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All American
14538 Posts
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oh know someone call the cops

11/15/2007 12:47:19 AM

All American
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each new thread by hooksaw redefines hilarity.

11/15/2007 12:49:15 AM

All American
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^ So, you have nothing to offer on the topic either, narcissistic praise hound?

11/15/2007 12:52:28 AM

All American
25609 Posts
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i'm in degeneration X

11/15/2007 12:53:24 AM

All American
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Well the bulk of my response was the sarcastic "WHIPPER SNAPPERS" response.

Every generation thinks the following generation sucks.

A) clumping generations together is stupid. It'd be just as constructive to discuss the traits of libras or geminis.

B) Even if I were to paint with a ridiculously broad brush, I don't see anything inherently wrong with this generation.

The examples given seem pretty far-fetched. As a 1982 birth, I haven't seen any of this crap.

Sure, we're blooming later. This is a trend that certainly didn't start with us.

11/15/2007 12:53:58 AM

All American
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fuck their generalizations.

and if there's any truth to this column, it's not the fault of the targeted demographic... ironic as that may be.

but honestly nobody is going to read that and say "oh yeah, thats me, i'm just like that." EVERYONE'S going to talk about how they hate people like that.

well, hell, i'll be the first to fess up

this article describes me to a T.

11/15/2007 12:54:03 AM

All American
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^^^ Got that on first page.

^^ So, did 60 Minutes just make it all up? According to the report, the shortcomings of "Millennials" are common knowledge among today's hiring officials.

^ Your honesty is refreshing.

[Edited on November 15, 2007 at 12:58 AM. Reason : .]

11/15/2007 12:54:36 AM

147487 Posts
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lol god what a lame

11/15/2007 1:07:18 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The sting in any rebuke is the truth."

--Benjamin Franklin

11/15/2007 1:19:48 AM

147487 Posts
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"you honesty is refreshing" no homo

11/15/2007 1:20:42 AM

3 of 11
All American
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11/15/2007 1:23:23 AM

All American
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^ I've seen that before--it's a great cartoon. But it doesn't directly address the report at issue.

For the record, I never indicated that other generations--including mine--don't have shortcomings. All generations do. But the topic for this thread is the so-called Millennials. Are the criticisms--and the praise--valid or not? If not, why not?

11/15/2007 1:31:12 AM

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11/15/2007 4:18:06 AM

All American
10504 Posts
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I'm labeled as a GenX'er, however I have no problem with the workplace being a better place for people to be. fuck yeah I definately want shit to be about me, and I'm going to do what's good for me.

11/15/2007 7:27:39 AM

All American
14657 Posts
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Quote :
"^ So, you have nothing to offer on the topic either, narcissistic praise hound? "

yeah, i do have something to offer: go fuck yourself.

11/15/2007 7:43:47 AM

no u
103352 Posts
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so much FAIL in this thread

11/15/2007 8:44:09 AM

All American
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I was born in 83, and I'm definitely nothing like that. I haven't won a single trophy my entire life and I don't really understand all this coddling crap. I come to work, get my work done in a reasonable amount of time, and that's it. And also, just about everyone I went to school with ... be it college or high school ... had some kind of crappy job. When I graduated in May, I think I knew one guy total who had never had a job before.

11/15/2007 10:54:55 AM

All American
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^^^ No doubt your ability to offer anything meaningful has been affected by the "coddling virus."

11/15/2007 3:14:59 PM

147487 Posts
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i got that pdf in my prt 359 class btw

11/15/2007 3:17:08 PM

All American
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^ It's the only worthwhile thing that you've contributed to this thread--keep it up.

11/15/2007 4:09:55 PM

3 of 11
All American
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Quote :
"All generations do. But the topic for this thread is the so-called Millennials. Are the criticisms--and the praise--valid or not? If not, why not?"

This is nothing new, every 'old' generation complains about the 'young' generation being lazy or degenerate. And every 'young' generation complains about the 'old' generation being stuck up or that they just dont get it.

Criticizing us for 'only caring about ourselves' is technically valid, but I consider that not a criticism, but just as a basic matter of fact. I got news for you *EVERYONE CARES ABOUT THEMSELVES*, you'd be a fool not too. What do baby boomers care about? Social Security and Medicare. Why do people sign up for religion? to get onto the express bus to heaven etc etc...
I would consider the fact that many of us *admit* it to be praiseable, at least we are honest about it!

Oh and by the way, if there really *is* something 'wrong' with our generation then its your (the older generations) own damn fault... YOU RAISED US, after all. Whats especially ironic is how the older generations have made a 50 BILLION dollar industry out of getting other older people to accept our ways...

11/15/2007 5:11:10 PM

All American
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i'm not a millennial, but i will pose as one if hate the job

11/15/2007 5:15:20 PM

147487 Posts
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this is probably better at classifying you

11/15/2007 5:21:25 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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^ I know what I am concerning the MBTI--an ENTJ: "The Field Marshal." I've taken it a number of times--and other personality inventories, learning-styles indicators, education philosophy inventories, and so on.

11/16/2007 12:55:40 AM

All American
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why should Millenials -- or anyone -- have a loyalty to their company? your company will lay you off in a second if it's perceived to be their best interest. this shit about "company loyalty" was exposed for the bullshit that it was in the late-1980's and early-1990's. My dad preached over and over about "company loyalty" this, "fair days work for a fair days pay" that, "pay your dues and work your way up the ladder" blah blah blah ... and then i saw him get downsized three different times in fairly short succession. The third time was a really sketchy event due to age discrimination, and they gave him 1 year's severance for him to sign away his right to sue and shut the fuck up.

now the sonofabitch has gone from being a high paid corporate aviation maintenance manager to driving a goddamned tractor trailer carrying hazmat up and down the I-95 corridor.

but its not just him, for damn sure. a huge amount of people from his generation (the baby boomers) got the fucking shaft as payment for loyalty, working tons of unpaid overtime, never missing a day in 10, 15, 20 years.

now MY generation (Gen X) learned this lesson, and we have decided that is not going to happen to us. Hooksaw may be on the leading edge of Gen X, but if he thinks people should have some sort of unfailing loyalty to their company then he's severely deluded or works in some kind of fairy land where people dont get laid off (oh, wait... he worked for the US Govt... thats right).

the so-called Millenial Generation is merely carrying on with the lesson that Gen X has learned by watching what happened to our parents. The lesson is this: You damn sure better advocate for yourself, and get the best job possible. and expect to move on from it within a couple years. theres no such thing as loyalty, so get what you can get, when you can get it. otherwise someone else will and youll just get fucked in the ass anyhow.

[Edited on November 16, 2007 at 4:33 AM. Reason : ]

11/16/2007 4:29:06 AM

All American
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Millennial generation often expects technology, immediacy in classroom

Quote :
"If you're reading this on the way to class, you likely possess a fractured attention span, view computers as something akin to an appendage and do not respond well to the type of tests administered to students five years ago.

Those were some of the findings discussed Tuesday at a seminar that addressed the learning issues of the millennial generation - those born between 1981 and 1994.

Kathy Schmidt, director of the Cockrell School of Engineering, presented the seminar, which offered advice for educating a generation that grew up using computers and receiving positive reinforcement simply for participating.

In her presentation, Schmidt said millennials are often sheltered, team-oriented, optimistic, ambitious and frequently enjoy strong connections with their parents.

She said that millennials have been greatly influenced by the fact that they were born in a time period that made enormous technological leaps and constantly delivered the message that 'you are special' and 'everyone is a winner' [emphasis added].

She said that because today's students are accustomed to a very individual approach to learning, this may lead to unrealistic expectations about higher education.

Constant access to seemingly unlimited information has created a generation of students with no tolerance for delay, Schmidt said.

'They expect this immediacy, and that [expectation] comes into the classroom, shet said.

Millennials also have a different approach to learning than generations of the past, she said. For today's students, Schmidt said, learning more closely resembles video games than analytical thinking.

'With Nintendo, it's really trial and error,' Schmidt said. 'The problem with trial and error is that it's not always what we can do in the classroom.'

She said that in order for instructors to adjust to the issues presented by students from this generation, they will need to be very vocal about the amount of time and effort learning takes.

Mechanical engineering professor Philip Schmidt said during the seminar that he thinks it is important for professors to tell today's students exactly what is expected of them, and show them they will have to do it.

'We're the last bastion of reality in the world,' Philip Schmidt said.

Kathy Schmidt went on to say that the characteristics prevalent in millennials also lead to major differences between them and previous generations in the workplace [emphasis added].

She said that millennials generally are not as tied to one particular career as past generations, and are more likely to change jobs in search of the perfect fit.

Geoffrey Tumlin, assistant director of the LBJ School of Public Affairs, includes a unit on generational differences in his ethical leadership class.

Tumlin said he believes these characteristics are not entirely due to the environment millennials grew up in, and may have more to do with the time period in which they currently live.

He said the root of students' distractions is not the fact that they are millennials and grew up with technology, but rather that technology is always present.

Tumlin said he does not see the difference between a student using a laptop in the classroom and a board member using a BlackBerry in a meeting.

'I think every generation is struggling with the ability to have information in your face all the time right now,' he said.

Tumlin said he believed that the tendency for millennials to change jobs rapidly may have more to do with today's economy of disappearing pensions than with their upbringing.

He said it is nothing new to view an upcoming generation as possessing such problems, and that generational cohorts are never the entire picture.

Tumlin added: 'The first caveman looked at his daughter or son and said, "My God, that person is lazy," and the first cave-child looked at his or her father and said, "My God, that person is rigid and inflexible."'"

[Edited on December 14, 2007 at 1:54 AM. Reason : .]

12/14/2007 1:53:44 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Quote :
"Companies are laying off and screwing their employees all the time so I'm working only for myself. If a better opportunity comes along, I'll take it in a second. Fuck it, I'm always looking for a better opportunity."

As well you should be. Greed is good. Both you and the company you work for should constantly be searching for ways to improve the present situation. If that means they shitcan you then so be it, if that means you up and quit because company B offers your 10k more per year then so be it. Corporate loyalty is non-existent, it's too competitive a marketplace for concepts like that to last. Feeling good doesn't pay the bills.

If you're in a position were you hire or fire folks then you would be aware of just how spot on portions of this article are. It's almost as if the concept of work is foreign to some folks. You receive a paycheck as compensation for the work you provide. If you aren't living up to your job description don't expect to keep that job too long. On the flip side, people who are willing to work hard are put up on a pedestal when this use to be the minimum expectation.

It's an interesting dynamic, the qualified, hard working minority has tremendous leverage because they're difficult to find, but the majority of these fucking kids are a dime a dozen and easy to replace. It's easy to find a body to fill a position, but if you're lucky enough to find someone who is actually competent and motivate you have to kiss their ass to keep them.

12/14/2007 2:06:59 AM

All American
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ever heard the saying: "out with the old, in with the new" ?

if you dont want to become increasingly irrelevant, please do try to keep up.

12/14/2007 2:24:56 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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^ Please STFU and GTFO about this, schmoe.

12/14/2007 2:33:12 AM

All American
3552 Posts
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i'm special and i'm a winner!

12/14/2007 2:37:44 AM

All American
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^ YAY!

12/14/2007 2:52:17 AM

Yankee Cowboy
27011 Posts
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Man, I'm glad my parents are Generation X'ers

12/14/2007 3:04:22 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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Quote :
"Please STFU and GTFO about this, schmoe"

hay guise, i made this thread for you to read but plz not to criticize...

12/14/2007 7:26:31 AM

All American
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Quote :
"about this"

He's just being a pain. You think he gives a shit about "Millennials"?

12/14/2007 11:17:48 AM

All American
17209 Posts
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i just thought it was kinda funny--you soap box kids are strange

12/14/2007 11:20:58 AM

All American
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Shit Shat is calling TSB "strange"?

12/14/2007 11:45:27 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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Wonder what he made this thread for anyway?

He obviously wants a pat on the back and a trophy.

12/14/2007 12:01:30 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Oh, look! Another thread were hooksaw expresses his contempt for those younger than he is!

12/14/2007 12:10:03 PM

All American
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^^ and ^ I'm just holding up a mirror to many "Millenials." But please understand, if a lot of you actually are fucked up in certain ways, we, "Gen X" and "Boomers," played a huge part in that.

[Edited on December 14, 2007 at 12:11 PM. Reason : .]

12/14/2007 12:10:59 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Oh, look! Another thread were hooksaw expresses his contempt for those younger than he is!

12/14/2007 12:12:06 PM

All American
557 Posts
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let me break it down for everyone in this thread to stop the worthless posts

we are smarter, more connected, and less tethered (albiet thanks to our parents)

fuck a boss who complains about job loyalty, fuck a boss who complains about teenage babysitting

if a boss is babysittin an employee, fire them

if an employee finds a better job (higher benefits/pay/location) they take it

im about to be 21 and graduate in a year...when i graduate im moving to a large city and looking for as damn fine of a job as i can get with my comp eng degree...

Quote :
"If you don't want me, Mr. Employer, I'll go sell myself down the street. I'll probably get more money. I'll definitely get a better experience. And by the way, they'll adore me."

is there anything wrong with this motivation? my bad if i dont want to be stuck in a deadend job with a ss plan in the tank and shit ass insurance co's rippin my pockets, thanks to you old fucks, i fuckin hate old people, you all are so fuckin ignorant. who im anglin this at is the "jeffrey zaslow"s readin, the traditionalists who snuff change as if the way they do it is the best, fuck em



12/14/2007 12:26:44 PM

All American
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^ Well, it's good to see that you have everything figured out at 21--it took most of us a lot longer. You really are special--would you like your trophy now?

12/14/2007 12:31:56 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Oh, look! Another thread were hooksaw expresses his contempt for those younger than he is!

12/14/2007 12:34:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i fuckin hate old people"

Yeah, and it never goes the other way. He and some others probably think anyone over 30 is "old."

I can't fucking wait until some of you get older (GASP!) and you start bitching about how things used to be. Some piss-ant will call you old and you'll skulk of into the shadows--probably to self-medicate.

12/14/2007 12:46:12 PM

All American
557 Posts
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50+ is old to me, 40 is prime, 30 is young, graduation-30 is settin everything up

12/14/2007 1:02:35 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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^^ Actually, I'm older than most of the people on here, though I'm a few years short of being the oldest. I've been bashed here before for being old and in college.

Times are going to change, whether you like it or not. You've got two choices: You can bitch and complain about how things are changing, or you can change with the times. The times, they are a changin' regardless of what you think about it.

From my own experience, the majority of millennials are highly motivated individuals. Their priorities may differ greatly from mine, but the one's I've worked with typically have a strong work ethic and are more than willing to put the time and effort in to get a job done. I'm not going to look down on someone because they spend their paycheck on yoga and Playstation 3's, or go on 48 hour WoW binges on weekends. The ones I see fucking up in school--can't turn in homework, bitching about grades, etc--are they really that different from the fuck-ups that existed when you were younger? Do you have some incorrect belief that all the people from your youth are fine, upstanding citizens?

12/14/2007 1:12:50 PM

All American
557 Posts
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when i become a multi-millionaire ill send you a card

12/14/2007 2:02:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"For the record, I never indicated that other generations--including mine--don't have shortcomings. All generations do. But the topic for this thread is the so-called Millennials. Are the criticisms--and the praise--valid or not? If not, why not?"

12/17/2007 4:41:27 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Oh, look! Another thread were hooksaw expresses his contempt for those younger than he is!

12/17/2007 7:55:24 AM

4725 Posts
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All god, any editorial blaming this whole thing on Mister Rogers has got to be a joke.

Tell me it was a joke, right?

^ you'd get codgy too if you the last vagina you fucked has started to fade from your memory.

12/17/2007 8:02:17 AM

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