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All American
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Quote :
"ftfy, still agree that 99% of the world don't give a shit."

If that's the case then what's the point of releasing documents that expose absolutely no wrongdoing but instead just embarrass the governments involved? Because that seems to be a lot of what he's released so far.

[Edited on December 8, 2010 at 11:28 PM. Reason : ]

12/8/2010 11:27:41 PM

All American
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Paypal down.

[Edited on December 9, 2010 at 12:10 AM. Reason : .]

12/9/2010 12:08:54 AM

2953 Posts
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so pretty much in a matter of days a worldwide struggle between corporations and people has erupted. i would conisder this history worthy.

12/9/2010 12:22:09 AM

All American
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It is the purpose of government to quash such conflicts.

Wikileaks reveals that Shell Oil owns the nation of Nigeria.

12/9/2010 12:26:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"so pretty much in a matter of days a worldwide struggle between corporations and people has erupted. i would conisder this history worthy."

Yeah DDoS attacks have never happened before.

12/9/2010 12:31:42 AM

2953 Posts
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DDoS have never made it to the news channels that mainstream america, nay the world watches, bitch

[Edited on December 9, 2010 at 12:46 AM. Reason : you and i = 3733T nerds]

12/9/2010 12:43:13 AM

Burn it all down.
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Yes, yes they have.

12/9/2010 12:46:00 AM

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Julian Assange has succeeded because he assumed the role of "Kanye on Twitter." In all honesty though, I'd like to see the world change (not like i have any impact on that) as a result of his actions.

12/9/2010 12:55:36 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Quote :
Wikileaks reveals that Shell Oil owns the nation of Nigeria."

Another one of the seemingly brilliant revelations that any reasonably intelligent person already had. All your article does for me is tell which oil company owns Nigeria.

12/9/2010 2:03:35 AM

All American
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Denial of Service Attacks Successful - Paypal returns the money it stole from Wikileaks when it shut down their account.

^The interesting thing is the United States talks to Shell oil like they are heads of state.

[Edited on December 9, 2010 at 2:34 AM. Reason : .]

12/9/2010 2:33:55 AM

All American
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An upcoming leak will be the personal files of every prisoner of Guantanamo Bay. Liberals will be angry at the innocents being held there without trial. Conservatives will be angry at the dangerous ones we've released as part of back room deals.

Meanwhile Obama's base has turned against him. There's even talk of democratic opposition in the primary. It just keeps getting better and better.


This is at least one wikileaks mirror server in Raleigh. Very brave.

[Edited on December 9, 2010 at 5:09 AM. Reason : .]

12/9/2010 5:02:27 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Wikileaks reveals that Shell Oil owns the nation of Nigeria."

Stunning revelation to many. Also revealed: Nigeria is in Africa.

12/9/2010 9:11:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Stunning revelation to many. Also revealed: Nigeria is in Africa."

Nothing to see here just more suspected corruption being confirmed.
To the average voter those are probably both revelations...

12/9/2010 9:25:38 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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The average voter is a subliterate man-ape who has no more read the wikileaks than he has the Rubaiyat of Omar fucking Khayyam. Maybe, maybe he paid attention to the news blurbs that mentioned us talking shit about other world leaders.

Surely there are some actual revelations for smc to get excited about, rather than shit that everybody with two brain cells to rub together already knew.

12/9/2010 1:05:16 PM


15145 Posts
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Quote :
This is at least one wikileaks mirror server in Raleigh. Very brave."

While I don't disagree, I think it's crazy that hosting a few files that are very well already in the public domain has to be a "brave" action.

12/9/2010 3:42:13 PM

All American
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^wikileaks was attacked with DDOS and they have lost support from amazon, paypal, visa, and mastercard

pundits are calling for the assassination of assanage

the state department is saying you may hurt your job prospects by even reading leaked material

keeping in mind that the only thing wikileaks is doing is releasing documents sent to them by 3rd parties, you reeeeeally don't think it's even slightly brave to host these files?

12/9/2010 5:27:28 PM

All American
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Yep, it's a safe bet he'll be party vanned.

In other news...
Julian Assange Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
I think Russia and I would get along just fine.

[Edited on December 9, 2010 at 5:51 PM. Reason : ,]

12/9/2010 5:44:41 PM

4725 Posts
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Dude, the banks are the fucking modern day mafia. Wikileaks starts name dropping about banks, and they have the mother fucker in jail in a little over a week. 4chan kiddies who routinely create DDoS havoc all over the internet decide to target money handlers and an arrest is made in a little over a day

The banks are the new mob g. It's gonna be a hot fuckin winter.

12/9/2010 7:13:03 PM


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Just re-watched the collateral damage video. Hope I don't got put in gitmo!

12/9/2010 11:59:04 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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What? Script Kiddies arrested for breaking the law? OUTRAGE!!!!!!!

12/10/2010 12:15:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"What? Script Kiddies arrested for breaking the law? OUTRAGE!!!!!!!"

However being "lawfully ordered" to do unethical things is A OK with this pawn. Nothing to see here.

Quote :
"So you are denying the possibility of a lawful order that is unethical?
Let me use very simple language for you.
In all instances does law=good????"

Still no response right?

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 8:31 AM. Reason : asdf]

12/10/2010 8:29:08 AM

Burn it all down.
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I have never been lawfully ordered to do unethical things.

Law does not always equal good, laws that are 'bad' get overturned, repealed etc. The set of government we have allows for citizens to elect representatives to decide our laws, the people have the power.

Are there orders which are ethically or morally wrong? Perhaps, but again, there is a clear system to catch that.

Also, using absolute definitions such as 'good' and 'bad' are really piss poor in an argument like this. Way to relative and subjective.

12/10/2010 9:09:47 AM

All American
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12/10/2010 9:10:18 AM

All American
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I recently lived there btw.

12/10/2010 9:14:35 AM

All American
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I may account for a large portion of city #5's interest.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 9:58 AM. Reason : rather]

12/10/2010 9:55:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I follow lawful orders, not just ones I personally agree with. "

You would make an excellent Nazi. Fuck you Jews "I am just following lawful orders".

This attitude of just following orders and not asking questions is how VERY bad things get perpetuated by governments. Your attitude is really frightening.

Quote :
Law does not always equal good, laws that are 'bad' get overturned, repealed etc. The set of government we have allows for citizens to elect representatives to decide our laws, the people have the power."

Really? I guess lobbyists don't exist in your world do they?
If everyone just followed the laws think about all of the wrongs in the united states history that would have gone uncorrected. Major issues in our laws are usually exposed by people breaking those aforementioned laws then the policies change once public opinion is inflamed enough to force that change.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 10:37 AM. Reason : asdfasdf]

12/10/2010 10:32:01 AM

Burn it all down.
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Yeah, I'm done with you. Why you ask?

Me: I follow lawful orders.
You: Well if it was lawful to kill Jews, you'd be killing Jews!

I helped provide a substantial amount of humanitarian aid to areas of Kyrgyzstan, I build and maintain countermeasures that help our pilots not get shot down, I was in South Korea and helped maintain a ready posture when DPRK shot a missile over Japan, I have given countless hours to community service programs through the Air Force.

There are service members out there who DIE because they couldn't engage an enemy due to potential civilian casualties or because RoE stipulated they couldn't fire unless fired upon. Think about that, a guy could take his AK, aim it at you finger on the trigger, and the best you could do is shout at him and raise your weapon. Some of these guys were my friends, so seriously man, fuck you. All you do is bitch and moan on a message board...congrats.

You know, if the government is truly corrupt and as bad as you think it is, why don't you get off your lazy ass and support a cause, get out and take up arms (figuratively), run for office, campaign for a worthy candidate.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 10:49 AM. Reason : a]

12/10/2010 10:48:08 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"You would make an excellent Nazi. Fuck you Jews "I am just following lawful orders"."

concentration camps and mass murders aren't considered lawful orders. you are absolutely allowed to question orders that you think are unlawful.

be more of a fucking moron

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 10:53 AM. Reason : /]

12/10/2010 10:52:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You know, if the government is truly corrupt and as bad as you think it is, why don't you get off your lazy ass and support a cause, get out and take up arms (figuratively), run for office, campaign for a worthy candidate.

Well lets see because the government is corrupt and our nation is either full of the ignorant or the willfully ignorant (you are the latter in case you were wondering) THERE ISN'T A WORTHY CANDIDATE who has any legitimate chance of being elected. Politics has become an unbelievably dirty game and anything that exposes this has MY FULL SUPPORT.

^ Did I say anything about concentration camps and mass murders? Nice try dumbfuck.
I guess you wouldn't be concerned with following lawful orders stemming from the nuremberg laws would you?

12/10/2010 11:11:07 AM

All American
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Quote :
"There are service members out there who DIE because they couldn't engage an enemy due to potential civilian casualties or because RoE stipulated they couldn't fire unless fired upon. Think about that, a guy could take his AK, aim it at you finger on the trigger, and the best you could do is shout at him and raise your weapon. Some of these guys were my friends, so seriously man, fuck you. All you do is bitch and moan on a message board...congrats. "

You say that like it's shocking. Do you expect it to be okay for them to fire back into crowds of civilians? This is the problem with invading and occupying a foreign country, and why we should only do so with ridiculous amounts of valid justification and legitimacy.

You're actually whining because your buddies charged into a country that isn't theirs and weren't allowed to spray rounds into a crowd or weren't allowed to call an airstrike on an apartment building?

Like really?

Edit: Gonna make myself completely fucking explicit. Your friends' lives weren't worth more than civilians'. I expect to get run up a pole for suggesting that civilians are AT LEAST AS IMPORTANT as violent invaders.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 11:21 AM. Reason : .]

12/10/2010 11:18:22 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You're actually whining because your buddies voluntarily charged into a country that isn't theirs and weren't allowed to spray rounds into a crowd or weren't allowed to call an airstrike on an apartment building?"

You forgot voluntarily. They presumably weren't drafted...

12/10/2010 11:23:04 AM

All American
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^^ Call in the airstrike. If they care so little about their own populace as to fire from those locations, they why should we care any more? Shoot at us from a fucking day care center and YOU will be the reason it swiftly becomes a smoking crater.

12/10/2010 11:37:55 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I guess you wouldn't be concerned with following lawful orders stemming from the nuremberg laws would you?"

see, in a country that's not a dictatorship these laws wouldn't be passed because PEOPLE QUESTION ORDERS THAT AREN'T LAWFUL. you can't assume that someone will follow unlawful laws when they would never be passed in the first place.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 11:55 AM. Reason : .]

12/10/2010 11:50:38 AM

All American
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So why has it taken people breaking laws in the United States for laws to get changed? Most of our major law changes in the field of civil rights stemmed from people actually breaking the laws. Hell it is conceivable that we could still live in a segregated society if some people didn't decide to break the law and rouse the populace against it.
Oh no but just continue to follow orders and don't ask questions. Don't pull the blinders off you might not like what you see.

12/10/2010 12:00:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^ Call in the airstrike. If they care so little about their own populace as to fire from those locations, they why should we care any more? Shoot at us from a fucking day care center and YOU will be the reason it swiftly becomes a smoking crater."

"They" are not a single actor. You're willing to doom an apartment building of civilians because an insurgent asshole doesn't care about civilians? You also have the balls to claim you're not an asshole as well?

The victims here are completely innocent people who are going about their daily lives as best as they can (with all of the local brutality mixing with foreign aggression). Soldiers are not more valuable than innocent civilians, especially when those soldiers are fighting an illegitimate war of aggression for the profit of a select few.

It's funny that you're only concerned about shifting blame here and not about civilians dying. It's also funny that you consider civilians dying acceptable collateral damage to protect violent thugs that are actively fucking with their ability to live peaceful, normal lives.

12/10/2010 12:10:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"^^ Call in the airstrike. If they care so little about their own populace as to fire from those locations, they why should we care any more? Shoot at us from a fucking day care center and YOU will be the reason it swiftly becomes a smoking crater."

Quoting this a second time and double posting just to point out how despicable this comment is. How do you feel inside when you spout vile crap like this?

12/10/2010 12:19:47 PM

All American
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Wasn't half the outrage about 9/11 the fact that it wasn't a military target?

Wouldn't Bin Laden say "They choose to fire economic bullets at us from the world trade center, so the blame is on them when we kill their civilians" ?

Are we even trying to be the good guys anymore?

12/10/2010 12:22:53 PM

All American
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I generally agree with your position on RoE. But to say we're "fighting an illegitimate war of aggression for the profit of a select few" is moonbat nonsense. Our invasion of Afghanistan was done in self-defense, and the only people we're fighting are members of an extremely unpopular alliance of fundamentalists who want to re-conquer a now-liberated country - the same people who systematically target Afghan civilians and civil servants for death by suicide bombing.

Seriously, for you to say we're over there fighting some kind of neo-imperialist war of exploitation betrays a serious deficit of information and understanding about what exactly is going on over there.

Quote :
"If they care so little about their own populace as to fire from those locations, they why should we care any more? Shoot at us from a fucking day care center and YOU will be the reason it swiftly becomes a smoking crater."

I would agree that they would shoulder the majority of the moral blame, but that doesn't mean soldiers shouldn't weigh the consequences, both moral and practical, of targeting enemies who use human shields.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 12:33 PM. Reason : ]

12/10/2010 12:26:55 PM

All American
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Those people shouldn't have let an insurgent asshole use their apartment building to launch attacks. The only truly innocent here are those of insufficient age to do anything about it. Everyone else should have either denied the insurgent the use of the location, killed him, or got the fuck out.

I'm all for limiting civilian casualties with precision strikes, snipers, etc., but there will always be collateral damage in war zones. We've been pretty damned good at that, while on the flipside, they LOVE it.

Also, show me where I said I wasn't an asshole.

12/10/2010 12:30:57 PM

All American
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I thought we were going there to get bin Laden? This whole "liberation" fable was concocted way after the boots were on the ground. Did we go to Iraq to dethrone Saddam for the good of his people, too?

And you're delusional if you really think there's no monetary incentive that is at the very least a secondary reason for the prolonged occupation.

PS: I'd think that someone who thinks we're going there to "liberate" Afghanis would be a little more sympathetic know...Afghanis.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 12:34 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2010 12:33:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"But to say we're "fighting an illegitimate war of aggression for the profit of a select few" is moonbat nonsense."

To an ignorant hatchet-man of the establishment, of course it's moonbat nonsense. To the educated and rational it borders on common sense. This is exactly why people like you don't want WikiLeaks gaining momentum; I've known this for years, but now even more people will know it. And people like you will lose influence, and the human race will progress beyond your patent, cave-man nonsense.

Atheism's spreading. Tolerance of homosexuality is spreading. Humanity is slowly waking up, but it's waking up; apes like you will get left in the dust and I'm grinning in anticipation. Even though it'll happen hundreds of years after my death I'm happy to know I'm on the right side of history.

"Men" like you imprisoned Thomas Paine.

Quote :
"Our invasion of Afghanistan was done in self-defense, and the only people we're fighting are members of an extremely unpopular alliance of fundamentalists who want to re-conquer a now-liberated country."

We had good reason to be in Afghanistan and to do it correctly. Instead we went to Iraq too and botched both wars.

Clearly we need to keep the status quo and cover up everything WikiLeaks has told us, though! Let's continue to give preferential contracts to companies like DynCorps and let them continue to whore out young Afghani boys. If that's not the icing on the cake of our actions in Afghanistan I don't know what is. Our corporate imperialism is destroying everything that's supposed to be important to us.

Quote :
"Seriously, for you to say we're over there fighting some kind of neo-imperialist war of exploitation betrays a serious deficit of information and understanding about what exactly is going on over there."

It's common sense. Intelligent people know this. Stupid apes like you continue to hoot and holler for your master.

Quote :
"I would agree that they would shoulder the majority of the moral blame, but that doesn't mean soldiers shouldn't weigh the consequences, both moral and practical, of targeting enemies who use human shields."

Hey a shred of sanity.

Quote :
"Those people shouldn't have let an insurgent asshole use their apartment building to launch attacks. The only truly innocent here are those of insufficient age to do anything about it. Everyone else should have either denied the insurgent the use of the location, killed him, or got the fuck out.

I'm all for limiting civilian casualties with precision strikes, snipers, etc., but there will always be collateral damage in war zones. We've been pretty damned good at that, while on the flipside, they LOVE it.

Also, show me where I said I wasn't an asshole."

You're a filthy piece of shit. If you ever recognize me in Raleigh, point it out because I will spit on you.

I wish we could travel back in time and load the World Trade Centers with barbaric pieces of shit like you. People like you aren't just my personal enemy, you are the enemy of basic decency and of the continuation of our species. You are in the way. Die off already and take every other ignorant, moralist ape with you.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 12:36 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2010 12:34:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Those people shouldn't have let an insurgent asshole use their apartment building to launch attacks. The only truly innocent here are those of insufficient age to do anything about it. Everyone else should have either denied the insurgent the use of the location, killed him, or got the fuck out."

Let me get this think that Afghani civilians, with their family's interests in mind, should try to stand up to armed militants who give the most modern military in the world a run for their money? That the onus is on them to risk theirs and their families' lives and, if they don't, we should readily slaughter them without compunction?

In other words, these people have a gun pointed on each temple telling them that the other guy is the enemy.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 12:37 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2010 12:35:41 PM

All American
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^^ LOL. You wouldn't even look at my sideways, because you're a pussy.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 12:39 PM. Reason : *]

12/10/2010 12:39:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"This whole "liberation" fable was concocted way after the boots were on the ground."

Again, this only betrays the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Quote :
"And you're delusional if you really think there's no monetary incentive that is at the very least a secondary reason for the prolonged occupation."

There is a huge economic incentive for our actions in Afghanistan, especially, hopefully, for Afghans. But you're going to need to do more than cite Afghanistan's mineral deposits if you're going to convince any thinking person that our presence in Afghanistan is primarily, secondarily, tertiarily, or even moderately significantly motivated by exploitative designs.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 12:52 PM. Reason : ]

12/10/2010 12:40:10 PM

All American
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It's funny how proud the apes are of their ugliness and lack of understanding

Quote :
"^^ LOL. You wouldn't even look at my sideways, because you're a pussy."

Unlike scared little American bitches like yourself, I don't exclusively pick fights where I'll win. I'm not scared of getting thumped on, especially by a made-ass bitch like yourself who is submissive to even mild shows of force.

You wet your bed every night from fear and continually shovel power, money, and prestige to people who strip you of basic rights, dignity, and insult your intelligence. Point me out, but you'd better swing a punch before I clear my throat.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 12:42 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2010 12:40:39 PM

All American
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It's funnier when people don't know they're getting trolled.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 12:42 PM. Reason : Are you frothing yet?]

12/10/2010 12:41:13 PM

All American
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Quote :

Have you considered joining the Taliban? I think you'd get along swimmingly.

12/10/2010 12:43:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"There is a huge economic incentive for our actions in Afghanistan, especially, hopefully, for Afghans. But you're going to do more than cite Afghanistan's mineral deposits if you're going to convince any thinking person that our presence in Afghanistan is primarily, secondarily, tertiarily, or even moderately significantly motivated by exploitative designs."

You're not a thinking person. Trying to get me to admit that you are is literally insulting my intelligence.

People who are reading this and lurking: read WikiLeaks. Find out why the assholes I'm arguing against in this thread are your personal enemies.

Get curious. Don't spend all of your time and energy plugging your ears.

[Edited on December 10, 2010 at 12:44 PM. Reason : .]

12/10/2010 12:43:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Have you considered joining the Taliban? I think you'd get along swimmingly."

They're not nearly hard line enough. I'm looking to join an Atheistiban though.

12/10/2010 12:45:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"There is a huge economic incentive for our actions in Afghanistan, especially, hopefully, for Afghans. But you're going to do more than cite Afghanistan's mineral deposits if you're going to convince any thinking person that our presence in Afghanistan is primarily, secondarily, tertiarily, or even moderately significantly motivated by exploitative designs."

Nevermind the 230 billion dollars that have already gone to private contractors for reconstruction.

12/10/2010 12:46:17 PM

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