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 Message Boards » » Some asshole tries to defend his pedophilia Page [1] 2, Next  
yovo yovo bonsoir
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A hippie-dippy type among my facebook friends posted this article and seemed to defend it. I guess on the one hand, the dude says he'll never actually do anything with a kid, and he seems sincere in that regard. On the other hand, I say hang him from the tallest tree in his home town, throw rocks at his dead body, and then set it on fire.

It seemed adequately controversial -- I'll allow that maybe the guy hasn't actually done anything awful -- that I wanted to see how the various peoples of TSB felt about it.

IBTgrumpymustbeapedophile -- I assume the claim will be made because a) I posted this, and b) because I don't know how to do the shorter link thingy, and you people will go out of your way to destroy a person who posts a link longer than about twelve characters.

[Edited on October 20, 2011 at 2:01 AM. Reason : Apparently I can't even post a regular link]

10/20/2011 2:01:05 AM

All American
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This looks like a link only a pedophile would post.

10/20/2011 2:08:07 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18123 Posts
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Hahaha, indeed.

I was shocked that the uber-lefty female in question would even post it, let alone say that it inspired "sympathy" and "curiosity."

I took my response directly from the NAMBLA episode of South Park:

"Yeah, you know, we believe in equality for everybody, and tolerance, and all that gay stuff, but dude, fuck you."

10/20/2011 2:13:40 AM

All American
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I don't give much of a shit about what tickles this dude's fancy.

All I know is that it's a fine way to frame and destroy your enemies.

10/20/2011 2:16:42 AM

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10/20/2011 2:17:35 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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^^Except you don't see it wielded that way. Mitt Romney did not call Rick Perry a pedophile at the last (supposedly heated) debate. Hell, given how roughly an unsubstantiated claim of atheism was treated in NC's last Senatorial election, one has to imagine that a similar accusation of pedophilia would be absolutely demolished at the polls.

And with regards to this guy, "frame" seems inaccurate for a guy who freely admitted to his "condition."

[Edited on October 20, 2011 at 2:20 AM. Reason : smc]

10/20/2011 2:19:08 AM

All American
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I expected child porn to be "discovered" on Jullian Assange's computer last year, but his womanizing suited his enemies' purposes just as well.

It'll be used to destroy a high-profile figure sooner or later.

10/20/2011 2:25:34 AM

All American
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I have deep sympathy for pedophiles. I certainly couldn't choose to be attracted kids, so I assume they can't choose to not be attracted. That said, I do think such people, specifically the ones who act on their impulses, should be removed from society. Or have their life extinguished, if only for their own good.

10/20/2011 4:06:53 AM

All American
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10/20/2011 8:29:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I have deep sympathy for pedophiles. I certainly couldn't choose to be attracted kids, so I assume they can't choose to not be attracted. That said, I do think such people, specifically the ones who act on their impulses, should be removed from society. Or have their life extinguished, if only for their own good."

Agree with a huge caveat: there's no clear demarcation of when a young person is acceptably attractable by adults. It's not like they're innocent children that must be protected at 17 years, 364 days but magically become fuckable the next day. Our current sex offender laws are a joke and many people are branding pedophiles that really shouldn't be. I only bring this up because it's easy to lose this in the wave of "pedophiles must die" which is a sentiment that any parent would probably agree with.

10/20/2011 8:54:43 AM

All American
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^Yea, that is what always messed with me. As somebody formerly working at a school district, it was hard to understand how somebody could be punished for checking out the hot graduating senior chicks the same as if they were trying to look at pics of the elementary kids. Its easy to see how some of those 17 year old girls looked like they were in their 20s, and quite a few of them could successfully fool a guy. I have no sympathy for anybody doing the same with elementary/middle school kids though as they absolutely look like kids. No excuse for that. I know one of the middle school teachers who bagged a couple chicks in his 6th grade class when I was in school. He is still there, and is a "nice" guy who everybody liked, but I couldn't stand to be around him knowing what he's done, and actively warned some of my friends and coworkers who had daughters coming up to 6th grade to make sure they did not get assigned to him.

[Edited on October 20, 2011 at 9:40 AM. Reason : ]

10/20/2011 9:28:18 AM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"A hippie-dippy type among my facebook friends posted this article and seemed to defend it. I guess on the one hand, the dude says he'll never actually do anything with a kid, and he seems sincere in that regard. On the other hand, I say hang him from the tallest tree in his home town, throw rocks at his dead body, and then set it on fire."


Someone should be HUNG because they have an UNCONTROLLABLE feeling. Hung. A feeling they've done everything in their power to suppress as well as seek help for.

Republicans are a plague on this planet.

[Edited on October 20, 2011 at 1:13 PM. Reason : ]

10/20/2011 1:13:18 PM

All American
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When you're talking about a person, it's 'hanged,' btw.

10/20/2011 1:21:14 PM

All American
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10/20/2011 1:26:13 PM

All American
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^^People like you who perpetuate the failings of the english language should be hung.

10/20/2011 1:37:02 PM

All American
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(and of course I know that usage doesn't follow any real rules and plenty of people use hung to the point that it will probably be be the norm. I was being facetious.)

[Edited on October 20, 2011 at 1:51 PM. Reason : .]

10/20/2011 1:49:58 PM


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It is definitely not a word I use often.

10/20/2011 2:05:14 PM

45908 Posts
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I love arbitrary ages set by the government and will defend them until I die!

10/20/2011 2:15:24 PM

2258 Posts
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ITT I agree with Grumpy and wonder if those thinking of how this standard applies to older men/younger women are equally accepting of it when it's older men and 12 year olds.

10/20/2011 3:27:56 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Let's be clear that in the thing I linked to, the guy (I guess it's a guy) says he likes children between the ages of 4 and 12. All of this talk about hot 17 year olds is valid and all but does not apply to pedophiles.

10/20/2011 9:00:54 PM


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I believe he said that he "likes" them in the context that he has uncontrollable attraction to them and would give anything for it to not be that way.

10/20/2011 10:31:07 PM

All American
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10/20/2011 10:33:32 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Good to know that when I'm 70, it will be socially acceptable to have a partner over 120.

10/20/2011 10:48:50 PM


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Once life extension technology improves, there will be a certain "fuck it" age where it just won't matter anymore (except for dating someone young people, that will still be weird).

10/20/2011 11:16:33 PM

All American
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half plus seven only applies to guys. It is unacceptable for a guy to date an older woman

10/21/2011 12:44:37 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"I believe he said that he "likes" them in the context that he has uncontrollable attraction to them and would give anything for it to not be that way."

If he'd give anything, he'll give his life. Even if this dude is 100% sincere, a constant urge to do something awful is not acceptable.

10/21/2011 1:45:51 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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I should be hung

[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 1:55 AM. Reason : ^sieg heil

10/21/2011 1:54:45 AM

All American
1955 Posts
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Quote :
"If he'd give anything, he'll give his life. Even if this dude is 100% sincere, a constant urge to do something awful is not acceptable."

even if the person manages to refrain from acting on the urges? what would Jesus of Nazareth say about dealing with such a person?

10/21/2011 2:03:53 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I don't think they constantly think about children. If they did, that's a crippling obsession, and they wouldn't be able to function properly. And it wouldn't matter what they're obsessed with--constantly thinking about clay or bears or ravioli would destroy them, too.

I guess I'm kind of annoyed by this guy. Everybody has really horrible thoughts from time to time or even every day. But you just try not to think them, and you definitely try not to talk about them--unless you're seeing a therapist.

I would feel bad for him if he said he walked around feeling really horrible about himself all the time. But it looks like he's managed his bad thoughts and kept a positive sense of self. Good work, perv! Now go back to shutting up.

[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 4:17 AM. Reason : ]

10/21/2011 4:07:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
"If he'd give anything, he'll give his life. Even if this dude is 100% sincere, a constant urge to do something awful is not acceptable."

What the fuck thought police?

For some reason I can't stop thinking about clay bears eating ravioli.

10/21/2011 9:08:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I know one of the middle school teachers who bagged a couple chicks in his 6th grade class when I was in school. He is still there, and is a "nice" guy who everybody liked"

WTF? He is still there? I thought such teachers were always found out and then lynched by the public (not literally)? How come he wasn't outed? 11-12 year old girls will always talk.

BTW, did he forcefully rape them or what, because I can't see how 11-12 year old girls would willingly have sex with a 25+ year old dude. That's disgusting, and sad, if indeed it is true that in this day and age, 11-12 year old girls are starting to have the hots for adult mature men... not just in the "Brad Pitt is so gorgeous" kind of way, but in the "my teacher who is double-triple my age is so gorgeous, and I will willingly have sex with him" way, and do end up doing it.

I guess this is another topic (sexualization of children in the West).

10/21/2011 10:24:58 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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What do you mean 'in this day and age'? It was commonplace for 11-12 year old girls to be having sex with older men in some regions at certain time periods.

10/21/2011 10:39:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"even if the person manages to refrain from acting on the urges? what would Jesus of Nazareth say about dealing with such a person?"

LOL, He'd probably say the same thing: evil thoughts are as bad as evil actions.

Quote :
"5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
5:29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
5:30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

10/21/2011 11:09:03 AM

All American
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I didn't say anything about sex, I specifically said "have the hots for adult mature men".

What do you mean by "certain time periods"? 11-12 year old girls are still being married off to much older men and then having sex with them in several countries TODAY. (I can list the countries if you so desire)

Having sex as a 12 yo wife (when you have no say, whether today or ages ago) is different from a 12 yo girl having the hots for older men to the point of willingly having sex with them.

10/21/2011 11:11:02 AM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
"constant urge to do something awful is not acceptable"

Puritan bullshit. This one phrase sums up the thinking that has been plunging a large fraction of the U.S. into a modern dark age. This causes violence. This causes teenage pregnancies. This causes religious terrorism.

10/21/2011 11:17:51 AM

All American
19598 Posts
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Quote :
"WTF? He is still there? I thought such teachers were always found out and then lynched by the public (not literally)? How come he wasn't outed? 11-12 year old girls will always talk.

BTW, did he forcefully rape them or what, because I can't see how 11-12 year old girls would willingly have sex with a 25+ year old dude. That's disgusting, and sad, if indeed it is true that in this day and age, 11-12 year old girls are starting to have the hots for adult mature men... not just in the "Brad Pitt is so gorgeous" kind of way, but in the "my teacher who is double-triple my age is so gorgeous, and I will willingly have sex with him" way, and do end up doing it."

Long story short, the 2 that I know he did this to would not come forward. He was a girls basketball coach and groomed his specific players that he was interested in. He can be quite a nice guy and was friends with the parents of the girls too. They did not know what was going on, they just thought their daughters teacher/coach was being involved. He was, just not in a way that they knew. So he seduced them and then when he got a new one and let the previous one go, they did not know how to cope with it. The first girl had serious mental trauma for a while. She admitted one night after drinking that she lost her virginity to her teacher, but it was years later and there was no proof that she could offer.

We had this happen more directly in HS. Another guy who was a teacher and had girls that came after for "extra credit". I know one girl said that she requested some extra help, and he kissed her in the classroom about an hour into extra study. She was like OMFG, but all he said was "Think about it." Another girl ratted him out, but they could not get her to testify, so he walked. His life was ruined though as his wife left him and he had to leave the area.

10/21/2011 12:15:22 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
"what would Jesus of Nazareth say about dealing with such a person?"

I don't know and I don't care. Religion does not guide my policy thinking. Knowledge of human nature, however, does, and that knowledge indicates to me that people are pretty bad at suppressing such basic urges over long periods.

10/21/2011 12:50:58 PM

All American
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Hey, pretty sick you want to kill a guy for something he clearly can't help. If he doesn't act out on it, he hasn't committed a crime or done anything wrong. Your moral intuitions don't mean shit.

10/21/2011 12:55:40 PM


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^^ Toxic shame is what causes people to act on those urges.

10/21/2011 2:22:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Agree with a huge caveat: there's no clear demarcation of when a young person is acceptably attractable by adults. It's not like they're innocent children that must be protected at 17 years"

Good thing the age of consent in NC is 16

Blue is 16
Olive is 17
Green is 18

WTF in Mexico it is 12-14

[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 3:06 PM. Reason : a]

10/21/2011 3:04:01 PM

All American
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^Just don't take any photos while you're fucking that 16-year-old. That would be wrong.

10/21/2011 3:05:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Good thing the age of consent in NC is 16 "

i believe the poster you quoted was just referring to being attracted to young girls, not acting on it.

i have definitely seen fully developed 15 year old girls that i have had to do a double take on and have found to be attractive. that doesn't mean i would ever condone acting on that attraction, as mentally and emotionally they are not fully developed, and it would be wrong. (unless of course the dude is, say, up to 18)

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"that knowledge indicates to me that people are pretty bad at suppressing such basic urges over long periods."

So now people should be punished for something they might do in the future? What about a very hot-tempered person who hurls verbal abuse at people in society every chance he gets (wrong change, someone looking at him in public, etc)? Should we lock him up because he might kill or seriously hurt someone one day when he gets into a fender-bender or a similar situation?

I really did not expect this from you, Grumpy GOP.

Feelings are mostly uncontrollable. Especially those of a sexual/emotional nature. You can't punish people for what/how they think.

[Edited on October 21, 2011 at 3:16 PM. Reason : ]

10/21/2011 3:12:10 PM


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small government.

Unless the we're talking about the thoughts going on in your head.

10/21/2011 3:29:53 PM

Finally Preemie!
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I honestly think if we (as a nation) are going to accept homosexuality (as we should) because the people are born homosexuals, then there is absolutely no reason to differentiate a homosexual from a pedophile who does not act on his impulses. Like someone else mentioned, I highly doubt these people consciously made the decision that they want to have the desire to fuck children. Just like a gay dude doesn't one day decide he wants to have sex with men, or a straight person doesn't one day decide they want to have sex with women.

In fact, I would go as far as to say the only thing that differentiates a pedophile from any one of us is the fact that his sexual desires will cause trauma and harm on his victims if they are actually carried out. So it's important to find some way to offer these people help, rather than doing what some of you are doing - acting like it is the worst thing in the world, and causing them to hide their feelings until one day they come out in a really bad way.

10/26/2011 2:01:26 AM

All American
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I'm no pedophile, but my sexual desires, when acted out, have been known to cause trauma and/or harm. Mostly on myself, as it happens.

10/26/2011 2:48:16 AM

All American
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Quote :
"there is absolutely no reason to differentiate a homosexual from a pedophile who does not act on his impulses"
at least not in law, but as a practical matter most pedos aren't into grown men or women

10/26/2011 2:58:42 AM

Finally Preemie!
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I should have said, there is absolutely no distinction between a heterosexual, a homosexual, or a pedophile
Quote :
"who does not act on his impulses"
. All three groups of people are nothing more than people who have a natural tendency to be attracted to a certain type of person.

10/26/2011 10:47:20 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I should have said, there is absolutely no distinction between a heterosexual, a homosexual, or a pedophile"

But you gotta admit there is a fundamental difference between the first 2 and the 3rd one. The first 2 are adultophiles (by default) that are classified on the basis of the gender they are attracted to.

The 3rd one is, well, they are pedophiles. Homo and Hetero comes later, and is frankly, irrelevant... cuz THEY LIKE CHILDREN in that way.

But also as I said earlier, no one should be punished for their thoughts. Pedophiles should be punished when they act on their desires, not just for the fact that they like children.

Quote :
"So it's important to find some way to offer these people help"

How would you help a pedophile? I would like to help them too (so that they desist from acting on their desires), but you can no more cure a pedophile of his/her desires than you can a homosexual. Basically, the only way they would think of not acting on their desires would be if their desires were somehow satisfied to some degree in a safe legal way. So what to do?

1) Provide them with virtual/cartoon child porn? But would that really satisfy them enough, seeing as how it is not real children?

2) Virtual reality 3D sex with children, as in Minority Report? Well, it doesn't exist yet, but that would work better than option 1 above. However, would companies really want to make programs like that with children in them? I doubt it.

3) Give them chemicals/hormones to dampen their sex drive? I doubt they would agree, and even if they do, how well could they work?

So, I see no way of helping them. Do you have any suggestions?

Quote :
"rather than doing what some of you are doing - acting like it is the worst thing in the world, and causing them to hide their feelings until one day they come out in a really bad way."

Well, that's because it arguably IS the worst thing in the world. It is worse than torture of adults during wars, it is worse than massacres during wars, it is worse than serial killings, and it is even worse than rape of adults. Really, it truly is, the most wretched act ever. As I said, people are free to like who/what they like, and they cannot be punished for that. But when acted upon, pedophilia is truly the worst crime against humanity.

As for hiding their feelings, they don't have to. They can go up to random people, mothers, fathers, couples, grandparents, etc, and announce "I like children in a sexual way, but I will never act on my desires." Not literally, you know what I mean. No one is stopping them. But then they will have to live with the consequences of not hiding their feelings in society where said feelings are met with revulsion by nearly everybody.

10/30/2011 7:31:01 AM

The E Man
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devils advocate here
Quote :
"that doesn't mean i would ever condone acting on that attraction, as mentally and emotionally they are not fully developed, and it would be wrong."

What about the 21 year olds in the bar that are not mentally and emotionally fully developed? is it wrong to pick them up?

Is it wrong to pick up 39 year olds that never developed mentally and emotionally?

What about a 16 year old that is emotionally mature for their age? is that ok?

Also, to the person who posted this craziness, how do you know these "15 year olds" are 15 and not 12? Can you see age?
Quote :
I can't see how 11-12 year old girls would willingly have sex with a 25+ year old dude. That's disgusting, and sad, if indeed it is true that in this day and age, 11-12 year old girls are starting to have the hots for adult mature men... not just in the "Brad Pitt is so gorgeous" kind of way, but in the "my teacher who is double-triple my age is so gorgeous, and I will willingly have sex with him" way, and do end up doing it."

What planet are you from? When I was in middle school all of the hot, developed girls went for high school and college aged guys, AT LEAST. When puberty hits, there is nothing but sexual instinct directing these girls to have sex with a developed male. Thats what girls mean when they say someone is so gorgeous.

Its the same way that most boys would have had sex with a supermodel when they were 12.

This is a social problem on both ends (not just the adult) but it is not a natural "problem" at all.

10/30/2011 8:59:26 AM


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Quote :
"But when acted upon, pedophilia is truly the worst crime against humanity."

You know, I notice that 99% of adults of virtually incapable of talking about the substance behind this statement. But until you do, you're literally rallying against a bogeyman.

Firstly, there is probably an assumption for the desire for penetration. That's not exhaustive. I'm sure there are adults out there who would be "satisfied" by having a sexual experience with a child without penetration. As you go about listing the "options", including 3D porn, you're not being clear what the alternative is and what you're trying to prevent.

Firstly, obvious physical harm is obvious. There shouldn't be much of any need to discuss that. To the extent that a fantasy requires physical harm inflicted on someone else, then that's certainly a problem, unless you can find one of those communities where there are adults people who want the other side of that.

The emotional harm is something that happens whether or not there is physical harm. But again, unless someone was sexually abused as a child themselves, they probably don't have the slightest clue what they're talking about. When a child is fully, hard core, raped, they know something bad has happened. When a child has a sexual experience where violence is not involved, they're often confused, in a very very pestering and subversive way for the rest of their life.

One extreme case I've seen (also from the internet) was an account from someone who was sexually taken advantage of at the age of like 9. She claimed she enjoyed it, it played a pivotal role in the developing of her sexuality, and that she would like to see that happen to more 9 year olds. Now, you probably guessed, but this person turned into one of those people who had copious sex in middle school. That, in itself, is generally considered to be a big problem.

This gets to my main point, which is that childhood sexual experiences screw with people's development. You are literally a different person if you are exposed to that. Your biochemical processes are affected. Need I remind you of dark age examples of when people did this intentionally? They cut off the twig and berries of little boys so they would later be the royal jester. Even more uncomfortable than these humans-at-their-worst examples is the fact that humans probably evolved with some sustained amount of confused sexuality, homosexuality, bestiality, and pedophilia.

We should probably remind ourselves that the world has always been pretty screwed up before our laws ever had anything to do with it. Could it be "natural" that someone is sexually predisposed to children? If you knew everything in this world that is "natural", you'd shit bricks.

[Edited on October 30, 2011 at 1:37 PM. Reason : ]

10/30/2011 1:35:26 PM

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