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bonerjamz 04
All American
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didn't see a thread on strollers. recommend any good brands? particularly ones for twins

6/21/2010 11:34:51 PM

All American
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Family I used to babysit for had one of these:

But personally I found it a bitch to push around because of its width.

I would think one like this:

would work better if you're wanting to be able to push it around stores and other places that can be narrow.

6/21/2010 11:39:33 PM

All American
39759 Posts
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work internet

[Edited on June 21, 2010 at 11:40 PM. Reason : a]

6/21/2010 11:40:04 PM

All American
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Well, that about does it for TWW as a college site.

6/21/2010 11:52:53 PM

All American
3785 Posts
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yeah when someone who's screenname is bonerjamz is asking about strollers for twins, I think that about does it.

6/22/2010 12:21:23 AM

All American
27139 Posts
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too much boner jammin' ends in twins, nawmean?

6/22/2010 12:25:17 AM

All American
26447 Posts
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Quote :
"yeah when someone who's screenname is bonerjamz is asking about strollers for twins, I think that about does it.

6/22/2010 12:38:55 AM

All American
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6/22/2010 12:43:04 AM

All American
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My wife and I picked up the double Snap-n-Go from Baby Trend.

One word of warning, the box says that it can use a Chicco Keyfit 30, but it doesn't lock in and is a bit loose, so I'd avoid that brand if you want to use it with the Snap-n-Go.

We're going with the Baby Jogger City Mini for when they're a little bigger. It's got good reviews on the sites she checked and I used it in the store and it feels nice and sturdy.

If you're looking to go big while only buying one there's the Emmaljunga Twin Nitro. It's a pram style stroller that you can get attachments for to make it suitable for new borns. With the attachments it'd become the only stroller you'd ever use. The only caveat is that it'd be expensive as hell and you'd have to import it.

[Edited on June 22, 2010 at 7:37 AM. Reason : .]

6/22/2010 7:36:51 AM

Thots and Prayers
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move to old school?

I mean lets try to pretend this is a college messageboard at least.

6/22/2010 8:01:27 AM

All American
10504 Posts
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lol @ "try to pretend"

6/22/2010 8:40:18 AM

All American
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We have a graco set that came with seat base and carseat that all work together. No complaints.

6/22/2010 11:04:46 AM

All American
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We've got one like this.

It's hard to keep it straight when you're walking along anywhere with a slope, because the weight of your kids is farther from the handles. And in a place like a department store (Kohl's or what-have-you) you can really only go straight into, and back out of, a section because the turning radius.

Both had advantages and disadvantages.

6/22/2010 11:42:28 AM

All American
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this might be a chit chat question im asking here but im actually curious

those of you with the tandem strollers... do you switch which kid gets to sit up front? or do you just toss them in there and have no idea? seems like the kid up front gets the best view, im just curious!

6/22/2010 11:46:20 AM

All American
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well if you look at them, while the child is small the rear one is higher and has a view through the one in front, but I too wonder this

6/22/2010 12:57:12 PM

Mr. Joshua
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you n00bs are posting in a stroll thread

6/22/2010 12:58:04 PM

All American
3864 Posts
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^ I LOLed


6/22/2010 1:09:35 PM

All American
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Do everyone on the sidewalk or aisle a favor and don't get one like in the first picture.

6/22/2010 1:12:41 PM

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do they make strollers without 2384129347623 wheels that aren't joggers?? unless you're pushing around a 300# kid, i don't understand why 1 seat would need 8 wheels.

[Edited on June 22, 2010 at 2:09 PM. Reason : ]

6/22/2010 2:08:26 PM

All American
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I think I only used a stroller a couple of times with my daughter...I usually just carried her.

6/22/2010 2:14:56 PM

All American
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I dunno if they make a version for twins, but my friend has a bugaboo and that's gotta be the coolest damn stroller I've ever seen. It's real easy to use too. Her, well her husband's, only complaint is the handle doesn't extend very long...he's 6'5'' so he has to crouch a bit to push it. I know they're pretty $texas as well.

6/22/2010 2:25:21 PM

Thots and Prayers
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yeah if i'm taking my daughter somewhere I always just carried her, and now she mostly walks. Thankfully my wife is the same way.

Too many crazy moms need a fucking traveling circus worth of shit to account for any possible need that may arise. You don't need a 100 pack of diapers and ten different backup outfits to go to the fucking mall.

6/22/2010 4:49:57 PM

All American
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Is the man.

6/22/2010 8:52:48 PM

5975 Posts
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I have twins, and have owned more than a handful of strollers.

To be honest, once they get a little older, we found it was much easier to have separate strollers, depending on how your twin's personalities shape up.

My son is special needs, and my daughter is a normal, fireball of a kid. We bought my son a nice single stroller since he sits in it a lot, and a compact umbrella stroller for my daughter, since she only wants to run around and walk on her own.

This is after owning/using a schwinn side-by-side jogger, a graco tandem, and a bob duallie. It was our experience that the dual strollers were just so freaking huge, that it was a pain to take places, was a little heavy for my wife, and filled our trunk up.

We ended up with these two strollers:

For my son:

For my daughter:

We are able to fit both of these in our trunk with a decent amount of room to spare, compared to only being able to fit any of the dual strollers, and nothing else.

I think even if we were to do it over again, we would go with two nice singles from the start, instead of the doubles.

I did a lot of research and testing before I bought the two we ended up with, and I have to say im not disappointed at all. The Peg Perego is fuckin fantastic.

6/22/2010 11:42:21 PM

All American
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^ What do you do when there's only one of you around to push the strollers?

6/23/2010 4:35:17 AM

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There aren't that many occasions when one of us takes both of them out and it would require the double stroller. Usually when it does, its places like the grocery store, etc... and my wife is going to stick them in a double cart anyway. She has all of the stores customer service numbers programmed into her phone, and they are always nice enough to bring out a double cart to the parking lot, so she doesnt have to get both kids out of the car, and carry them around the store while she hunts for a double cart. You would be suprised how many parents with one kid grab the double carts because they "look cooler" than the regular boring shopping carts.

During the week, when I am at work and my wife takes them on walks and stuff, she uses the radio flyer wagon mainly.

We still own two of the double strollers too, but we haven't used them since we bought the singles. We kept the doubles because of the same reservation you have about one person pushing both.

Its really going to come down to what works best for you personally. Everyone has different preferences on this I think.

Thinking back to when they were infants, we used the Graco tandem most, because thier infant carriers attached to it. Now that they are older, the dual strollers just arent the right choice for them.

[Edited on June 23, 2010 at 6:55 AM. Reason : .]

6/23/2010 6:53:44 AM

All American
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We use the McClaren umbrella stroller for the toddler.

Our youngest still does the car seat snap-n-go but when it comes time for a stroller for her, we will probably just get another McClaren umbrella.

Hopefully we won't do too many things that necessitate a dual stroller.

6/23/2010 10:56:51 AM

All American
9842 Posts
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i upgraded to the McClaren Volo stroller a few months ago and love it!!!
i had the heavy duty Graco when Madison was an infant and hated it! too heavy and bulky. went through two cheap umbrella strollers before I found a gently used McClaren on craigslist. It is only 8 lbs, folds very quickly, easy to maneuver and has a lifetime warranty. oh and it will hold up to 55 lbs. I have flown a few times with it and take it every where. My daughter doesn't mind being in it and the mesh seat is breathable.

I have the black and pink one.

there are some twin strollers listed on the site ^ as well.

[Edited on June 29, 2010 at 12:40 AM. Reason : we're getting old... discussing strollers on tww]

6/29/2010 12:39:44 AM

21952 Posts
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We used the Chicco Keyfit 30 for our singleton. I cannot help you with a recommendation for multiples, but I know that we loved our stroller for our son. We also saw quite a bit of our stroller out and about with other parents after our son was born.

But I gotta be honest...We did not use our stroller a whole lot. We primarily wore our son in a sling until he started walking. Once he had the walking down pat, he just wasn't interested in the stoller.

6/29/2010 2:17:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"We have a graco set that came with seat base and carseat that all work together. No complaints."


Also there are some strollers that are just expensive as fuck and are a waste of money (see Chico, Eddie Bauer, etc). My wife and I used the hell of out our Graco (our little girl was on 26 different flights before she turned 2 and most of the time that stroller was being plane side checked and it held up well). Definitely no reason to spend $100+ more than you need to unless you want some "cool/hip" stroller.

6/29/2010 9:29:18 AM

5975 Posts
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Quote :
"Definitely no reason to spend $100+ more than you need to unless you want some "cool/hip" stroller."

I disagree with this. As I mentioned, my son is special needs and can't walk or stand up. He spends a lot of time in his stroller when we go out, and we had a lot of requirements around that.

The Pliko P3 is right around $300, and is the best by far in a lot of categories. It has the smallest fold, is very comfortable, has a lot of resting/sitting features. It sits far up enough to allow him to look around when we go to things like museums, aquariums, etc.. but can also fully recline and sunshade when he wants to nap.

The leg rest can either be positioned up or down, something that is a good feature for him therapy wise.

6/29/2010 11:33:40 AM

Thots and Prayers
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I doubt he was talking about folks in specific situations such as yourself, where it's warranted.

6/29/2010 11:36:17 AM

All American
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yeah Graco is pretty much your best bet for a stroller that isnt gonna break the bank, while still being super safe. Some of those other brands (Eddie Bauer, etc.) have had recalls

6/29/2010 1:03:27 PM

All American
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Every company has had recalls with every product line having anything to do with babies.

Graco never has stroller recalls?
Quote :
"The hinges on the stroller’s canopy pose a fingertip amputation and laceration hazard to the child when the consumer is opening or closing the canopy."

Just sayin. Brand loyalty is dumb when making purchases. Buy or borrow Baby Bargains. It's a great book that lines up many different types of strollers (and every other baby equipment you can buy) rates them on safety, price, usability, etc.

6/29/2010 1:34:03 PM

Scuba Steve
All American
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[Edited on June 29, 2010 at 5:30 PM. Reason : picture me strollin']

6/29/2010 5:27:22 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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A fucking pram thread...on TWW. You people need to keep your crotchfruit chitchat to your little morning playdates.

6/29/2010 5:31:43 PM

All American
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DROD900 in a stroller thread


if you'd told me that 2 years ago I'd have had a hearty laugh about it

6/29/2010 6:51:48 PM

All American
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You can laugh now. Asking about the best vehicle to push your spawn around in on a college message board is worthy of ridicule.

6/29/2010 6:53:20 PM

All American
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should I laugh at that or the number of actually useful responses offered?

6/29/2010 7:06:53 PM

All American
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I'll leave my kids at home in the dirt with the women when I decide to go for a walk, like nature intended.

6/29/2010 7:10:22 PM

All American
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if we didn't spend the first few years coddling them with strollers and let the ones who couldnt walk straight from birth just wither away and die, we wouldn't have all this namby-pamby pussyfooting goings on

we've not only halted, but reversed our own evolution

such is the folly of self-awareness and intelligence to a fault - it is inevitable that we will be our own undoing and return to the earth. is it any surprise that the stoutest of species, the ones that have survived fire and brimstone for a billion years, act purely on the most basic, instinctual levels?

6/29/2010 7:15:51 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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The Romans believed toddlers weren't really even people.

6/29/2010 7:20:02 PM

All American
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I fully support retro-active abortion. We call it capital punishment in extreme cases, I think it needs to be expanded to the untalented, infirm, parasitic and generally useless. Also impose a 2-child cap per woman.

[Edited on June 29, 2010 at 7:26 PM. Reason : triplets? sorry lady, we'll give you a minute to choose]

6/29/2010 7:25:52 PM

All American
9999 Posts
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I consider myself to be one.

I'm astraladvent and I approved this message.

6/29/2010 8:50:20 PM

All American
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troll invasion

6/30/2010 11:50:15 AM

All American
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Tell me about it. Fuck carrying babies and young toddlers that can't walk. Especially if you had 2. Imagine checking out of any store if you had twins and no stroller to strap them to.

It's better now that she walks and listens to my commands to stop and stay in one place.

6/30/2010 12:35:03 PM

Art Vandelay
45166 Posts
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Quote :
"Well, that about does it for TWW as a college site.

yeah when someone who's screenname is bonerjamz is asking about strollers for twins, I think that about does it."

6/30/2010 1:39:09 PM

All American
24630 Posts
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Quote :
"Just sayin. Brand loyalty is dumb when making purchases. Buy or borrow Baby Bargains. It's a great book that lines up many different types of strollers (and every other baby equipment you can buy) rates them on safety, price, usability, etc."

I agree with you on all that. We bought and used the Baby Bargains book when making our baby registry, etc. Thats why we got a Graco travel system, cause they had good reviews and ratings. We arent "loyal" to Graco with all baby stuff by any means (I think the travel system is the only thing we own from Graco) but their record for strollers is pretty good - especially according to the Baby Bargains book.

and now I'm leaving the thread as I have been called the fuck out by my favorite bartender, Dave

6/30/2010 5:45:31 PM

Meredith "Angel"
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I was going to wait to buy a stroller until the spring, but I found an adorable purple one with butterflies on it. It's Graco and comes with the carrier that attaches and also has a base for a car seat. My only complaint is that I can't find another base to fit the carrier, so I can leave the base in both mine and my husband's vehicles and just add the carrier.

7/1/2010 10:06:32 AM

All American
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I thought the base's are pretty much universal as long as they are made by the same company. We only have one base that stays in the 4runner 24/7, but were thinking about buying another one to put in my car.

7/1/2010 10:53:46 AM

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