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Tom Joad
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9/3/2005 6:21:53 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Wow, 67.3% of the population of New Orleans is black and somehow people are suprised that the majority of people stuck on rooftops are black.

9/3/2005 7:36:06 PM

All American
21682 Posts
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Did you know that 40% of the days people call in sick to work are either Mondays or Fridays? THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS!!!

9/3/2005 7:37:16 PM

279 Posts
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Poor Mike Myers- if you look closely his eyes veer off towards the side as if he was looking for some producer or something that was going to SAY SOMETHING!!

Very poor taste on behalf of Kenye West. It's fine to have an opinion, but that was not an appropriate forum to air it.

9/3/2005 8:53:09 PM

All American
8912 Posts
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Quote :
"Kris: It would have been nice to have OUR military here to deal with OUR problems"

wow, I never thought I would read a sentence like that coming from a liberal. a pacifist, no less.

[Edited on September 3, 2005 at 10:15 PM. Reason : wow]

9/3/2005 10:15:34 PM

4172 Posts
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9/3/2005 11:52:59 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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Quote :
"If they didn't get off of their asses and help themselves before, what makes you think they will do so during a disaster situation?"

My point is that disaster situations is kind of one of those things you pay the government to take care of for you, like roads or wars or such, if the government doesn't handle the situation properly it's not you that is to blame, it's the government in power.

Quote :
"wow, I never thought I would read a sentence like that coming from a liberal. a pacifist, no less."

I'm no pacifist, you confuse me with DG. I believe war has it's place in our society. Force is frequently the best way to solve intercontinental disputes. I believe WW2 was a completely just war, and one of the single best examples of good joining together to fight evil. Now I do support nationalistic disputes like WW1 or veitnam? Of course not, those are silly, as is whatever reason we are fighting in iraq for. I believe we pay the military to do us a service, not to serve haliburton or GWB or whatever the hell iraq is for, because it's certianly not doing us any good. What the military should be doing is keeping the stupid shits in line in New Orleans, not shooting up some religious fanatics in iraq Waco-style.

[Edited on September 4, 2005 at 1:55 AM. Reason : ]

9/4/2005 1:54:35 AM

All American
7167 Posts
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all you people of color out there need to cut whitey some slack.

9/4/2005 3:31:48 AM

All American
4727 Posts
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why did Nagin open up the superdome again, he had no food no cots, no water. But then I guess thats Bush's fault to. Nagin and Blanco are more to blame for this by not having any kind of emergency contingency plan. It would not have been impossible to start setting up a shelter in the Superdome on Saturday. Be Prepared its the Boy Scout motto and it applies to life everyday.

9/4/2005 12:44:32 PM

All American
7167 Posts
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How did the state spend all of it's security money?

9/4/2005 1:59:06 PM

All American
21682 Posts
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How did you get into college without learning when to use "its" instead of "it's"?

9/4/2005 2:01:03 PM

All American
6858 Posts
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Quote :
"TGD: It's funny hearing that comeback from you of all people, when teh L3ft was practically nutting themselves over Clinton's appointment of Madeleine Albright and it's demonstration of "how much he cares about women".

(as he was busy being unfaithful to his wife, but I digress...)"

I always amused, TGD, when you, in particular, go the route of pigeonholing me with "teh L3ft." But anyway...

Did you just prove my point? I think so.

Sometimes it doesn't matter how many black people, or in Clinton's case, how many women, someone has around them...their level of understanding of racism, prejudice, and gender inequality is really determined by their own actions.

9/4/2005 2:01:34 PM

39171 Posts
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what are bush's racist actions?

9/4/2005 2:20:54 PM

All American
1806 Posts
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Quote :
"^ The 20,000 or so people in the Superdome heeded the evacuation warnings."

you are an idiot...those people couldn't leave b/c they are too poor for gas money. They had no money to get out and many of them tried to borrow them but they couldn't. So watch the new for a minute and you will hear this..

[Edited on September 4, 2005 at 3:40 PM. Reason : .]

9/4/2005 3:13:28 PM

All American
8912 Posts
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Quote :
"Kay_Yow: I always amused, TGD, when you, in particular, go the route of pigeonholing me with "teh L3ft." But anyway..."

So are you telling me nothing along the lines of "President Clinton is great for women / cares about women / is committed to women / etc" has ever crossed your lips (or a pad of paper in front of you, or a computer screen)?

[Edited on September 4, 2005 at 3:21 PM. Reason : additions]

9/4/2005 3:21:11 PM

Tom Joad
72760 Posts
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Quote :
"your an idiot"

watch out for the dreaded "your/you're" response

9/4/2005 3:24:21 PM

All American
7167 Posts
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how about answering a question or contributing more to the discussion than "OMG you're so stupid because you don't give a shit about your post spellings and grammar!!!1"

don't be like nutlickr

9/4/2005 4:18:00 PM

All American
31058 Posts
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^^ with ^

ahahahah, this is so funny knowing marko's dry sense of humour

9/4/2005 4:23:45 PM

All American
7167 Posts
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I was mainly responding to my 2nd best post stalker, spookyjon.
It would be nice if someone could find how they spent the money they were given for security, because I'm too lazy to look it up for myself.

9/4/2005 4:27:19 PM

4838 Posts
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jesus, this is so fucking depressing and funny at the same time

I wonder wtf mike myers was thinking

9/4/2005 7:48:50 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"[quote]To understand why this national disgrace represents a "catastrophic failure" of this administration to deliver on the commitment it has made to the American people, it is important to understand why Michael Brown is rapidly becoming the scapegoat.

It is the Department of Homeland Security, working directly for the president, that should have been prepared to implement a comprehensive response plan for Katrina. It is the president, and only the president, who is empowered by Congress to invoke the extraordinary emergency measures required to allow the massive military and policing response so many observers believe is now necessary to establish a "safe and secure" environment in the storm-affected areas.

FEMA is not empowered to take either of these measures, no matter how many times TV's talking heads ask Michael Brown why not.

The most fundamental problems associated with this disaster are emergency communications, population evacuation, establishment of extraordinary security measures, establishment of entry and exit routes, establishment of refugee centers and provision of medical care, food and water resources. Most of these do not fall under FEMA's responsibility. Clearly, they would all have been necessary in response to a terrorist attack.

The only reasonable conclusion to draw from this debacle is that no such plan exists; that for four years the president and his administration have been playing lip service to his supposed No. 1 priority.

Instead of ensuring that the federal government was prepared to launch into action to protect the inhabitants of any major city subject to such devastation, precious time and resources in the Department of Homeland Security were wasted on infighting over budgets, organization and turf.

This is the true disgrace, one that is only exacerbated by the president's feeble gesture of appointing his father and former President Bill Clinton to generate private support for the victims.

What the victims needed was a swift, coordinated, comprehensive federal response ordered by the president and implemented by a Department of Homeland Security fully prepared for such a task.

It is not President Bush who should be angry; it is the American people who should be. The "anger buck" should stop on this president's desk.

Corn is a professor at South Texas COllege of Law. He retired from the Army as a lietenant colonel after serving 21 years."[/quote]

9/4/2005 8:39:14 PM

All American
5364 Posts
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That is spot on.

This issue goes well beyond the race politics and, even, the "Hurricane planning" agenda for our federal disaster relief agencies.

Folks, the simple fact is that Katrina was very much like a terrorist act. It is certainly within the realm of possibility that terrorists can and will blow up major "weak link" facets of our infrastructure.

What, for instance, stops al Qaeda from blowing up levees? And in that situation, you can bet we would not have a week of advance warning that it'll happen.

It seems fairly obvious to me that, quite simply, we have not advanced one iota in our ability to respond to terrorism since 9/11. Not one bit.

9/4/2005 9:55:50 PM

All American
16056 Posts
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Quote :
"How did you get into college without learning when to use "its" instead of "it's"?"

This is NCSU were talking about here, not freakin Yale.

9/4/2005 10:55:20 PM

All American
8912 Posts
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Quote :
"Smoker4: What, for instance, stops al Qaeda from blowing up levees?"

I was thinking the exact same thing watching all this news coverage. You can bet it's been added to Osama's list of options by now...

9/4/2005 11:02:59 PM

All American
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9/4/2005 11:06:37 PM

All American
17913 Posts
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The lessons of 9/11 must not be forgotten...

9/4/2005 11:10:43 PM

All American
10892 Posts
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We dare the rest of those damn hurricanes to come get some. Yeah! Bring 'em on!

9/4/2005 11:24:17 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Jimmy Breslin

September 4, 2005

This is a review of the performance of George W. Bush in tight times in this nation. It might explain the single solitary most catastrophic collapse of American government in all of our times. Mark ye well. This was the week when we turned a major American city into Haiti, and racism put its hand out and started to choke a nation, and it may not let go.

With the water coming from the sky and the bottom of the sea, driving with such ferocity that a major American city, New Orleans, followed its face into the water, George W. Bush was at North Island in Coronado, Calif., speaking to a blindingly white audience of 9,000 sailors in uniform.

At the hour, blacks were drowning in New Orleans. Blacks pushed through water that was up to their chests and was thick with the rawest sewage of a major city. Blacks were on rooftops begging to live. Wherever cameras swept, the only thing that was white was a towel being waved by a black woman begging for help, while the tiny black legs of a baby dangled from her shoulder.

Bush was in white Coronado to speak to a military audience on the anniversary of V-J Day.

Get those sailors in their whites clapping.

He barely seemed to understand there was a hurricane for the first three days. He was in Coronado, outside San Diego, and in his speech, he managed to mention New Orleans, by saying that people should not return to their homes until rescue crews could do their work.

Nobody had to be told not to return to their homes because they don't have homes to return to, and no bus fare to go anywhere.

He then told Americans to send donations to the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. How marvelous! His administration sends billions and billions of tax money to his personal war in Iraq to shoot up Fallujah for the third or fourth time since he started the war with his lies, and now he wants everybody to go out on the street and give forty dollars to hurricane charity.

Bush's style is to be nowhere if things that carry a bit of fear happen. During Vietnam, he kept all dental appointments.

For the World Trade Center attack, he first froze in a classroom in Florida. Then he flew off in his plane for long hours.

Three days later, he got to New York where a flunkie placed a retired firefighter, Bob Beckwith from Long Island, alongside him atop a truck. Then Bush called out a football dressing room speech over a bullhorn.

This week, he spoke in Coronado with the carrier Ronald Reagan parked in the background. This was his sixth visit to San Diego as president.

In May 2003 Bush landed on the carrier Abraham Lincoln in the waters off San Diego. He wore a green flight suit, with a helmet under his arm. Why shouldn't he look like this? He was an American warrior. He changed into a business suit and spoke in front of a banner proclaiming, "Mission Accomplished."

There have been nearly 1,800 bodies in boxes returned from Iraq since then.

Friday, showing up on the fifth day of a national tragedy, Bush made a little humorous aside about the times he was in New Orleans celebrating too much. Beautiful! If he tried to walk fifty yards he could have tripped over somebody's dead black grandmother under a blanket.

How do you like it? How do you like having a president who at a time like this reminisces about getting drunk in New Orleans? White boy with Daddy's money roaring at Mardi Gras in a town black for the rest of the year.

If whites were in trouble in New Orleans, trust that his government would have been there early and the aid massive.

This racism, which is at the bottom of everything in America, makes it only natural for Bush and his people to talk about turning to Rudolph Giuliani to save New Orleans as he supposedly saved New York after the World Trade Center attack.

In New York, Giuliani did nothing but go on television. That's all he did and all he ever can do. Beautiful! There are television cameras in New Orleans. And just as Bush, Giuliani doesn't want many blacks near him. If more than two blacks entered City Hall, he called for snipers. Giuliani doesn't even have a show black like Condoleezza Rice, who bought shoes in Ferragamo in Manhattan this week.

Bush got found out this week and he needs his own rescue. Assure Giuliani that he could run for president if he does the job. As New York found, he can do nothing good about anything. That doesn't matter. Without somebody in front, Bush stands there, uncovered, without an American flag draped around him, as the most incompetent president we've ever had. ",0,6395030.column?coll=ny-news-columnists

[Edited on September 9, 2005 at 12:19 PM. Reason :,0,6395030.column?coll=ny-news-columnists]

9/9/2005 12:16:58 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"Giuliani doesn't even have a show black like Condoleezza Rice, who bought shoes in Ferragamo in Manhattan this week."

So the guy who calls the secretary of state a "show black" is calling GWB a racist?

9/9/2005 12:23:01 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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its funny
kanye said this a week ago
and bush still hasn't disputed it

9/9/2005 12:28:36 PM

All American
14033 Posts
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When they want a rapper to talk to the public on something why can't they get someone like Common.

9/9/2005 3:10:17 PM

All American
9317 Posts
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find me one rapper that would say "George Bush loves black people"

that would be ha-ha-hilarious

9/9/2005 3:11:35 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Time for GWB to put out his own album dissing Kanye. This could become one of the greatest rap feuds ever.

9/9/2005 3:21:41 PM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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bigger than East Coast vs. West Coast?

9/9/2005 5:36:51 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"in 2004 the FEMA cavalry was roaming all over Florida, including parts almost completely untouched by the hurricanes, such as Miami-Dade County. Within weeks of Hurricane Frances hitting the Florida coast, 19,500 residents of Miami-Dade applied for disaster relief. FEMA quickly approved 9,000 of the claims and set aside $28.9 million in tax-free grants to help them rebuild.

But rebuild from what? Frances never hit Miami-Dade. Locally, top sustained winds the day the storm struck only reached 47 mph and did minimal damage to just a handful of buildings. Just 5 percent of county residents even lost power, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, which uncovered FEMA's unusual largess. The newspaper reported that within two days of Frances' arrival FEMA officials knew Miami-Dade had been unscathed, and yet the checks soon flowed into the county. "They were just doling out this money like it was Christmas," a spokeswoman for Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Fla., told the Sun-Sentinel. (Eventually, 14 Miami-Dade residents who received assistance were indicted on fraud charges.)

The irony was that when he took over the relief agency in 2001, Allbaugh testified before Congress that he was worried FEMA had evolved into "an oversized entitlement program." But with an election looming in 2004, there appeared to be little concern about Bush's FEMA being too generous with relief funds.

The Miami-Dade financial windfall came courtesy of President Bush who, following the request of his brother, declared the county a disaster area as the hurricane began to strike the coast. But Miami-Dade officials never even asked for disaster designation, for a very simple reason: Frances came ashore 120 miles to the north.

The federal government's extreme generosity wasn't restricted to Miami-Dade. In 2004 an aide to Gov. Bush reported back to him that FEMA was handing out housing assistance "to everyone who needs it without asking for much information of any kind." As the Sun-Sentinel reported, "Even state officials were surprised at how quickly money flowed to Florida. The day after Hurricane Charley hit the west coast, the state's labor chief, Susan Pareigis, asked for a federal grant for unemployment assistance for storm victims. Four days later, U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao 'was down personally' to award the money, Pareigis wrote in an Aug. 24 e-mail to the governor. 'Please express our sincere thank you for such an instantaneous response.'" "

9/9/2005 11:32:41 PM

483 Posts
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I'm just curious. People are blaming Bush for the less forunate being left behind. But according to 20/20 tonite...there were hundreds of buses waiting to be commanded to come and get people yet the governor held off on that idea. Why is it that when something happens in this country we blame the president when it wasn't his fault? Someone under him screwed this up. Not to mention the mayor of New Orleans waited to late to do anything and evacuate people as well. The governor is also at fault once more. Louisana gets more funding than any other state, yet they decided to use that money not to fix the levy but to do other things with it. If this was such a big deal, it should have been priority #1. If anyone is going to blame the president, get better evidence than saying it's always his fault.

[Edited on September 9, 2005 at 11:49 PM. Reason : .]

[Edited on September 9, 2005 at 11:50 PM. Reason : ..]

9/9/2005 11:44:34 PM

All American
6256 Posts
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thats an excellent point that is very overlooked by the far-left

[Edited on September 9, 2005 at 11:54 PM. Reason : .]

9/9/2005 11:47:53 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Nagin orders mandatory evacuation in face of Katrina

10:11 AM CDT on Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mayor Ray Nagin ordered a mandatory evacuation of the city of New Orleans in the face of Category-5 Katrina which was expected to make a direct strike on the city early Monday.

Nagin said that the predicted tidal surges and heavy rains could mean widespread flooding and power outages that could last for some time.

The order extends to everyone in the city of New Orleans with the following exceptions: Essential military and law enforcement personnel from the city and state, regulated utilities employees, essential members of the media, hospital employees and their patients, medical personnel, Criminal Sheriff's personnel and inmates and hotels and their patrons.

Nagin said the city could and would commandeer any property or vehicle it deemed necessary to provide safe shelter or transport for those in need.

He also opened the Louisiana Superdome as a shelter of last resort that would begin accepting people around Noon. He said the Dome would have few supplies and that people were expected to bring food and other necessary items. RTA buses were going to be sent to pick up those going to shelters at designated pickup points.

Nagin discouraged staying in the Superdome, saying that people would not have access to power and possibly plumbing.

His pickup spots were:

Martin Luther King Elementary.

William Franz Elementary.

Warren Easton High School.

Israel Augustine School.

McMain Magnet School.

Sylvanie Williams Elementary School.

Rabouin School.

Arthur Mondy in Algiers.

O. Perry Walker High School.

Abramson High School.

Sara T. Reed School

New Orleans Mission

Does anyone see a problem with the following 2 statements?

Quote :
"First Responders Urged Not To Respond To Hurricane Impact Areas Unless Dispatched By State, Local Authorities

Release Date: August 29, 2005
Release Number: HQ-05-174

WASHINGTON D.C. -- Michael D. Brown, Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response and head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), today urged all fire and emergency services departments not to respond to counties and states affected by Hurricane Katrina without being requested and lawfully dispatched by state and local authorities under mutual aid agreements and the Emergency Management Assistance Compact.

“The response to Hurricane Katrina must be well coordinated between federal, state and local officials to most effectively protect life and property,” Brown said. “We appreciate the willingness and generosity of our Nation’s first responders to deploy during disasters. But such efforts must be coordinated so that fire-rescue efforts are the most effective possible.”

The U.S. Fire Administration, part of FEMA, asks that fire and emergency services organizations remain in contact with their local and state emergency management agency officials for updates on requirements in the affected areas.

“It is critical that fire and emergency departments across the country remain in their jurisdictions until such time as the affected states request assistance,” said U.S. Fire Administrator R. David Paulison. “State and local mutual aid agreements are in place as is the Emergency Management Assistance Compact and those mechanisms will be used to request and task resources needed in the affected areas.”

Paulison said the National Incident Management System is being used during the response to Hurricane Katrina and that self-dispatching volunteer assistance could significantly complicate the response and recovery effort.

FEMA prepares the nation for all hazards and manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, trains first responders, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003. "

Quote :
"BATON ROUGE—Today Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco forwarded a letter to President Bush requesting that he declare an emergency for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina. The full text of the letter follows:

August 27, 2005

The President
The White House
Washington, D. C.

Regional Director
FEMA Region VI
800 North Loop 288
Denton, Texas 76209

Dear Mr. President:

Under the provisions of Section 501 (a) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5121-5206 (Stafford Act), and implemented by 44 CFR § 206.35, I request that you declare an emergency for the State of Louisiana due to Hurricane Katrina for the time period beginning August 26, 2005, and continuing. The affected areas are all the southeastern parishes including the New Orleans Metropolitan area and the mid state Interstate I-49 corridor and northern parishes along the I-20 corridor that are accepting the thousands of citizens evacuating from the areas expecting to be flooded as a result of Hurricane Katrina.

In response to the situation I have taken appropriate action under State law and directed the execution of the State Emergency Plan on August 26, 2005 in accordance with Section 501 (a) of the Stafford Act. A State of Emergency has been issued for the State in order to support the evacuations of the coastal areas in accordance with our State Evacuation Plan and the remainder of the state to support the State Special Needs and Sheltering Plan."

9/10/2005 12:32:23 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Do the Math

From: Republicans Table
One of the Republicans' main Katrina talking points is that the local N.O. gov't was primarily at fault for unnecessary deaths as they did not evacuate everyone. They often intone this while showing dozens of flooded Orleans Parish school buses that they believe stand as a silent indictment of Mayor Ray Nagin.

Sep 09, 2005 -- 03:51:04 AM EST
Last night, while flipping channels, I stopped on Fox 'News' and watched as Newt Gingrich was interviewed on Hannity and Colmes. Gingrich did his part and opined that the Mayor Ray Nagin and the city government of N.O. had been negligent in not evacuating everyone since Nagin knew 'days in advance' that the hurricane was coming. 'Days in advance?' You wonder if Newt's ever dealt personally with the reality of preparing for a hurricane.

You always know 'days in advance' that a hurricane's coming -- you just don't know where it's going to land. New Orleans was at the center of the projected landfall area early on -- but nearly every Gulf hurricane aims at New Orleans initially -- it was only Saturday that it began to look seriously like landfall at N.O. On Sunday, Katrina was beefed up and it looked even more ominous for N.O. As we all know, the 'mandatory' evacuation was called late Sunday morning.

So it's clear that Nagin did not have 'days' to evacuate. In fact, Katrina was not even strong enough to seriously consider evacuation until Saturday. She came ashore some 48 hours later. But why not evacuate everybody anyway? There was never a plan to evacuate the sick and infirm -- 'special needs' people is what they called them in the emergency preparedness meetings I attended -- and there was never, NEVER a plan to evacuate them before a storm. They were to be 'sheltered in place' and then evacuated after the storm passed. (I know this as I was one of the 'lucky' few who would remain behind with them.) For many of these people, the act of evacuation alone can be life threatening and many needed to be evacuated to health care facilities. Most health care facilities simply cannot take a major influx of patients without substantial preparation.

But leave the sick aside -- what about all the able-bodied poor? Why not get them out? Well, we're not talking about a handful of people. In N.O., this group numbered at least 100,000 souls. They, too, needed somewhere to go -- just getting out of the city could have been deadly since no hurricane just stops once it comes ashore.

Katrina was no different. She plowed inland and remained a Category 2 hurricane all the way to Hattiesburg, MS -- 111 miles from N.O. It was still at or near Cat 1 when it hit Meridian, MS, nearly 200(!) miles from New Orleans. Katrina left devastation in her wake throughout south and central Mississippi and many, even as far north as Jackson, remain, today, without essential services like water and electricity (my sister, who lives in Hattiesburg, only today had power restored.) Evacuating from the city without getting out of the path of the storm would have been as cruel and possibly even more deadly than not evacuating at all.

But, hey, let's imagine that there was a safe place to evacuate 100,000 people with little or no means to support themselves. Just what would it take to accomplish that? Well, a few simple calculations show that, even with all those flooded school buses, it might have been an insurmountable task. If you assume 100,000 people with 24 hours to evacuate (which, in the case of Katrina, was actually less than 20) you would have to average nearly 4200 people evacuated per hour. Large school buses hold about 75 passengers. That means you'd need over 2600 buses -- BIG buses. End to end they would comprise a line of buses 20 miles long! And, of course, 2600 bus drivers -- drivers that were simply not available according to reports I've heard (using inexperienced drivers may have been as dangerous as just staying put -- driving a bus is not like tooling around in your Honda -- it is a skill unto itself.) As a practical matter, say it took 30 minutes to load a bus, you would have to load close to 100 buses simultaneously, continuously, hour after hour to even begin to get out of town and beat the storm.

What about just making round trips with fewer buses? Not really an option since all the interstates out of the city were operating under 'contra-flow' so all lanes, north- and south-bound, were north-bound only. Returning vehicles would have been like spawning salmon swimming against the tide. The resulting traffic snarl would have been horrendous.

The math just doesn't work. There is no practical, real-world way, given the typical time allowed by an approaching storm and the geographic challenges of New Orleans, to evacuate 100,000 people who cannot provide their own means of transportation. The emergency prep guys in the area knew it and it was obvious to anyone familiar with the demographics of Orleans Parish. I sat through many emergency prep meetings in New Orleans and it was the 'elephant in the room' that nobody really talked about. The official response to a Cat 4 or higher storm was to evacuate -- when they'd say that, some of us would just look at each other and shake our heads. We knew -- and they knew -- it just wasn't plausible.

Post-storm evacuation would be the the only way to go for many low income, as well as ill, residents and we knew that we would be depending on outside help for that. If I had been in my old job in Metairie last Monday, I would have been on top of my hospital searching the skies for those rescue choppers. What we didn't know was how long the wait, and how inadequate that outside help, would be. Our disaster planning did not take into consideration one major threat -- the nonchalant incompetence of the Bush Administration. "

9/10/2005 12:33:01 AM

All American
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noone has bothered to refute claims that GWB doesnt care about his bretheren of colour.

9/10/2005 12:42:10 AM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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maybe because there's no point in doing so? why address a stupid claim made by a stupid person who has been brainwashed into thinking that the democratic party is the salvation of blacks everywhere?

9/10/2005 12:49:20 AM

All American
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well, what did bush ever do to make them think otherwise?

9/10/2005 12:50:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
"People are blaming Bush for the less forunate being left behind"

And there goes the "No Child Left Behind" policy

9/10/2005 1:02:29 AM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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^^ what could he have done? Why waste your time if you can't win anyway? Why not just do your god damned job and not pander to whining cry-babies?

9/10/2005 1:06:56 AM

All American
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9/10/2005 1:07:13 AM

All American
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^^yeah, why waste our time in iraq?

9/10/2005 1:08:37 AM

All American
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why doesnt kanye also feel the need to call out democrats who are, or who he could perceive to be racist?

9/10/2005 2:28:12 AM

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maybe because there's no point in doing so? why address a stupid claim made by a stupid person who has been brainwashed into thinking that the democratic party is the salvation of blacks everywhere?

aaronburro-you are my hero.

[Edited on September 10, 2005 at 1:21 PM. Reason : .]

9/10/2005 1:20:31 PM

All American
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9/10/2005 1:21:27 PM

Tom Joad
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9/10/2005 1:22:07 PM

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