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All American
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4/27/2016 11:27:19 AM

8379 Posts
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RNC mailing out fake collection notices - bad

DNC giving out fake sample ballots - not bad


4/27/2016 11:31:29 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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your desire to conflate those two things is comical

and The Democratic County Executive Committee of Philadelphia =/= DNC but details, schmetails

[Edited on April 27, 2016 at 11:36 AM. Reason : .]

4/27/2016 11:34:04 AM

50084 Posts
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Goalie seems an ass about Bernie but Earl did say, and I quote, "hard to win when you're not on the ballot."

Earls stupidity shouldn't reflect on all Bernie supporters though.

4/27/2016 11:35:40 AM

8379 Posts
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yeah obviously Earl says dumb shit but it's not the same point dtownral or I were making

No shit, really?

4/27/2016 11:45:49 AM

26632 Posts
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maybe he doesn't know what sleazy means and thinks it means major scandal or something

[Edited on April 27, 2016 at 1:17 PM. Reason : definitely sleazy]

4/27/2016 1:17:23 PM

All American
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4/27/2016 1:33:41 PM

The E Man
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As someone who doesnt follow politics ( which most here have acknowledged is true of poor people), why would you think bernie is on the ballot after receiving a form that says "official ballot" and doesnt have his name on it?

Lets not try and play games and try to say im saying people couldnt actually vote for bernie ( even though a lot couldnt in separate shenanigans)

4/27/2016 3:04:51 PM

All American
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because when you go in to the booth to actually vote, his name is on the fucking ballot

you must have a low opinion of bernie supporters if you think they'd get something liek that outside a polling place and then just turn around and go home because "welp not on the ballot"

4/28/2016 11:34:36 AM

The E Man
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I'm not talking about Bernie supporters. I'm talking about undecided voters. Although they don't make up their mind long in advance, they probably make up their mind before they go to the precinct so any literature with the word "official" on it should be presented without bias. If you replaced the word official with "pro hillary", i'd be fine with it.

This is really a big problem with the establishment in general. People see biased literature and media that is presented as if it is unbiased. The general public isn't aware that CNN supports hillary so when they listen to them talk about her, they believe it.

Wheras pro bernie ads have the "i'm bernie sanders and I approve this message"

4/28/2016 2:01:42 PM

50084 Posts
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CNN supports whatever idiot gets them more viewers. You are such a conspiracy nut..

4/28/2016 2:18:50 PM

The E Man
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They show what gets them more views. They spin the way the boss tells them to spin.

Follow the money

4/28/2016 2:38:35 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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Y'all Sanders supporters still around?

Quote :
"Study: Sanders' economic plan piles $18T on federal debt. Sen. Bernie Sanders' tax and spending proposals would provide new levels of health and education benefits for American families, but they'd also blow an $18-trillion hole in federal deficits, piling on so much debt they would damage the economy."

5/9/2016 1:58:21 PM

?? ????? ??
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I've seen reports on how every candidate will create more debt and make taxes skyrocket and I've seen reports onhow every candidate is the right one to fix everything ever and give us all rainbow ponies.

I don't believe a single one of them, considering the national debt is controlled by congress.

5/9/2016 2:42:06 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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From the same article:

Quote :
"In a statement, the Sanders campaign said the analysis 'wildly overestimates' the cost of the Vermont senator's health care proposal.

The campaign also said the analysis 'significantly underestimates' health care savings through less bureaucracy, simplified paperwork and lower prescription drug prices, similar to what other countries with government-run systems have achieved...

But economist John Holahan of the Health Policy Center said those countries put their systems in place decades ago, and he doubts modern-day America could easily achieve comparable savings."

Quote :
"The studies try to give a sense of winners and losers under Sanders' proposals. All but the richest would come out ahead.

Those in the middle of the income ladder — averaging about $41,000 in annual income — would gain nearly $8,700 on average because the new benefits would be worth more than the taxes they would pay.

But households in the upper rungs — the top 5 percent averaging about $650,000 in annual income — would lose about $110,000 on average because the new taxes levied on them would exceed the value of benefits they would receive under the plan."

Is there a specific reason why health care systems put in place decades ago would save more than a new health care system? Just the cost of establishing its administration?

[Edited on May 9, 2016 at 5:41 PM. Reason : ]

5/9/2016 5:41:11 PM

26632 Posts
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so wait, now democrats are trying to say that taxing the rich is bad?

god damn you hillary supporters have drunk the kool aid

5/9/2016 6:09:56 PM

8379 Posts
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5/9/2016 8:18:32 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4922 Posts
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What is this post referencing?

5/9/2016 9:38:39 PM

All American
2254 Posts
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I am a Bernie supporter and yes I am still around. When Hillary loses to Trump don't say we didn't warn you. Bernie polls better against him by a good amount.

5/10/2016 1:18:13 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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I'm just waiting for the Hillary camp to blame Bernie supporters for her losing in November.

"Vote for me" is stronger than "Vote against him." And all Hillary can say right now is vote against Trump.

5/11/2016 6:07:56 PM

play so hard
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6/8/2016 1:39:25 PM

4759 Posts
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bernie as hillary's running mate = landslide victory?

6/8/2016 3:46:31 PM

play so hard
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I don't think she needs any help with Vermont.

6/8/2016 3:49:01 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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A bernie endorsement wont suddenly make hillary not a liar

6/8/2016 4:17:17 PM

The E Man
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I'm not comfortable with him meeting with obama but can't wait to see what comes out of it.

6/9/2016 12:30:01 PM

The E Man
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ok. good speech. cnn pundits losing their minds.

[Edited on June 9, 2016 at 12:43 PM. Reason : not gonna lie. i was expecting a sellout speech too]

6/9/2016 12:40:46 PM

50084 Posts
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Bernie's thinking is sound right now IMO. Reading into it a bit my my take on his view at moment:

- the longer he stays in the more his message gets out
- taking his views to the convention does not mean taking his candidacy to the convention
- a republican presidency and congress means the end of any chance of his progressive agenda getting any foothold during his lifetime so he will help Clinton defeat Trump
- Bernie would hate Earl

[Edited on June 9, 2016 at 12:46 PM. Reason : X]

6/9/2016 12:45:22 PM

The E Man
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Quote :
"- a republican presidency and congress means the end of any chance of his progressive agenda getting any foothold during his lifetime so he will help Clinton defeat Trump"

thats not what he said though. he talked about bigotry and discrimination. why are you saying this? is it because of supreme court justices?

Quote :
"- Bernie would hate Earl"

why are you saying this?

6/9/2016 1:01:51 PM

50084 Posts
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That and the fact that nearly every single position that Trump has flies in the face of the progressive agenda.

6/9/2016 1:44:51 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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I love how the first position on trumps positions page is "PAY FOR THE WALL"

Like it's not even about illegal immigration in general, or even the wall itself, it's about MAKE MEXICO PAY FOR THE WALL!

6/9/2016 1:47:59 PM

26632 Posts
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Bernie Sanders’ Digital Team Launches Job Site For Out-Of-Work Progressives
They want to continue the movement after the campaign.

6/9/2016 3:09:27 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"That and the fact that nearly every single position that Trump has flies in the face of the progressive agenda."

So maybe you misspoke

Quote :
" a republican presidency and congress means the end of any chance of his progressive agenda getting any foothold during his lifetime so he will help Clinton defeat Trump""

even if you're saying he'll be dead after 4 years trump, he would still be dead after 4 years of clinton

6/10/2016 1:50:33 PM

50084 Posts
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Holy shit I'm talking about how the GOP would run rampant controlling the house, senate and executive as well as the court moving back to the right. It could potentially take a decade or longer to undo.

Fairly obvious you are one of those butt hurt Sanders people (mind you I have no problems with those who abstain from voting for her) that can't see the forest for the trees. Constantly defending Trump and trying to say he is pivoting when nothing of the sort is happening.

6/10/2016 2:13:53 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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he is though. trump is all over the place and has been. just because trump is awful doesn't mean you have to try to say everything he says is 100% wrong. Thats where you mess up. Sure, a lot of the stuff he says is unacceptable, and should keep any of us from ever considering voting for him, but it shouldn't make us automatically reject everything else he says.

You act like I'm voting for trump just because i point out the topics where he shows promise. I'm voting for stein (again) just to put that out there. Its a sure thing.

6/10/2016 2:19:41 PM

50084 Posts
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I've largely stayed away from a lot of stuff such as that NY Times article or his treatment of women in general. I have called him out on the constant lying about Libya/Iraq and the inappropriate and dangerous judge situation.

His speech today was a generic telepromted GOP speech. Nothing more.

6/10/2016 2:22:13 PM

50084 Posts
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Lol at pivoting with what you posted. Just saw the transcript. The context is that he'd take the money saved by banning refugees (read: Muslims) and use it for poor people.

He didn't mention inner city btw not that it matters.

6/10/2016 2:29:36 PM

26632 Posts
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The Democratic Party derailed Bernie: How the establishment has worked to discredit Sanders’ movement
Party leaders demonized Sanders supporters to stymie debate of the progressive change he's championed

6/10/2016 4:02:19 PM

?? ????? ??
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Some people are mad at Bernie now for saying he's going to help Clinton beat Trump. For me it will all depend on how much he gets to influence the party platform. If the democrats take a progressive stance on the issues he's been talking about since day 1, they will have my vote.

6/11/2016 4:44:47 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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^^ LOL @ Salon

6/11/2016 6:00:41 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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Bernie Sanders derailed himself: For better and for worse, Sanders made all the big decisions.

6/11/2016 6:09:00 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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worst decision he made which everyone knows was not going after clinton on her illegal actions with regard to government classified information

6/12/2016 8:43:57 AM

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unless the narrative about him being only about himself winning isn't an accurate narrative

6/12/2016 9:28:59 AM

All American
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poor bernie's become unhinged. Warren is replacing him as the populist surrogate on the campaign trail, the number of sanders supporters who said they would never vote clinton has already shrunk from 20% to 8%, and he's gotten about all the platform concessions he can get from the loser's seat. now this:

6/28/2016 2:24:02 PM

8379 Posts
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that article was as disgustingly written as your post

6/28/2016 2:42:42 PM

All American
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lol k

6/28/2016 3:44:03 PM

50084 Posts
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Honestly I don't see anything wrong with what he said. He will work for her going forward but he needs to see that she will represent at least some of his ideals/policies. Not outrageous...

6/28/2016 4:37:02 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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^ same

6/28/2016 4:51:50 PM

26632 Posts
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so wait, are we pretending like we are shocked that bernie sanders isn't campaigning for his primary opponent before the nominee is selected?

ok, super shocked i guess

warren was a star before sanders started running, she represents liberal populists who clinton wants to court, and she does a great job attacking trump. so what about this exactly is the surprise?

6/28/2016 5:14:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
" before the nominee is selected? "


6/28/2016 10:28:39 PM

26632 Posts
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has sanders conceded the primary and i missed the news?

6/29/2016 7:11:48 AM

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