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All American
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I'd like to go see this. It currently has a 97% on RT, which is strange for a horror film. Anybody else seen it yet?

4/7/2018 3:38:01 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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This is on my list too. Looking forward to it.

4/7/2018 6:00:20 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27316 Posts
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I just saw this. There was one part that completely ruined the movie for me. Ugh.

4/8/2018 5:53:05 PM

1139 Posts
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I know the scene your talking about. I was screaming bullshit in my head the entire scene. There was also a few other things that i thought were silly. But those things aside the movie had good suspense and was entertaining.

4/8/2018 11:17:19 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I am willing to bet the scene I am thinking of is not the one you are thinking of.

This movie could have used more Dwight.

4/9/2018 12:59:13 AM

no u
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pullout game too weak: the movie

is this a cloverfield universe movie?

4/17/2018 2:04:52 PM

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Saw it last night and really enjoyed it. I am curious which scene you guys above are referring to.

4/20/2018 8:56:22 AM

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I, too, would like to know which scene they're talking about

4/20/2018 5:33:11 PM

All American
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It bothered me that nobody fixed the nail.


Didn’t think it was very good. Ending felt very much like The Signs.

Sister was obnoxious and where was their electricity from? Nobody thought to make high pitched noises? Why was she able to shoot the monster after the noise? I get they had armor but did the noise make his face more vulnerable? If not nobody tried shooting them in the face?

4/21/2018 10:27:08 PM

1139 Posts
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The scene that killed me was when they fell into the corn silo and started sinking like quicksand. WTF.

4/22/2018 12:07:26 AM

no u
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how you gonna fix that nail without making noise?

4/22/2018 11:24:14 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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^^Yes. Grain entrapment/engulfment is a real, serious thing. But it doesn't happen like that. And it's completely impossible for one person to pull another out should that happen. That whole silo scene just killed the movie for me.

Also the cellar/basement would not flood nearly that fast.

4/22/2018 11:54:19 AM

All American
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If the nail can get bent out of place without making to much noise it would stand to reason it can get bent back into place. It just bothered me it was there like that the whole time after she stepped on it. Don't know why. Fully expected the dumb girl to step on it later in the movie.

4/22/2018 3:44:11 PM

All American
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My wife is from Indiana, which is all corn fields all the time. She said that growing up there was news article every few years about a kid falling into a thing of corn and dying. Not sure how close it is to what they showed but not too far off I guess?

4/22/2018 5:34:47 PM

All American
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Can we just say, ***********SPOILERS*********** everywhere in this thread, go away if you have not seen it yet.

Electricity is easy, any solar setup would do it. No point mentioning it.

What gets me is they KNOW how to survive and yet didn't bother. If you're safe to be noisy by the water-fall, why not build your home there? I'd live in a tent in a safe place before living in a house I can't even walk in without dying.

Alternatively, how about running some wires off into the distance and install a noise maker there that you can energize from any room in the house? Easy to do, but didn't.

Quote :
"Nobody thought to make high pitched noises?"

This, oddly, actually made sense. The ear device didn't make noise unless the creature was near. We saw a similar effect on the televisions: the creature's super sensitive hearing, it seems, put out an electromagnetic signal. Apparently their ears involve electricity. What the hearing aid was doing, apparently, was turning that electromagnetic signal into sound and sending it back to the creature. This would then be turned into a stronger electromagnetic signal, which would be matched and sent back as sound again. It sounded like the frequency changed as the creature struggled with the sound, so it seems probable that the creature would retune his ears to escape a loud tone, but because the hearing aid was automatically matching the frequency of the ears, the creature could never filter it out.

4/22/2018 9:17:59 PM

All American
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4/23/2018 12:00:57 PM

4362 Posts
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they could've at least put a cup over the nail

4/25/2018 8:37:22 AM

35771 Posts
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This is all i kept seeing in my head during the nail scenes.

Home Alone Marv Steps On a Nail

make funny GIFs like this at MakeaGif

4/25/2018 10:51:23 AM

All American
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I could see these things causing a lot of death and destruction, but to bring about the apocalypse before anybody figured out their weakness seems a bit much. Even if it took the strange combination of a cochlear implant device + alien, certainly some ENT researcher, somewhere in the world, would've figured it out.

Still a good movie though.

Also, that's a helluva lot of corn to plant by hand. They obviously can't use farm equipment to do it.

[Edited on July 10, 2018 at 1:14 PM. Reason : asdfa]

7/10/2018 1:11:14 PM

All American
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At very start of this movie I thought "Really? This is going to be one of those movies where all conflicts are driven by the idiot child?"

Five minutes later, I was pleasantly surprised. I felt like a terrible person, but I was pleased about the movie's direction.

7/11/2018 1:25:20 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Finally got around to watching this.

The white board with "What's their weakness?" written on it. Just in case you forget why you're living in silence.

The grain silo didn't bother me until the brother, the sister, the silo door and the creature all jumped in and stayed on top together.

The water starting to flood the basement, right after the dad walks away.

There was enough time to figure out the creatures were sensitive to sound and print it in the newspaper before everyone died, but no one thought to exploit that sensitivity?

And that fucking nail...

1/1/2019 12:27:53 AM

All American
7946 Posts
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I heard such great things about this movie, but...I found it fairly awful. The acting was fine, but I felt like I had to turn my brain off entirely too much to enjoy the movie, so much of it just didn't make any sense at all. Think it didn't help that I watched Bird Box and already had my mind in that mode of analyzing the dangerous environment and understanding how I'd approach things.

So they can stand next to a flowing stream making noise and that's fine but they can't be in a basement(underground) 100+ yards away from the creatures and make any noise? These things could hear, apparently, from quite a ways away even the smallest of noises in some scenes.

What happens if you fart? Sneeze? Get the hiccups? Everyone dead?

How many of these creatures are on the planet? How is it that no matter where you are if you make a noise that at least 1 of them(and actually more as seen in the movie) are within a couple of 100 yards from you? Wouldn't that take a ridiculous number of creatures to cover all that ground?

Where the HELL did they get so much damn sand from?

As someone pointed out, if natural sounds were an active camouflage, wouldn't it make more sense to use that to your advantage? On top of that, if you know noises attract them, wouldn't insulating your house make a lot of sense?

Smartest thing I saw in the movie was the little crib they built for the baby to breath in, that was clever. But at the same time, if you can't have noise, why are you having sex and risking reproducing? How did you manage to be completely silent and get pregnant, what shit luck is that?

How are you going to harvest that corn without making noise? Have you ever walked through a corn field, shucked corn, or tried breaking them off the stalk without making noise? Goodluck.

[Edited on January 15, 2019 at 10:18 AM. Reason : .]

1/15/2019 10:17:39 AM

All American
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I saw it a few days ago. I thought it was pretty good (but like most movies, especially horror/sci-fi, a little suspension of disbelief was required)

1/15/2019 10:47:01 AM

All American
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Perhaps it has already been mentioned, but if moving water acts as a noise cancellation filter for these things, why not live by the ocean?

1/15/2019 11:59:56 AM

All American
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Quote :
"So they can stand next to a flowing stream making noise and that's fine but they can't be in a basement(underground) 100+ yards away from the creatures and make any noise?"

He said as long as you're around other noises that are louder, they can't hear the quieter noises...

1/15/2019 2:29:46 PM

All American
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^I was using that to make a point.

You have an adult and child YELLING next to a waterfall. There is nothing but the sound of a waterfall to cancel out the noise they're making.

Then you have someone dropping something in a basement with tons of things running interference(dirt, wood, insulation) and when the creatures show up they were at least out of sight so just estimating 100+ yards.

If they could hear something that acutely, then they'd hear people walking when their pants rubbed together or when they breathed walking around outside. That's the problem I had, they set some conflicting rules and it was just hard for me to believe they survived even a week within this environment let alone 6+ months.

[Edited on January 15, 2019 at 2:42 PM. Reason : .]

1/15/2019 2:41:37 PM

All American
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Eh, that part wasn't that unbelievable to me. The waterfall was a constant, natural sound. They probably investigated it, realized it wasn't anything they could eat, and never came back. If you were around it, as long as you weren't louder than it, they wouldn't investigate.

BUt there were no natural, constant sounds in the basement, and the insulation didn't help that much. Much different than a waterfall.

btw, I think they said it was 480 days, or something

1/15/2019 2:48:13 PM

Save TWW
37117 Posts
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I'm usually all for saying fantasy writing needs to have internal consistency for the the rules they set up but eventually you just have to have some suspension of disbelief to allow for the things needed to make an enjoyable movie. The sound levels maybe could have been massaged a little but they shouldn't have to get out a decibel meter or something, this isn't hard Sci fi. I mean fuck, tell yourself loud consistent noises jam up the creatures sensors, I don't know.

As for how many aliens/monsters there are, there are as many as there need to be for the movie to be work? Who cares how many? And "why haven't the people been smart enough to enough to do x y and z"; so you'd rather watch a movie of just people knowing exactly what to do, being exactly careful enough and we never even see the creatures?

It's a movie. Relax and enjoy it. I mean, it's fine you didn't like it, like what you want, but I disagree that the things you describe are the massive writing flaws.

"Michael myers is shown to always move very slow, people should just be able to easily run/drive away. And hey he gets knocked out a window and now he's suddenly fast enough to vanish from view in the 2 seconds it takes for the hero to get to the window?? What gives? "

[Edited on January 15, 2019 at 5:47 PM. Reason : E]

1/15/2019 5:39:44 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27316 Posts
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The silo scene was still terrible

1/15/2019 6:35:10 PM

All American
7946 Posts
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^^But the horror thing you cited is a specific trope to that genre, and it's what separates specific types of horror. You have the horror that is a gorefest and zany where you understand what you're buying into, and then you have more of the cerebral stuff where it tries to set a more realistic environment so the viewer can picture themselves in the same situation.

That's where A Quiet Place lost me. In any post-apocalyptic/alien invasion/survival horror type deal, as a viewer it's only natural to think "what would I do in this situation?" I don't want to know their next move and I understand the characters will choose to do things I personally see as a mistake, I have no problem with that. Did they make some weird decisions in the movie? Sure. Did I cite any of those decisions as something I hated about the movie? No, other than them having sex but that was more of a disbelief in the situation/believe-ability of everything.

My problem is with the world this movie tries to create. This movie is supposed to be suspenseful, and to accomplish that I feel like the viewer needs to be able to see themselves in this world and wonder what they'd do or fear for the characters. I had a really hard time getting over so many poorly designed pieces of the world this movie created. I think the acting was fine, I think the cinematography was good and I liked some of the decisions the writers made, but the world as a whole just didn't do it for me. I can't care about the characters when I know based on the environment the movie created that everyone in the movie would have been dead less than a week after this started.

I also think this movie may have been a victim of the hype machine for me. I had people telling me it was one of the best movies of the year and I like the 2 stars so I had really high hopes for it, but I didn't like it(and that's totally fine). I honestly just ranting about the movie and hoped someone would clear up some holes in my logic for me but I honestly think you just have to turn your brain off to enjoy this movie, and I couldn't do it I guess.

Guess I can skip the sequel(WHY IS THERE A SEQUEL?) now haha.

1/16/2019 9:45:57 AM

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