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All American
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^ Prolly because it doesnt have enough power to put out any real heat

I dont have fall of man.... i think i am going to get call of duty 3 instead.

12/16/2006 5:40:18 PM

37709 Posts
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My friend works in Target and the PS3 there went to shit too.

12/16/2006 6:19:45 PM

All American
1185 Posts
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It is prolly in a very similar tight space just like best buy..... again out of all the people i know that actualy have a ps3 they have not had any real problems.

12/16/2006 6:22:33 PM

Zinc Saucier
18944 Posts
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Give it a couple of months.

12/16/2006 6:41:35 PM

All American
9126 Posts
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hahahahah someone just got fucked!

12/18/2006 4:16:32 PM

All American
5933 Posts
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^Similar to the guy buying the 360 box a year back.

12/18/2006 4:19:21 PM

All American
8438 Posts
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I saw a ps3 in a wal-mart today

to bad I was going to find a wii

12/18/2006 4:57:37 PM

Sugar Avi
278 Posts
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i have been trying to get a hold of one of these damn things forever for a gift...ahh
suprised you saw one today. but its prolly better to wait a few months and let whatever problems get worked out anyway i guess.
i heard it was awesome tho.

12/18/2006 7:22:44 PM

All American
9700 Posts
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^you heard wrong

12/18/2006 7:26:37 PM

Sugar Avi
278 Posts
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do you have one?

12/18/2006 7:29:27 PM

All American
9700 Posts
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thankfully no, seeing it crashed in 3 different locations and seeing no noticeable difference in graphics between it and x360 persuaded me not to buy one. sony's handling of various situations since launch has further convinced me to avoid ps3 like the bubonic plague. maybe when they have a "slim ps3" i'll get one once all the bugs are worked out, there are good games with greatest hit prices, and they aren't shooting themselves in the foot to "increase demand" by losing market share.

it's a dangerous war because sony has made two large gambles with ps3 and blu-ray being so dependent on each other with their launch times and cross promotion. everyone who i've talked to personally, as in not fan boys and people who will give their honest opinion, were gravely disappointed in the ps3. it's no coincidence that EVERY major gaming publication has ranked the wii higher than the ps3. just my 2 cents though.

12/18/2006 7:36:34 PM

Sugar Avi
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its just one of those things that is always going to have two sides, the few people i know who have one love it. im sure its gonna have problems but i guess id still get it cause it would be for someone who is a big gamer and stays with from what i hear all games have sucks

12/18/2006 7:41:04 PM

17377 Posts
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i still haven't had any crashes yet.

i really wanted a wii. i still really want a wii. there are ps3s freakin everywhere but not one damn wii (in stores).

12/18/2006 8:20:01 PM

All American
17605 Posts
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CC in Cary got 10 in tonight. I think we have 6 left right now

12/18/2006 8:40:45 PM

Mr E Nigma
All American
5450 Posts
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I cant get one til friday when I get my bonus. You should save me a 20 gb and ill give you some Bojangles. haha.

12/18/2006 8:46:20 PM

All American
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Do any of you know people that OWN a ps3 and it crashes all the time? I don't think using the demos at Best Buy really count

12/18/2006 9:56:45 PM

All American
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^2 of my friends have ps3s that crash a lot and they are anal in how well they take care of things.

the demo unit at eb games has fans built into it, with 2 ADDED fans just for the ps3 due to the heat it puts still crashes like crazy and is usually turned off so they don't have to deal with the hassle.

12/18/2006 10:00:54 PM

All American
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well damn, that sucks then

12/18/2006 11:19:05 PM

17377 Posts
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Quote :
"i still haven't had any crashes yet."

12/19/2006 7:44:25 AM

All American
1185 Posts
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Quote :
""i still haven't had any crashes yet.""

I had crash on the first day when I put it on top of my hot reciever but it is now 1 month without a single crash

12/19/2006 8:10:45 AM

Art Vandelay
45166 Posts
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i'm waiting till the prices come down, gonna get a wii though fo' sho

12/19/2006 10:03:43 AM

All American
1047 Posts
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i'm just glad i unloaded my $50 preorder for $400 before the bottom fell out.


12/19/2006 10:06:18 AM

no u
103352 Posts
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sweet, i won one of the claim codes for a PS3 off of amazon


12/19/2006 10:06:53 AM

All American
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MOODY, I think you are full of shit. I've had mine since launch and no problems. I know a lot of people that have them as well and don't have any problems. I haven't seen anyone in any forums that actually have a PS3 say they have had a problem with their unit either. This is all just shit spin to hurt its reputation.

and don't go judging how the graphics are worse on this thing just yet. It is barely a month old now. Wait until some more games come out to make that judgement. Remember how shitty the graphics were on the 360 when it came out? I would say they were worse, but now they are really damn good. Read some previews on Motorstorm. IGN reviewer stated it was "The most technically advanced game I've ever played." That says something to me, especially since its just an arcade racer.

12/19/2006 11:52:05 AM

All American
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^la dee fucking da, neither me or any of my friends have had problems on 360 but i don't call bullshit when i hear of others' problems, get over it

12/19/2006 12:16:04 PM

All American
9700 Posts
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^^go to eb games and ask them about their ps3 hotshot. dead or alive 4, need for speed and perfect dark all look better than any ps3 games and they were launch titles for 360. just because you made a bad investment doesn't mean you have to get all worked up. google ps3 problems since it is so flawless.

12/19/2006 1:59:01 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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I'm getting a WII, and hoping blu ray doesn't blow up

12/19/2006 2:44:10 PM

The Stubby
7781 Posts
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Quote :
"IGN reviewer stated it was "The most technically advanced game I've ever played." That says something to me, especially since its just an arcade racer."

hate to tell you but this doesn't mean anything about graphics.

12/19/2006 2:50:35 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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xbox fanboys are so pathetic

12/19/2006 4:23:06 PM

All American
4763 Posts
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sam's club in fayetteville had 15 of them as of about 10 minutes ago. they said they weren't advertising, don't know if thats the case everywhere or just here.

12/19/2006 4:55:35 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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i'll be getting mine in a week or two

12/19/2006 4:55:53 PM

All American
2042 Posts
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Quote :
"xbox fanboys are so pathetic"

so are ps3 and wii fanboys.

i don't have any allegiance. just pick the system that's best for you and shut the fuck up.

12/19/2006 5:23:37 PM

All American
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i think it's important to note that telling others of your personal experience and people you know and their experiences doesn't make anyone a fanboy. all of the people i know, or have talked to with ps3s HAVE had problems. that doesn't mean that everyone has or will, but it's enough to keep me from buying a system.

12/19/2006 5:27:27 PM

The Stubby
7781 Posts
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Quote :
"xbox fanboys are so pathetic"

12/19/2006 5:52:01 PM

All American
4640 Posts
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getting cheaper

12/19/2006 10:28:11 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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shipped today

12/20/2006 11:44:41 AM

All American
5596 Posts
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Quote :
"gravely disappointed in the ps3"

I'm not surprised given that Sony was in an awkward business position. They were cornered into doing an early release to meet the holiday season. Otherwise, they probably would have stalled a little longer so they could build up their library and get all the hardware kinks worked out.

As for launch titles, the PS3 is supposed to be a much more difficult system to code for. I'd give them another year or two so that development houses can build up some experience with the hardware and start producing better titles. Then we can start making more serious comparisons.

What's sad is that Sony has basically bet their entire company on this machine.

12/20/2006 12:58:43 PM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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I am buying one as soon as I can find one for 550 or less

12/20/2006 1:00:29 PM

All American
2427 Posts
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Well there's a fine line I think between graphics and the physics that are possible on the machine. There is no doubting at this point that the PS3 is capable of having way more things going on at a given time than any other console based on the cell technology and the mutiple processors. Just a small taste of this is the glass in Resistence. breaking glass is completely physics based, and its really pretty cool. MotorStorm is going to utilize a lot of this, and it's going to be pretty sweet.

And I think classifying someone as a fanboy is as simple as seeing how angry they get when someone disagrees with their view's on a system, like you Moody. You get your panties all in a wad when anyone says anything negative about the 360, or anything positive about the PS3. Its really sad man, get a life.

So you're not smart enough to tell that there seems to be a problem with ALL the PS3s that were in cases for demo purposes in retail stores (EB Games, Best Buy, etc.) and no or few problems with those that have them in their home not inside a case. Also, look at the demo's in Target that are kept in the store cases, not the little case containing only the PS3. Maybe you can see a patern there.

I'm just saying don't keep yourself from buying one of these because MOODY tells you it stinks and it breaks and what not. He doesn't even have one. Base your decision on what kind of games you want, and want added features are important to you, etc. If you're a pretty casual gamer and just want to play multiplatform games and don't care about Bluray, get a 360. If you want to be able to play Halo3, the new Fable, Gears, etc. get 360. if you want to play Metal Gear, FF games, etc get a PS3.

I got a PS3 because Resistence is really fun, I really like Metal Gear Solid, and deep down I think there will be a new Twisted Metal game. I also got a new 1080p HD tv and want to enjoy bluray discs, so its all there for me. I also hate paying for subscription services, so having free online play is a bonus to me as well.

Any choice you make will be a good one in my opinion. Both are fantastic consoles.

12/20/2006 1:36:40 PM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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Does anyone know where to get the PS3 Blu Ray remote? I havnt seen it for sale anywhere, but the intarweb says is should have come out on the 17th of Decem.

12/20/2006 2:16:53 PM

All American
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^^dude...if you don't work for sony, you should because you are the only one getting worked up about this. i fall into the group of consumers who are hesitant to spend $700 on a questionable system. there are surely lots of people happy with the ps3, but at that price point it better be worth it. i had a 3do when they were $800 but there was nothing like that then. i agree with the previous post about giving ps3 some time bc once developers master it, it will be a more feasible purchase. until then you can get a core 360, a wii, and a ps2 for the same price. once there are lots of good games, bluray vs. hd dvd is decided, and the hardware issues are fixed...i'll def. get a ps3.

[Edited on December 20, 2006 at 2:24 PM. Reason : .]

12/20/2006 2:22:42 PM

All American
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^you owned a 3DO?? And you're trying to tell us the PS3 is a piece of junk....

On another note: I love my PS3, I've been enjoying the hell out of it (especially the FREE online gaming). However, this did not stop me from picking up a Wii the other day. I'm not opening it until Christmas though, just for the hell of it.

12/20/2006 2:37:26 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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I like how you emphasized FREE in the online gaming segment

As if the abortion of online support you're suffering through the justify your 600 dollars shat out even compares to the enjoyment I get out of LIVE.

12/20/2006 3:34:31 PM

147487 Posts
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Quote :
"As if the abortion of online support you're suffering through"


12/20/2006 3:38:40 PM

All American
4248 Posts
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^^poor SandSanta, did I strike a nerve?

I can play games... and uh... play games... It does everything an online gaming service should. Oh, and did I mention it's FREE??

12/20/2006 4:14:40 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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my cable guy had to send his back allready

12/20/2006 4:26:41 PM

All American
27139 Posts
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^^ i think the point is that the XBL system is very fleshed out and well done and is only about 2 bucks a month.

12/20/2006 4:32:15 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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i'm trying to figure out where on the sony site i can buy an extended warranty

[Edited on December 20, 2006 at 4:38 PM. Reason : i can find the prices and shit but no way to add to cart]

12/20/2006 4:32:44 PM

All American
9700 Posts
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Quote :
"^you owned a 3DO?? And you're trying to tell us the PS3 is a piece of junk.... "

1. at the time there was no system that had the capabilities as the 3do and we had lots of fun with it (and still have it).

2. i never said the ps3 was a piece of junk, but it isn't worth buying at the moment because for every game out on ps3, there is a better, similar game on xbox 360, wii or ps2

12/20/2006 4:46:53 PM

All American
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You payed 600$ so you could be the first person to play poor 360 ports.

But Resistance Fall of man!!111!11!!!

el oh el.

12/20/2006 4:54:40 PM

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