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All American
3111 Posts
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I'm pretty sure posting your thoughts on a college message board wouldn't tip your hand to anyone important

How about these people, which would get your vote:

Stacey Abrams
Val Demings
Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

3/5/2020 2:48:59 PM

All American
27966 Posts
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Quote :
"and I think we are probably better off waiting 4 more years."

I'm not sure how anyone who's a progressive or liberal or democrat or socialist or bernie-supporter could think like this. Seems incredibly short-sited.

3/5/2020 2:52:39 PM

1331 Posts
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The courts are perpetually held over the head of the left in this country (and as NYT said, they're already pretty fucked) - we're long past due for a review of their function and selection process.

Apart from that, there's no reason for me to vote for Biden. His victory would ensure someone worse than Trump next time around. Tom Cotton maybe? 4 more years of Trump followed by 8 of AOC is much more appealing and would be much better for the country, especially considering we'd have a better chance of securing a blue house & senate under an unpopular second term Republican.

Basically, you're not going to convince people like me to vote for Biden without policy and personnel concessions, so get to work on your dude.

[Edited on March 5, 2020 at 3:13 PM. Reason : .]

3/5/2020 3:08:39 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Court packing (especially the SCOTUS) is why I'll likely vote for Biden regardless. You can't call yourself left wing (let alone progressive) if you can't see that. Untwist your panties my dude.

That being said I don't know how Harris or Klobuchar made ElGimpy's list. Warren and Abrams would likely be my two picks from that.

3/5/2020 3:14:21 PM

All American
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My list is just names that are possibilities, it's not just names that Bernie people would like, I just want to be clear about what's acceptable and what's not

but apparently even that's too tall a task

3/5/2020 3:16:54 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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If you're going to try to bring more progressive leaning voters back into the fold you're probably going to want to pick a more progressive leaning VP, what's to discuss? Or could you just not connect those dots yourself?

3/5/2020 3:25:26 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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I want the people to name the VP's that they would be happy with now so that later on if Biden picks one of them they can't use that as their excuse for why they're not going to vote for him

3/5/2020 3:26:44 PM

1331 Posts
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That's a strategy that's sure to be effective.

3/5/2020 3:33:57 PM

All American
3111 Posts
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a couple of you said your vote would be partially dependent on who the VP would be. Is it really so much to ask that you illustrate that point?

The only reason not to name anyone is just to be willfully cryptic

3/5/2020 3:39:56 PM

All American
8595 Posts
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CNN is trying really hard to smear Bernie

3/5/2020 3:54:30 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
" 4 more years of Trump followed by 8 of AOC"

it’s more likely that Trump would serve a 3rd term than a 34 year old winning the Democratic nomination

3/5/2020 4:13:28 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"The courts are perpetually held over the head of the left in this country (and as NYT said, they're already pretty fucked) - we're long past due for a review of their function and selection process."

well i guess we should cross our fingers that trump will fix that process

3/5/2020 5:11:28 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"I want the people to name the VP's that they would be happy with now so that later on if Biden picks one of them they can't use that as their excuse for why they're not going to vote for him"

Why? The vast, vast majority of Bernie supporters on here and in real life will vote for Biden or whoever. The ones that won’t don’t need to be shamed (unless they gleefully root for Trump like Earl).

Personally I don’t get it. It seems counterproductive to your movement to face an even greater impediment to any future real progressive legislation by rooting for a legit rightwing authoritarian who has made it his mission to completely fuck over the courts for a generation instead a of a lukewarm centrist but it is what it is.

[Edited on March 5, 2020 at 5:37 PM. Reason : FWIW, AOC is much better at politics and coalition building than Bernie so hope is there]

3/5/2020 5:36:16 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"It seems counterproductive to your movement to face an even greater impediment to any future real progressive legislation by rooting for a legit rightwing authoritarian who has made it his mission to completely fuck over the courts for a generation instead a of a lukewarm centrist but it is what it is."

Once Bernie loses, the next best result is 4 more years of Trump at the federal level with increasing resistance motivating progressive change at the local levels. We've already seen this in the past 4 years and absolutely cannot afford for the country to go back to sleep like they were in the 8 years prior. We must keep the liberals pissed off and engaged

Local governments have much more direct impact anyway and have the ability to actively defy/undermine federal authority. The solution isn't to spend decades trying to shift the courts, the solution is to tell them to fuck off.

We can't just sit back and rely on presidents senators and judges to make changes for us. The revolution always had to come from grassroots organizing at the local level. Lack of absolute authority doesn't change that.

[Edited on March 5, 2020 at 9:39 PM. Reason : and if you think biden would pack the courts with progressive, you're delusional]

[Edited on March 5, 2020 at 9:41 PM. Reason : lazy ass liberals want to go back to ignoring everything]

3/5/2020 9:36:35 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Quote :
"That being said I don't know how Harris or Klobuchar made ElGimpy's list. Warren and Abrams would likely be my two picks from that."

Klobuchar is the current leader on PredictIt. At the moment, I'd say either her or Abrams.

3/5/2020 9:39:44 PM

Save TWW
37147 Posts
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Good thread about things Bernie needs to work on asap. Contains one of my biggest gripes, in that he needs to be "meaner" in a general sense

3/6/2020 12:38:40 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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reason 7,867,439 on why twitter discourse should not matter one bit:

the most ardent Bernie supporters that I follow on twitter who won’t have it when anyone brings up bad behavior by fellow supporters on Twitter are now RT’ing anti-Bernie tweets in regards to the Nazi flag that was displayed at his rally as if the tweets are on-the-level

TLDR: it’s a long winded way of saying that everyone on twitter should just assume the vast majority of twitter is bots that don’t deserve to be engaged with

[Edited on March 6, 2020 at 1:19 PM. Reason : and Bernie supporters are the Most Online out of anyone ]

3/6/2020 1:18:15 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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Yeah it shouldn't matter but twitter discourse obviously matters because Warren and her awful advisors still won't shut the fuck up about it. And for every "Most Online" Bernie supporter you find, there's another "Most Online" centrist still tweeting about 2016.

3/6/2020 2:20:09 PM

2001 Posts
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Expect less than half of Bernie supporters to vote Biden in November because these numbers are definitely tanking. I've seen a transformation in the mindset of most Bernie supporters in the past 24 hours.

The Bernie pages were WILD last night. I've never seen anything so toxic and everyone is pissed even ready to rip each others heads off. I'm getting called a libtard for saying Biden is actually winning

[Edited on March 11, 2020 at 1:40 PM. Reason : lol i'm the far right in there]

3/11/2020 1:37:46 PM

50084 Posts
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It’ll be 80-90%, maybe higher.

Just because you’re a freak show doesn’t mean Sanders supporters are.

3/11/2020 1:39:05 PM

1331 Posts
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It will be lower than last time. The Democratic party has made it very clear where their allegiances lie and what they'll do to protect their class interests.

[Edited on March 11, 2020 at 1:41 PM. Reason : .]

3/11/2020 1:39:59 PM

50084 Posts
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Last time was what, 91%?

It’ll be about the same. But I put my range slightly lower.

3/11/2020 1:40:46 PM

2001 Posts
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So you're just going to ignore the polling numbers and examples from pages I gave and say its just me? then make up your own numbers? Even you are better than that.

Quote :
"The National Emerson College Poll of 1,128 registered voters between January 21 and January 23 found that 53 percent of Sanders supporters said "yes" when asked if they would support the Democratic nominee even if it is not their candidate."

[Edited on March 11, 2020 at 1:43 PM. Reason : One group poll was 94% "my cat" and 6% Biden. 2400 votes. ]

[Edited on March 11, 2020 at 1:44 PM. Reason : apparently emerson pollling is just evidence of me being a "freakshow"]

3/11/2020 1:42:28 PM

50084 Posts
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Examples from pages? Yes, I’ll ignore anecdotal nonsense.

You cherry picked one poll from mid-January. I’m tied up the rest if the day but I’ll try and pop back later to post a broad sample of polls where it’s much higher.

3/11/2020 1:46:02 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Lol promises to do work to disprove Earl's troll posts

Totally a constructive use of your time

[Edited on March 11, 2020 at 1:52 PM. Reason : Don't let me stop u]

3/11/2020 1:52:43 PM

26632 Posts
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i don't care enough to look it up, but i would guess that primary polling from january 2016 also had a relatively low number of bernie supporters say they would vote for clinton even though they overwhelmingly did

3/11/2020 1:55:07 PM

2001 Posts
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I can explain how that works with a quick example.

Imagine there are 20 bernie supporters participating in polling during the primary and anticipate voting in the gneeral. 11 of them are willing to vote no matter who the nominee is.

After Bernie gets screwed over and ends his campaign there are now 12 bernie supporters who are still participating. 11 of them plan to vote for the nominee and 1 of them plans to vote for someone else.

Even though initial polling suggested 55% of Bernie voters would vote for the nominee, it ended up being over 90%.
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How did I signle-handedly get a hashtag about a problem I made up to trend across the US? I'll never share my secret but if NYM knows anyone who needs help with marketing, he can contact me.

[Edited on March 11, 2020 at 3:24 PM. Reason : i invented #demexit just to make people on this site angry. it doesn't actually exist.]

3/11/2020 3:11:18 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Not reading that.

3/11/2020 3:15:28 PM

40410 Posts
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pretty good read imo

3/11/2020 11:55:13 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"He resisted change, most often at the urging of his own aides, including over the last few weeks as some begged him to be more aggressive in his attacks against Biden. From the start of his second presidential bid almost 13 months ago, his team liked to tell reporters that, unlike his race four years ago, this campaign was his campaign. And maybe it just wasn’t working well enough."

Hmmmmmm sounds familiar.

Quote :
"“He was never able to expand his coalition,” said Mark Longabaugh, a top adviser who split with the campaign early last year over strategic disagreements with the candidate. “He just didn’t succeed at it.”"

Love the guy. Voted for the guy (again), but doesn't make this not true.

[Edited on March 12, 2020 at 12:32 AM. Reason : Good read I'm sad to say. Word of the day is: stubborn ]

3/12/2020 12:25:45 AM

2001 Posts
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bErNiE cAnT eXpAnD hIs BaSe To CoNsErVaTiVeS

3/17/2020 8:02:35 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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I mean with all the young people/"millennials" ignoring common sense and going out and about socializing, wantonly disregarding science, you'd think they'd turn out for Bernie and all the free stuff he's offering. You'd also think that people old AF would be staying their worried asses home, driving turnout down for Creepy Joe Biden. I guess that's not happening.

The revolution has been postponed, but eventually it'll be up on Zoom since we'll all be stuck inside.

3/17/2020 8:51:27 PM

50084 Posts
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In all honesty, what’s a good read on why he didn’t seem to turn out the young vote like a lot of us expected? Not tonight because obviously this is just an utter shitshow holding in person voting in the midst of a pandemic (vote by mail fucking immediately)... but just in general.

I earnestly thought the millennial an younger vote would have been so much higher. Will our generation just become the new boomers and x’ers eventually?

[Edited on March 17, 2020 at 8:53 PM. Reason : And I’m an ooolllldddeerrr millenial but still one god damn it]

3/17/2020 8:53:35 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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I guess it goes back to what I was saying earlier. Most young people don't give two shits about politics, and they only really cared last time because they didn't really know how politics 'work'

Now they know...

3/17/2020 8:55:32 PM

2001 Posts
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Its a false narrative. From everything I've read, young turnout has increased and been overwhelmingly for Sanders. That doesn't mean old people don't increase too. Also, many of these states already vote by mail. My other guess is that most of the old people in Florida did.

Do you have any data that suggests young people aren't voting? which states? Compared to which election?

3/17/2020 8:59:46 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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I have the data showing Bernie losing basically every state against Biden in a head to head contest, and badly at that. I don't even need numbers, just colors. The darker blue ones are for Biden, and the tarhole blue is for Bernie.

Please extrapolate whatever magical dataset you have so I can understand better though, since clearly I'm missing something. I'm working from home, so I've got time.

[Edited on March 17, 2020 at 9:11 PM. Reason : .]

3/17/2020 9:11:09 PM

50084 Posts
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You may be right in that absolute young turnout may be marginally better at best, but Bernie’s campaign was contingent on more than marginal improvement from the beginning.

It was always highly unlikely that he’d win unless that demographic showed up en masse. He did, however, really connect with left leaning Hispanics in a much better way than in 2016 and that is something that Biden will need to address.

And I’m not trolling or being insincere. I’m legitimately curious how this happened. My take is so many of the suburban women who reluctantly voted GOP decided they couldn’t do it with that guy in the office and wanted to vote for the GOP-lite guy (Biden). Those numbers vastly outnumbered any marginal increase in younger voters.

3/17/2020 9:18:37 PM

1331 Posts
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Turnout increased across the board, but older people increased more than younger people, for whatever reason. Bernie won 18-50 but old people wanted Biden. We'll just have to keep waiting - hopefully we have something left when the time comes.

3/17/2020 9:18:53 PM

2001 Posts
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Lets look at Michigan
Quote :
"Youth turnout is down. Does that mean climate is out?"

Look at how they explain youth turnout being down
Quote :
"For example, voters between the ages of 18 and 44 were just 37% of the voters in Michigan, the most populous state to have a primary March 10. That compares with 45% in 2016."

Math is hard for a lot of people but just because the % of young voters went down doesn't mean the youth turnout went down. The media knows this but misstates it to trick people like you(ujustwait) into embracing their narrative (then you a free excuse for being privileged)

Let me break it down
Quote :
"Nearly 1.6 million people cast ballots on the Democratic side Tuesday. That is almost 380,000 more than four years ago — a 31% increase."

45% of 1.22 million to 37% of 1.6 million.

So 549,000 young voters in the 2016 primary and now we have 592,000 young voters in the 2020 primary. Young voter turnout increased despite the narrative in the media. Only people who know basic math can get around it.

[Edited on March 17, 2020 at 9:25 PM. Reason : ^^Those people are fickle. They could be back to supporting Trump when the pressure is on. ]

[Edited on March 17, 2020 at 9:26 PM. Reason : added link]

3/17/2020 9:22:52 PM

40410 Posts
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Quote :
" hopefully we have something left when the time comes"

I seriously doubt Sanders will run again, if that's what you're suggesting. The biggest impact that Bernie's presidential runs will have is that it's planting seeds in the sense that some of his followers may end up running for office at some point themselves. I mean, do you think there's gonna be a ton of Klobuchar supporters who suddenly look to get involved in their local or state politics to carry the Klobuchar doctrine forward? Not likely. And in that way the #NotMeUs slogan may yet be realized. Maybe not with Sanders' exact policies or approach to politics (although we have definitely seen that exact scenario to some extent already) but at least a brand of politics rooted in serving normal Americans.

3/17/2020 9:27:51 PM

1331 Posts
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Oh no definitely not. I mean hopefully things aren't total shit, irreversible climate change, extended depression, etc.

3/17/2020 9:30:19 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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They will be. But Bernie didn't really do much to help

3/17/2020 11:02:24 PM

1331 Posts
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seek help

3/17/2020 11:12:09 PM

All American
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We have all the time to play the blame game now. I guess being all mad about Warren last week seems pretty dumb now huh

3/17/2020 11:14:33 PM

6284 Posts
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^^vote blue no matter who

[Edited on March 17, 2020 at 11:14 PM. Reason : S]

3/17/2020 11:14:37 PM

2001 Posts
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No Warren ruined this entire thing.

3/17/2020 11:17:53 PM

All American
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Yeah, Warren. Not Trump or the people who wouldn't vote for Hillary. Totally our fault.

3/17/2020 11:19:16 PM

1331 Posts
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Warren has done significant damage to the movement Bernie and others have been working on. Opportunist traitor.

3/17/2020 11:21:52 PM

2001 Posts
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Hillary wasn't going to fix any of those problems and Trump didn't create them. Her main difference was that she was more likely to start a war with Russia. Bernie has been talking about climate change for 30 years. His biggest mistake was running as a democrat a second time instead of realizing they would not let him win.

3/17/2020 11:22:08 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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You both are some of the dumbest people I know. And that's saying a lot.

3/17/2020 11:25:16 PM

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