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All American
15537 Posts
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Quote :
"Have you dealt with things of that nature before; lose of confidence in leadership, racial accusations, and favoritism."

Yes, but I don't think those issues are exclusive to just law enforcement organizations. Its one of the reasons I think law enforcement gets a bad reputation - when you promote or give postitions to your friends and/or favorites, you lose good cops who bust their tail.

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"The second question is how did you enjoy being maced and tased as a part of your training?"

No, being OC'd is the exact opposite of enjoyable. Never been tased, and don't want a Taser.

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"Last question is do you ever find yourself humming the theme to Cops?"

No, but a couple of weeks ago, I was helping out a buddy of mine search a car near bar that put the song on for us. I got a good laugh.

6/12/2012 7:30:25 AM

All American
35321 Posts
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When you see someone with the sticker on their car, you know the black with the blue stripe, will you look the other way if they are speeding?

6/12/2012 7:32:57 AM

All American
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No, 99% of the people with those stickers aren't cops.

6/12/2012 7:39:03 AM

All American
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Yeah that's kinda what I figured. You see a 18 year old girl with a 93 honda accord, fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror...she thinks that sticker is going to make it okay for her to go 15 over while she is texting.

6/12/2012 7:40:54 AM

45908 Posts
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How suspicious do you get when someone you want to talk to doesn't want to talk back? For example, let's say you knock on their door and they talk through the door/only crack the door and won't answer questions?

6/12/2012 8:14:18 AM

All American
1604 Posts
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Quote :
"No, being OC'd is the exact opposite of enjoyable. Never been tased, and don't want a Taser."

Does that mean that you are given the option for a taser? What percentage of cops would you say have them?

Non-related questions:

What percentage of cops would you guess know what the Peelian Principles are? What percentage (regardless of knowledge) would you guess follow them? Were you ever "officially" taught them in your training?

6/12/2012 9:08:09 AM

All American
43383 Posts
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Are you more likely to pull over a semi for speeding 10 over, or a sports car for 15 over?

6/12/2012 9:14:47 AM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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Say someone you catch speeding is headed to the ER to meet someone with something serious going on what do you do?

6/12/2012 9:18:23 AM

All American
626 Posts
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Quote :
""The second question is how did you enjoy being maced and tased as a part of your training?""

I'll chime in on this. OC Spray sucks, I've been sprayed numerous times and it NEVER gets any better. Lingers around for hours with re-activations and other horrid "side effects."

Taser is much much more tolerable. It is five seconds and then a complete euphoric experience when the feeling is taken away and instantly ends. A lot of people associate the taser with pain and being electrocuted but that's really not what it is. Being that electrolysis isn't one of the things our senses can sense it's commonly referred to as pain, but its just "awkward." It's a truly unique feeling that I'm glad I went through, and I'd do it again. Not to mention it's kind of neat how the body reacts to it, being that the only effected area is a straight line between the two barbs, and how you body is so sympathetic to it...

6/12/2012 9:51:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"How suspicious do you get when someone you want to talk to doesn't want to talk back? For example, let's say you knock on their door and they talk through the door/only crack the door and won't answer questions?"

Very. Most normal people don't do that but it can also depend on the call.

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"Does that mean that you are given the option for a taser? What percentage of cops would you say have them?"

Yes. Its pretty high but our policy is so restrictive on their use (I agree with it) that they almost are a non option.

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"What percentage of cops would you guess know what the Peelian Principles are? What percentage (regardless of knowledge) would you guess follow them? Were you ever "officially" taught them in your training?"

Couldn't tell you about percentages and I'm not sure I had ever heard about them through offical channels. While the majority of them except for his thoughts on physical force.

6/12/2012 9:52:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Say someone you catch speeding is headed to the ER to meet someone with something serious going on what do you do?"

Had this happen a few times - I get an ambulance for them. If they say they don't need it, I will follow them to ER (at speed) and most likely you will get a ticket or warning depending on the speed. If you are hurt that bad, call an ambulance from your crib.

6/12/2012 9:58:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Are you more likely to pull over a semi for speeding 10 over, or a sports car for 15 over?"

Semi by a longshot.

6/12/2012 10:00:33 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
27314 Posts
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If I am playing this song when you pull me over for speeding, will you laugh?

6/12/2012 10:06:13 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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This question may have already been asked, but I don't feel like reading the whole thread.

If you pull over someone for DUI and discover they are an off-duty police officer, what would you do?

6/12/2012 10:06:38 AM

All American
15537 Posts
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Quote :
"If I am playing this song when you pull me over for speeding, will you laugh?"

If you got it up loud enough

Quote :
"If you pull over someone for DUI and discover they are an off-duty police officer, what would you do?"

Arrest them. Their badge isn't worth mine.

6/12/2012 10:09:36 AM

All American
43383 Posts
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Quote :
"Semi by a longshot."

Reassuring to hear

Didn't do me any good when I got pulled for going 11 over in Emporia, VA. Meanwhile in the next lane over (blocking the left lane as it were) was an overloaded F-150 going 7-8 over Obviously this is an officer by officer call, but I would hope most think your way.

6/12/2012 10:09:43 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Didn't do me any good when I got pulled for going 11 over in Emporia, VA. "

Been there, done that.

6/12/2012 10:13:30 AM

All American
626 Posts
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Quote :
"This question may have already been asked, but I don't feel like reading the whole thread.

If you pull over someone for DUI and discover they are an off-duty police officer, what would you do?"

I already read Restricted's answer, but contrary to popular belief, every cop I know will say and do the same thing. In fact there have been a few instances where it's happened recently... To jail they go.

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 10:14 AM. Reason : Fix quote]

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 10:19 AM. Reason : .]

6/12/2012 10:13:52 AM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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I am sure the dashboard cameras have made a huge impact on that though. I am willing to bet there were a lot more free passes given before the cameras came into widespread use.

6/12/2012 10:17:04 AM

Shitter Pilot
10238 Posts
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^^^ Everyone knows Emporia is this nation's speed trap.

Do you get a lot of former MP's/Security Forces joining the force?

Also, what is the most common crime you find yourself responding to and where?

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 10:21 AM. Reason : Interesting thread. ]

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 10:24 AM. Reason : moar]

6/12/2012 10:19:48 AM

All American
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6/12/2012 10:20:19 AM

All American
626 Posts
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Quote :
"I am sure the dashboard cameras have made a huge impact on that though. I am willing to bet there were a lot more free passes given before the cameras came into widespread use."

I can't really say since I've always had a camera in my car, and most departments have for many years now. But I think it's safe to believe that in general policing was much more "lax" many many years ago. The further we go in to being a protected society where everything is PR etc, the more the community, civil, and criminal courts want to see for burden of proof and evidence....

But as far as cameras are concerned, they have saved my career far more times then ever putting it in danger. There are a lot of people who lie and even make false accusations just to try to "get back" at the authority that caught them in the act.

6/12/2012 10:22:51 AM

All American
2966 Posts
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Do you all search for weapons during every traffic stop? Thats what the kind officer explained to me about a month ago.

6/12/2012 10:23:24 AM

All American
15537 Posts
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Quote :
"Do you get a lot of former MP's/Security Forces joining the force?"

Not a ton, but there are some.

6/12/2012 10:25:15 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Do you all search for weapons during every traffic stop? "

Do I look for weapons, sure. Do I pull people out and search during every stop, no.

6/12/2012 10:27:06 AM

45908 Posts
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Quote :
"Very. Most normal people don't do that but it can also depend on the call. "

This is scary, seeing as how we have a constitutional right not to talk to the government under such circumstances.

6/12/2012 10:28:09 AM

All American
2966 Posts
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What would cause you to ask someone to search their car to see if they had a weapon?

6/12/2012 10:28:33 AM

All American
626 Posts
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Quote :
"Do you all search for weapons during every traffic stop? Thats what the kind officer explained to me about a month ago."

Quote :
"What would cause you to ask someone to search their car to see if they had a weapon?"

Certainly not. There needs to be reason to believe that there may be one present if not already identified. Reasonable suspicion is a big grey area, but it revolves around the totality of circumstances.

A weapons frisk, or terry frisk is permitted when due to the current circumstances for the safety of both parties. To include person, and lundgable area within a vehicle. This does NOT allow it for every person detained or voluntary encounter.

What would cause it? Like said, the situation at hand. Time of day, crimes in the area, reason for stop, criminal history, nervousness, furtive movements, mismatched statements/lies made by occupants, etc etc etc... Not any one thing by itself, but usually a great combination of the like.

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 10:33 AM. Reason : .]

6/12/2012 10:31:08 AM

45908 Posts
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If I wanted to file a complaint, how would I do so?

Other than while during obvious circumstances (driving, alcohol posession by someone who appears to be a minor,etc.), if a cop asks for ID, do you have to show it, e.g. is "failure to ID" a real crime?

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 10:34 AM. Reason : .]

6/12/2012 10:32:44 AM

All American
626 Posts
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Quote :
"If I wanted to file a complaint, how would I do so?"

Usually just by calling the department phone number, and being transferred to internal affairs.

6/12/2012 10:34:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Other than while during obvious circumstances (driving, alcohol posession by someone who appears to be a minor,etc.), if a cop asks for ID, do you have to show it, e.g. is "failure to ID" a real crime?"

No, but you are required to produce a DL on a traffic stop

6/12/2012 10:36:31 AM

35771 Posts
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why is it so hard to make time for your friends when you're a cop?

6/12/2012 10:45:04 AM

All American
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Quote :
"why is it so hard to make time for your friends when you're a cop?"

The hours and the schedule boo

6/12/2012 10:47:44 AM

All American
626 Posts
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Quote :
"why is it so hard to make time for your friends when you're a cop?"

I'm not sure if you're completely serious or not, but i'll give you an answer. Most agencies have some sort of variable schedule that switches between days and nights, and has 10-12 hour shifts.

As you can imagine, it's difficult to rotate between a completely day, then completely night schedule back and forth, and work continuous 12 hour shifts etc. Throw in family, a child or two and you can hardly manage time to sleep/eat.

Add court, subpenas, training, family functions etc...

6/12/2012 10:49:11 AM

35771 Posts
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married and a cop? ugh, that's the worst.

6/12/2012 10:51:05 AM

All American
23447 Posts
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wdprice3 is trying really hard to start an argument.

6/12/2012 10:53:51 AM

All American
626 Posts
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Haha, you joke, but cops have the highest divorce rate known to man, %75 and climbing or something ridiculous.

6/12/2012 10:54:32 AM

All American
4080 Posts
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Quote :
""How suspicious do you get when someone you want to talk to doesn't want to talk back? For example, let's say you knock on their door and they talk through the door/only crack the door and won't answer questions?""

Aww, Restricted, I hated your answer for this one! But at least you're honest. I always open the door like that, because I don't want my fat cat to make a beeline out the door, which he will inevitably try and do anyways. See, "normal" people do that, right?

Most people will give me weird looks when I do this though... then I crack it open a bit more, and the cat sticks his head out and strains, and then they understand.

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 11:00 AM. Reason : ]

6/12/2012 10:59:02 AM

All American
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Can't please everyone. But its just all about the call; Did a female call 911 screaming and then when I get there a male answers the door and won't open it? Am I trying to serve a warrant and I hear, "who is it?" and then I tell them and just dead silence? You tell me that you have a dog or animal, thats fine. Put it up and then come talk to me.

6/12/2012 11:03:14 AM

35771 Posts
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Quote :
"Haha, you joke, but cops have the highest divorce rate known to man, %75 and climbing or something ridiculous."

lol, i'm giving Restricted a hard time. we are friends IRL

6/12/2012 11:05:25 AM

All American
4080 Posts
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^^Those situations make complete sense, and would probably be an exigent circumstance exception to needing a warrant. Touche.

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 11:06 AM. Reason : I'm also just giving you a hard time. I would probably be suspicious too.]

6/12/2012 11:06:05 AM

35771 Posts
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have you ever ran lights and sirens because you had to take a shit?

6/12/2012 11:06:54 AM

All American
626 Posts
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Quote :
"lol, i'm giving Restricted a hard time. we are friends IRL"

I gathered this, but still info to share

6/12/2012 11:07:23 AM

All American
11307 Posts
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Would an on-duty cop car ever get pulled over for speeding or do they automatically have immunity? And if not, can I follow said speeding cop car and also have immunity since I'm following the example of law enforcement?

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 11:11 AM. Reason : Assuming the siren/lights aren't on, of course.]

6/12/2012 11:10:31 AM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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What do you think your chances are of beating my ass in a knock-down-drag-out fist fight? No weapons...first person to lose conciousness loses.

P.S., I'm not afraid to do a flying elbow smash to the taint.

6/12/2012 11:15:32 AM

All American
626 Posts
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Quote :
"Would an on-duty cop car ever get pulled over for speeding or do they automatically have immunity? And if not, can I follow said speeding cop car and also have immunity since I'm following the example of law enforcement?

Most departmental policy covers this very clearly. Considering the majority of on-duty deaths of LEO are vehicular related it's a very sore topic. Most departments are cracking down on this in huge ways.

BUT, it's very unlikely a cop would get pulled over while on duty. Do you have immunity for following them? No.

Most cops I know speed to calls, but again my department is extremely busy. It's usually depending on the circumstances of the call though, in progress, violence, aid to the victim, catch the suspect etc. Everyone wants to there as soon as you call, but yell at you when your hurrying to aid someone else.

Never fast enough, never in the right.

again though, this is becoming less of a problem as most departments are really cracking down on speed. My department monitors it through dashcams, and GPS devices. Also officers are reprimanded regularly.

6/12/2012 11:18:53 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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IMHO the taint doesnt expose itself to attack very often via elbow (especially flying elbow, unless youre a midget).

6/12/2012 11:20:07 AM

All American
27204 Posts
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Have you ever had to pull out your gun for anything? Like if a crackhead was lunging wasn't listening to anything you were saying and was acting violent?

I'm sure you've had this question asked a million times, but aside from being polite and not trying to BS a cop who pulled you over, what is the best way to get out of a speeding ticket?

6/12/2012 12:07:23 PM

All American
626 Posts
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Quote :
"Have you ever had to pull out your gun for anything? Like if a crackhead was lunging wasn't listening to anything you were saying and was acting violent?

I'm sure you've had this question asked a million times, but aside from being polite and not trying to BS a cop who pulled you over, what is the best way to get out of a speeding ticket?"

I "pull" my firearm very frequently... But that's mostly because of the type of work I currently do... But on a normal patrol shift I'd stay I still have it out more than once per shift...

Don't write speeding tickets, and didn't write them when I was on the line really.. Can't weigh in on this one.

6/12/2012 12:12:55 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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My situation would be wife in hospital pregnant giving birth/miscarrying/severely injured and you pulled me on my way to meet her?

[Edited on June 12, 2012 at 12:15 PM. Reason : .]

6/12/2012 12:15:12 PM

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