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oh we back
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Quote :
"10 or 11 + wins not including a bowl win.

no more excuses"

From season expectations thread.

To be fair, their schedule, like ours, is not too difficult. So to reasonably expect 8 wins or even 9 wouldn't be too ridiculous. But to say 10-11 regular season wins when you've got an unproven QB (as do we) is a bit far fetched. I really like "no more excuses" haha

[Edited on June 20, 2011 at 12:58 PM. Reason : ]

6/20/2011 12:58:13 PM

uNC SUcks
All American
6270 Posts
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Quote :
"We're sorry to inform you that you have been banned from all activity on forums. We hope that you will continue to enjoy other content on and the rest of the network."

Quote :
"Your access to this site's forums is revoked"

well shit, I got banned too early under my UNC alter. Guess that's what I get for reminding the Professor over there that UNC players broke the law by using fictitious tags (he kept bringing up those that got busted for pot last summer, because as he stated breaking the law is worse than breaking NCAA rules) and reminding him that at least TOB punished those involved, whereas UNC's kid that got busted played every game and since weed is now a performance enhancing drug and State played with cheaters, UNC should forfeit all last season for playing with a kid on performance enhancers.

[Edited on June 21, 2011 at 4:41 PM. Reason : .]

6/21/2011 4:40:31 PM

All American
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well, at least you can't say you got banned over nothing

can we start a SFN thread too? those assclows are just as unbearable as IC sometimes...

[Edited on June 21, 2011 at 5:01 PM. Reason : ,]

6/21/2011 5:00:29 PM

All American
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This is the epitome of why Carolina fans are asshats:

6/21/2011 6:54:06 PM

All American
9828 Posts
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Quote :
"He thought it was BASKETBALL players he watched! Can't remember!"

insert Dean Smith joke here...

6/21/2011 6:55:44 PM

37776 Posts
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Quote :
"Someone from Pitt or Notre Dame (or whoever Penn State's "rival" is)needs to go up there and start counting parking tickets and researching license plates! If they are committing minor violations, surely the whole program is corrupt.

6/21/2011 6:59:27 PM

All American
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they're obviously joking even though that last comment is pretty stupid, as it's implying that there is no reason those things happened at UNC

6/21/2011 7:03:03 PM

oh we back
25224 Posts
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Quote :
"The free tutoring charges are ridiculous. The "failure to adequately monitor social networking activity" charge is ridiculous. Actually, most of the letter, including the Times New Roman font, is just ridiculous. Well done, NCAA. Well done."

Quote :
"# of ACC school officials/employees on the Infractions Committee - ZERO.

An associate commissioner of the SEC, however, is on the committee.


I'm sure the associate commish of the SEC is just dying to put UNC football in it's place....

Quote :
"Failure to monitor facebook??? Gimmie a break

8 of 9 allegations relate to individuals. Failure to monitor says nothing about Blake.

Remember, this is like an inditement; only presents the prosecutions side of the story. Look forward to seeing UNC's response.

Sounds like a few bad apples. Sorry pups, the Carolina Way is still in tact."

A few bad apples?

Multiple former players giving multiple current (at the time current) players shit, an asst head coach, a tutor who just happened to be employed by the head coach...a "few bad apples" is an understatement

[Edited on June 21, 2011 at 8:51 PM. Reason : ]

6/21/2011 8:42:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Sorry pups, the Carolina Way is still in tact."

yeah, there's a 42 page short story about it that everyone's talking about

6/21/2011 8:55:26 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :

Quote :
"in tact"

Quote :
"State fans are to stupid to know that this document tells us nothing that we, or anyone else, didnt already know."

6/21/2011 8:57:31 PM

oh we back
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6/21/2011 9:03:24 PM

All American
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funny... i am pretty sure no one knew the tutor paid off those parking tickets

deflect, deny and spin

6/21/2011 11:09:16 PM

7062 Posts
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wait, so Times New Roman is ridiculous now?

6/21/2011 11:29:22 PM

All American
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yea, they're probably a bunch of Helvetica fags

6/22/2011 1:36:11 AM

Brass Monkey
All American
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You can tell that that person never went to college. When I was at State all of my papers had to be in Times New Roman, or at least that was considered the standard font to use.

6/22/2011 7:33:10 AM

All American
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shit - that's because your prof was a dick and knew that TNR was smaller than arial

arial 12.5, 2.1 line spacing and 1.25" margins - vigorously footnoted....

6/22/2011 9:24:50 AM

oh we back
25224 Posts
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Quote :
"What constitutes a clean program ? Where is the dirt in our program ?

Recruiting violations ?
paying players ?
changing grades ?
covering up the violations of individual players/coaches ?
Obstucting the NCAA investigations ?

None of that occured. So please tell me where is the dirt ?

I had to read this post 2 or 3 times to make sure this wasn't sarcasm. To put the post in context, a previous poster was arguing that he wanted to run a "clean program"...this is the response to that.

And UNC did obstruct the investigation (how many times was the word "mislead" in the NOA?), UNC also failed to follow up on a report of possible violations by Chris Hawkins...not to mention having John Blake, a runner, on staff as well as the tutoring issues. But yeah, other than all that UNC is a clean program.

6/22/2011 11:41:09 AM

All American
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in response to the SI article that came out

Quote :
"Did that idiot even read the NOA. That reads as if he wrote it along time ago and was just waiting for the NOA to come out. To compare this to USC is absurd. I wish an agency like the NCAA regulated so called "writers". Morons like this wouldn't have a job. It is funny how "reporters" write articles on how coaches failed to monitor their programs when their is no monitoring in their industry. They can just write what they want and twist the facts as they see fit. It would be nice if Butch or UNC sued this hack."

Quote :
"Having Kurt Vonnegut write your paper on Kurt Vonnegut is cheating. interviewing Kurt Vonnegut for a paper on Kurt Vonnegut and taking his editorial advice may or may not be cheating. The Honor Court can make that determination, the NCAA not so much. Anyways, the players involved have been punished already (except for one)."

[Edited on June 22, 2011 at 12:04 PM. Reason : asdf]

6/22/2011 12:03:55 PM

15126 Posts
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^^ wtf, was that really said?

holy shit

6/22/2011 12:25:09 PM

All American
1991 Posts
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Quote :
"Why SHOULD we lose any scholarships?
-The 2 main prongs of the investigation (Blake and Wiley) were rogue, acted alone, and lied to UNC. No one else within the football program, aside from the players involved, was proven to have any knowledge of wrongdoing.
-The failure to monitor Social Media charge is weak and BS, even the NCAA hadn't set up specific guidelines due to the newness of the technology.
-The failure to monitor Hawkins is bogus, since he wasn't deemed an agent until after the fact.
-As far as the players go, we held them out immediately, and kicked the bad seeds off the team once we found out the truth.
The only possible liability we have IMHO, could be the Marvin Saunders/Nebraska possible calls to someone at UNC, and did we act on any information. If this was a criminal case against UNC, there would a ton of holes in the prosecution's case, that would probably lead to a "Not Guilty" verdict. Vacated wins and 1 year of probation SHOULD be the extent of any penalties. Any loss of schollarships would be beyond what our actual guilt calls for."

6/22/2011 2:52:55 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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Quote :
" If this was a criminal case against UNC"

You can stop there, IC dude

6/22/2011 3:03:29 PM

All American
3864 Posts
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Why SHOULD you lose any scholarships?

-The 2 main prongs of the investigation (Blake and Wiley) were agents who had unprecedented access to players for as long as they wanted, were on the payroll for an NFLPA agent, and committed infractions reported by a player but that were never followed up on by the institution who hired them.

-The failure to monitor Social Media charge is what got you into this mess in the first place, and a SECOND time once it was all over the first time

-As far as the players go, They accept tens of thousands of dollars in illegal benefits, cheated academically, and apparently were committing license plate fraud since '08

Plus all the other infractions in that NOA that I didn't mention.

6/22/2011 3:18:33 PM

oh we back
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Quote :
"if the second allegation is correct that Jennifer Wiley provided 142 hours of free tutoring to 9 student athletes, valued at more than $1,500., and this is a problem, then the NCAA has lost their minds...

not that she helped them cheat, mind you...

only that she helped them understand their school work better in a way that was not academically illegal...

but it's still an NCAA violation???!!!

I never thought I would write this, but for the first time I'm proud of UNC for having violated an NCAA regulation, that is if we can actually claim credit for Ms. Wiley's generosity...

one guy I've never been able to stomach is that guy Huggins who was coach of the Cincinnati Bobcats basketball team (now at his alma mater, WVa) who did not graduate a single student athlete in his 12 year tenure while coaching @ Cinci...

BTW, he was an academic ALL-AMERICAN himself during his undergrad days, go figure...

but the NCAA never sanctioned him for that...

and now they want to sanction us for this...

they have lost sight of the forest for the trees and now are no longer able to understand what their actual mission should be...

BIG KUDOS to you Jennifer Wiley, you are A-OK in my book..."

Quote :
"^^ wtf, was that really said?

holy shit"

Yes that was a direct quote from IC...copy and pasted. I couldn't believe it either

6/22/2011 4:12:18 PM

37776 Posts
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Jesusgoddamnchrist those faggots are stupid

6/22/2011 4:15:13 PM

oh we back
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It's not like Wiley made a few grammatical corrections...threw a few commas here and some periods there. She significantly altered papers for these players. And UNC fans are acting like that isn't cheating? That is academic dishonesty. I borrowed the following from a post on IC summarizing the academic issues:

Athlete A: Former tutor wrote conclusion paragraphs for 5 papers that were written by the athlete

Athlete B: Former tutor provided an outline and a thesis statement the athlete later used it to write a paper. Tutor also corrected grammar errors and added 4 sentences of content.

Athlete C: Former tutor created citation pages for 5 papers. Also corrected grammar and altered content on 3 of those.

The correcting grammar stuff is not a big deal in my book...but the other stuff is pretty significant. If my friend asks me to look over a paper for him (neither of us are student-athletes) and I proofread it, circle a few things that I notice are incorrect or need adjusting then that's one thing...But if I take his paper and literally write an entire new paragraph, do his citations for him, etc, then that is cheating. It doesn't matter if I'm a tutor or just his's still cheating. Your tutor is not supposed to do the work for you...she's supposed to help teach you how to do it yourself. Which is clearly not what was going on here.

[Edited on June 22, 2011 at 4:26 PM. Reason : ]

6/22/2011 4:25:25 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"if the second allegation is correct that Jennifer Wiley provided 142 hours of free tutoring to 9 student athletes, valued at more than $1,500., and this is a problem, then the NCAA has lost their minds...

not that she helped them cheat, mind you...

only that she helped them understand their school work better in a way that was not academically illegal...

but it's still an NCAA violation???!!!

I never thought I would write this, but for the first time I'm proud of UNC for having violated an NCAA regulation, that is if we can actually claim credit for Ms. Wiley's generosity..."

are you fucking kidding me

I want to just throttle this guy and shake the stupid out of him

6/22/2011 4:29:29 PM

37776 Posts
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Jennifer Wiley is a saint and a scholar.

6/22/2011 5:02:06 PM

Brass Monkey
All American
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She paid for a plane ticket for a player! WTF is wrong with these people? I never thought I would see this much stupidity in my life. The only thing more stupid that I've seen is a guy walking around for an entire week after having emergency osteomyelitis surgery instead of using his crutches, and then walking into the clinic complaining of pain and wanting a form signed. Dude seemed more concerned about his form than the possibility of having his foot amputated. FWIW he didn't seem all there mentally.

6/22/2011 5:15:38 PM

All American
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They also forget that she was HIRED PERSONALLY BY BUTCH DAVIS AS A "NANNY". God forbid you suggest that a 22 year old college girl doesn't normally pay for $1,800 worth of parking tickets, provide 142 hours of tutoring for free, or buy plane tickets for people other than their significant other...then you're just a no good ABCer.

Nope. She's just a 22 year old philanthropist with deep pockets. Nothing to see here.

Fuck Carolina.

6/22/2011 5:30:32 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"You don't fire the manager of Walmart because the assistant manager stole from the register."

you cant make this stuff up

6/22/2011 5:35:05 PM

All American
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It gets me excited, though, for the possibility of seeing Bitch Davis on the sidelines at Carter-Finley in the fall.

6/22/2011 5:36:31 PM

All American
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Don't forget about Wiley...

She was fired as a tutor from UNC in '08 i believe only to have Butch hire her in '09. The years might be wrong, it may be fired in '07 and hired by Butch in '08. However... who the hell can explain that that doesn't involve nefarious dirty dirty shenanigans?

6/22/2011 5:39:49 PM

Forgetful Jones
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I like the UNC fans on there whose mentality is "I'm going to stop reading sports articles and stop listening to sports radio since they all unfairly criticize this non-issue"

6/22/2011 5:52:22 PM

oh we back
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Maybe I'm totally biased, but I feel like if this stuff happened to us instead of UNC under TOB's watch (BD and TOB have similar records and came in at the same time so it seems like a fair comparison) we would be flipping out and demanding a new coach. It amazes me how many UNC fans think BD is some golden boy who will not only lead them out of this trouble, but lead them to a national title. BD is a solid coach...but he can be replaced

Edit: ^It's funny how they used to mock State fans who said the local media was so biased...and now they're saying the same thing..."they're just pushing an ABC agenda" lol.

From IC:
Quote :
"The NCAA has got to the be biggest organizational joke of all time."

They really don't think they've broken the rules?

[Edited on June 22, 2011 at 6:07 PM. Reason : ]

6/22/2011 5:56:58 PM

All American
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I agree, but to be fair, we're pretty fucking good at (deservedly) calling for coaches heads at this point.

6/22/2011 6:49:20 PM

oh we back
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^we've got plenty of experience, that's for sure.

6/22/2011 6:53:04 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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They are mesmerized by recruiting rankings and high draft picks, just like we were early in Amato's tenure. The only difference being much to their chagrin, Chuck was clean. Butch is one 3-8 season away from being completely abandoned by the entire fan base.

6/22/2011 7:11:56 PM

15126 Posts
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honestly if they had fired him before now it probably would have been worse for UNC...

6/22/2011 7:56:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Hey, someone actually GETS IT! Objective, rational - how refreshing!"

Quote :
"Michael Felder is a former college football player who still loves the game. He brings the same attention to detail, student of the game approach to his writing that he brought to the field as an undersized scrappy safety for the UNC Tar Heels."

6/22/2011 8:04:14 PM

All American
5087 Posts
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Ooh, look another uber-credible media outlet.

6/22/2011 8:32:34 PM

All American
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6/22/2011 9:05:48 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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hahha i won't say which one, but one of the moronic posts from IC mentioned was my IC alias. rather than the trolling state fan, i'm being the unbelievably retarded ignorant UNC homer.

6/22/2011 11:12:49 PM

Sup, Brahms
23935 Posts
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has to be the walmart one. that is just too perfect to come from a unc homer.

6/22/2011 11:33:03 PM

Thots and Prayers
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nope, actually it was on the previous page, i hit reply not realizing i was not on the last page in the thread.

6/22/2011 11:39:15 PM

68205 Posts
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it was the math one ... right?

6/22/2011 11:48:17 PM

Forgetful Jones
147732 Posts
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pretty sure his name is BobbyHeelital#1

6/22/2011 11:51:12 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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I used to follow the In The Bleachers guy on twitter until I realized (many, many months ago) that he is an idiot

6/23/2011 11:00:28 AM

All American
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what's so funny, yet hypocritica, is how any website with "bleacher" in it, they immediately discredit it, but since this one is blowing smoke up their butts its "credible" all the sudden and "someone gets it". losers

6/23/2011 11:04:47 AM

All American
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It's just confirmation bias, which everyone is guilty of, taken to the extreme.

6/23/2011 11:12:45 AM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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Saw this in Wilmington

6/23/2011 11:44:51 AM

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