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 Message Boards » » So...who is, or is considering, voting for Trump? Page 1 ... 23 24 25 26 [27] 28 29 30 31 ... 40, Prev Next  
26632 Posts
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^^you need to read the rest of his statements, in order

[Edited on July 9, 2019 at 12:06 PM. Reason : context matters, that quote is from 3 days after]

7/9/2019 12:02:43 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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It's fascinating someone can try to defend trump as not being racist...

Stephen Miller is an active white supremacist, and he's Trump's right-hand man

We have squalid internment camps under Miller's tutelage

Miller was Session's protege, and Sessions basically did everything he could to stop us from getting a grasp on what's going on with police brutality, or reforming the criminal justice system

Black unemployment has started to slide upward for the first time in 10 years

Betsy DeVos is pushing policies to make school segregation even worse.

Let alone trump's rhetoric from the launch of his campaign, to the comments on judge curiel, to his constant demonizing of immigrants as criminals. Or the muslim bans or the attempt to stop legal immigration from non-white countries. Trump has almost zero non-white people in his administration too.

[Edited on July 9, 2019 at 12:21 PM. Reason : ]

7/9/2019 12:20:56 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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I can't wait for the movie to be made about this administration

7/12/2019 11:15:45 AM

All American
38980 Posts
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that dude still wanna claim that Trump isn’t racist?

7/14/2019 12:07:24 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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of course he does

No way he caught a facefull of common sense in a week

7/14/2019 12:14:45 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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well, Trump just said his most blatantly racist thing this morning, so that might help dude out a bit

7/14/2019 12:40:26 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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He doesn't strike me as being that capable of critical thinking, but we'll see.

7/14/2019 3:55:34 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Quote :
"The only real reason anyone is voting for trump is if they hate gays, or they're racist"

OK, look...I fucking loathe Trump. He is utterly inept, morally repugnant, severely opposed to me on policy, and catastrophic for the long-term success of both the GOP and America.

Your statement, though, is comically absurd. That sort of myopic, narrow-viewed, selling your opponent short is how you'll end up with him again if you're not careful.

7/14/2019 4:40:59 PM

All American
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I understand it’s an inflammatory statement but it’s true from literally every trump supporter I’ve interacted with, including close longtime friends.

All of the non-white people I know who support trump are extremely homophobic.

All of the white people I know who support trump are generous and polite to non-white people they interact with in their personal life and they believe this is sufficient to not be racist. They’re fine with racial profiling and Muslim bans, and reducing non-white immigration. They’re not phased at trump’s rhetoric continuously demonizing immigrants. They think black people make too big of a deal about police brutality and disparities in the justice system, etc..

I believe these 2 categories fit 98% of trump supporters.

7/14/2019 5:24:55 PM

Save TWW
37139 Posts
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Quote :
"If you vote for the Trump you're OK with racist and homophobic policies. How about that. Although it's essentially the same thing I guess"

7/14/2019 6:07:16 PM

4362 Posts
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Duke just wants to sit in his ivory tower and talk down. Didn't you vote for Gary Johnson?

7/14/2019 6:10:07 PM

All American
7338 Posts
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7/14/2019 6:32:00 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Didn't you vote for Gary Johnson"

Yes, instead of Hillary Clinton, in Florida.

7/14/2019 6:53:23 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"I believe these 2 categories fit 98% of trump supporters"

Is stupid and lazy name calling though.

7/14/2019 6:54:41 PM

Forgetful Jones
147732 Posts
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Were all the Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, etc supporters also homophobic racists? Just trying to follow along.

7/14/2019 8:21:37 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Quote :
"All of the white people I know who support trump are generous and polite to non-white people they interact with in their personal life and they believe this is sufficient to not be racist. They’re fine with racial profiling and Muslim bans, and reducing non-white immigration. They’re not phased at trump’s rhetoric continuously demonizing immigrants. They think black people make too big of a deal about police brutality and disparities in the justice system, etc..

I believe these 2 categories fit 98% of trump supporters."

There are some of those. There are plenty of others who are genuinely not racist at all, or xenophobic/hostile to immigrants and immigration (unsurprising, as the GOP has historically been pro-immigration, or at least a large, maybe even dominant faction of it has been). Hell, I've met some who are clearly off-put by the rhetoric and policies on immigration. It's just (a) not one of the issues that really motivates them, (b) tribalism in politics is strong, and (c) however much they don't like Trump, they really don't like the alternatives. Part of that is because they're...Republicans, and they disagree with Democrats. Part of it is they, in the case of relative centrists like Biden or Obama, have been misled to believe that they're worse than they really are.

I'm not saying that the true Trump believers aren't abhorrent. I'm not saying that the GOP hasn't tilted dramatically towards those absolutely worst factions lately (both in the sense that the die-hards of that strain have taken the reins, as well as that the worst impulses of previously quasi-reasonable people have been brought out, I think just due to tribalism). I'm not saying that the remainder of the GOP, whatever portion that it is, who really outright dislikes Trump (but isn't quite "Never Trump", committing to oppose him) isn't wrong. They have made a Faustian bargain, and it (a) is wrong simply because it's wrong, and (b) is not in their own interest in the long run.

I am saying that there are many people in the GOP, I think far more than 2%, who are neither racist not xenophobic nor homophobic. They might not be as "woke" as many on the left (which is a blessing and a curse), and they might not appreciate what a problem police brutality is, or the extent of inequities in the justice system, but it's mostly plain ignorance, coupled with the luxury of not personally needing to be in tune with and motivated by those issues, because they have no personal connection to them.

All of these things are problems, but you're making a serious mistake and misunderstanding, I think, by painting with such a broad brush.

Quote :
"If you vote for the Trump you're OK with racist and homophobic policies. How about that. "

That, I agree with...or at least "OK enough to accept it."

Quote :
"Didn't you vote for Gary Johnson"

Yes. I thought HRC had it in the bag. Understand that I strongly dislike HRC, but wanted her to win only because, well, at least she wasn't Trump. Her deliberate mishandling of very highly classified information, and then not owning up to her mistake, was a bridge too far for me even to ignore even with the clenched teeth that would be required to vote for her under the best of circumstances, unless I thought that my vote might absolutely be required.

If I had to do it again, knowing what I know now that most of us thought could never happen, and in the circumstance of being in a swing state...I would vote for her...but I maintain even now that she didn't deserve my vote. Fuck her. I stand by my decision based on what I knew at the time, both about her (which I was dead-on about) and about the potential outcome of the race (which I was dead-wrong about).

7/14/2019 9:16:19 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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Quote :
"I understand it’s an inflammatory statement but it’s true from literally every trump supporter I’ve interacted with, including close longtime friends.

Pretty sure you yourself has chastised me at least a few times these past 17 years or however long for using anecdotal evidence, so please leave it out of your arguments.

I don't know how many times I've said that having views like yours will ensure that we have Trump for another 4 years.

7/14/2019 11:02:51 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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I constantly post statistical evidence of this too.

I’m not following what you’re saying about how this gets trump elected. What gets trump elected is refusing to acknowledge the rampant support for systemic (and in trump’s case direct interpersonal) racism in the GOP and a majority of white Americans (as identified by surveys and voting patterns).

To clarify, when I say trump supporters are mostly racists, I don’t mean as an indelible character flaw, I mean as a deficit to be corrected if possible. I don’t think white people who aren’t racist spend enough time trying to make their racists friends and family not racist. A lot of this has to do with right wing news very effectively sealing off the normal avenues of edifying people, but that’s not really my problem to solve...

Also, racism is too often framed as a side issue of politics, which is also a side effect of white people’s instinct not to see racism until it’s too late, but racism is the most common reasons societies collapse, look at the American civil war or Germany under the Nazis, or the Israel Palestine conflict. The fighting between Shiites and Sunnis... racism is serious and it’s growing under trump’s tutelage in America.

[Edited on July 15, 2019 at 12:19 AM. Reason : ]

7/15/2019 12:12:46 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"I constantly post statistical evidence of this too. "

You misspelled the word anecdotal.

[Edited on July 15, 2019 at 12:22 AM. Reason : Next thing you know 98% of trump voters are white supremacists too]

7/15/2019 12:21:26 AM

All American
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And it’s not like this was a mystery. Why do you think we were all taught America was a land of immigrants and we’re a melting pot (or salad bowl for younger generations). The powers that be have known for decades how serious this is, and they tried to inoculate younger generations. Trump wasn’t part of an inoculated generation. Immigrants aren’t supposed the be the polished and wealthy, they’re supposed to be desperate and yearning to breathe free.

Trump is trying aggressively to change these moors to where you can dismiss/castigate your fellow American because their skin color or dress is not familiar enough to you.

7/15/2019 12:26:41 AM

Save TWW
37139 Posts
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Quote :
"Quote :
"If you vote for the Trump you're OK with racist and homophobic policies. How about that. "

That, I agree with...or at least "OK enough to accept it."

What's the difference be "being racist" and "being ok with racist policies"? Nobody really gives a shit about someone's personal beliefs, it's their actions that define them.

7/15/2019 12:28:35 AM

All American
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I’ll revise my original statement and say 98% of people now who are vocally supporting trump are doing so for racist or homophobic reasons.

7/15/2019 12:20:26 PM

balls deep
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I liken racism here to Nazi Germany. Most Germans didn't hate Jews, but they did fail to speak up when Hitler was doing his evil deeds. In that way, they became complicit in the shit Hitler was doing.

It is not enough to not agree with Trump's racist bullshit. If you are in the GOP, and you don't actively speak out against this crap, then in my eyes, you are complicit. There is a very thin line, if existant at all, between racists and those who apologize for them.

7/15/2019 12:28:06 PM

All American
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7/15/2019 4:56:54 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
">Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but because out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed.

>That word is "Nazi." Nobody cares about their motives anymore.

>They joined what they joined. They lent their support and their moral approval. And, in so doing, they bound themselves to everything that came after. Who cares any more what particular knot they used in the binding? ~ Julius Goat"

7/15/2019 10:46:34 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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^^^^ ok. I don’t know if it’s 98%, but yeah...a huge percentage of the true-believer MAGA crowd is motivated by racism and, in my opinion, xenophobia more than homophobia.

7/16/2019 12:32:33 AM

All American
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7/16/2019 9:29:13 AM

Save TWW
37139 Posts
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Wonder who wrote that headline, I was aggravated by the use of "dog whistle" but the author doesn't use that term. Trump doesn't dog whistle, he shouts out loud.

7/16/2019 9:55:39 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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^^ that article is spot on. I mean, yes, his latest tweet is disgusting and appalling, but he's said even shittier things before. I don't get the outrage this go around, unless you really haven't been paying attention, or you just want to point out the obvious since the summer news cycle has been pretty dull so far.

Honestly, he could probably call POC slurs and get away with it. The goal posts would move for him yet again, and his supporters would say stuff like, " Well, derppp there is a difference between a [slur] and a [black/Hispanic/muslim person]..."

I used to hear crap like that all the time when I lived in the South. It's never going to end.

7/16/2019 12:20:54 PM

All American
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^ i think this has blown up because it's pure, 100% racism.

You could argue when he attacked Judge Curiel, for example, that he was just trying to say he was biased in a clumsy way. Of course, only his most ardent supporters would cling to this thinking but you can at least see where they're coming from.

But his attack on the Congresswomen has no shred or hint of rational thought or meaning, it was just pure, unbridled, hateful, racism.

7/16/2019 12:51:46 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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...but the N-word means "an ignorant person" and it can be be applied to a person of any race!!!

(I remember hearing this as a kid, although, coincidentally, I only heard it used for blacks).

7/16/2019 12:52:20 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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^ yep

^^ sure it's unbridled racism, but I'm not hearing one peep of condemnation from any of his supporters. I expect to hear "inartful" and "market place of ideas" a lot over the next few days though.

[Edited on July 16, 2019 at 1:05 PM. Reason : .]

7/16/2019 1:01:24 PM

26632 Posts
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wtf, TIL people made that argument

7/16/2019 1:03:54 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Seriously? I heard it all the time, and occasionally from distant cousins, even today (they live in Southern Louisiana fwiw, and many of them are college-educated).

[Edited on July 16, 2019 at 1:09 PM. Reason : .]

7/16/2019 1:08:05 PM

26632 Posts
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never heard it before, i googled it and it's apparently common that merriam-webster even has this:

Quote :
"[...]there has never been a definition like "an ignorant person" for this word in any subsequent dictionary published by this company. Nor do we know of such a definition in any earlier dictionary."

so i believe you that people used it, i'm just surprised because i had never heard of that before

7/16/2019 1:32:02 PM

Save TWW
37139 Posts
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I haven't heard it either but it prob fits in a similar category for saying "gay" or f just means "lame"

Like, this explanation isn't even really helping yoi

7/16/2019 1:46:07 PM

All American
2157 Posts
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someone drop that in a work meeting and let us know how it goes.

lots of ignorant people in those, so i'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities.

7/16/2019 1:47:00 PM

All American
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It's just a way for racist people to attempt to cloak themselves from being visibly racist, because for a lot of white people, being called a racist is 1000000x worse than saying something that could be considered racist.

It's a weird form a projection/gaslighting/whatever, I guess.

In my experience, the white people I've known who do it, don't drop the N-word in public. It's more like you're riding along with them in a car, and they call someone the N-word, and then you say " WTF??", and then they'll reply, "Well, they can't drive for shit! There's a difference between blacks and N***s..."

I guess, in their minds, they they're just calling people out for being poor, rude, loud, trashy, etc and they aren't being racist.

7/16/2019 2:01:48 PM

45908 Posts
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7/16/2019 2:17:55 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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I remember as a child my grandmother (from straight up Appalachia(TN)) using the N-word to refer to black people in the most polite way, no malice whatsoever, and then getting fussed at by my parents for using it. She would honestly have the most confused look on her face because she called them that like I would call them black people. Of course they didn't get out of their house much, she didn't even drive, and their main sources of information was Johnny Carson and Hee-Haw.

I'm not defending my grandmother for using the N-word, if I had been an adult and known better I would have chastised her too.

That was 35 years ago - that kind of ignorance doesn't even come close to flying now.

7/16/2019 2:24:02 PM

All American
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7/16/2019 2:51:13 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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Everyone likes to pretend that they would have stood up to the Nazis in Germany. Or that they would have denounced slavery. Or that they would have walked hand in hand with black people during the civil rights era. But how many of you speak up when you hear hateful speech in your workplace, family reunions, communities, or even on your very own message boards?

My guess is not very many

[Edited on July 17, 2019 at 6:59 AM. Reason : HTML on my phone is hard]

7/17/2019 6:54:50 AM

All American
27962 Posts
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PILGRIM: Trump May Be The Least Racist, Most Color-Blind President In History

7/17/2019 10:19:49 AM

Save TWW
37139 Posts
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Im not opening that but isn't daily caller tucker Carlsons white nationalist publication?

7/17/2019 10:49:41 AM

All American
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I'm not sure, but the author of this opinion piece is a black guy.

Quote :
"Nick Pilgrim is a trial attorney in the D.C. area who formerly worked for the United States Department of Justice as an award-winning federal prosecutor."

7/17/2019 10:53:47 AM

Save TWW
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Yea i checked they've had multiple white nationalist writers and editors, spread immigrant and Muslim conspiracy theories, encouraged people to plow their cars into protesters, etc etc

7/17/2019 11:04:25 AM

oh we back
25224 Posts
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Quote :
"PILGRIM: Trump May Be The Least Racist, Most Color-Blind President In History

if somebody uses the phrase "color blind" to describe that they aren't racist...then yeah they're 100% racist. saying that you're color blind and that you don't see race is not a good thing.

7/17/2019 12:38:27 PM

All American
3791 Posts
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Maybe they mean it like, "I'm color blind, all I can see is black and white".

7/17/2019 8:50:02 PM

All American
23144 Posts
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Apparently the crowd was chanting "send her back" after Trump mentioned Omar

7/17/2019 10:54:56 PM

All American
10217 Posts
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did air force one fly into RDU?

I totally forgot there was a pep rally today. Would have been cool to see (the plane, not the rally )

7/18/2019 12:44:32 AM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » So...who is, or is considering, voting for Trump? Page 1 ... 23 24 25 26 [27] 28 29 30 31 ... 40, Prev Next  
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