! "

1/17/2011 9:17:29 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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1/17/2011 10:08:43 PM

New Recruit
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1/17/2011 10:10:16 PM

All American
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1/17/2011 10:11:44 PM

All American
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2/23/2011 4:45:50 PM

All American
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i don't know why in the hell i clicked on this thread...

i didn't even watch the clip or anything and i'm about to cry....

damn, i'm such a woman sometimes

2/23/2011 4:48:54 PM

New Recruit
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stay far away from sawahash's thread too

2/23/2011 4:51:50 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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awww poor dogs... They look delicious.

2/23/2011 4:52:41 PM

19447 Posts
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I am not sure if I have seen this episode.

*duck and cover*

2/23/2011 4:54:08 PM

New Recruit
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If you arent sure then you probably haven't

or you didn't watch it all the way to the end

2/23/2011 4:55:42 PM

19447 Posts
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I have a vague feeling that I have, but I don't see myself forgetting the type of thing that makes everyone else cry because normally I am the one crying at every damn thing.

2/23/2011 4:57:55 PM

begonias is my boo
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Quote :
"If you arent sure then you probably haven't"

2/23/2011 4:59:05 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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here Skwinkle...

you can cuss me out later

[Edited on February 23, 2011 at 5:01 PM. Reason : k]

2/23/2011 5:00:41 PM

balls deep
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Saddest cartoon ever.

What soul sucking monster would create such a thing

2/23/2011 5:04:54 PM

All American
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2/23/2011 5:56:08 PM

All American
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2/23/2011 6:24:49 PM

All American
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I'll say, last night I spanked my pup hardest she's gotten so far (not that hard but enough that it scared her) the rest of the night she was depressed and didn't even scream when she went to her kennel. I felt like the biggest piece of shit ever and was bawling cause I felt like I hurt her feelings. Of course this morning she greets me with a wagging tail and kisses.

Every other dog I beat is all GIMMIE MORE, IT'S FEELS SO GOOD but not this one.


2/23/2011 6:34:58 PM

All American
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No dog can become more pathetic more quickly than Valkyrie.

This is a true story

2/23/2011 6:35:58 PM

All American
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^^troll post?

I'll bite. It's obviously a fight or flight reaction and maybe 'every other dog you beat' wasn't as submissive by nature. How old is the dog and why is she still screaming when it's kennel time?

2/23/2011 6:48:26 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Dog mourns at casket of fallen Navy SEAL
Labrador retriever Hawkeye lies down with a sigh at funeral of his owner

8/25/2011 3:50:47 PM

New Recruit
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8/25/2011 3:52:06 PM

All American
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That article made me cry at my desk

8/25/2011 3:56:23 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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I'm not even gonna bother reading it, picture was enough

8/25/2011 3:57:51 PM

All American
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8/25/2011 3:58:22 PM

All American
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8/25/2011 4:02:48 PM

All American
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don't watch it if you don't want to tear up.

8/25/2011 4:05:24 PM

10517 Posts
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8/25/2011 4:07:16 PM

All American
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8/25/2011 4:13:50 PM

Not suspended
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8/25/2011 6:55:02 PM

All American
5021 Posts
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Quote :
"I'll say, last night I spanked my pup hardest she's gotten so far (not that hard but enough that it scared her) the rest of the night she was depressed and didn't even scream when she went to her kennel. I felt like the biggest piece of shit ever and was bawling cause I felt like I hurt her feelings. Of course this morning she greets me with a wagging tail and kisses."

You're not supposed to beat your dog with your hands or any part of you, your supposed to hit them with a newspaper etc. That way they do not associate the punishment with you or contact with you.

8/25/2011 6:57:44 PM

TX R. Snake
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This one. Always this one..

8/25/2011 6:58:36 PM

All American
8570 Posts
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Where's that one picture that makes you feel like shit?

It has a caption like, 'Always stay with your dog when you put them down. When you leave, they always spend their last moments wondering where you went.'

8/25/2011 7:07:10 PM

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