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Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Pretty sure there'll be a line. Someone could make some serious money selling bottled water right outside the cemetery.

6/19/2019 9:25:46 AM

50084 Posts
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The fucking media sucks. 24 hours now on the proper definition of “concentration camp.”

Also, VERY SERIOUS pundit who is a go-to for the weekly Chuck Todd civility hour Erick Erickson saying AOC is trying to get Trump assassinated.

Trump broke our country’s brains permanently.

6/19/2019 10:01:52 AM

All American
33746 Posts
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9/11 broke our brains, Trump is a symptom of this

6/19/2019 12:06:38 PM

26632 Posts
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i blame the moral majority and nixon's media machine which lead to the creation of right wing media

6/19/2019 12:15:50 PM

50084 Posts
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That’s actually fair. I read two things today. One was about Jerry Falwells pool boy but touched on his dads “moral majority.” The other was about Art Laffers garbage economic theory and how intwined it is to GOP orthodoxy.

This mostly all goes back to the Nixon era.

6/19/2019 1:09:33 PM

Tom Joad
72757 Posts
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I blame the deification of the "Founding Fathers" and the asinine idea that somehow this country began in a State of Grace that has somehow fallen from its "original pure form."

Instead of what it is, which is an experiment that has yet to be properly realized.

6/19/2019 1:11:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"On Wednesday, Laffer will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the nation's highest civilian honor — from President Trump."

6/19/2019 1:28:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Former Judge Roy Moore announced Thursday he'll run for the US Senate seat in Alabama again following his failed bid in 2017 after three women alleged he sexually abused them when they were teenagers decades ago.

In his announcement, Moore wondered why "there's such a fear" over his candidacy, asking if it's because of his conservative positions and religious views.

"I think there was so much opposition because they don't want the truth in Washington," said Moore of his last race. "I think they want to continue the status quo.""

6/21/2019 9:41:44 AM

All American
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Quote :
"How did America get from impeaching a POTUS over a blow job to having a president who's a credibly accused rapist overseeing dehumanizing concentration camps while coming within minutes of starting a war and it's like, whaddya gonna do? ¯\_(?)_/¯"

I know we’ve beat this to death but it’s really amazing the state the country is in and not only are political systems seemingly struck with tonic immobility but public outcry is basically nonexistent.

Fox Newsism plus Trumpism has been a perfect storm… gop faces no accountability, elections seem to barely pivot around heavily gerrymandered districts

There’s no institutional trust to even try and shift public opinion

It’s hard to even imagine what a great leader, like a JFK, that appeals to everyone would even look like at this point.

6/23/2019 12:05:07 AM

All American
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6/24/2019 9:51:40 AM

50084 Posts
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These people fucckkkiiinnngggg suck. We have officially reached “socialism is anything I don’t like.” Her own fucking family took farming subsidies (read: distribution of wealth) from the Trump administration.

6/25/2019 11:14:51 AM

All American
6570 Posts
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Quote :
"These people fucckkkiiinnngggg suck."

6/25/2019 6:17:26 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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I’m such a Patriot that I’m going to pull for France to beat the US in the Women’s World cup

6/26/2019 12:33:54 PM

Save TWW
37117 Posts
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Graham has gone full Huckabee with the "jokes" on Twitter

What a boot licking sack o shit

6/27/2019 2:15:09 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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As the stories we begin to hear get worse and worse, we're going to eventually see GOP members pivot from "this is all fake" to, "this is all necessary to protect 'real' Americans." Honestly, it's not long until members stop dog-whistling and begin openly asking for some kind of solution to the "immigration question." The odds of there already being a few deaths in these camps from unsafe/unsanitary/inhumane conditions is not-zero.

Anyone who doesn't acknowledge where this is going is deluding themselves. This wasn't a mid-term election stunt, these aren't empty gestures to excite the base. The right-wing is openly telegraphing it's strategy for maintaining and projecting its power. Unless there is massive intervention and reconciliation, this gets worse before it gets better.

7/1/2019 9:00:44 PM

All American
11307 Posts
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we essentially created a prison/shanty-town rather than give these folks the opportunity to integrate into society. hell, if we at least gave them jobs during their prison-stay, that would be a step up.

[Edited on July 2, 2019 at 10:12 AM. Reason : ]

7/2/2019 10:12:31 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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Welcome to the party, fellas.


7/2/2019 4:56:53 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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lol two different definitions of crisis right there

7/2/2019 5:21:55 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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his streak of bad faith remains intact

7/2/2019 5:22:43 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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^^ yup

7/2/2019 5:30:51 PM

All American
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By creating the conditions of a crisis, this administration can now begin openly proposing "solutions"

Be on the lookout for right wing media, their lackeys, and Republican politicians who will use this opportunity to come up with reasons why these refugees can't be released, trusted, and the camps can't be closed. Or how they are a threat to the public. Be wary of duplicitous language that downplays the horrific conditions of these camps while simultaneously amplifying the difficulty of the guards and officers who patrol them.

As the conditions revealed get worse and worse, the propaganda that justifies it will get more and more absurd. The acts of state sponsored violence always follows language, so be vigilant against dehumanizing language against the refugees and grandiose and sympathetic language in support of the troops patrol agents.

[Edited on July 2, 2019 at 6:49 PM. Reason : ]

7/2/2019 6:40:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"By creating the conditions of a crisis, this administration can now begin openly proposing "solutions""

These "conditions" have been occurring long before this administration. The dems and lap dog media just refused to see it because it wasn't politically expedient. Hopefully now both parties can come together to see that there is a crisis at the border that needs serious attention.

Quote :
"lol two different definitions of crisis right there"

No matter what your opinion of open borders are, can we agree that children dying or being separated from their family is a symptom of a crisis?

[Edited on July 2, 2019 at 9:02 PM. Reason : 1]

7/2/2019 8:58:15 PM

All American
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Children dying and being separated from their parents is a symptom, yes.

A symptom of emergent fascism. Which is a crisis

7/2/2019 10:50:39 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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Quote :
"These "conditions" have been occurring long before this administration. "

Show us proof that the extreme conditions were seeing right now were happening before

7/3/2019 12:55:04 AM

All American
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^ I'd recommend not engaging in his bad faith argument. He's trying to sell you two conflicting lies:

1) That this specific policy of child separation and punitive torture is "not that different" from previous administrations


2) That it is a crisis of its own doing brought on by the failure to treat immigration as an imminent threat.

By accepting either one of these false pretenses, it allows the right to frame this crisis as a byproduct of migration, rather than a byproduct of deliberate torture

7/3/2019 1:05:54 AM

All American
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Hey gaaizzz, if the democRat party had just built a wall and mercilessly slaughtered refugees before they got to the border then we wouldn't have to resort to concentration camps, disease outbreaks, starvation, death marches, and eventually extermination on our own soil that is reserved for whites only. You guys made us do this! We didn't want to!

7/3/2019 1:24:24 AM

50084 Posts
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I don’t necessarily think we are on a straight line march towards genocide but the warning lights towards an authorizations fascist state are certainly blinking.

Here’s a sitting member of Congress openly calling for the POTUS and the Commerce Dept to defy a court order.

7/3/2019 7:41:15 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Show us proof that the extreme conditions were seeing right now were happening before


you're just arguing about the extent to which things are bad, not that they weren't also bad then, right?

the big story with the first terrible leaked photos was under obama (2014?), the difference was Obama wasn't splitting up families and responded to the crisis by telling border patrol not to deport people it knew were unauthorized. conservative media made a big deal about unaccompanied minors being kept in cages, and border patrol was so mad about being told not to deport people they leaked it to conservative media who was also mad about that (this is not to say obama didn't deport a lot of people, they did, i think over 2.5M). the decision that said that texas detention centers didn't meet the requirements of the flores settlement was in 2015.

7/3/2019 8:28:07 AM

All American
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^It's rare for any amount of intellectual honestly to be shown on TWW, so it's nice when it happens. My hope is that we can stop pointing fingers of when this issue began, and start resolving the issues.

Quote :
"Here’s a sitting member of Congress openly calling for the POTUS and the Commerce Dept to defy a court order."

Were you as concerned about the "warning lights" during the Obama administration as well, or is it just convenient for your narrative to pay attention now?

Or maybe, just maybe, you can tone down the rhetoric and understand that there has always been a push and pull between all three branches of the government. This isn't new and isn't a "warning light" of some impending fascist regime. In fact it shows how the checks and balances of our government continue to work.

7/3/2019 10:46:27 AM

26632 Posts
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the difference is you're okay with these conditions and are not arguing in good faith, which is why they called you out

7/3/2019 10:58:32 AM

All American
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Where did I say I am ok with it? In fact, every post I have made on the issue is that this is a serious issue that needs to be resolved.

[Edited on July 3, 2019 at 11:14 AM. Reason : I can't wait until the 'good faith' fad is over. It's so annoying and unproductive.]

7/3/2019 11:13:46 AM

All American
27946 Posts
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lol, yeah man, that fad that Shakespeare was using in Othello. Mala Fides. It's really a thing. You constantly use it, but I don't think you even realize what you're doing.

7/3/2019 12:00:49 PM

All American
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A good take which is more aligned with a majority of Americans.

7/3/2019 1:11:20 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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wonder who he plagiarized that from?

7/3/2019 1:22:45 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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What is the severity of the crime of crossing the border illegally? If someone is caught doing it is it more like wire fraud or stealing from a grocery store?

If someone is seeking asylum what is the proper response before determining if they will be granted it?

I’m not convinced Americans have any idea what the correct response to this crisis is. I’m not sure we have any idea what our role in the world is suppose to be anymore

7/3/2019 3:58:38 PM

26632 Posts
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Improper entry is a misdemeanor, punishment can be a fine and up to 6 months imprisonment. Unlawful presence is not a crime and is handled as a civil matter.

7/3/2019 5:09:49 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Thanks. Can someone be charged with illegal entry if found after entering and not being caught?

7/3/2019 5:22:25 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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^ How would you suggest identifying suspected entrants?

7/3/2019 7:32:53 PM

Save TWW
37117 Posts
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Slightly diff poll then hch's
Quote :
"For those who say there is no difference between the two parties: In a new CNN Poll: 93% of Democrats and 60% of Independents disapprove of the treatment of migrants by Trump administration; 62% of Republicans approve of the treatment of migrants by Trump administration."

7/4/2019 12:01:51 PM

All American
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Jesus. So basically:

60% of Republicans support the ethnic cleansing of non-whites

40% are uncomfortable with it but will still vote Republican anyway because the dems are "too looney left"

7/4/2019 1:49:51 PM

All American
1717 Posts
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^Sounds about right. I voted for Obama second term, and Gary Johnson in 2016 because I despise Hillary and Trump, but no chance I vote democrat in 2020 unless Andrew Yang is on the ballot which is not going to happen. I was vocal about my feelings that Trump wasn't suitable to run our country, but the democrats fixation on him and the extremes they've taken it to have alienated moderates like me. I mean I don't like the guy either, but I want whoever is running our country to do a good job. Democrats genuinely want him to fail and I'm so sick of hearing about how horrible everything he does and says is.

7/5/2019 1:09:38 AM

Tom Joad
72757 Posts
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7/5/2019 8:48:47 AM

26632 Posts
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anyone butthurt that democrats are being too mean to trump is definitely not a moderate

[Edited on July 5, 2019 at 9:08 AM. Reason : .]

7/5/2019 9:08:33 AM

All American
19598 Posts
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I voted Johnson as well in 2016, because I didn't care for the Clinton Dynasty (or the Bush dynasty) and couldn't fucking stand Trump, but also didn't believe Trump had a chance in hell. I don't like how the media is 24/7 Trump, but unless they go with a total socialist shitbird, I am going to vote Democrat for President as a protest to the Orange one.

[Edited on July 5, 2019 at 9:28 AM. Reason : ]

7/5/2019 9:27:18 AM

Save TWW
37117 Posts
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Imagine thinking people hate Trump bc of things he SAYS.

7/5/2019 10:28:42 AM

All American
4458 Posts
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^ imagine thinking it's a better strategy to chase these two "moderate" Gary Johnson voting losers vote than it is to try and expand the voting pool.

7/5/2019 10:50:13 AM

All American
19598 Posts
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^Imagine thinking a two party system is the definitive answer for politics in the United States.

7/5/2019 12:51:55 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General Report

7/5/2019 1:07:57 PM

50084 Posts
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Lol, this whole conversation is the classic Republican argument to doing and saying horrible things.

“I wasn’t pro-fascism but the left called Jordan Petersen a fascist so now I believe in white supremacy.”

The right just has no agency. It’s always the libs fault.

7/5/2019 1:40:50 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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^^ I meant to include these quotes from the IG report.

Quote :
"In addition to holding roughly 30 percent of minor detainees for longer than 72 hours, several Rio Grande Valley facilities struggled to meet other TEDS standards for UACs and families. For example, children at three of the five Border Patrol facilities we visited had no access to showers, despite the TEDS standards requiring that 'reasonable efforts' be made to provide showers to children approaching 48 hours in detention."

Quote :
"... although TEDS standards require CBP to make a reasonable effort to provide a shower for adults after 72 hours, most single adults had not had a shower in CBP custody despite several being held for as long as a month. At some facilities, Border Patrol was giving detainees wet-wipes to maintain personal hygiene. Most single adult detainees were wearing the clothes they arrived in days, weeks, and even up to a month prior."

7/5/2019 3:02:54 PM

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