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The E Man
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Quote :
"before this primary, what had he done for black people during his time in Washington? again, this is coming from someone who voted for him today. "

The idea that this could even be asked is the unfathomable essence of the problem. how can people not know about simple historical facts? Its almost like the past is as cloudy as the future with voters today. Mind control has been achieved.

3/15/2016 11:16:04 PM

?? ????? ??
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It's also partially due to the fact that Bernie's agenda treats all people equally, so he doesn't have to bring race into it. Hillary continues to single out black voters as the "other" and so it comes across as she's reaching out to them and he isn't.

3/16/2016 12:33:50 AM

All American
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3/16/2016 12:39:29 AM

All American
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^^Whatever you keep wanting to tell yourself, man. Do actually know or hang out with black people? Have any black colleagues you work with? Maybe you should ask them yourself instead of just making broad statements about a group of voters...

[Edited on March 16, 2016 at 12:41 AM. Reason : Wow. I actually agree with TGL for once ]

3/16/2016 12:40:49 AM

?? ????? ??
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I grew up in a redneck town which, before Charlotte's growth turned all of Union County into a giant suburb, had 20 black families and one Jewish one. In 9th grade I walked up to my locker as a typical white trash asshole was spray painting a swastika on my locker and then he yelled "fuck off Jew nigger." A black kid I only kind of knew overheard him and threw his ass to the ground and then he ran off crying. I had dealt with shit like that since 3rd grade but it was the first time anyone had ever stood up for me.

I'm the person here who's been saying over and over again that black voters don't make decisions as a block and shouldn't be treated as a hive mind. So what broad statements have I made, exactly?

3/16/2016 12:54:10 AM

All American
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I mean that's an interesting anecdote and all but saying shit like Sanders doesn't see race and treats everyone the same is pretty out of touch. It's just laughable to me. I can't speak for black voters, but there's got to be a reason why Hillary has won them over repeatedly while Sanders hasn't. You might not want to acknowledge it, but it's actually very simple if you think about it.

[Edited on March 16, 2016 at 1:05 AM. Reason : .]

3/16/2016 1:00:12 AM

?? ????? ??
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Didn't say he doesn't see race. I just mean he focuses on everyone issues (or at least everyone but the filthy rich issues) and doesn't prioritize issues to specific communities.

He also doesn't change his message based on who he's talking to.

3/16/2016 1:06:23 AM

All American
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It's not complicated. the democratic party and establishment has a great deal of influence over big chunks of black community leaders. The NCAAP is practically a wing of the DNC, there's probably quite a lot of money going directly and indirectly to pastors, community organizers, etc.

No, black people aren't a hive mind, but they're a very dependable voting block. This isnt racism, just go back and look at past national elections and democratic primaries.

3/16/2016 3:08:54 AM

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Not sure what's being argued even. As a voting bloc it's been proven for some time urban African Americans will vote mainstream Democrat just like rural whites will vote Republican conman who makes them believe "others" are responsible for their shitty lives and not themselves. Identity!

3/16/2016 3:36:36 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I can't speak for black voters, but there's got to be a reason why Hillary has won them over repeatedly while Sanders hasn't."

She shares the last name with one of the most revered presidents in Black society

[Edited on March 16, 2016 at 10:31 AM. Reason : link]

3/16/2016 10:26:20 AM

The E Man
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Quote :
" Do actually know or hang out with black people? Have any black colleagues you work with? Maybe you should ask them yourself instead of just making broad statements about a group of voters...

Everyone i know says one of the following.
-bernie has great ideas but can't get anything done
-socialism is scary
-bill clinton was the best president ever
-its time for a woman

None of them say anything about being black even if I bring up Bernie as being a BLM champion. Its just not a big issue in their voting this time.

Look, there is no reason to vote for hillary because you are black. Theres been reason to NOT vote republican because you are black for a long time so the expectation to vote for the democratic establishment is still around.

The media stereotyped blacks into feeling obligated to vote for hillary to validate their blackness by shoving the narrative that "hillary is so strong with black voters" down their throats for months. All of the local black congressmen have been in washington long enough to become part of the democrat machine. like most politicians, the constituents think they can trust them but really can't. because its so hard to win office as a black, there aren't any non establishment black congressmen that could get behind bernie.

If you look at religion, blacks also have reason to vote for the christian candidate as most of them in the south are devout christians.

If you look at geography, most blacks being in the south puts them on the right end of the spectrum. I've already explained why they aren't voting republican but its not because of their fundamental political views. This explains why the 95-5 black vote distribution in the south was more like 65-35 in the midwest.

3/16/2016 9:12:39 PM

All American
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saw this in my FB earlier and it made sense to me:

3/16/2016 9:15:48 PM

The E Man
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Quote :
" But maybe we’re a bit more politically shrewd than we’re given credit for; a bit more in tune with the idea that, for myriad reasons, Clinton just has a much better chance of beating Donald Trump in the general election than Sanders would. Maybe we’re fully aware Clinton doesn’t deserve our vote, but we’ve done the mental calculus necessary to grudgingly accept her as maybe not the best option, but the strongest one. Because maybe supporting someone we don’t like who can beat someone we hate is a bit smarter than supporting someone we kinda like who can’t. "

thats just ignorance though because its based on a false premise. bernie does much better against trump in the general.

3/16/2016 9:31:46 PM

All American
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the idea of Bernie doing better than Trump isn't even rooted in reality in the first place, so that's a stupid point to make. he's not going to get the nomination, and everyone, including black people, knows it.

[Edited on March 16, 2016 at 9:40 PM. Reason : .]

3/16/2016 9:39:41 PM

All American
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Saying anything will happen so far into the future involving Trump is worthless in general. His campaign does not fit any mold and isn't something that is easily predicted and we sure as hell don't know what will happen between now and November.

3/16/2016 10:28:14 PM

The E Man
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yeah but most hillary voters would vote for bernie because they are going to vote democrat regardless of what happens. the states where that might not be true will be red states regardless. bernie really was the only way to unite the party and if it wasn't such a bad time for the gop, hillary would have 0 chance of winning the general election.

3/16/2016 11:18:18 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Haha. Micah Cohen of 538:

"Dear Sanders fans who keep sending me angry emails, Bernie has accomplished a lot, but MORE DEMOCRATS WANT CLINTON TO BE THE NOMINEE!"

3/17/2016 1:26:28 PM

?? ????? ??
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Bernie Sanders: A vote difference of less than 1% isn't worth spending tax dollars on a recount, because it will be the same number of delegates to each of us either way.


3/18/2016 2:07:21 AM

All American
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you honestly care about this?

3/18/2016 3:27:39 AM

The E Man
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Yeah the media and DNC have prevented democracy by convincing a lot of people to vote for hillary. Thats just one of many examples. Its an erosion of democracy and I'm actually happy to see it fail on the other side.

3/18/2016 4:22:25 AM

All American
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Or, they're just reporting the truth, which is that Sanders could win 7/8 of the next states AND CA and still not beat her.

I get being upset that your candidate is losing, but come on already...

3/18/2016 11:44:40 AM

The E Man
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There are over 1000 remaining delegates and she is up by 300 after crushing him the other night. Theyve been saying he has no chance since sc.

3/18/2016 12:57:34 PM

?? ????? ??
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Quote :
"you honestly care about this?"

This particular happening is just business as usual. I'm not surprised nor do I care that a big deal is being made out of a victory that was actually a tie, and Bernie's good deeds are being ignored, but it's just another sign of the Hillary Machine having their way fooling the electorate.

3/18/2016 1:36:38 PM

?? ????? ??
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Bernie could win the pledged delegate count (pledged=not super, which can change their votes at anytime) if he can win 58% of the remaining distribution.

It's becoming less and less likely, but still far from impossible.

3/18/2016 2:27:07 PM

All American
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^^ you do realize how petty you're being, right? Hillary lost MI by half a point and didn't make a big deal out of it, or demand a recount either. Why no applause for her then for not wasting tax dollars?

3/18/2016 3:30:03 PM

All American
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Bombs gonna drop when the FBI indicts Hillary Clinton.

3/18/2016 10:21:13 PM

All American
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The FBI can't indict her

3/18/2016 11:34:58 PM

play so hard
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Lol ^^ said "when"

What's the bet bruh????????????

3/19/2016 12:02:11 AM

The E Man
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having the banks behind you comes in handy. theres no way she could be touched.

3/19/2016 1:45:46 AM

?? ????? ??
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Sanders has won in 24 of the 25 democrats abroad polling centers to report so far and 70% of ballots counted. I wonder how much of that is due to less exposure to biased media.

3/19/2016 2:05:44 AM

The E Man
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it means they probably live in countries with socialism

3/19/2016 2:14:31 AM

play so hard
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like us?

3/21/2016 2:01:28 PM

All American
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So Bernie decreased Hillary's lead by 6 delegates. YUGE comeback!

3/23/2016 10:49:03 AM

The E Man
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Well at least arizona exposed that its not actually an election and the people cant really decide who wins.

3/23/2016 11:31:31 AM

8379 Posts
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Maricopa in 2008:
140729 early votes
113807 election day votes

Maricopa in 2016
185638 early votes
32949 election day votes


3/23/2016 12:45:33 PM

play so hard
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3/23/2016 12:51:06 PM

8379 Posts
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something weird happened in AZ. the lack of voting sites can be explained by GOP voter suppression for the general. the ridiculous number of provisional ballots due to party registration errors cannot. AZ claims they will all be counted.

3/23/2016 1:11:46 PM

All American
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Clearly it is the Clinton machine ensuring Sanders supporters cannot vote

3/23/2016 1:59:21 PM

All American
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Quote :
"something weird happened in AZ"

yeah. it's super weird that Hillary won 60-40 in a state she was projected to win. clearly Sanders votes were suppressed.

3/23/2016 2:03:40 PM

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A lot of people who thought they were registered Democrat were actually registered Independent, maybe someone messed up or maybe voters were just confused

what isn't arguable though is that voting was surpressed in Maricopa county, it shouldn't take 4+ hours to vote

3/23/2016 3:05:46 PM

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did I say that? something was clearly wrong with the registration system, looking at the numbers I posted above. im not blaming Clinton.

[Edited on March 23, 2016 at 3:12 PM. Reason : .]

3/23/2016 3:12:01 PM

All American
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^ my FB feed is filled with pissed off Sanders supporters claiming the whole entire election is rigged based on what happened in AZ, so it's hard for me to tell who's being rational anymore. and even if votes were suppressed in AZ, blame the republicans for the legislation they passed, not Hillary.

[Edited on March 23, 2016 at 3:21 PM. Reason : .]

3/23/2016 3:18:56 PM

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but the registration problems have nothing to do with that. lifelong dem voters were being given provisional ballots.

3/23/2016 3:27:49 PM

The E Man
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of course the whole election is rigged. we already knew that. arizona is just another example. wall street would never let someone become president without their approval.

3/23/2016 4:07:49 PM

All American
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here you go earl:

3/23/2016 5:16:13 PM

?? ????? ??
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In the past 2 weeks Hillary has gone from owning 60% of pledged delegates to 57%. Bernie won the 58% of delegates he needed this past week (Western Tuesday plus democrats abroad). Needs to continue at this pace of 58% or better to win the majority of pledged delegates...and then we can start worrying about the Supers.

In the race to 50%+1 of pledged delegates, Hillary is at 30 points and Bernie has 23. That gap narrowed by 1 this week.

This Saturday is Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington. 142 delegates, or 3.5 points up for grabs.

3/23/2016 7:05:26 PM

8379 Posts
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I don't know if it's intentional suppression, but provisional ballots have not been counted and they will skew heavily toward Sanders. Precincts were reporting results last night when people were still in line. And AZ sec of state's website says 90% reporting, but AP says 99%. Wat

3/23/2016 7:06:27 PM

All American
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^^ he picked up a whopping six delegates over Clinton yesterday. You can keep trying to spin the numbers however you want, but he's not going to win.

3/23/2016 7:48:34 PM

?? ????? ??
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By the numbers I saw he picked up 24 combined between Dems abroad, Arizona, Idaho, and Utah.

3/23/2016 8:39:31 PM

All American
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That's what the LAMEstream media wants you to think because they are all bought and paid for Clinton shills

3/23/2016 8:40:10 PM

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