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All American
38980 Posts
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how does Lebron come out looking bad in that piece?

it's been obvious that Kyrie wants to be the centerpiece on his own team

7/23/2017 5:13:35 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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huh? Maybe I'm missing something, but none of this sounds very positive to me:

Quote :
"Irving was tired of being Robin to James' Batman. Tired of having another superstar -- even one of the best players of all time -- in control of his fate."

Control his fate? How could Lebron possibly be able to do any of that? I mean they're just teammates, right? It's not like Lebron has any more control or power over the franchise than anyone else...

Quote :
"From the famously eruptive and impatient Gilbert, to James' blend of passive-aggressiveness and Irving's penchant to retreat and pout or beat himself up, the Cavs have been walking on something of an emotional tightrope for the past three years."

Lebron James being passive-aggressive? Huh? What does this all mean??

Quote :
"Much of Irving's disenchantment with James was rooted in game play, sources said. James, as a once-in-a-lifetime talent, controlled the ball more than any other forward perhaps in league history"

wat? You'd have to be CRAZY not to want to do whatever Lebron says all the time. Flat-earther CRAZY!

Quote :
"But there were ancillary issues that bothered Irving, too, such as how James' good friend Randy Mims had a position on the Cavs' staff and traveled on the team plane while none of Irving's close friends were afforded the same opportunity"

That's weird. Why would Lebron's friends get special privileges? I thought he was just another one of Kyrie's teammates.

The bottom line is that Kyrie wasn't happy in Cleveland for the past few seasons, and he even thought about getting out right after they won the title. A lot of it sounds like his own ego and jealousy of Lebron getting more praise and attention than him, but a lot of it just sounds like he didn't enjoy having everything dictated by Lebron's terms either. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. You guys were acting like Kyrie's demand for a trade was just an out of the blue, knee jerk reaction to Lebron possibly leaving, but this was all brewing for a while and Kyrie clearly didn't like playing with him for a variety of reasons. I know some of you are shocked to learn that not everyone likes playing with Lebron, but here we have it.

7/23/2017 6:08:00 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I just really want to see Melo on the Rockets. A whole season of Olympics Melo would be amazing.

7/23/2017 6:49:25 PM

All American
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^^ he doesn't want to be there for purely selfish reasons

the same reason he doesn't want to play with Lebron anymore

it takes some real mental gymnastics to read any of that as "this is Lebron's fault/Lebron isn't a good teammate"

[Edited on July 23, 2017 at 6:58 PM. Reason : .]

7/23/2017 6:56:04 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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LeBron is a passive-aggressive guy, though. And extremely controlling.

But yeah Kyrie is dumb, because he will never be the centerpiece of a championship team.

7/23/2017 7:24:18 PM

All American
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UJust is like the State fans on Packpride obsessing over the UNC academic scandal. Except his team won a championship and he's still obsessed with Lebron...which makes it even more pathetic.

7/23/2017 7:29:07 PM

All American
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I've been out day drinking, but it's great to come home to all these gifts.

Quote :
"LeBron is a passive-aggressive guy, though. And extremely controlling.

But yeah Kyrie is dumb, because he will never be the centerpiece of a championship team.

naw dude, Lebron is the KING and the GOAT. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't been up watching basketball since past their bedtime when they were eight. It takes YEARS of deep basketball analysis and lifelong rooting for a losing basketball team to KNOW and UNDERSTAND why Lebron is so great. Kyrie sucks anyway!

Quote :
"it takes some real mental gymnastics to read any of that as "this is Lebron's fault/Lebron isn't a good teammate""

It takes some straight up DELUSION and crybaby excuses to post the things you post on the internet to defend someone so worthy of criticism. I'd call you a Trump supporter, but I know you're smarter than that.

Quote :
"UJust is like the State fans on Packpride obsessing over the UNC academic scandal. Except his team won a championship and he's still obsessed with Lebron...which makes it even more pathetic.


Yeah, not really. That's a pretty horrible analogy, even for you. It must make you really mad that I'm a State fan AND UNC/Duke hater that's had to share in your lifelong misery, while also enjoying the relatively overnight success for my hometown team of 11+ years.

Y'all can blame ESPN and the media for reporting/airing out all this dirty laundry for everyone to see. But some of you are confusing obsession with schadenfreude. It's actually possible to genuinely enjoy success while laughing at the failures of others who sit around and make excuses.

7/23/2017 9:54:26 PM

All American
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there's nothing that I've posted in any thread that's rooted in delusion

kind of sad that you've reverted to that

7/23/2017 10:15:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Lebron has been a really good teammate wherever he has played

kind of the opposite of abrasive


Quote :
"this is just a pure pile of bullshit"

k. You didn't even try to address any of it, but k.

Quote :
"how does Lebron come out looking bad in that piece?"

You didn't even try to address/refute any of the quotations supplied, but k.

Quote :
"he doesn't want to be there for purely selfish reasons"

k. Couldn't possibly be anything to do with Lebron's personality or them not getting along. Nope. 100% Kyrie's fault. Long live the King/GOAT.

Quote :
"it takes some real mental gymnastics to read any of that as "this is Lebron's fault/Lebron isn't a good teammate""

Not really, no. Other people see it, but you don't want to.

7/23/2017 10:30:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"k. Couldn't possibly be anything to do with Lebron's personality or them not getting along. Nope. 100% Kyrie's fault. Long live the King/GOAT."

you literally posted a quote about Kyrie no longer wanting to be the Robin to Lebron's Batman. are you attempting to argue that Kyrie should be the Batman in this scenario?

care to find a quote from a former teammate of Lebron alleging that he is a bad teammate?

you also don't seem to get that in basketball, the best player on the team/court tends to dictate things. it kind of comes along with the territory of being the best. also kind of odd that you're attempting to make the argument that Lebron shouldn't be the focal point of whatever team he is on. of course he should control the ball more than nearly every player in the league, current or retired.

7/23/2017 11:13:53 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Fisher Price, my first Curry jersey

7/24/2017 12:00:04 AM

All American
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Quote :
"are you attempting to argue that Kyrie should be the Batman in this scenario?"

Nope. That's a nice straw man though. Keep trying.

Quote :
"you also don't seem to get that in basketball, the best player on the team/court tends to dictate
things. it kind of comes along with the territory of being the best. "

You still don't understand what the terms 'prima donna' and 'diva' mean. Go look them up. Again, nobody is saying Lebron isn't great at basketball.The argument that I and others are making is that he can be difficult to work with because he's a control freak and he can act very passively aggressively when he doesn't get his way. It's not a complicated argument to understand, but reading comprehension is key here, so go back and re-read my posts if you're still struggling.

Quote :
also kind of odd that you're attempting to make the argument that Lebron shouldn't be the focal point of whatever team he is on. of course he should control the ball more than nearly every player in the league, current or retired."

Another attempt at a ridiculous straw man. I've never said he shouldn't be the focal point of a team on the court. It's not Lebron's fault he's better than pretty much everyone aside from a handful of players. But there's a big huge difference between being the best player on the team and trying to micromanage everything that happens off the court, especially to the point when your teammates feel alienated and jealous, even when you've just won goddamn championship together.

You are free to believe whatever you want, but stories like this:

and this:

Make it pretty obvious how frustrating it might be to work with Lebron, especially if Lebron actually leaked the story knowing full well he wasn't going anywhere. Talk about passive aggressive mind games. Sure it's all speculation at this point and we may never know, but it's not like I'm the only one who sees a pattern here.

[Edited on July 24, 2017 at 12:50 AM. Reason : .]

7/24/2017 12:48:49 AM

All American
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Lebron has been in the NBA for 14 years (good lord, I can't believe I just typed that), and this is the first time it's being rumored that a teammate is having an issue with him. And it's a teammate that believes that the world is flat (as well as a guy that wants to be a #1 option and is playing with arguably the best player in the history of the NBA).

What are we arguing about again? Oh...a dubs fan that still has a Lebron complex. Gotcha..

7/24/2017 7:39:22 AM

Save TWW
37144 Posts
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Quote :
"The argument that I and others are making is that he can be difficult to work with because he's a control freak and he can act very passively aggressively when he doesn't get his way. "

This quote could describe 80% of nba superstars

7/24/2017 9:30:38 AM

All American
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also funny that the guy who people have been giving shit to for passing the ball in end-of-game situations is now apparently a control freak

he's one of the most unselfish superstars ever

7/24/2017 10:18:17 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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This has little to do with on court play.

7/24/2017 11:25:47 AM

All American
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^I wouldn't say 'little', because clearly Kyrie didn't like feeling like everything was run through Lebron during game time, but yeah, I'd say it has quite a bit to do with off court issues like Lebron controlling the front office.

You must be a GSW fan though, because there's no other way you could see things like this otherwise.

7/24/2017 11:33:46 AM

Forgetful Jones
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If Lebron took his talents to the city with half a police department, I wonder if the 180 you pull on him would be as drastic as how you went from hating to loving Durant.

7/24/2017 11:55:48 AM

All American
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You can dig through my posts, but I definitely don't recall posting anything about hating Durant before he was a Warrior. I may have said we didn't need/want him, but that was BEFORE we lost the title in 2016. I definitely said things about Westbrook though, and my opinion of him remains the same.

I also said I didn't want Steve Kerr after they fired Mark Jackson, but I owned up to it and ate the crow I deserved. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong, unlike some people on this board.

7/24/2017 12:19:51 PM

All American
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All I've got is:

Quote :
"BTW: fuck off Durant.

Didn't show up and your attention starved sidekick will be the death of you."

to straight dick-riding.

Honestly not that bad, but you didn't really have as much to say about the NBA back then. But now that you're infected with your Lebron-complex, you obviously can't shut the fuck up.

7/24/2017 1:55:21 PM

All American
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that's it? yeah, I wouldn't call that 'hating' on KD. I definitely remember calling him a top 3-5 player before he ever joined the Warriors, but maybe you can keep digging through my posts since you're so obsessed with me to find some other 'smoking gun'

btw, you're not going to find a whole lot of NBA posts from me before 2014 because the Warriors weren't any good.

I also took a break from TWW from 10/25/06- 11/27/10 (4 years, 1 month, and 2 days), so yeah you won't find ANY posts from me about the 'We Believe' years because I didn't even post during that time.

7/24/2017 2:14:59 PM

All American
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I'm a big fan of this page from 2014

[Edited on July 24, 2017 at 2:21 PM. Reason : .]

7/24/2017 2:21:21 PM

All American
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I already admitted I was wrong, but plenty of Ws fans were unhappy with the hire at the time. The Ws had a terrible reputation for YEARS about bad trades and the front office, so forgive me and others if we were skeptical and pissed that Jackson was canned after helping the team to a winning record.

If you read my posts though it was pretty obvious I at least followed what was going on, so there goes the whole "out of nowhere" bandwagon theory.

7/24/2017 2:25:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"btw, you're not going to find a whole lot of NBA posts from me before 2014 because the Warriors weren't any good.

= definition of bandwagon. But at least you admit to it.

7/24/2017 5:41:01 PM

All American
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nah, I'm more of a fair weather fan and I have zero shame in admitting it. I pick a team (usually because of geographic ties) and stick with them out of loyalty and usually it ends up going poorly for me (NC State, Redskins, A's, 49ers, etc), but if they're ever doing well, hell yeah I'll probably post about it. If they suck, well there's no real use in me wasting my time talking about them on the internet on a dying website. FWIW the A's are terrible, but I still go to games pretty regularly even if I never post about it anymore. I have an intense hatred of the Giants and had to live through three World Series runs, so if I really just wanted to hop on a bandwagon, it would have been way easier to do it in 2010. I remember watching the "We Believe" Ws team beat the Mavs in the first round series right when after I moved to the Bay Area, but everybody knew they weren't going anywhere, and they didn't even make the playoffs again until 2012/2013. What more do you want from me?

A bandwagon fan is someone that never likes a team until they became awesome and win a title and then they act like they're a lifelong fan. That is until their new team starts to suck again and then they pick another team to root for.

Your boy Lebron is the perfect example of a bandwagoner, really. He's a Yankee's fan and Dallas fan, but he was suddenly a huge Indians fan last year when they were in the WS.

[Edited on July 24, 2017 at 6:16 PM. Reason : .]

7/24/2017 6:12:57 PM

All American
7946 Posts
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^Hahaha, nice try. The LeBron pulling for the Indians thing HAS to be an attempt to troll. No one could actually be that dense.

7/26/2017 9:13:43 AM

All American
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This is literally the first thing that came up when I Googled:

Quote :
"The three-time champion, who helped end Cleveland's 52-year pro sports title drought in June, grew up rooting for the Yankees - and the Dallas Cowboys. He received heavy criticism in 2007 from Cleveland fans for wearing the Bronx Bombers cap to Game 1 of the ALDS that year. The Indians routed the Yankees 12-3 and won that series in four games.

7/27/2017 1:43:46 PM

All American
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He's from Cleveland and lives in Cleveland...why wouldn't he support them in the WS? What does that have anything to do with anything?

I'd say most NBA fans from NC aren't huge Hornets fans, but let them make the NBA Finals and you bet most of them are going to be pulling for them to win the series. Then next year they'll go right back to their main team.

I don't count hometown teams as "bandwagon" teams. It would be different if LeBron just moved to Cleveland in the last 2-3 years, the dude was born and raised there. Nothing wrong with it being his #2 MLB team.

7/27/2017 1:54:49 PM

All American
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Did you not read the part about him wearing a freaking Yankees cap during a playoff game with the Indians back in 2007? He went to ONE Indians game in late August and then he's suddenly a loyal fan when they're in the WS? That's some weak ass shit.

You won't catch me at a late regular season Raiders game if they're winning the division, or read any posts from me saying I'm pulling for them in the Super Bowl if they wind up there either.

If what you're really saying is that he's a 'fair-weather' fan that roots for the home team only when they're winning, how is it OK for Lebron to do it, but not me? I'm just trying to keep up with the logic behind the jbrick/TGL hatefest against me.

Are you guys the type of people that think those split ball caps fans wear are cool repping their two favorite teams?

[Edited on July 27, 2017 at 2:10 PM. Reason : .]

7/27/2017 2:01:46 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"back in 2007"

had you even heard of the Warriors in 2007?

7/27/2017 2:17:17 PM

All American
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Yeah, I lived in the Bay Area back then, so I got to see them beat the Mavs in the first round and then get their shit pushed in by Utah. Oakland bars were hoppin during the first round And then I remember when they won 40+ games the following season and couldn't even get the 8th seed because the West was so stacked and everyone was pissed. I was in college and trying to get my shit together so I wasn't on TWW. I'm sorry

[Edited on July 27, 2017 at 2:25 PM. Reason : oh shit it was 48 games ]

7/27/2017 2:24:43 PM

All American
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god forbid the most famous person in the city pulls for that city's baseball team to win their 1st championship in 68 years

you're acting as if he renounced his fandom of the Yankees and claimed to be a lifelong Indians fan

7/27/2017 3:45:14 PM

oh we back
25226 Posts
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good lord this page has been entertaining. i did lol at this (about KD)

Quote :
" I definitely remember calling him a top 3-5 player before he ever joined the Warriors,"

congrats? i mean, everybody knows and has known for a while that he's one of the best players in the NBA. good job on stating what 100% of fans also knew about KD.

7/27/2017 4:04:36 PM

All American
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I somehow missed this:

Quote :
"Another attempt at a ridiculous straw man. I've never said he shouldn't be the focal point of a team on the court. It's not Lebron's fault he's better than pretty much everyone aside from a handful of players. But there's a big huge difference between being the best player on the team and trying to micromanage everything that happens off the court, especially to the point when your teammates feel alienated and jealous, even when you've just won goddamn championship together."

do you realize that you posted this quote:

Quote :
"Much of Irving's disenchantment with James was rooted in game play, sources said. James, as a once-in-a-lifetime talent, controlled the ball more than any other forward perhaps in league history"

and then said this, directly under said quote:

Quote :
"wat? You'd have to be CRAZY not to want to do whatever Lebron says all the time. Flat-earther CRAZY!"

7/27/2017 4:51:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"congrats? i mean, everybody knows and has known for a while that he's one of the best players in the NBA. good job on stating what 100% of fans also knew about KD."

The argument (one which there was no evidence to actually support) was that I was a KD 'hater' until he joined the Ws. I've never liked Lebron, Westbrook, or any version of the Lakers or the Heat. I still don't and I never will. Was I supposed to be mad that KD chose to ditch OKC for the Ws and help my hometown team of 11+ years become a dynasty?

I mean y'all can keep trying if you want, but I'm not a bandwagon Ws fan that never followed the team until after KD showed up. I know it sucks to watch a team come out of nowhere and become a dynasty that's handed Lebron two losses, but life ain't fair. Things change pretty quickly, so if they start becoming a bottom dweller again, I'm not going to post a whole lot about it, but I'll always have the firsthand memories of attending victory parades to cherish. That's a 'fair-weather' fan, and it's not the same thing as a bandwagon fan.

I also never claimed to be the most knowledgeable fan of ANYTHING NBA or sports related, but I guess people are just mad that somebody who isn't as 'real' of a fan as they think they are themselves (whatever that's even supposed to mean) gets to enjoy so much success.

Quote :
"do you realize that you posted this quote:"

Why, yes- Yes, I do remember positing exactly what I posted to prove a point you still can't seem to understand because you lack basic reading comprehension skills.

[Edited on July 27, 2017 at 5:05 PM. Reason : .]

7/27/2017 5:02:32 PM

oh we back
25226 Posts
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Quote :
"The argument (one which there was no evidence to actually support) was that I was a KD 'hater' until he joined the Ws. I've never liked Lebron, Westbrook, or any version of the Lakers or the Heat. I still don't and I never will. Was I supposed to be mad that KD chose to ditch OKC for the Ws and help my hometown team of 11+ years become a dynasty? "

i mean, it's just funny because, duh, we all agree KD is great. nobody's gonna give you credit for proclaiming him to be a top 3-5 player because that's largely undisputed. i don't really give a shit about this whole argument...but claiming he's a top 5 NBA player is just fact...something virtually everybody agrees on, not really any evidence that you did or didn't dislike him.

7/27/2017 5:18:36 PM

All American
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Actually, there was a debate in some thread that was posted a year or two ago and someone actually said he wasn't even a top 20 player

If you feel like searching for it to see what I wrote like TGL or jbrick or TT, have at it.

As I've said before, the biggest trigger words in NBA sports talk on here are Lebron and Westbrook and since I happen to dislike both of them it somehow makes a me a huge bandwagon fan. OK

[Edited on July 27, 2017 at 5:28 PM. Reason : .]

7/27/2017 5:28:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Why, yes- Yes, I do remember positing exactly what I posted to prove a point you still can't seem to understand because you lack basic reading comprehension skills."

how in the world are you unable to understand that you attempted to use an on-the-court reason in an attempt to argue your point, get called on why it was a dumb quote to use to defend your argument, and then say:

Quote :
"I've never said he shouldn't be the focal point of a team on the court.It's not Lebron's fault he's better than pretty much everyone aside from a handful of players. But there's a big huge difference between being the best player on the team and micromanage everything that happens off the court"

7/27/2017 5:39:55 PM

All American
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DUDE. You were the one that asked why the article was painting him in a bad light and I was taking direct quotes from the author to show you why it didn't sound like a positive or glowing tribute to him.

I was quoting the article because the AUTHOR was saying that he and Kyrie had BOTH on/off court issues, in attempt to show you that they clearly had problems, which you were adamantly denying existed in the first place.

I also wrote this:

Quote :
"The bottom line is that Kyrie wasn't happy in Cleveland for the past few seasons, and he even thought about getting out right after they won the title. A lot of it sounds like his own ego and jealousy of Lebron getting more praise and attention than him, but a lot of it just sounds like he didn't enjoy having everything dictated by Lebron's terms either. Sounds pretty reasonable to me. You guys were acting like Kyrie's demand for a trade was just an out of the blue, knee jerk reaction to Lebron possibly leaving, but this was all brewing for a while and Kyrie clearly didn't like playing with him for a variety of reasons. I know some of you are shocked to learn that not everyone likes playing with Lebron, but here we have it.

Oh, and for those of you who say Lebron has never had any problems with other players:

Quote :
"Maybe this is the hubris of a chucker doomed to .500 seasons as a No. 1 option. Maybe Irving is sick of James. LeBron is one of the two or three greatest players ever. He makes everyone around him better. He can also be a glowering, intimidating, biting leader. Some role players -- from Mike Dunleavy to J.J. Hickson -- have quaked under the pressure of pleasing the King. Kevin Love absorbed the glares and rolled eyes and subtweets that came after every blown defensive rotation during the uglier weeks of 2016, held onto some reserve of confidence, and stood to fight in their Game 7 triumph. It was touch and go for a while."

7/27/2017 6:35:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Much of Irving's disenchantment with James was rooted in game play, sources said. James, as a once-in-a-lifetime talent, controlled the ball more than any other forward perhaps in league history"

that quote in no way is painting Lebron in a negative light. for you to think that it is, you'd have to be arguing that Lebron shouldn't control the ball as much as he does.

7/27/2017 6:43:20 PM

All American
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Do you know what the word MUCH means? It doesn't mean ONLY.

That article attempts to make sense of what seems like a weird request from Kyrie to want to be traded. If you actually read the whole thing, you'd realize that there was probably a variety of factors that would motivate him to want to give up a guaranteed trip to the Finals next year and to want to play for freaking NY instead. YOU are the one saying it's 100% on Kyrie because Lebron is the most unselfish player ever, so there's no possible other reason for Kyrie to want to leave. Quit moving the goalposts. Actually, quit making stupid arguments to begin with.

[Edited on July 27, 2017 at 6:52 PM. Reason : .]

7/27/2017 6:47:30 PM

All American
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so you felt the need to use that quote in support of your argument due to the use of the word "much"?

7/27/2017 6:51:05 PM

All American
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My initial argument was this:

Quote :
"So Kyrie wasn't really hurt in game 5 of the Finals like he said earlier. It turns out he's just sick of Lebron and wanted to be traded"

Then all of you made the assumption that Kyrie ONLY wanted to leave because he was afraid of Lebron leaving in a year- which wasn't even fucking true! As it's been repeatedly stated, Kyrie actually thought about requesting a trade right after the 2016 championship, but decided against it. His decision to stay on a championship winning team for another season will likely remain a mystery that we will never solve. Is Kyrie being crazy? Yeah, he probably is. I have no idea why he thinks playing for NY will get him to the Finals. Could ONE of the factors contributing to his demand for the trade have to deal with personality conflicts with Lebron? Um, yes? Possibly? Maybe???

Nowhere in my original argument about Lebron being a diva (HINT: look up the definition), a control freak, and a micromanager have I (UJustWait84) ever stated that Lebron is a bad basketball player or a person you wouldn't want to play with during game time.

I know you're still struggling with the fact that the Cavs are in a tailspin of drama and dysfunction, but that's just the way it goes.

7/27/2017 7:19:37 PM

All American
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has this whole thing just broken your brain?

7/27/2017 8:01:53 PM

All American
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So the thing about trolling is that some of the very best trolls just sit back and play prevent defense, making those who try to attack them look foolish and desperate in their efforts.

You're pretty bad with basic reading comprehension, picking up context clues, detecting sarcasm and hyperbole, and identifying nuanced arguments/positions. I think a Critical Thinking class could really help provide you with some of the basic, yet necessary, tools to be able to succeed. Then again, you can hardly read in the first place, so maybe you should just stick to listening to Kanye West tracks instead. Much less taxing on the brain, I assure you.

7/27/2017 8:40:56 PM

All American
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it's just funny (and a bit sad) how pathetic you are

7/27/2017 8:46:30 PM

All American
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I'm sorry for triggering you so hard by saying things you don't like about Lebron. I'm sorry that you're actually that jealous of the Warriors being the best team of the NBA while the Cavs are in a meltdown right now. I'm also sorry that whenever you try to troll me, you usually end up looking stupid because you can't understand the actual words I type out in plain English. But I don't think any of these things are sad or pathetic. I think these past few pages have been absolutely hilarious and highly entertaining, so I'm glad you think it's funny too.

[Edited on July 27, 2017 at 9:06 PM. Reason : .]

7/27/2017 9:04:58 PM

All American
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you've certainly typed out enough

not a sign of overcompensating at all, though. same with your use of caps and smileys.

just a happy coincidence, I'm sure

7/27/2017 9:18:15 PM

All American
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I guess it just seems like I wrote a lot because you're not used to reading long sentences with high school reading level vocabulary, fully developed paragraphs, or entire articles from start to finish that are written by sports journalists. In all honesty, I type pretty fast and I don't spent a ton of time composing my posts, since it's TWW, not a professional document where I actually care.

FYI (for your information), those smileys and ALL CAPS are all for you

They're actually a type of CONTEXT CLUES so you can tell if I'm being sarcastic or when I'm trying to belittle you when you've said something stupid. It's a rhetorical technique that works pretty well with my students, since the only things they read or write outside of class are social media posts where emojis are sprinkled in everywhere. I'd give that last sentence a thumbs up, but TWW uses an archaic platform from the last millennia

[Edited on July 27, 2017 at 9:40 PM. Reason : .]

7/27/2017 9:39:33 PM

All American
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set em up

[Edited on July 27, 2017 at 9:57 PM. Reason : .]

7/27/2017 9:50:22 PM

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