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All American
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I like that you called him a serial rapist there. Had they exposed him by the time he went serial, it would have reflected poorly that their behavior allowed him to continue doing what he was doing.

7/26/2012 10:35:13 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Explain again how exactly exposing a serial rapist and putting him in jail would have reflected poorly on anyone??"

Because he was an assistant coach of the team for 30 years, since '69. He was the coach-in-waiting. He was founder of The Second Mile in '77, which was closely affiliated with the football program. He was twice named assistant coach of the year in '86 and '99. All the while he was raping little kids, probably most of his adult life, and his peers and espeically JoePa probably knew about it and systematically hid it. Because if it came out that he was an habitual child-rapist while he was a coach and heavily involved in a chilren's charity closely affiliated with the football team, it would reflect very poorly on his peers and on the football team. So even after they knew that he was out of control, they continued to hide it to protect the football program.

[Edited on July 26, 2012 at 10:46 AM. Reason : ]

7/26/2012 10:43:59 AM

Black and Proud
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I take it you didnt read what i said then eh??? If from the fucking beginning. Ie the very first time a janitor or football player or tape recorder or fufking anything crossed the desk of joepa or the administration and the phone call was made to the authorities, peen state automatically becomes the heroes.

Penn State releases a statement that says " We are Penn State. We are a beacon of morale strength and we hold ourselves to the highest standard. And thus the only acceptable option is to condem these tragic and horrific acts of terror enacted by a disturbed man. His actions are in direct conflict with the values we hold dear as Penn Staters and human beings."

Then no one gives a flying fuck what sandusky accomplished as a coach, just like the majority of America no longer cares what JoePa did. Sandusky was not Penn State. He was a good coach who just happened to be a pedophile and history would remember him exactly that way. There would be no cover up. No absurdly long strong of concealment. Only Penn State doing the right thing and ousting a monster.

Also, it was my understanding that the first time JoePa learned sandusky was a sicko was not the first of the acts by aandusky. Thus, JoePa was then knowingly or unknowingly aided and abeiting a serial rapist. If he did learn of everything the very first time then i ame.d my previous statement to "child rapist" instead. My apologies

7/26/2012 11:10:31 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I take it you didnt read what i said then eh??? "

i did, and i thought i took everything you said into consideration. i don't agree with your point of view. Sure, if he was turned over at the very, very beginning, as soon as someone in the administration was aware, then it wouldn't have been a big deal for the university. but i'd bet that it was known by someone waaay back that he was acting innapropriately with children, it wasn't reported, and then it was perpetually covered for decades because if it came out that people knew and nothing was done, it would devestate the community and the football program. just like it has.

7/26/2012 11:16:06 AM

Black and Proud
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And i completely agree wh that. Im not sure what we're disagreeing on now. Yes in 2005 it was t9o fucking late. And yes exactly what happened now would have happened then. We both agree the root of the issue is the cover up. If the cover up never happens. Penn State hires another elite DC and life for PSU football moves on and Sandusky rots in jail.

For the record
Quote :
" Sure, if he was turned over at the very, very beginning, as soon as someone in the administration was aware, then it wouldn't have been a big deal for the university"

Is my point of view

7/26/2012 11:20:54 AM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"HARRISBURG, Pa. -- A man who claims to be the unknown victim molested in a Penn State shower by Jerry Sandusky in a case that led to Joe Paterno's firing intends to sue the university for its "egregious and reckless conduct" that facilitated the abuse, his lawyers said Thursday.

7/26/2012 12:59:08 PM

Black and Proud
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So..... Did i win? Or did people a shit

7/28/2012 8:08:15 AM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"I think the actions of Penn St. fans show more of the underlying culture than any written official policy ever would. "

OK. So if a Penn State fan goes out and murders somebody, then Penn State should be put on NCAA probation, right? How many scholarships does the school lose for a fan murdering someone? You just want vengeance against a whole school and a whole group of people simply because some fucktards out there don't agree with you. pretty shitty belief system you have there, buddy.

Quote :
"Do you not think the football benefited from 1998 - 2011 by covering up the abuse by Sandusky?"

No, I really don't. I don't think that buttfucking a little boy helped them gain a single win.

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"Doesn't really matter what you or I think would have happened to the program had they done the right thing"

Then why did you fucking ask? "Hey, do you really think this did such and such?" *gives a great response that tears your claim apart* "Well, what we think doesn't matter anyway..." Really?

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"It wasn't about protecting a friend."

That's EXACTLY what it was about. There's no need to protect an "image" of a school when the school is actually doing the right thing, and turning in their friend immediately would have been the right thing.

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"i think it's silly to believe that the highest figures in the athletic department and the univsersity systematically hid the fact that sandusky was a serial pedofile for oer a decade (they had to know), and was even raping kids in the university shower, because they were buddies with him. "

You are right. They hid it initially because he was their friend. Then, they had to keep hiding it to protect themselves.

7/28/2012 1:07:06 PM

All American
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Quote :
"OK. So if a Penn State fan goes out and murders somebody, then Penn State should be put on NCAA probation, right?"

terrible analogy. this wasn't a fan, it was someone very closely affiliated with the football program. and if a coach murdered somebody, and the administration knew but kept it under wraps, and then he murdered again and again, and the athletic department and administration all knew but allowed him to still work for them and hang around the program and continued to keep it under wraps for decades, then yeah, i think the NCAA should be able to put them on probation.

Quote :
"gives a great response that tears your claim apart"

you think too highly of yourself, you haven't really torn any claims apart.

7/28/2012 1:43:42 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"you think too highly of yourself, you haven't really torn any claims apart."

You can't even read, at this point. Other dude tore you apart, to which you responded "what does what you or I think matter?" Are your reading comprehension skills *that* bad? Might explain a few things...

Quote :
"terrible analogy."

Great fucking analogy. Dude was saying that the "culture" was exhibited by the behaviour of the fans. it only follows, then, that the fans' actions, according to this person, should also be reviewable and punishable by the NCAA.

7/28/2012 1:54:29 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You can't even read, at this point. Other dude tore you apart, to which you responded "what does what you or I think matter?" Are your reading comprehension skills *that* bad? Might explain a few things..."

It wasn't even me that said that, smart-guy. Seems like you're having a hard time comprehending the string of comments. and it really is a terrible and irrelevant analogy.

7/28/2012 2:02:27 PM

Sup, B
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i know. it's a terrible analogy to use the exact same thing that a guy said to show how ridiculous what the guy said was.

if the "culture" is exhibited by the behaviour of the fans, why, then, would an example of behaviour by a fan be a terrible analogy?

7/28/2012 2:15:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"if the "culture" is exhibited by the behaviour of the fans, why, then, would an example of behaviour by a fan be a terrible analogy?

It's like arguing with a 5 year old. You're either an idiot or trollling.

[Edited on July 28, 2012 at 6:19 PM. Reason : a]

7/28/2012 6:19:30 PM

Sup, B
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ok, then how many fans need to go murder someone before NCAA sanctions should be considered?

7/28/2012 6:29:49 PM

New Recruit
80068 Posts
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aha, this thread

7/28/2012 6:42:23 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Well, at least this horrific incident and cover up isn't keeping them from finding work on the taxpayer dime.

7/29/2012 6:30:24 PM

All American
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But fan behavior has been something the NCAA has been involved in. I don't like the analogy but there have been incidents.

NCAA reprimands GSU for fan behavior.

The issue with the analogy is a fan going out and murdering someone isn't connected to the head coach, the facility, the people in charge of the university, or athletics. Now if JoePa told a fan to murder someone and covered it up, my guess is the NCAA would take a peak. The analogy is bad because it doesn't account for any connection to athletics other than the person liking a team. We can argue all day on whether JoePa did what he did because the guy was a friend, or to protect the program. We'll really never know and my guess is that it was a combination of the two. I like how some people in this thread claim to know exactly what JoePa was thinking. I just tend to lean toward protecting the program because that seemed to be his entire world, and by protecting the program he also protected his friend.

I feel like there is some sort of fear that the NCAA will start to like hand out parking tickets. I know there is slippery slope theory but common, this isn't the NCAA trying to find a way to get involved in every matter, this is a response they felt was necessary not to gain more power somehow but try to handle a delicate issue that they really were going to catch flack no matter what they did.

7/29/2012 8:01:46 PM

37709 Posts
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I lol'd

Quote :
"STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (CBS Cleveland/AP) — Don’t expect Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” to be played during Penn State football games anytime soon.

According to the Altoona Mirror, the school decided not to play the fan favorite during games this year due to the Jerry Sandusky scandal.

The paper reports that university officials felt that the “touching you, touching me” lyrics would be inappropriate to sing at this time.

There is no word yet on if the ban will continue on in the future.

Sandusky was convicted in June of 45 counts of sexual abuse of 10 boys and awaits sentencing. He has maintained his innocence.

8/27/2012 5:51:24 PM

All American
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Lol, that would be inappropriate.

They should probably stick to playing the classics:

[Edited on August 28, 2012 at 11:18 AM. Reason : -]

8/28/2012 11:11:55 AM

45908 Posts
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I think they should play this.

8/28/2012 11:20:45 AM

Forgetful Jones
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11/1/2012 9:32:49 PM

All American
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@ 0:20 (sweet caroline)

[Edited on November 1, 2012 at 11:12 PM. Reason : i linked the wrong f'ing utube]

11/1/2012 10:51:07 PM

Sup, B
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Pennsylvania (the state) is challenging the NCAA sanctions against Penn State. This might be interesting

1/1/2013 1:22:34 PM

All American
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7/18/2013 1:29:22 PM

All American
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Hercules Rockefeller
Rembrandt Q. Einstein
Handsome B. Wonderful

7/18/2013 3:10:52 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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7/18/2013 6:53:12 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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Art Vandelay

7/18/2013 7:48:51 PM

All American
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Ben Dover

7/18/2013 8:55:33 PM

All American
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7/30/2013 4:15:18 PM

All American
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7/30/2013 5:14:12 PM

All American
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remember how some of us were saying how ridiculous the NCAA overreacted/went way outside of their jurisdiction?

yeah, they kind of admitted as much by giving Penn State some of their scholarships back. and I'm sure they will take back some of their other "punishments"

9/25/2013 1:01:16 AM

All American
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Next week they will decide Carolina is a pinnacle of education and morality and give them the ACC championship from last year that they clearly would have won.

9/25/2013 8:26:55 AM

All American
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You mean that National Championship from a few years back?

9/25/2013 10:23:47 AM

Sup, B
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They are in talks with the SEC to get that back so they can give it to UNC

9/25/2013 9:43:39 PM

All American
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postseason eligible immediately & all scholarships returned in '15-'16

9/8/2014 2:39:33 PM

Sink the Flagship
9817 Posts
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that's some bullshit.

9/8/2014 2:57:10 PM

All American
552 Posts
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jesus christ

fucking nuke these motherfuckers from orbit.

"let's put up a statue of some dead piece of shit who enabled a child rapist"

god damn it

9/8/2014 10:54:23 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Eh. You could argue that the NCAA was overstepping their bounds in the first place. Sandusky deserved to be prosecuted as a sick, piece of shit criminal. I don't know that the NCAA has any bylaws that specifically prevent molesting kids. Kind of like if your football coach committed murder, it's for the cops to deal with, not the NCAA. So even though touching little kids is so much worse than fake classes or paying's not really the NCAA's jurisdiction imo.

9/8/2014 11:00:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Kind of like if your football coach committed murder, it's for the cops to deal with, not the NCAA"

It wasn't the crime, it was the cover up by the head coach and administrators for the purpose of protecting the football program

[Edited on September 8, 2014 at 11:04 PM. Reason : .]

9/8/2014 11:04:09 PM

best gottfriend
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i don't like it at all. they should've gotten the death penalty, really. you don't deserve a football program if that's how you use it. let the kids leave w/o penalty (a free transfer is really a gift these days) and call it a day. oh well.

9/8/2014 11:46:18 PM

Forgetful Jones
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9/9/2014 12:04:25 AM

All American
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^^^^ you could argue the NFL is overstepping its bounds in setting rules against domestic violence by that logic too.

^^^ precisely. The NCAA has long been a pretty irrelevant organization with very little real power over anything, but this was a situation where it had the ability to do something meaningful. when a university puts the reputation and well-being of one of its athletic programs above the well-being of children for decades, it is absolutely the NCAA's responsibility to let people know that shit doesn't fly. the entire penn state community was and still is contaminated by bullshit football culture, and the fact that there are this many fans who are still clamoring for their wins to be given back and touting joe fucking paterno as a victim instead of an enabler who failed to do what was right when faced with the biggest moral dilemma of his existence means that these people haven't learned a god damn thing out of all of this. and maybe the worst part, other than a clear message being sent that football is more important than child rape, is that the narrative surrounding this school and it's football team will be overwhelmingly positive in a few years when we'll all be reminded how much penn state went through and what they overcame and blah blah blah

9/9/2014 8:05:10 AM

All American
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10/30/2014 3:18:01 PM

All American
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You know they're lawyers because they all have briefcases.

I wonder how they would honor scientists... make them show up to a presser with pocket protectors and glasses held together with tape?

10/30/2014 5:15:43 PM

All American
38979 Posts
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NCAA at it again

proving how ridiculous they were during all of this

1/16/2015 1:49:49 PM

All American
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1/16/2015 1:52:20 PM

oh we back
25223 Posts
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they're giving paterno back his vacated wins - because, really, that's what is important here. making sure a dead man's football wins are in proper order.

1/16/2015 1:54:27 PM

All American
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So did he Bowden on the all time wins list?

[Edited on January 16, 2015 at 2:18 PM. Reason : Yep]

1/16/2015 2:18:05 PM

All American
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"Proposed NCAA settlement could restore Penn State wins" -cnn. Well so nothing will happen to UNC?

1/16/2015 2:24:19 PM

All American
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They'll take down banners and then give them back a few years later to celebrate all the overcome adversity

1/16/2015 2:28:54 PM

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