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play so hard
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Quote :
"Surely racism does not exist due to a subset/minority/etc of the African-American community who goes around acting like "niggas," as afripino calls them..."

"as afripino calls them" like you haven't posted that word and far worse hundreds of times, even in this exact same context.

7/20/2015 3:16:04 PM

All American
11993 Posts
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So whites are the superior race when it comes to racism?

7/20/2015 3:16:10 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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Quote :
"Surely racism does not exist due to a subset/minority/etc of the African-American community who goes around acting like "niggas," as afripino calls them, thus basically giving a lot of good black people a bad rap. Fueling racial biasness alternative to the typical liberal and NAACP hypothesis that racism only exists because ignorant whites don't like people with black skin."

why aren't embarrassments to other races considered to be an indictment of their entire race?

7/20/2015 3:16:45 PM

All American
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It works for political parties, why not races?

It takes one stupid Republican, or one stupid tea partier, for the entire parties to be indicted.

And you definitely have embarrassments from subsets of a race that define that subset. Watch any newscast after a tornado has hit a trailer park. That one person on the news sets the tone for every other person in that trailer park, no matter what they're like.

7/20/2015 3:22:21 PM

All American
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we're talking race here, not a learned behavior

7/20/2015 3:23:54 PM

All American
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But I don't think embarrassments define one race, for any race. People see saggy pants, they probably don't think black people, they probably think "hood." You can use hood or trailer park interchangeably. Not races, but learned behavior, as you say.

7/20/2015 3:26:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Keep telling yourself that numbnuts if it makes you sleep better at night. Surely racism does not exist due to a subset/minority/etc of the African-American community who goes around acting like "niggas," as afripino calls them, thus basically giving a lot of good black people a bad rap. Fueling racial biasness alternative to the typical liberal and NAACP hypothesis that racism only exists because ignorant whites don't like people with black skin."

The point you're missing is that the communities where people are drawn to those behaviors were functionally created by white people. The people in those communities don't want that kind of behavior any more than you, they just aren't given the tools to fight those behaviors because of people like you. It's a cycle… a system as you pointed out earlier.

7/20/2015 3:31:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"why aren't embarrassments to other races considered to be an indictment of their entire race?"

some people do have this view... shitstains like KKK members are definitely an embarrassment to "the white race" and there are some people who judge all "whites" based on their actions.

I'm not using this point as part of any argument, just providing an example for your question.

7/20/2015 3:56:58 PM

All American
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I have no actual study to back this up but this has been my experience.

White people in the US (excluding some white immigrants) use the police to protect them. It's funded by tax payers and protect people when called. The vast majority of recent immigrants and minorities do not call the police bc when they do bad shit normally happens to someone. Bc of this they form gangs or crime organizations to protect themselves and to make money. The police fill this void in middle class America.

This has happened with Italians, Irish, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Central Americans, Arminians, African Americans, etc.

When a cop shows up a shots someone it's not a crime statistic. when a citizen takes care of a situation bc of fear of calling the police that is logged in crime stats

The Italian Mafia no longer exists bc Italians are almost 100% assimilated into american culture. No need to break the law to make money bc jobs are accessible.

[Edited on July 20, 2015 at 4:23 PM. Reason : It's a thought. ]

[Edited on July 20, 2015 at 4:26 PM. Reason : f]

7/20/2015 4:20:45 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"why aren't embarrassments to other races considered to be an indictment of their entire race?


Actually they are...

Everyone in the Pac NW thinks whites in the Carolinas are a bunch of bigotted, truck driving, obese, confederate flag waving, bible thumpers,
that watch NASCAR all day when they aren't working on the tobacco farms.

[Edited on July 20, 2015 at 4:51 PM. Reason : mis-read]

7/20/2015 4:41:58 PM

All American
11307 Posts
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oh look, another HUR post!

7/20/2015 4:47:40 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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^^ Why did you edit out the paragraph about "listen to rap music if you wanna see how much they love their hood lifestyle" HUR?

You could have followed it up with something like this as evidence:

7/20/2015 4:56:47 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
""Only 15% of Whites saw Blacks as intelligent although 39.7% of Blacks saw Whites as intelligent.""

That is an indicator of a stereotype, not racism. There is a difference between the two.

Stereotyping is human nature, empirical generalizations based on your experiences in life.

Statistically, 69% of African Americans graduate high school.
In general, people equate education with intelligence... thus stereotype that high school drop outs are usually black.
Is this fair at all to apply to all African Americans? Of course not.
Does this mean 39.7% of white people view themselves as superior beings (the definition of racism)? No. They picked Asians as the stereotype for most likely to be intelligent, because statistically, the smartest Asians typically migrate to the USA.

You keep talking about "racist white people having to realize their racism for us to move forward" but in reality,
there isn't some racist hate deep down in white people causing minority poverty in 2015.
Everyone of every race has the ability to raise their children and graduate high school, that is not a white privilege.

7/20/2015 6:19:36 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"Everyone of every race has the ability to raise their children and graduate high school, that is not a white privilege."

That is not the hood biggie smallz way. If you don't know, now you know nigga!!!

[Edited on July 21, 2015 at 12:04 AM. Reason : A]

7/21/2015 12:04:17 AM

All American
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there is no 'z' in Biggie Smalls

7/21/2015 12:35:22 AM

All American
33747 Posts
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Quote :
"You keep talking about "racist white people having to realize their racism for us to move forward" but in reality,
there isn't some racist hate deep down in white people causing minority poverty in 2015.
Everyone of every race has the ability to raise their children and graduate high school, that is not a white privilege."

LOL… wow.

I guess it says something that only 2 people on TWW are willing to defend racism… that's progress I guess.

7/21/2015 1:09:31 AM

All American
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Moron makes me giggle!!!!
He seems so lost in his hyper pussy PC view of the world where responsibility is a silly thing invented by the corporations

7/21/2015 1:15:03 AM

All American
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What a racist attitude that supports racial tension. All lives matter!!!!!!!!!

White, black, native, Asian, white, etc

7/21/2015 1:28:56 AM

113871 Posts
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y u so racist brah

7/21/2015 1:50:07 AM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"Everyone in the Pac NW thinks whites in the Carolinas are a bunch of bigotted, truck driving, obese, confederate flag waving, bible thumpers,
that watch NASCAR all day when they aren't working on the tobacco farms."

Just want to point out that this is complete bullshit. I lived four years in San Francisco and worked extensively in LA, Portland and Seattle among other west coast cities and literally never heard this once. Maybe I was insulated by my friends and colleagues but this was never a thing.

That thinking was, however, more prevalent in areas like Boston...

[Edited on July 21, 2015 at 9:22 AM. Reason : Not to mention everyone in pharma and tech is very familiar with RTP]

7/21/2015 9:20:48 AM

All American
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^ Agreed. Everyone I know in NYC who grew up in the area want to move to NC. They think it's a nice place with cheap land.

HUR is making shit up.

7/21/2015 9:58:41 AM

All American
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he's also not realizing that regional stereotypes are not the same as racial stereotypes, and that nobody thinks that the actions of southerners sets the whole race back like he and other racists do when it comes to black people

7/21/2015 10:09:02 AM

All American
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If everyone, regardless of race or anything else, would stop acting like a bunch of douchebag assholes all the time I believe that would fix a whole lot of the problems.

7/21/2015 10:19:11 AM

All American
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Ouch, that hurts my right ventricle.

7/21/2015 10:43:37 AM

All American
93277 Posts
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7/21/2015 11:23:56 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"LOL… wow.

I guess it says something that only 2 people on TWW are willing to defend racism… that's progress I guess."

In other words, you can't refute any of my points.

Let's say moron's liberal wet-dream plays out. He shares the latest white guilt article from Huffington Post, and every single white man on Earth reads it and has their world turned upside down. After soul searching and meditating, every white man realizes they are responsible for not only the current poverty of any and every infallible, victimized, minority in the USA, but that they are also inherently evil racist bigots that are holding society back from progress. After being enlightened by moron, the moral compass of TWW, the white men stand up in unison and say "I am racist as fuck". Racism is eradicated forever.

The rates of high school drop outs, fatherless families, crime/drugs, teenage pregnancies, etc, will all go down in minority areas once moron opens our eyes to our inherent evil racist ways.

7/21/2015 12:23:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Everyone I know in NYC who grew up in the area want to move to NC"

Since NYC totally equals totally Oregon/Washington.
Really there aren't many south easterners in Portland. Lots of California people, mid westerners, and some new englanders.

Doesn't help headlines last week is KKK clashes with black panthers and the whole flag issue.

Quote :
"hole race back like he and other racists do when it comes to black"

Rawr rawr rawr racism rawr rawr rawr

I like how anyone that isn't a crying vagina about the plight of African Americans being held down by the evil white system is a racist or anyone that points out that the actions of a few thugs actually creates racial tensions and attitudes of biasness is called a bigot.

As JCS points out a lot of the problem in the African American community is self inflicted. In 2015 it is bullshit to make excuses blaming it all on the "man"

[Edited on July 21, 2015 at 12:43 PM. Reason : G]

7/21/2015 12:24:38 PM

50084 Posts
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It's unfathomable to me that college educated people can't see how generations of a race literally being treated like farm machinery and another few generations of people being treated like a subspecies doesn't still have huge implications one or two generations down the line. FFS this isn't ancient history. When our parents turned voting age the Civil Rights Acts were basically as old as Obamacare is now.

How could a living breathing human being not understand these implications.

[Edited on July 21, 2015 at 12:54 PM. Reason : ^ God damm it, no one is saying its ALL one thing or ALL another]

7/21/2015 12:53:58 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"Everyone of every race has the ability to raise their children and graduate high school, that is not a white privilege."

Possible, yes. Likely, no. Access to opportunity is obviously one of the defining characteristics that make for success. The bootstrap talking point is nice but the reality is it takes hard work (which the vast majority of people of all races have) and a shit-ton of good fortune. There is a reason the U.S.nis flat out pathetic when it comes to class mobility.

7/21/2015 1:00:15 PM

All American
27946 Posts
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Quote :
" like how anyone that isn't a crying vagina about the plight of African Americans"

i don't think i'm a crying vagina, and I actually agree with some of your comments in regards to some of this issue, but the more you post and reveal your opinions, the more you come across as a racist asshole.

7/21/2015 1:01:16 PM

50084 Posts
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Blaming this on "hood culture" and ending the conversation there is ignorant to the point of not being response-worthy. The better question is what are the contributory factors that led to the rise of this culture and figuring out if they still exist to this day (fairly obvious answer).

It's not like affluent African American males wake up one day and just decide to become gangbangers because they have dark skin. It's quite obviously due to a far broader range of issues that people don't have the stomach to really do something about.

Claiming that this culture is a self-fulfilling prophecy for young AA males (which is reasonable to say) is pretty worthless if you can't come to grips with why it exists.

[Edited on July 21, 2015 at 1:08 PM. Reason : Typo]

7/21/2015 1:07:17 PM

All American
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It a little bit of Nym's point, and a little but of HUR's point.

Are the decks stacked against minorities? Due to years of a majority advantage for white folk? Most definitely. Do minorities take full advantage of programs currently offered to help them get out of their situation? No, they don't.

What would be interesting though, is to follow the poor people of different races to see if the decks are stacked against minorities for sure, or if it is just that the decks are stacked against poor people in general. Swap the names. Give a poor white boy and ethnic name, give the poor black boy a more Caucasian sounding name, and see what happens.

Obviously that isn't ethically possibly, but it would be interesting to see if they come across the same challenges through life.

7/21/2015 1:24:14 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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Quote :
"Do minorities take full advantage of programs currently offered to help them get out of their situation? No, they don't."

what are these programs that they aren't taking full advantage of?

7/21/2015 1:26:26 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"What would be interesting though, is to follow the poor people of different races to see if the decks are stacked against minorities for sure, or if it is just that the decks are stacked against poor people in general. Swap the names. Give a poor white boy and ethnic name, give the poor black boy a more Caucasian sounding name, and see what happens."

I'm not fully sure but didn't Obama reference this supposed famous study (though mixing up the names) after Charleston?

^^ there is no doubt, to me, that a lot of rural kids have similarly limited opportunities and that should also be examined. But we are talking huge differences in density obviously..

[Edited on July 21, 2015 at 1:31 PM. Reason : X]

7/21/2015 1:29:15 PM

All American
33747 Posts
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Quote :
"Do minorities take full advantage of programs currently offered to help them get out of their situation? No, they don't.

This is true, but minorities are also stigmatized and mocked for using the programs, and even stigmatized for programs even existing. You can't remove the stigma as long as there are people like HUR and JCE that refuse to acknowledge the prevailing problems.

7/21/2015 1:29:33 PM

All American
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This is what I mean with you fucking liberals, it has to be all or nothing. You can't agree with a damned thing I say because of the way you perceive my politics.

Take any of the programs we have spent billions on since the 60's trying to get minorities the same advantages that those who take advantage of "white privilege" have.

7/21/2015 1:29:43 PM

balls deep
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ap art

7/21/2015 1:32:49 PM

50084 Posts
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Why that tone? No one was remotely out of line responding to you...

Programs such as welfare and affirmative action serve more as bandaids then cures. Especially the latter since it really only helps those who already have "made it" get a fair shot at being treated equally. Does nothing to help fix the underlying issues.

7/21/2015 1:34:47 PM

All American
11307 Posts
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since the 60s

LOL...that was FOREVER ago! why haven't you blacks succeeded in 55 years??? you should be caught up by now! we've given you tons of money!

7/21/2015 1:42:34 PM

All American
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The tone? Because tgl just drives me buggy. I can only take him in small doses, and even then he drives me buggy.

7/21/2015 1:45:08 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"You can't agree with a damned thing I say because of the way you perceive my politics."

Perhaps that has something to do with language like "fucking liberals" as opposed to your politics

[Edited on July 21, 2015 at 1:45 PM. Reason : ^ he just asked a question. jebus.]

7/21/2015 1:45:09 PM

All American
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^^ I asked a question

how in the world did that make you buggy?

7/21/2015 1:46:15 PM

5608 Posts
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Everyone ITT has acknowledged systematic racism exists, the straw man the liberals keep using is that people are claiming it doesn't exist or isn't a problem.

The main disagreement is I'm saying in 2015, minority poverty is continued by choices rather than lack of privilege. No matter how many straw men you knock down that is a reality, and the "prevailing problem". moron's liberal wet-dream isn't going to improve anything.

Quote :
"You can't remove the stigma as long as there are people like HUR and JCE that refuse to acknowledge the prevailing problems."

So now white people are evil, because the welfare payed to minorities might hurt their feelings because of a stigma? You are insufferable.

Quote :
"what are these programs that they aren't taking full advantage of?"

Public High School

7/21/2015 1:53:36 PM

All American
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The question you asked was asked specifically to try and discredit the point I was trying to make. It's not even like I disagree with you guys. I just wish there was a way we could change behavior to get more young minorities view some of the programs as positive things they should take advantage of.

Sure, we can talk about welfare programs that are well known on a national level, but there are all sorts of things local municipalities do to try and get kids off the streets and out of the "hoods." I use that term for lack of a better one. There are summer learning programs, summer sports programs, after school programs, things like smart start, NC offers programs that make child care in good facilities virtually free (in comparison to say, the 1145/month I pay for my 2 year old), there are work-study programs for older, high school age children.

So tgl, don't stand there and ask "what programs" trying to imply that I can't come up with any, or that there aren't really any out there. There are many to take advantage of, we just need to change the desire of young people to take advantage of them.

7/21/2015 1:55:29 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
" systematic racism exists"

Quote :
"the straw man the liberals keep using is that people are claiming it doesn't exist or isn't a problem."

Quote :
"in 2015, minority poverty is continued by choices rather than lack of privilege"

7/21/2015 1:59:23 PM

113871 Posts
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Quote :



7/21/2015 2:00:54 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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Quality of education linked to how do Af. Americans who lack the wealth to be in the neighborhoods with the good schools manage to pull themselves up by studying hard and getting a good education? You think an inner city school is anywhere close to the standards of one in a predominantly white suburb?

7/21/2015 2:00:58 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Quote :
"Do minorities take full advantage of programs currently offered to help them get out of their situation? No, they don't.

Quote :
"This is true"

Holy shit. He just admitted minority poverty is not 100% white people's fault, and by extension it is not 100% up to white people for it to be fixed.

What an amazing day on TWW. My work here is done.

7/21/2015 2:02:11 PM

All American
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^^That isn't something that you are going to change though. Rich people get better education. Period. Pick out a point in history where that hasn't applied.

Super rich kids go to prep schools, get into Ive League schools.
Rich kids go to Broughton, have a shot at good private schools
Middle class kids go to run of the mill high schools and it depends largely on their grades as to where they go to college.
Poor kids.....well, there is the question I posed a few posts back.

Are we talking about wealth being the problem here, or skin color?

[Edited on July 21, 2015 at 2:08 PM. Reason : asdfa]

7/21/2015 2:05:05 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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> complains about strawmen
> immediately following uses multiple strawmen

[Edited on July 21, 2015 at 2:05 PM. Reason : ^^]

7/21/2015 2:05:36 PM

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