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26632 Posts
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lol gymnasticized

9/7/2019 9:49:59 AM

All American
846 Posts
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earls disability is starting to annoy me.

9/7/2019 4:23:16 PM

2001 Posts
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This was the one thing that most resonated with me during the town halls.
Quote :
"Traditionally, the economy has been measured by looking at the gross domestic product (GDP) or the stock market. Employment rates and household income are also used to measure how the average worker is doing.

However, even the creator of the GDP admits that it doesn’t really reflect the full story. And, as economic inequality rises and the fruits of society’s labors accrue to fewer individuals, it’s become obvious that we need to expand our definition of economic prosperity past a single number. The bottom 80% of Americans only own 8% of stocks and rising GDP has virtually no relationship with each citizen’s wellbeing.

When you measure something, you implicitly set your policy goals. By focusing our measurement on GDP, we’ve promoted production over all else. It’s time to start measuring economic prosperity using a wider index that measures human as well as monetary indicators, such as (but not limited to):

Quality of life and health-adjusted life expectancy
Happiness/Well-Being and Mental Health
Environmental quality
Childhood success rates
Income Inequality
Consumer and Student Debt
Work and civic engagement levels
Infant mortality
Quality of infrastructure
Access to education
Marriage and divorce rates
Substance abuse and related deaths
National optimism
Personal dynamism/economic mobility
In short, why use GDP as a proxy for how Americans are doing when we can easily measure that well-being directly? Let’s start an American Scorecard, directly measuring the things we should be focusing on."

I've always hated how they use the GDP, Down industrial, and unemployment rate as "health of the economy" when those are really poor indicators and naturally benefit republicans and the capitalist class. The GOP are masters at framing the conversation in a way that benefits them. This is how you shift the narrative.

Good policies and the policies we need are inevitably going to reduce the growth of our GDP. We don't simply need to redefine economic success because its better, we need to do it for strategic political reasons. The progressive agenda will lead to high values in almost all of these metrics. Trump will most likely win in terms of GDP though.

[Edited on September 8, 2019 at 8:06 PM. Reason : DNC marketing logic: 'vote for us to make the economy weaker but at least we aint racist']

9/8/2019 8:03:13 PM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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Ugh steyer qualified for 4th debate

9/9/2019 11:32:26 AM

All American
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Curious what the TWW Bernie bro's think about his plan to fund worldwide abortion "in poor countries" to prevent global warming.

9/9/2019 12:13:34 PM

All American
27963 Posts
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Quote :
" Audience member: Good evening. Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?

Sanders: The answer is yes. And the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of America, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions. The Mexico City agreement, which denies American aid to those organizations around the world that allow women to have abortions or even get involved in birth control, to me is totally absurd. I think especially in poor countries around the world where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, it’s something I very, very strongly support."

9/9/2019 12:25:19 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Sounds like a good way to get a bunch of doctors murdered

[Edited on September 9, 2019 at 12:27 PM. Reason : Oh I see what he said was posted. Sure I’m for it. ]

9/9/2019 12:26:38 PM

All American
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This election should be a slam dunk for D's. All they need to do is focus on the economy and how Trump's tariffs are actually eliminating manufacturing jobs. Throw in some reminders of Trump's "communication strategy", and this election would be a landslide.

But instead, D's want to talk about funding worldwide abortion of poor babies and making hamburgers illegal.

Some facts for TWW:

[Edited on September 9, 2019 at 12:38 PM. Reason : vDont you see, I am trying to help you all. Get outside your bubble for a second.]

9/9/2019 12:33:44 PM

Save TWW
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Hch read the latest Republican talking points memo, I see

9/9/2019 12:35:30 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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HCH’s go-to when he needs to rub one out

9/9/2019 12:39:17 PM

All American
27963 Posts
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Quote :
"D's want to talk about funding worldwide abortion of poor babies and making hamburgers illegal."

With this quote, it's very clear that HCH is just a troll, and it's probably best to just ignore him (except maybe to correct his misstatements and propaganda, or to just ridicule his idiocy). Same with Earl (horosho).

9/9/2019 12:59:50 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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I don’t see how that map is helpful. Also 9k??

[Edited on September 9, 2019 at 1:12 PM. Reason : Oh I see. ]

9/9/2019 1:02:58 PM

All American
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^What don't you understand about that map. The two states that were most directly responsible with Trump winning the EC have actually lost manufacturing jobs.

Quote :
"With this quote, it's very clear that HCH is just a troll,"
Show me the lie.

9/9/2019 1:33:14 PM

All American
27963 Posts
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shhh troll

9/9/2019 2:13:33 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Seems pretty neutral tho. 3 up three down.

9/9/2019 2:22:41 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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So Trump's argument to Wisconsin and Michigan should be that the tariffs are working because their jobs went to Florida instead of China?

9/9/2019 2:31:18 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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If three states lost jobs and three states gained I suppose to assume this is good bad or who cares this map is pointless

9/9/2019 2:47:37 PM

2001 Posts
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That map won't hurt Trump because he can blame local politicians and republicans already use narratives like "AOC blocked muh amazon"so their ears are conditioned for that type of deflection.

The map really should help Yang the most because jobs are going to be lost at an accelerating pace due to automation and he is the only candidate with policies that directly acknowledge and address that issue.

[Edited on September 9, 2019 at 5:39 PM. Reason : democrats running those states]

9/9/2019 5:37:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Its called a revolution and people who understand the urgency of the situation are mad as hell. I can't understand/trust anyone who doesn't come off as mad as hell. We aren't going to strive for a world that is anything less than perfect."

Missed this gem a few pages back from earl. Oddly enough, this essentially epitomizes the Bernie Bro mindset and it's precisely the reason I hold so many of them in very deep contempt. Being passionate doesn't mean you have to go around screaming and throwing tantrums nonstop so people listen and take you seriously, but that's exactly what these guys did when they helped Trump win by sitting out or voting in protest.

9/9/2019 6:31:22 PM

50084 Posts
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There are certainly a good deal of very online Bernie supporters who downright suck but there really isn’t much evidence his primary supporters “sat out” in 2016 at a higher than historical rate. In fact, there IS evidence that they did the opposite.

Don’t let grifters like HA Goodman and Cassandra Fairbanks fool you:

9/9/2019 6:37:45 PM

All American
7611 Posts
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Everybody knows beating Trump is almost impossible, so guessing who's gonna challenge him becomes interesting instead.

9/9/2019 6:41:14 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Don't worry, Mark Sanford will dethrone Trump before he can run for re-election.

9/9/2019 6:55:09 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"When Nixon signed the 1st clean air act and lead in gasoline was eventually phased out, it was done without seizing the oil/gas/auto industries.

When Reagan signed the Montreal Protocols that reduced CFC emissions by 90%+ and helped the ozone layer the spray paint can marketplace persisted.

When HW Bush signed the 1990 Clean air act, NOx (and a variety of other stuff) emissions were reduced by ~70%, but power plants from that era still operate (in some places)."

Cool, so how are we doing now? Still massively off track from avoiding climate catastrophe.

Quote :
"If we make fossil fuels reflect their true cost (carbon tax) or make other forms of energy cheaper (green energy incentives) the demand for them will collapse. A significant portion of US oil producing wells can’t even turn a profit unless oil is $65 a barrel.

I’m not saying we can snap our fingers, throw some laws out there, and suddenly drop CO2 emissions by 90%, but I’d argue market based systems should absolutely be considered and in this country have a better track record anyways."

Man are you serious with this? You know as well as I do that we're far past market-based solutions as a viable response to climate change.

If a product is profitable, capitalists will fight tooth and nail against making it less profitable. The fossil fuel industry will not radically re-structure itself in less than 12 years. We don't have time for this.

[Edited on September 10, 2019 at 4:30 PM. Reason : .]

9/10/2019 4:27:53 PM

2001 Posts
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All from this article. Not my words so you can't try to say its a troll. Its a real opinion thats out there.
Quote :
""She styles herself as a warrior for the people, fighting to fix a system 'rigged' against them by elites," Scher writes. "But if Trump can convince swing voters that Warren, as a member of the academic elite, rigged a system to benefit herself, he could turn what is now Warren's main strength into a fatal weakness.""

Quote :
""Everybody loves to call her a policy wonk, but everything she is presenting is 'buy me a vote,'" he said. "She is willing to say, or put on any hat, to get ahead.""

I just don't understand why people, when given a cafeteria list of ~30 candidates, would choose the two who have past accusations Related to their integrity and racism; Trump's biggest weakness. You risk leveling the playing field by putting Trump up against someone he can use "whataboutism" with--- allowing him to use his weakness as an attack on them. Its going to end up just like the "crooked Hillary" accusation.

Why even bother? Why not choose a squeaky clean candidate who is a stark contrast of Trump in these areas and therefore cannot be attacked in the same ways Trump is attacked? Have you never come across any of the "Trump is bad but so is Hillary" voters?

9/11/2019 1:09:26 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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Watch this:

Tulsi Gabbard met with dictator and proven murderer Bashar Al Assad, how can she possibly be trusted with foreign policy decisions?

Bernie Sanders talks about helping out the common man, but he's a millionaire, can we really believe that he has all of your best interests at heart?

Want me to do some more?

9/11/2019 3:32:09 PM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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"this candidate was attacked from the right, how can we possibly nominate them??"

9/11/2019 3:56:02 PM

All American
3785 Posts
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Quote :
"Why not choose a squeaky clean candidate who is a stark contrast of Trump in these areas and therefore cannot be attacked in the same ways Trump is attacked?"

Because they don't exist at this level of politics.

9/11/2019 3:57:31 PM

50084 Posts
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^^ lol, the article is literally quoting a Republican operative.

I’m sure they won’t just make shit up if the candidate is “squeaky clean!”

[Edited on September 11, 2019 at 3:59 PM. Reason : Attacking Liz Warren, but from the right - “Definitely not a Trump fan” Earl]

9/11/2019 3:58:28 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"Tulsi Gabbard met with dictator and proven murderer Bashar Al Assad, how can she possibly be trusted with foreign policy decisions?"

Well Tulsi isn't going to be the nominee so this is irrelevant even if I gave you the point but I'd still love to play. The premise of your question is the problem. Of course hawks can't trust her with foreign policy decisions. Thats her nitch.

1. Assad is a head of state/world leader. You can just not meet with other world leaders, but that wouldn't be consistent for an anti-war candidate. Its also inconsistent for you to single out Assad. Are you just going to stop meeting with leaders of Saudi Arabia, Israel, Russia, Phillipines and the US because they have also killed people?

2. As one of the only anti-war polticians, Tulsi is obviously going to do things in foreign policy that no one else would do. I'm sure both sides of the establishment would rather just attack instead of meeting but not Tulsi. Take it or leave it but its still a unique contrast to Trump who also hasn't met with Assad.

Quote :
"Bernie Sanders talks about helping out the common man, but he's a millionaire, can we really believe that he has all of your best interests at heart?"

This one is either intellectual dishonest or stupidity and has no history of being true or an effective/pursuasive smear and you know that. Bernie was never a republican and has been a broken record for decades. You are helping my point by suggesting this as the best personal attack against Bernie.

Quote :
"Want me to do some more?"

Please because those two were weak.
Quote :
"this candidate was attacked from the right, how can we possibly nominate them??""

Attacking someone's integrity is not an "attack from the right" even if it comes from a republican. That notion itself implies that caring about integrity is a right-wing quality. Its not problematic simply because the right-wing would do it. Its problematic because its a neutralization the main weakness of Trump (lack of integrity), based on real, well-documented events in their personal history, and is logical.

Of course things can be made up about any candidate but thats not what any of this is. We're talking about live ammunition. Skeletons that have been taken out of the closet already. Its just weird to pick people you know have ongoing scandals while simultaneously criticizing Trump for trying to further expose said scandals. It was weird 4 years ago but to try the exact same strategy again is absurd.

That still applies if you blamed the failure of your strategy on Russia. Russia is still a country, ya know.

[Edited on September 11, 2019 at 8:06 PM. Reason : last time you claimed russia interfered by projecting true scandals about your party]

9/11/2019 8:05:02 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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Quote :

Bernie's popularity numbers are almost precisely Trump's (55% unfav/38%fav). I'm telling yall, stick to the waivering economy and Trumps Tariffs. It's your only chance.

9/11/2019 8:58:29 PM

6283 Posts
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Any people in Yangs sphere of influence have a clue what the “big surprise” he’s going to do at the debate tomorrow?

9/11/2019 9:28:06 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Bernie's popularity numbers are almost precisely Trump's (55% unfav/38%fav)"

False [as fuck]

9/11/2019 9:30:40 PM

All American
2050 Posts
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^^^ LOL

What's your excuse, is it lying, or simple ignorance/gullibility?

9/11/2019 9:38:31 PM

50084 Posts
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It is a legit poll but it is an extreme outlier and should be treated as such.

9/12/2019 9:52:46 AM

40409 Posts
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9/12/2019 11:03:46 AM

All American
7611 Posts
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Quote :
"Mark Sanford will dethrone Trump before he can run for re-election."

He's brave!

9/12/2019 11:11:18 AM

1331 Posts
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Warren put out a healthcare page finally:

It seems that she wants Medicare for physical health, and insurance for mental health? Dental and vision aren't mentioned, so I have to assume they wouldn't be covered by Medicare either.

This is a stupid and unnecessary compromise.

9/12/2019 11:12:36 AM

All American
7611 Posts
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She's just an downsized Hillary. Trump will beat the shit out of her.

9/12/2019 11:26:15 AM

2001 Posts
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Bernie now has the best general election outlook in Texas. When we tlak about a revolution, we're talking about the kind of turnout necessary to change the entire map and take back the senate. Anything short of inspirational revolution won't cut it.

CNN loves to focus on the black vote during the primary even though it
-is concentrated in southern, red state
-consists of mostly moderate/conservative evangelical voters
-is a small% of the overall population.

Its a strange, racist way to sort groups of voters but if you have to do it, The hispanic vote is where its at just by the numbers alone.

[Edited on September 12, 2019 at 1:56 PM. Reason : yikes]

9/12/2019 1:53:59 PM

1331 Posts
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Good thread on Warrens healthcare page

Basically seems like she’s watering down the term like Kamala. Medicare for All is a very popular plan that already exists. Endorse it and move on.

9/12/2019 2:30:19 PM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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Quote :
""[I]t is not possible for us to unilaterally end this war," Tulsi Gabbard says in a just-issued statement on 9/11."

9/12/2019 2:36:53 PM

2001 Posts
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Game set and match. Everyone has a breaking point. Theres only so much people can ;take being dragged through the mud by the entire establishment before they submit. Now, she seems to be in survival mode. I don't think its a coincidence that this comes on the heels of the debate she was blackballed from attending. Her comments on open borders are even more problematic.

But this is what we do to people who go against the bipartisan establishment. There are some things you just can't oppose or they will use the media to blackball the shit out of you. Thats how reeducation programs work. Make having opposition beliefs so miserable that the person has the option to either disappear from the public scene or convert to save their image and career. This is one of the reasons why we can't reform the system from within. Revolution is going to have to happen from outside of the democratic party. Its where progressive values go to die.

How long could you last being called a terrorist sympathizer in this day and age?

[Edited on September 12, 2019 at 6:56 PM. Reason : or end up labeled a terrorist like ilhan omar]

9/12/2019 6:54:29 PM

6283 Posts
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Castro tried too hard to drive home the point that Biden is old and forgetful. Worked until he looked like beating a dead pony. The first quip was effective, the rest was forced.

9/12/2019 8:49:46 PM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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Somebody should dunk on Klobuchar by bringing up the THIRD step act!

9/12/2019 9:11:55 PM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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I'm only like 1:15 in but why are klobuchar and booker getting more time then Warren and Sanders?

9/12/2019 9:45:41 PM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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It's insane they are going to do a 4th debate with this many people

9/12/2019 9:59:13 PM

Save TWW
37145 Posts
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Harris tact of "Trump is bad"...bland policy...bad joke' is really going well

9/12/2019 10:04:51 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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How is Amy still in this?

9/12/2019 10:05:29 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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neolib pundits still propping her up for some reason, I don't get it

9/13/2019 2:54:09 AM

2001 Posts
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Trash ad ran by a trash network. and whoops. Look what happens when they get spontaneous debate reaction from people they didn't pay instead of just letting their paid pundits dominate the entire narrative.

In a just system, networks like ABC and CNN would be kept far away from the democratic process. In america, they run it.

9/13/2019 4:29:47 AM

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