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All American
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Turnabout's not the best of arguments.

2/10/2010 7:57:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I don't think the American public really wants another year or more of this fighting and delayed health care reform."

Straight from Obama's mouth.

What the polls show america doesnt want is this damn bill.

2/10/2010 8:28:05 AM

All American
11811 Posts
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Or perhaps people don't want either a watered down hand holding session with the obstructionists or they don't want whatever idea of a bill that the right has managed to spin this into.

2/10/2010 9:12:31 AM

All American
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^yes, thats it. People want a complete govt takeover of health care, thats why this partial is just so damn unpopular. Its almost like we have seen what an amazing job a bunch of lawyer politicians have done with the programs they currently control. SS, Medicare, Medicaid.. all in fantastic shape and, so far, our govt has been more than willing to fix the fiscal problems associated with these programs and not just kick the can down the road for future generations. So im sure only the most challenged of individuals would not want the same group that runs these programs taking over thier own health care. After all, if we dont spend the money we dont have to provide millions health care in order to save money, those damn obstructionists will just use it to go to war to save money on oil, err avenge a father, err... just kill people.

Oh, and taxing businesses and workers more to pay for this plan is a sure fire way to promote job growth.

2/10/2010 9:58:20 AM

All American
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The people looooooove SS, Medicare, and Medicaid.

As evidenced by the fact that no viable Republican candidate is entertaining the idea of cutting them.

2/10/2010 10:11:03 AM

supple anteater
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[Edited on February 12, 2010 at 3:47 PM. Reason : .]

2/12/2010 3:46:47 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"The people looooooove SS, Medicare, and Medicaid.

As evidenced by the fact that no viable Republican candidate is entertaining the idea of cutting them."

You're right that [some] of the people love those programs, and no politician is willing to speak out against them because of re-election concerns. Derailing the gravy train isn't exactly a popular position, but it's still the right position.

2/12/2010 4:04:57 PM

supple anteater
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2/12/2010 5:26:47 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
""Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"

Mark Twain is famous for saying it, but it could be said for the public option too. Left for dead in the cold days of December last year after it was stripped from the Senate healthcare bill in an attempt to get 60 votes, the public option has now returned to center stage because you didn't give up.

Yesterday, Senator Michael Bennet started gathering co-sponsors to his letter calling on Majority Leader Harry Reid to pass a public option using "reconciliation" -- which would mean Republicans couldn't use a procedural trick called the filibuster to block a majority vote.

Thanks to calls from members of DFA, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, and CREDO Action, in less than 24 hours, 10 Senators have stood up and added their names to co-sponsor the Senate letter.

Now, it's your turn. Please join 10 Senators and 119 House Democrats by becoming a citizen co-sponsor of Senator Bennet's Public Option letter.

Become a Citizen Co-Sponsor

Our fight is getting noticed in Washington. Here's just a sample of the press it received yesterday:

CNN: "The fight over health care reform burst back into public view Tuesday as four Democratic senators asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to hold a vote on a government-run public insurance option."

CBS NEWS: "The letter points out that the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicare Advantage, and the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) were all enacted under reconciliation."

POLITICO: "Bennet took the lead in the Senate to round up co-signers for the letter, which was spearheaded by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy for America and Credo Action. A similar effort in the House netted 119 signers to a letter. The senators have made the calculation that the public option is popular with Democrats, and the absence of one in the final bill is one reason that voters are unenthusiastic about it."

Become a Citizen Co-Sponsor

ABC NEWS: "The health care bill remains on life support in Congress. But a group of Democratic senators is pressing Senate leaders to give one last shot at creating a public option."

THE HILL: "Since the Senate passed its bill in December, Democrats have lost their 60-vote majority and have been examining options to finish the legislation... Over 100 House Democrats have signed onto a drive similar to Bennet's, calling for that [reconciliation] sidecar bill to include provisions reestablishing the public option."

HUFFINGTON POST: "The popularity of the idea, nevertheless, remains relatively high. As the letter to Reid notes, the most recent CBS/New York Times poll shows that the public option is supported by 59 percent of respondents and opposed by just 29 percent."


We're not sitting back and hoping for change. We're working to win.

Every citizen co-signer gives the campaign more force and builds momentum. Please sign on today.


Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America"

Just got this e-mail on the Democracy for America listserv. Looks like they're still pushing for the public option.

2/17/2010 5:17:39 PM

All American
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and that would be yet another democrat misjudgement...

Quote :
"Sixty-one percent (61%) of U.S. voters say Congress should drop health care reform and focus on more immediate ways to improve the economy and create jobs. "

2/17/2010 10:45:34 PM

All American
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Here's a pretty good analysis on peoples' perceptions of the budget
Quote :
So where's the rest of the "waste" that, in Americans' minds, adds up to half of what the government spends? You tell me, because I have no idea. But I do know this much: Given the perception that so much money goes to the so-called "undeserving poor" here at home as well as to foreigners through foreign aid, it's not surprising that people think government spending is wasteful. If half the budget--instead about one-seventh--actually went to such things, I could understand the sentiment.

regarding the congressional race:
Quote :
"Right now, the program is showing that Democrats will retain an average of 54.7 seats in the 112th Congress. The distribution, however, is slightly asymmetrical, so the median number is 54, and the modal number is 53.

2/18/2010 12:50:27 AM

All American
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One seventh of our federal budget is foreign aid and welfare spending?

Thats actually a LOT.

2/18/2010 9:20:23 AM

All American
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It's a lot of money, sure.

It doesn't strike me as being an excessive portion, though.

2/18/2010 10:00:31 AM

supple anteater
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With the bipartisan meeting only 3 days away, the site has devoted a page to GOP ideas already included, and ideas that they're seeking to include in health care reform:

Quote :
"Republican Ideas Included in the President's Proposal

It’s clear that the American people want health insurance reform. They aren’t interested in Democratic ideas or Republican ideas. They’re interested in the best ideas to reduce costs, guarantee choices and ensure the highest quality care.

They’re interested in ideas that will put them back in control of their own health care.

Throughout the debate on health insurance reform, Republican concepts and proposals have been included in legislation. In fact, hundreds of Republican amendments were adopted during the committee mark-up process. As a result, both the Senate and the House passed key Republican proposals that are incorporated into the President’s Proposal.

Review a few of the Republican initiatives included in legislation passed by Congress:

* Includes personal responsibility incentives: Allows health insurance premium to vary based on participation in proven employer wellness programs
o (Sources: H.R. 3468, “Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act” (Castle bill); H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill), "Coverage, Prevention and Reform Act")
* Advances medical liability reform through grants to States: Provides grants to States to jump-start and evaluate promising medical liability reform ideas to put patient safety first, prevent medical errors, and reduce liability premiums.
o (Sources: S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act” (Ryan bill); S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act” (Burr-Coburn, Ryan-Nunes bill))
* Extends dependent coverage to age 26: Gives young adults new options.
o (Sources: H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill))
* Allows automatic enrollment by employers in health insurance: Allows employee to opt-out.
o (Sources: House Republican Substitute; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); “Coverage, Prevention, and Reform Act” )
* Mechanisms to improve quality.
o (Sources: H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act;” S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act;” H.R. 3400, Republican Study Group bill; S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill))

In addition to the Republican ideas already included in the legislation that’s passed the House and the Senate, the President’s Proposal incorporates a number of additional proposals that were included in Republican plans that focus on combating waste, fraud and abuse in government.

The President remains open to other policies as well. And the purpose of the Bipartisan Summit is to review all ideas and ensure that the best ideas are included in the plan.

Review the new Republican initiatives included in the President’s Proposal:

* Comprehensive Sanctions Database. The President’s Proposal establishes a comprehensive Medicare and Medicaid sanctions database, overseen by the HHS Inspector General. This database will provide a central storage location, allowing for law enforcement access to information related to past sanctions on health care providers, suppliers and related entities.
o (Source: H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill))
* Registration and Background Checks of Billing Agencies and Individuals. In an effort to decrease dishonest billing practices in the Medicare program, the President’s Proposal will assist in reducing the number of individuals and agencies with a history of fraudulent activities participating in Federal health care programs. It ensures that entities that bill for Medicare on behalf of providers are in good standing. It also strengthens the Secretary’s ability to exclude from Medicare individuals who knowingly submit false or fraudulent claims.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Expanded Access to the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank. Increasing access to the health care integrity data bank will improve coordination and information sharing in anti-fraud efforts. The President’s Proposal broadens access to the data bank to quality control and peer review organizations and private plans that are involved in furnishing items or services reimbursed by Federal health care program. It includes criminal penalties for misuse.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Liability of Medicare Administrative Contractors for Claims Submitted by Excluded Providers. In attacking fraud, it is critical to ensure the contractors that are paying claims are doing their utmost to ensure excluded providers do not receive Medicare payments. Therefore, the President’s Proposal provision holds Medicare Administrative Contractors accountable for Federal payment for individuals or entities excluded from the Federal programs or items or services for which payment is denied.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Community Mental Health Centers. The President’s Proposal ensures that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health services in the community setting, but strengthens standards for facilities that seek reimbursement as community mental health centers by ensuring these facilities are not taking advantage of Medicare patients or the taxpayers.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Limiting Debt Discharge in Bankruptcies of Fraudulent Health Care Providers or Suppliers. The President’s Proposal will assist in recovering overpayments made to providers and suppliers and return such funds to the Medicare Trust Fund. It prevents fraudulent health care providers from discharging through bankruptcy amounts due to the Secretary from overpayments.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Use of Technology for Real-Time Data Review. The President’s Proposal speeds access to claims data to identify potentially fraudulent payments more quickly. It establishes a system for using technology to provide real-time data analysis of claim and payments under public programs to identify and stop waste, fraud and abuse.
o (Source: Roskam Amendment offered in House Ways & Means Committee markup)
* Illegal Distribution of a Medicare or Medicaid Beneficiary Identification or Billing Privileges. Fraudulent billing to Medicare and Medicaid programs costs taxpayers millions of dollars each year. Individuals looking to gain access to a beneficiary’s personal information approach Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries with false incentives. Many beneficiaries unwittingly give over this personal information without ever receiving promised services. The President’s Proposal adds strong sanctions, including jail time, for individuals who purchase, sell or distribute Medicare beneficiary identification numbers or billing privileges under Medicare or Medicaid – if done knowingly, intentionally, and with intent to defraud.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Study of Universal Product Numbers Claims Forms for Selected Items and Services Under the Medicare Program. The President’s Proposal requires HHS to study and issue a report to Congress that examines the costs and benefits of assigning universal product numbers (UPNs) to selected items and services reimbursed under Medicare. The report must examine whether UPNs could help improve the efficient operation of Medicare and its ability to detect fraud and abuse.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”, Roskam Amendment offered in House Ways & Means Committee markup)"

[Edited on February 22, 2010 at 12:22 PM. Reason : .]

2/22/2010 12:19:54 PM

All American
5853 Posts
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Quote :
"The people looooooove SS, Medicare, and Medicaid."

You mean people love getting stuff for free? Nah

2/22/2010 4:57:42 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"Senate GOP Leadership To White House: We’re Not Bringing Any Bill

Senate GOP leadership to White House: No bill for you.

The Senate GOP leadership is brushing off Dan Pfeiffer’s demand this morning that Republicans clarify whether they’ll produce a bill in advance of the summit, and won’t put forth a “comprehensive proposal,” aides say."

The President went one on one with the GOP in question time to discuss a range of issues that the GOP could hand pick, and they, with preparation and the ability to bring a whole team wont offer a comprehensive proposal. How is that anything other than gridlock for the sake of political points? The thing is, I don't think gridlocking is going to keep working for them any more. Maybe back when there was a filibuster proof majority, yeah it could make dems look bad, but now that the GOP isn't facing a filibuster proof majority, and they have been called out on their across the board nomination holds & on turning against bills they've sponsored when dems start signing aboard... gridlocking at this point is basically aiming the gun at their foot, and if they show up for this televised summit without a plan, well, that will be pulling the trigger.

2/23/2010 11:00:16 PM

Sup, B
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so, none of those "Republican ideas" Obama used will do anything to help the situation. But, at least they probably won't make things worse. Congrats, Obama, on looking like you listened without really doing so.

2/24/2010 12:49:13 AM

supple anteater
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He went to the lions dens with Question Time and took questions on their terms, so I think that counts as real listening. And now he's inviting them to come to a bipartisan televised event & inviting the GOP to bring a proposal, and if one side is declining to speak you can't really fairly label the other side as being bad listeners because of that.

2/24/2010 2:01:43 AM

All American
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I've got no problem whatsoever with Obama's strategy here.... It's a great political maneuver and if the GOP isn't smart enough to effectively respond, then they deserve to lose political points.

2/24/2010 2:12:45 AM

All American
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The sad thing is that the GOP's made this so easy.

The great political maneuver that has placed them between a rock and a hard place is "um, talk to them? On TV?"

2/24/2010 10:28:06 AM

All American
41050 Posts
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Quote :
"^yes, thats it. People want a complete govt takeover of health care, thats why this partial is just so damn unpopular."

Funny, all the polls I saw showed that people were FOR the government takeover parts (no pre-existing condition denials, no dropping coverage mid-health-crisis, the Public Option which has not made it into final versions of the bill) and just against the Health Insurance Bailout part (Individual Mandate and, well, the entire rest of the damned bill).

But hey, the message is just that people want the whole thing dropped, so you go on ahead with that.

Honestly, it really seems to be that individual mandate that gets people's ire up (and understandably so, especially with the absence of a public option to go to instead of private companies).

2/24/2010 10:41:26 AM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"eb 24, 2010 15:58 EST

The House has voted to repeal the health insurance industry's exemption from federal antitrust laws, giving Democrats an easy win on health care a day ahead of President Barack Obama's bipartisan health summit.

The vote was 406-19, with most Republicans siding with majority Democrats against a widely unpopular industry which has been under attack by Democrats and consumer advocates for recent rate hikes.

Republican lawmakers complained, though, that the legislation passed Wednesday was largely symbolic and would have little real impact since states already regulate health insurers."

The Republican lawmakers (if you can call them that, they don't seem to care about lawmaking much these days) will find anything to criticize even if they like the idea in general.

2/25/2010 12:16:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The great political maneuver that has placed them between a rock and a hard place is "um, talk to them? On TV?""

wow, you're naive.

The rock and a hard place is, that obama gets a chance to look like he's talking with the GOP while simultaneously cramming the same partisan bill down their throats. If you think he's going to entertain any idea they have, then you're either hopelessly gullible or just disingenuous.

2/25/2010 12:47:11 AM

All American
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Quote :
"If you think he's going to entertain any idea they have, then you're either hopelessly gullible or just disingenuous."

and the exact same can be said about the republicans. hell they've already said it.

also this video is funny in a wonkish kind of way:

2/25/2010 12:49:34 AM

All American
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well of course... the two sides are completely entrenched now.

the time for the democrats to negotiate was a year ago. And no, starting out with a bill that Lenin would have been proud of and reducing it to a western-european style paradigm is not "compromise"

2/25/2010 12:51:00 AM

All American
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single payer was off the table from the beginning.

and the republicans never really negotiated. and the few that did, didn't even vote for the compromises that were added to get their votes.

[Edited on February 25, 2010 at 12:53 AM. Reason : .]

2/25/2010 12:52:53 AM

All American
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if dems had included real comprehensive tort reform from the beginning, and made republicans feel like they had authored that piece, this thing would have sailed through with votes from RINOs.

And the really mind-blowing piece is that even if democrats were to get their ultimate dream of passing this bill which will bankrupt the health insurance industry, setting the stage for single payer.... Well, once we got single payer the gov. would DEFINITELY then institute hardcore tort reform, because they don't like being sued!

So its like, include tort reform now and pass a bipartisan bill by summertime '09, or act like middle-schoolers and hope you can bully your bill through only to have to pass tort reform in a decade or so anyway.

Its just mind blowing how bad the democrats botched this shit. Not that I'm complaining, but geeeez.


Quote :
"the few that did, didn't even vote for the compromises that were added to get their votes."

Well, just because the democrats said, "if we make this compromise you will vote for this bill" doesn't mean the RINOs will vote for it. The Dems made a bunch of token compromises and then pretended as though that made it bipartisan. Well, obviously not since it didn't get any votes. Like I said, compromise on one or two REAL issues like tort reform or purchasing insurance across state lines, would have been enough to garner RINO votes. The dems didn't want to give up on a single major issue so they put their money on breaking the filibuster.... By the time the realized that wasn't going to work, it was too late. The damage had been done. No one is going to compromise now.

[Edited on February 25, 2010 at 1:03 AM. Reason : s]

2/25/2010 12:56:42 AM

supple anteater
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"The Trap" will be set off tomorrow

2/25/2010 1:02:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if dems had included real comprehensive tort reform from the beginning, and made republicans feel like they had authored that piece, this thing would have sailed through with votes from RINOs.

haha... right

nothing have made this "sail through" because the right can't have Obama getting ANY perceived victories. That's the primary source of their opposition.

2/25/2010 1:09:04 AM

All American
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which is clearly why a number of republican senators voted for the jobs bill.

I know it is good politics to refuse to compromise and then claim that the minority is being obstructionist, but do you seriously believe it? haha, gullible liberals I guess... Or its just easy to believe because its so convenient, lol.

2/25/2010 1:11:03 AM

All American
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Do you realize what you're saying?

The president who wouldn't sign a bill that didn't have at least 1 republican supporter is the one who's refusing to compromise? The party pushing for an open, televised QA session, while the other side screams "TRICK!!" is the one not willing to compromise?

Have you not been paying attention to all the republican lawmakers taking pictures and talking-up stimulus spending while simultaneously bashing it? What better explains this hypocrisy than trying to paint a negative picture of the democrats?

After months of taking a beating by the Republicans, Obama has finally been able to stabilize his approval ratings, and the Republicans realize their same tactics aren't going to work. They know they have to play in Obama's game now, which is going to mean actually defending their positions. This is a long-time coming too. I hope this "change" sticks around for subsequent administrations.

2/25/2010 1:19:34 AM

supple anteater
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^^The GOP can't get away with gridlock any more now that no side has a super-majority, and the President called them out very publicly at the Question Time on having to participate in governing. And the democratic party is going to include GOP ideas whether they like it or not. The only option for the GOP is whether or not they want to expound on those ideas, and take credit for them or not. Here is what the president has come up with in an attempt to be bipartisan, despite the GOP insisting we completely start over. It is a little ridiculous that they've said too much too fast all along, and over a year later they are saying its time to start over. This has been debated exhaustively, it would be absurd to start over now. They just want President Obama repeating the process over and over so that he has less victories before his first term ends.

Quote :
"Republican Ideas Included in the President's Proposal

It’s clear that the American people want health insurance reform. They aren’t interested in Democratic ideas or Republican ideas. They’re interested in the best ideas to reduce costs, guarantee choices and ensure the highest quality care.

They’re interested in ideas that will put them back in control of their own health care.

Throughout the debate on health insurance reform, Republican concepts and proposals have been included in legislation. In fact, hundreds of Republican amendments were adopted during the committee mark-up process. As a result, both the Senate and the House passed key Republican proposals that are incorporated into the President’s Proposal.

Review a few of the Republican initiatives included in legislation passed by Congress:

* Includes personal responsibility incentives: Allows health insurance premium to vary based on participation in proven employer wellness programs
o (Sources: H.R. 3468, “Promoting Health and Preventing Chronic Disease through Prevention and Wellness Programs for Employees, Communities, and Individuals Act” (Castle bill); H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill), "Coverage, Prevention and Reform Act")
* Advances medical liability reform through grants to States: Provides grants to States to jump-start and evaluate promising medical liability reform ideas to put patient safety first, prevent medical errors, and reduce liability premiums.
o (Sources: S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill); H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act” (Ryan bill); S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act” (Burr-Coburn, Ryan-Nunes bill))
* Extends dependent coverage to age 26: Gives young adults new options.
o (Sources: H.R. 4038, “Common Sense Health Care Reform & Accountability Act” (Republican Substitute bill); H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act” (Kirk bill))
* Allows automatic enrollment by employers in health insurance: Allows employee to opt-out.
o (Sources: House Republican Substitute; H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill); “Coverage, Prevention, and Reform Act” )
* Mechanisms to improve quality.
o (Sources: H.R. 4529, “Roadmap for America’s Future Act;” S. 1099, “Patients’ Choice Act;” H.R. 3400, Republican Study Group bill; S. 1783, “Ten Steps to Transform Health Care in America Act” (Enzi bill))

In addition to the Republican ideas already included in the legislation that’s passed the House and the Senate, the President’s Proposal incorporates a number of additional proposals that were included in Republican plans that focus on combating waste, fraud and abuse in government.

The President remains open to other policies as well. And the purpose of the Bipartisan Summit is to review all ideas and ensure that the best ideas are included in the plan.

Review the new Republican initiatives included in the President’s Proposal:

* Comprehensive Sanctions Database. The President’s Proposal establishes a comprehensive Medicare and Medicaid sanctions database, overseen by the HHS Inspector General. This database will provide a central storage location, allowing for law enforcement access to information related to past sanctions on health care providers, suppliers and related entities.
o (Source: H.R. 3400, “Empowering Patients First Act” (Republican Study Committee bill))
* Registration and Background Checks of Billing Agencies and Individuals. In an effort to decrease dishonest billing practices in the Medicare program, the President’s Proposal will assist in reducing the number of individuals and agencies with a history of fraudulent activities participating in Federal health care programs. It ensures that entities that bill for Medicare on behalf of providers are in good standing. It also strengthens the Secretary’s ability to exclude from Medicare individuals who knowingly submit false or fraudulent claims.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Expanded Access to the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank. Increasing access to the health care integrity data bank will improve coordination and information sharing in anti-fraud efforts. The President’s Proposal broadens access to the data bank to quality control and peer review organizations and private plans that are involved in furnishing items or services reimbursed by Federal health care program. It includes criminal penalties for misuse.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Liability of Medicare Administrative Contractors for Claims Submitted by Excluded Providers. In attacking fraud, it is critical to ensure the contractors that are paying claims are doing their utmost to ensure excluded providers do not receive Medicare payments. Therefore, the President’s Proposal provision holds Medicare Administrative Contractors accountable for Federal payment for individuals or entities excluded from the Federal programs or items or services for which payment is denied.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Community Mental Health Centers. The President’s Proposal ensures that individuals have access to comprehensive mental health services in the community setting, but strengthens standards for facilities that seek reimbursement as community mental health centers by ensuring these facilities are not taking advantage of Medicare patients or the taxpayers.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Limiting Debt Discharge in Bankruptcies of Fraudulent Health Care Providers or Suppliers. The President’s Proposal will assist in recovering overpayments made to providers and suppliers and return such funds to the Medicare Trust Fund. It prevents fraudulent health care providers from discharging through bankruptcy amounts due to the Secretary from overpayments.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Use of Technology for Real-Time Data Review. The President’s Proposal speeds access to claims data to identify potentially fraudulent payments more quickly. It establishes a system for using technology to provide real-time data analysis of claim and payments under public programs to identify and stop waste, fraud and abuse.
o (Source: Roskam Amendment offered in House Ways & Means Committee markup)
* Illegal Distribution of a Medicare or Medicaid Beneficiary Identification or Billing Privileges. Fraudulent billing to Medicare and Medicaid programs costs taxpayers millions of dollars each year. Individuals looking to gain access to a beneficiary’s personal information approach Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries with false incentives. Many beneficiaries unwittingly give over this personal information without ever receiving promised services. The President’s Proposal adds strong sanctions, including jail time, for individuals who purchase, sell or distribute Medicare beneficiary identification numbers or billing privileges under Medicare or Medicaid – if done knowingly, intentionally, and with intent to defraud.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”)
* Study of Universal Product Numbers Claims Forms for Selected Items and Services Under the Medicare Program. The President’s Proposal requires HHS to study and issue a report to Congress that examines the costs and benefits of assigning universal product numbers (UPNs) to selected items and services reimbursed under Medicare. The report must examine whether UPNs could help improve the efficient operation of Medicare and its ability to detect fraud and abuse.
o (Source: H.R. 3970, “Medical Rights & Reform Act”, Roskam Amendment offered in House Ways & Means Committee markup)"

[Edited on February 25, 2010 at 1:24 AM. Reason : .]

2/25/2010 1:20:39 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Like I said, compromise on one or two REAL issues like tort reform or purchasing insurance across state lines, would have been enough to garner RINO votes"

and that has been floated. and repubs have said "yeah that's great. still not going to vote for it." the same thing happened with the stimulus.

trying to find the quote. but some dem was asking what could be changed about the stimulus bill. and the republican gave his answer and the dem asked "will that get your vote?" to which the republican replied "you know i can't vote for that bill"

[Edited on February 25, 2010 at 1:28 AM. Reason : .]

2/25/2010 1:23:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"the same thing happened with the stimulus"

that's so crazy you mention the stimulus bill, because it passed the senate.... with republican votes.

but wait, i thought the senate republicans refuse to vote for any bills because they hate obama! aw shucks, more liberal lies and spin.

[Edited on February 25, 2010 at 1:57 AM. Reason : s]

2/25/2010 1:55:20 AM

All American
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it got one republican senate vote. zero repblican house votes. so yeah i stand by what i said.

2/25/2010 8:29:01 AM

All American
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that's so crazy... because it passed and all.

btw, healthcare only needs one RINO vote too

2/25/2010 10:52:23 AM

All American
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this should be a weekly event like the parliament in UK

2/25/2010 10:53:33 AM

All American
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This whole infomercial is such a charade. Neither side is going to convince the other side to change their tune. All we will see is political face time - Democrats want to look like they tried hard to compromise when the time comes for them to push this bill through. Democrats should either grow a pair and push the bill through via reconciliation or officially renounce reconciliation in favor of efforts toward a compromise with Republicans. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

2/25/2010 11:39:22 AM

All American
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Quote :
"democrat misjudgement"

and LOL at people quoting Rasmussen polls with a straight face

2/25/2010 11:56:54 AM

All American
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This isnt going well for the Dems. I think it does look great for the President.

Republicans are using facts. Dems are using stories.

And who let James Clyburn talk? his story/example is totally illogical. People with insurance are going to the ER for routine care bc they have high deductibles. LOL. This fucker has NO idea how insurance even works. Both will file your insurance, both will count towards your deductible, both will bill the patient. So someone would love to go to the ER and be billed 700 bucks plus wait 6 hours to get an exam, vs wait 1 hour and get billed 120. Sure, great point.

Now you have some idiot yelling about why he should pay for the most expensive insurance simply bc he is in a high risk pool for something that was out of his control. LOL. I imagine bc you USE more buddy, so you should PAY more. If YOU have nothing to do with your illness and dont want to pay more...why should anyone else?

[Edited on February 25, 2010 at 12:31 PM. Reason : .]

2/25/2010 12:19:46 PM

All American
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I don't understand why things are still so heated. The President's proposals are actually pretty reasonable. No public option, no employer mandate, effectively lowers the excise tax that was in the Senate Bill.

Here's a good comparison (oh no biased source!).

But at the same time, this bill actually does a lot of good. Both the individual mandate and the low income subsidies will work to make health insurance more affordable. What's so bad about that?

I would be very happy if the final product looks like what Obama is proposing.

If republicans really wanted to contribute, they could reiterate reforms they have suggested in the past that would also make health insurance more affordable--creating a national health care market for example where people were allowed to purchase health insurance across state lines.

Of course, I wouldn't hold my breath that Republicans would ever do anything so constructive at this point.

2/25/2010 12:31:39 PM

All American
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eliminated preexisting? ending "premium discrimination" (ahahha, great term btw)

So what would that do? In your opinion?

Repubs clearly are holding thier ground showing what DOES lower health care costs. They want less govt and more HSAs.

2/25/2010 12:49:49 PM

All American
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Eric Cantor is such a smug douche.

2/25/2010 12:56:41 PM

All American
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Dems need to regroup at lunch.

I wont be able to watch the second half.

And can you believe that a woman had to wear her dead sisters dentures, in AMERICA???? We need this bill. hahah

2/25/2010 1:19:33 PM

supple anteater
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I was only able to tune in right before they went to break. All I saw was a bunch of elected officials sitting around in a circle to talk just before leaving to take a vote. Then as they were leaving to take the vote the President was asked a question outside and he said something like "we've found some common ground and now we're looking at areas where we is now pretty clear that we aren't debating a government takeover of healthcare, rather we're debating how much to regulate the health insurance industry" Or something like that. I'm going to try to catch more of it.

[Edited on February 25, 2010 at 1:37 PM. Reason : .]

2/25/2010 1:37:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
"And can you believe that a woman had to wear her dead sisters dentures, in AMERICA???? We need this bill. hahah"

Yeah man let's laugh at other people's misfortunes while insurance companies rake in record profits.

I hope you get hit by a truck you fuck.

2/25/2010 1:41:34 PM

All American
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supplanter, the HOUSE had a vote to get to leaving the meeting, then those members were coming back. That was the vote you heard mentioned.

2/25/2010 1:46:31 PM

All American
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eyedrb, I don't see a problem with eliminating preexisting condition exclusions if we also have an individual mandate.

2/25/2010 2:13:25 PM

All American
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really? Ok, follow me for a second.

Let say everyone DOES get health insurance. However, insurance companies are now not allowed to adjust for risk. Which is exactly what this does. So let say you and I are with the same insurance company. I cost them 40k a year, you cost them 300 dollars a year. However, they arent allowed, by law, to charge me more. So what will that do to your premium? It wont go down, you are basically saying that an insurance company can only charge one price, now which price will it charge?

Your premium might go from 200 a month to 800 a month, so then its cheaper to just take the penality, or look for another company. But looking at the age distribution of the population, which way do you think your premiums will be going? Now there is NO financial incentive to take care of yourself, or anyone for that matter. Which way will costs go?

2/25/2010 2:38:19 PM

All American
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Paul Ryan is impressing me.

2/25/2010 2:54:32 PM

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