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 Message Boards » » Asshole Cops: Taglight Out Page 1 [2] 3, Prev Next  
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Quote :
"I can only WISH more cops were like this guy."

are you gay, or stupid?

7/20/2009 8:37:39 PM

45908 Posts
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you, don't need, a comma, there.

7/20/2009 8:38:57 PM

5959 Posts
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^fuck, off

7/20/2009 8:40:27 PM

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7/20/2009 8:50:50 PM

Finally Preemie!
4472 Posts
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Most cops sit on their ass at a speed trap pulling people over for very minor, stupid infractions. They are basically being lazy and meeting their quota.

This guy proactively tried to discourage/prevent arguably the worst traffic violation possible (driving drunk). He didn't write a ticket, he just made his presence known. If more cops were like this I am willing to bet the number of drunk drivers would go down. Unfortunately the OP just got his little feelings hurt. Poor little guy....

7/20/2009 10:03:58 PM

Save TWW
37121 Posts
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Quote :
"black person in 1955 Mobile Alabama"

more like any person in 2009 in a bad neighborhood

7/20/2009 10:08:35 PM


10384 Posts
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profiling is not considered SOP.
He said he pulled them for a tag light being out, when it wasn't.
IF they were driving eratically, failing to signal, even speeding 5 over, that would be cause for a stop. Apparently, he didn't feel he had a reason, but wanted to stop them anyway.

7/20/2009 10:11:00 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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are you saying you were going 10 over, or that you were going 45

cuz either way you were speeding

7/20/2009 11:33:47 PM


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^that really isn't the point.

7/20/2009 11:40:59 PM

37709 Posts
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so can you ask/demand the cop to let you step out the car and inspect the light for damage?

7/20/2009 11:43:10 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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how the hell is speeding not the point

7/20/2009 11:44:52 PM

All American
16575 Posts
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Most Depts I know dont have quotas

7/20/2009 11:58:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I was not speeding going maybe 5 over 45 in a 40"


7/21/2009 12:47:58 AM

All American
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When I worked at CrossRoads Ford there was a lady who was allowed to use one of our loaner cars. She was driving to pick up her car and was pulled 3 times during the short drive, for an expired inspection sticker.

7/21/2009 12:55:52 AM


10384 Posts
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Quote :
"how the hell is speeding not the point"

Because he was pulled over for a tag light being out, according to the officer.

7/21/2009 1:02:46 AM

All American
9828 Posts
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Quote :
"Unfortunately the OP just got his little feelings hurt. Poor little guy.... "

7/21/2009 3:04:05 AM

All American
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7/21/2009 3:48:37 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
" Wilmington..."

no surprise there.

7/21/2009 7:10:16 AM

All American
2805 Posts
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And damn some of you folks are dense. Or you don't mind the police running your shit without proper cause.

The whole issue is not about speeding. He wouldn't have gotten pulled for 5 over.
The issue is not about that he got a warning, or that it only took 5 minutes.

The issue is that this cop pulled him over for NO legal reason! Do some of you not get that? Are you okay with cops randomly profiling and stopping people, then lying so they can run them and inspect the premises??

What other kind jack-booted thug type shit up shit would you defend? Illegal entry? Search and seizure without a warrant?

OP should without a doubt file a complaint. Cops actually get stuck for really dumb shit all the time, and it stays on their record. At least take a stab at this douche who doesn't know how to respect your rights.

7/21/2009 7:43:20 AM

Willy Nilly
3562 Posts
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For the win.
HUR should without a doubt file a complaint.

Oh, and...
Quote :
"you, don't need, a comma, there."
You don't have to need a comma, to use one.
He's the writer, and if he wants pauses somewhere in his statement, he is free to put them there.

[Edited on July 21, 2009 at 9:30 AM. Reason : ]

7/21/2009 9:30:06 AM

All American
46641 Posts
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The outrage is to assume everything in HUR's whining post is 100% correct.

7/21/2009 9:56:37 AM

All American
15537 Posts
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Did any one consider this...

Maybe the tag light was out at the time of the stop but it came back on? I've had a headlight go out and then come back on.

Maybe that tag was associated with a local file that showed the driver could be wanted? There have been cars were the driver has been wanted for FTA and they have been told they have a brake light out.

Just thinking outside the box...

7/21/2009 10:42:08 AM

All American
6307 Posts
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^ the light going on and off might be a possibility (seen that before), but the car was a rental, so I doubt he got pulled because of the plate.

7/21/2009 10:44:44 AM

All American
13361 Posts
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Quote :
"Did any one consider this...

Maybe the tag light was out at the time of the stop but it came back on? I've had a headlight go out and then come back on.

Maybe that tag was associated with a local file that showed the driver could be wanted? There have been cars were the driver has been wanted for FTA and they have been told they have a brake light out.

Just thinking outside the box..."

Absolutely not. We are asshole college kids and cops are the bad guys. They are ALL fuckers and any mistake or judgement error they make should lead to them being fired or locked up for a long time. 2 minutes of my time gone? Fuck that guy, fire him, lock him up. He was obviously on a power trip.

We must show outrage and always side with the innocent civilian that is always correct. We will ignore other possibilities and always go off whatever blog post or forum post that best gets our nickers in a tizzy.

We especially love it when minorities claim harrassment.

7/21/2009 10:49:28 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"why did you feel the need to post this in the lounge 4 days later? have you been working on the body for that long?


Quote :
"since he was giving me a ride to the airport the next day.

I've been out of town n00b

7/21/2009 10:54:46 AM

All American
44225 Posts
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i LOL IRL whenever people bitch and moan about this stuff...until profiling/stereotypes are no longer true (because, really, let's be honest...profiles and stereotypes stem from statistically significant occurrences)...i would rather you get your panties in a wad over being profiled and the cop be doing his job of keeping ME safe (just because i'm not a moron doesn't mean that other people aren't) than the cop sit there and shrug when an accident happens saying that he had no legal reason to pull them over beforehand

you were delayed less than 5 minutes, i'll bet...he didn't intimidate you (or did you piss yourself when the lights started flashing?) or do jack shit but routinely checking if you were on the were good, doing the DD thing, and he left you alone

jeebus, you people need to stop whining about EVERY LITTLE THING

7/21/2009 10:59:18 AM


10384 Posts
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no cause for a stop means this was an illegal stop. Lying just makes if even more obvious.
Maybe, if police didn't break the law (not saying they all do, but profiles and stereotypes stem from statistically significant occurrences) then we wouldn't have as many complaints.

7/21/2009 11:07:41 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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maybe you should just smarten up

7/21/2009 11:15:58 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
" if 98% of the time a group of 5 college aged males weren't drunk then the police officer wouldn't need to stereotype.

I would put money on table that 98% of the time the driver in a group of 5 college aged "Looking" males is Not drunk.
This is neglecting the fact that I am not in college Kiwi you fucking cunt stain. Honestly it should not even matter.

Quote :
"good to see the cops are out there gunning for you and your frat brothers"

Not a single passenger in my car that night is/was in a frat.

Perhaps though the cops should be out pulling over you and your stoner friends driving high to Wendy's to get a Frosty and 5 pc chicken nuggets.

Quote :
" have never heard anyone be such a little bitch before. You claim you weren't speeding, but then say you were going 45 mph in a 40 mph zone"

Considering he didn't pull me for speeding this statement by you is irrelevant.

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"Let's not pretend like it's unheard of that a rental car packed with college kids might have a drunk driver. "

The car did not have an Enterprise sticker on it so the cop likely didn't know it was a rental unless he ran the tag prior to pulling me over.

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"packed with college kids "

you mean 2 college kids, an engineer driving, a Time Warner Cable salesman, and a screenwriter making film documentaries.

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"I am willing to bet you were going faster "

BECAUSE SURELY I was going anymore than 5 over after I sighted a cop in front of me that i eventually passed and knew was still behind me in

Quote :
"worst traffic violation possible (driving drunk). "

Really now? So a "drunk" driver who is going down College Rd. 45 mph who is at a .08 after 3 beers is more dangerous than some Guido
mother fucker weaving around traffic going down to beach 80 mph or some soccer mom yapping on her cell not paying attention.

Quote :

sorry 5 over; travelling 45mph in a 40 mph zone.

7/21/2009 11:23:37 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Quote :
"I would put money on table that 98% of the time the driver in a group of 5 college aged "Looking" males is Not drunk."


youre full of shit

that totally goes in line with this gem

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"Perhaps though the cops should be out pulling over you and your stoner friends driving high to Wendy's to get a Frosty and 5 pc chicken nuggets.


im willing to bet 98 percent of college aged looking males never hit the tree and get behind the wheel to look for food at night!

Quote :
"Really now? So a "drunk" driver who is going down College Rd. 45 mph who is at a .08 after 3 beers is more dangerous than some Guido
mother fucker weaving around traffic going down to beach 80 mph or some soccer mom yapping on her cell not paying attention."

youre really fucking pathetic, so now you have to be driving at excessive speeds and maneuvering wrecklessly to be dangerous. Not getting behind the wheel with excessive alcohol in your system while going 5 over..


Smoke on, playa

O! and you have to be a guido! not some college nitwit because the college nitwit knows what hes doing.

[Edited on July 21, 2009 at 11:56 AM. Reason : d]

7/21/2009 11:51:22 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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You look suspicious.

[Edited on July 21, 2009 at 12:35 PM. Reason : .]

7/21/2009 12:33:15 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 21, 2009 at 12:35 PM. Reason : Damn double post. ]

7/21/2009 12:34:21 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"im willing to bet 98 percent of college aged looking males never hit the tree and get behind the wheel to look for food at night!"

I was making a specific accusation against someone not fabricating made up statistics that X% of people named Chris suck the chode.

Quote :
"so now you have to be driving at excessive speeds and maneuvering wrecklessly to be dangerous. Not getting behind the wheel with excessive alcohol in your system while going 5 over.."

You sir would fail at being a lawyer or a journalist for your high school newspaper. Nice strawman though

[Edited on July 21, 2009 at 1:08 PM. Reason : l]

7/21/2009 1:04:51 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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HUR has not fabricated statistics ITT

7/21/2009 1:06:57 PM

45908 Posts
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assuming the tag light was not actually out, this was an illegal stop and a complaint should be filed.

if the cop had reasonable suspicion, then all is well... but that can't be based on a profile or stereotype. should have checked the light with the cop there. you now know for next time.

No matter what you fools think, stopping people at random, with no reasonable suspicion is illegal; i don't care that you don't mind and you think it saves your life. it's plain wrong. we have the freedom of NOT being harassed/questioned/investigated/searched/etc, no matter to what extent, unless we give authorities probable cause. being young and in a vehicle is not probable cause. this same argument applies to license checks, etc (unfortunately cops/lawyers/congressman have failed us on this one).

[Edited on July 21, 2009 at 1:30 PM. Reason : RS/PC mix up]

7/21/2009 1:20:05 PM

All American
15537 Posts
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Only RS is needed for a traffic stop.

7/21/2009 1:28:43 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"i would rather you get your panties in a wad over being profiled and the cop be doing his job of keeping ME safe "

Maybe cops should be able to conduct random searches of peoples homes to find evil drugs, terrorists plans, and murderous bloody knives. This would help us all be SAFE and continue living in our happy merry lives. Afterall if you are not doing anything illegal then what do you have to worry about??? DURRR DE DURRR

7/21/2009 1:57:06 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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^ considering what a pussy you are, i'm not especially surprised that you're comparing a traffic stop to a home invasion...but sure, that's OBVIOUSLY what i meant DURRR DE DURRR

7/21/2009 2:03:26 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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its a slippery slope

7/21/2009 2:10:17 PM

All American
3095 Posts
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^^ How is unlawful invasion of privacy without any reasonable suspicion any different in a car than in a home?

7/21/2009 2:12:17 PM

All American
44225 Posts
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^^ i love that is completely mindless and accomplishes nothing but cater to the fear-mongers

EVERYTHING is a slippery slope: if you have government of any kind, it's just a short time before we're all communists or worse (i mean, after all, once you give ANYONE power over you, it's OBVIOUS that it will turn out that they are going to start ass-raping you for shits and giggles JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN)

^ when was the last time you drove your house into another house and killed someone?

all that aside, all you police-fearing pussies are turning my statement about profiling into an ZOMGHETHINKSWESHOULDLIVEINAPOLICESTATEWITHOUTANYRIGHTSZOMGTOTALITARIANISM this particular instance, the FACTS are these:

1.) dude was in a situation where a cop pulling over a random driver had a greater chance of catching someone driving drunk than many other situations (suburbs a 2 in the afternoon, for example)

2.) dude was speeding (you can fucking piss and moan all you want about it ONLY being 5mph, but it's still speeding, asshat)

3.) tag light may or may not have been out...if you think that an electrical system cannot have an issue where the lights are sometimes on and sometimes not, you're an idiot

4.) dude was in a rental car, which means that a routine run on the plates will not likely bring up any outstanding tickets/violations/etc (since the car could easily be driven by someone other than the person who is on the rental form)

am i saying that any or all of these are a GOOD reason to pull someone over for a BRIEF and UNOBTRUSIVE check? no...but they are reasons enough that i don't feel like we're all about to be raided by the po-po

given the option, i'd rather have some whiny bitch like HUR piss and moan about how getting pulled over made him feel bad about himself on an internet forum and have the CHANCE that a cop would catch some drunk-driving piece of shit

[Edited on July 21, 2009 at 2:27 PM. Reason : .]

7/21/2009 2:13:32 PM


10384 Posts
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we are talking about illegal searches, not the dangers of motor vehicles (bicycles, pencils, bats, staplers)

7/21/2009 2:22:25 PM

All American
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^ he wasn't fucking searched and never once did i say that cops should be able to search people for no reason whatsoever JUST IN CASE

you people have GOT to learn to read the words as they're written and keeping them in context instead of twisting them for use on your soapbox

7/21/2009 2:29:01 PM

All American
1487 Posts
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But...But...I'm a
Quote :
"24yr old law abiding tax paying citizen working as an ENGINEER!"

what an insecure little bitch


7/21/2009 2:31:20 PM

All American
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^ actually, he is NOT law-abiding, by his own admission

he believes that some laws are worth obeying and some are not...and when they don't tip in his favor, he gets MAD

7/21/2009 2:33:14 PM


10384 Posts
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being stopped for no reason falls under illegal search.

hypothetically, if the officer 'smelled something funny' or saw any open containers in the car, then they could/would have been arrested or ticketed. This would have been based on an illegal stop, hence the illegal search.

7/21/2009 2:36:55 PM

All American
1487 Posts
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in his defense, he's an ENGINEER, which entitles him to going 5 over the speed limit. can you not understand? this is an inalienable right that all engineers are granted at birth.

7/21/2009 2:39:56 PM

12280 Posts
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I've been pulled over going 5 under on Gorman before at night because a cop was following me all the way from Hillsborough to Avent Ferry and pulled me over once i turned right on red (after a full stop) onto avent ferry.

He asked me why I was going so slow and I said because you were following me and I hadn't seen a speed limit sign so I was playing it safe with the city wide speed limit. And insurance in my car is expensive as is (I was driving a 2005 STi at the time).

He made me do a sobriety test which I passed and then sent me on my way.

Moral of the story...he was doing his job well and I had no qualms with it.

But I guess I should have just gotten on TWW and bitched about it

7/21/2009 2:43:07 PM

All American
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^^^ ah, but he WAS stopped for a valid reason, the reason being the tag light

granted, that may or may not be true, but your argument is based solely on taking HUR's word for it (instead of the word of the cop) could very well have been out and been on when HUR took a look at it (my girlfriend's right brake light flakes out randomly for no reason, too, but it doesn't happen OFTEN)'re still choosing to take the word of one person over another without any valid reasons for doing so (unless you're claiming your obvious bias constitutes a "good" reason?)

^^ yeah, i'm not sure why he felt the need to point this out to us, like it makes a bit of difference

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"He made me do a sobriety test which I passed and then sent me on my way."

honestly, i take issue with that (not to say i'd refuse one in your situation) in principle only because i feel like he intimidated you into doing something without any reason (unless he smelled alcohol on your breath, even if not much?)

i mean, i'm with you on that i would have done it without complaint and would have been okay with them asking me to take the test, if for no other reason than to know that they're doing their jobs...i'm just saying that i would have been on your side had you said you thought it was uncalled for

[Edited on July 21, 2009 at 2:48 PM. Reason : .]

7/21/2009 2:43:41 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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Wait, are we sure HUR's an engineer?


7/21/2009 2:45:21 PM

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