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 Message Boards » » Perpetual "Cop Shoots an Unarmed Person" Thread Page 1 ... 39 40 41 42 [43] 44 45 46 47 ... 69, Prev Next  
hello Mr. NSA!
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9/19/2016 7:27:39 PM

All American
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I think they shot a zombie.

9/19/2016 7:59:35 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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Poor guy

The helicopter pilot's dialog really shows the bias present with some police officers. It's almost like he's ready for a show.... Just waiting for something to pop off to provide some entertainment

9/19/2016 8:27:30 PM

26632 Posts
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The NYC bomber was captured alive

9/19/2016 10:18:10 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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9/19/2016 10:19:08 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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^^to be fair, that was probably primary order so that he can expose the rest of the cell. if they killed him, then more attacks happen.

9/19/2016 10:35:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"When asked why police did not provide immediate assistance once Crutcher was down, MacKenzie said, "I don't know that we have protocol on how to render aid to people.""


9/19/2016 11:02:43 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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Murder. And the cop is getting paid for it. I sit with Kaepernick.

9/19/2016 11:11:22 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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I can't wait to see what our resident TWW victim blamers dig up about this dead dude.

9/19/2016 11:30:28 PM

All American
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^^I don't sit with Kapernick, but this cop deserves to do time behind bars.

9/19/2016 11:57:31 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"I can't wait to see what our resident TWW victim blamers dig up about this dead dude."

I'd like to ask all the resident TWW SJWs: What is more relevant here:

That the man resisted arrest?


That the man was black?

9/20/2016 12:02:31 AM

26632 Posts
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Trick question, racism ended in 1968!

Ha, you almost got me

9/20/2016 6:27:57 AM

All American
11307 Posts
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Wow...some judge Dredd shit there. No due process...your sentence is death by firing squad.

9/20/2016 7:48:12 AM

balls deep
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After they shot and tased him, they cops just left him there to die without administering any aid. Absolutely no concern for human life was shown.

9/20/2016 8:01:32 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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He might have hurt them while they were rendering aid. #bluelivesmatter

9/20/2016 8:07:53 AM

All American
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LivingDying on Tulsa time.

9/20/2016 8:07:54 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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I can't for the life of me imagine how cops aren't fully aware they are under constant scrutiny now and video cameras are everywhere when they do shit like this. I mean at this point I would expect there to actually be more cops getting shot for being overly cautious but yet they just keep shooting people for no apparent reason.

9/20/2016 8:13:42 AM

All American
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Gonna throw out a suggestion here, and by no means does this suggestion make anything that happened in Tulsa right or justified.

But perhaps poor communication?

1. There are already waaay too many officers there for a traffic stop. Problem 1.
2. Maybe one cop tased the guy, and the other cops, in the few seconds that it happened, didn't realize he was being tased, took his jerky movements to be going for a gun, and pulled the trigger?

I don't know. With that many officers around, a helicopter and running dashcam videos, I just find it hard to swallow that they shot the man for no reason. Not saying that this man did anything to deserve what happened, I just can't for the life of me understand any other situation where a cop here would just shoot someone.

9/20/2016 8:40:49 AM

Forgetful Jones
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Good guys with guns

9/20/2016 8:48:00 AM

Ohhh Farts
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^^we don't have too many details, but my intial impression is similar, I think when the one officer shot the taser it somehow surprised/scared the other officer and she may have accidentally pulled the trigger, which would seem like negligent homicide at the least, but the fact that they just let him lie there and die without trying to get him any aid (as seems to be the case in almost all of these shootings), and don't even know if there is a protocol to administering aid is fucked up beyond belief

9/20/2016 9:28:52 AM

All American
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Dead people don't testify against you, that's the #1 priority.

9/20/2016 9:35:43 AM

All American
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I would much rather have someone testify against me rather than have an entire country calling for my head.

9/20/2016 9:41:32 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
1. There are already waaay too many officers there for a traffic stop. Problem 1."

it wasn't a traffic stop. the victim's vehicle had broken down. they murdered this guy because his car didn't work.

Quote :
"When asked why police did not provide immediate assistance once Crutcher was down, MacKenzie said, "I don't know that we have protocol on how to render aid to people.""

jesus fucking christ this is what is wrong with police

9/20/2016 9:41:42 AM

All American
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Doss2k said:
Quote :
"I can't for the life of me imagine how cops aren't fully aware they are under constant scrutiny now and video cameras are everywhere when they do shit like this. I mean at this point I would expect there to actually be more cops getting shot for being overly cautious but yet they just keep shooting people for no apparent reason."

Well, here's the thing: They're perfectly aware. It just doesn't matter to them whatsoever, and it doesn't matter to them for two reasons, one that's simple and one that's more complex.

The simple reason is that police officers are just not that smart. Police departments discriminate against intelligent applicants, and the US Court of Appeals said that was just fine. I'm not saying they're all drooling morons, but they are not smart people. That's all.

The complex reason is that they have no fear of consequences due to the essential nature of the police, which is a tool of violence the state wields against the people to protect the interests of the ruling class.

Now, there's going to be a bunch of cop-loving motherfuckers who disagree with me about that because their uncle's a cop and he's a good guy who just wants to look out for people, but it's true. You can be an essentially good person who is a cog in an evil machine. Remember: Cops aren't that smart, so they largely don't realize what they're really a part of and what effect it really has on their communities.

Because the police have value to the ruling class as a tool, laws and regulations surrounding the police exist to reinforce and protect that utility. You think the "blue wall of silence" is an accident, some unintentional manifestation of corruption arising spontaneously from otherwise well meaning individuals doing the Lord's work? Don't be a mark. Police behave the way they do because they aren't smart enough to see the problem and because they are protected from consequences for acting against the interests of the public. Their entire environment is set up to provide incentives to maintain a status quo that benefits their real masters, who are the ruling class, whose property interests they exist to protect.

9/20/2016 9:44:24 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
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Are we sure his car broke down? It was sitting on the center line of the road. Usually folks pull off the road, not into oncoming traffic, when their car breaks down. All we really know is that the cops were responding to another call and came across this dude with his vehicle sitting in the middle of a two lane road.

9/20/2016 9:48:47 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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and then shot and killed him despite no acts of aggression or any weapon.

9/20/2016 9:53:35 AM

All American
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...because they're sort of dumb and really kinda have no reason NOT to, like, kill just anyone as long as it's just some poor regular jerk-off.

9/20/2016 9:54:43 AM

All American
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I think your post is correct on some points, especially for smaller municipalities, or maybe forces with large unions, however many larger municipalities are requiring college educated candidates for police work now. I realize that a poli sci or criminal justice degree is much easier to obtain than any engineering degree, and that a degree does not a smart person make, however it is a far cry from the high-school graduated knuckle dragger signing up for the local police force to continue his bullying.

9/20/2016 9:55:23 AM

All American
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That's worrisome! Smarter candidates are more likely to understand the role of the police and the mechanisms the state puts in place to protect them, therefore smarter police officers are probably more likely to be corrupt and also more likely to be more effective at it!

9/20/2016 9:58:05 AM

All American
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I'd guess that the female officer got spooked when the other officer fired the taser, panicked, and shot the guy.

Is this the same police force that had some geriatric pretend cop on a ridealong shooting a drug dealer out of a moving car a few years back?

9/20/2016 11:54:09 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Are we sure his car broke down?"

Not exactly.

Quote :
"Officers had been called to the scene by passers-by who had reported a vehicle abandoned in the road. "He took off running," a woman told a 911 operator, saying that the man said his vehicle might blow up. She added, "I think he's smoking something.""

Quote :
"Audio from two 911 calls shows two people called the police to report that Crutcher's vehicle was blocking traffic on 36th Street North, with one caller reporting that the driver apparently left the vehicle running with the doors wide open. That caller also told the dispatcher that a man ran from the vehicle because it was smoking and he believed it might explode."

9/20/2016 12:00:40 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27335 Posts
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Sounds like a broken down car to me

9/20/2016 12:05:26 PM

5608 Posts
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So that entire part about "acting strange" and resisting arrest, reaching in a car window while cops are pointing guns at you... suicide by cop?

9/20/2016 12:06:41 PM

All American
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If by acting strange you mean "walking back to his vehicle with his hands up" then yea, I guess he was acting strange.

Hey, let us taze you and see if you don't reach for shit that isn't there while being electrocuted.

9/20/2016 12:18:23 PM

5608 Posts
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That's an interesting way to frame it.

Except you forgot the part where a group of cops pointing guns at you are telling you to stop. That seems a bit more relevant.

9/20/2016 12:24:50 PM

All American
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He was tased then shot while being tased.

Are you really going to try to defend that one? Stop being a caricature.

9/20/2016 12:29:52 PM

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I'm not defending the cop's decision.

I'm criticizing the disgusting race-baiting I see on this shooting. Rather than be obsessed with the melanin content of the man's skin, how about mention the fact that if you just comply with cops and don't break the law, this doesn't happen?

9/20/2016 2:26:44 PM

All American
33756 Posts
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Its well established that's not true, but this is trump's america where facts don't matter.

9/20/2016 2:28:33 PM

5608 Posts
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"It's well established that *Insert argument I can't defend*

"I've explained countless times that *Insert argument I can't defend*

SJWs exposed ITT

9/20/2016 2:32:33 PM

All American
27956 Posts
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Stop being such a liberal SJW, rjrumfel!!!

[Edited on September 20, 2016 at 2:33 PM. Reason : ^this guy. i mean, seriously, this guy]

9/20/2016 2:33:24 PM

All American
22929 Posts
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I know right?

I should march outside and unceremoniously rip that coexist bumper sticker off my Prius.

9/20/2016 2:41:55 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"Sounds like a broken down car to me someone's been hotboxing bath salts in their car again"

Either Hollywood has convinced this guy that cars blow up for almost no reason at all, or there was some serious altered state of reality going on in his head.

Quote :
"reaching in a car window while cops are pointing guns at you... suicide by cop?"

the window appeared closed from the helicopter footage. I think him leaning into the car was the result of being tazed and not a voluntary movement on his part.

9/20/2016 2:49:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"the window appeared closed from the helicopter footage. I think him leaning into the car was the result of being tazed and not a voluntary movement on his part."

wow, now eleusis is a SJW.

9/20/2016 2:50:03 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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its pretty simple for the cops, if you think your life is in danger, then stay away from him, go behind your car, and talk to him from a distance. Training?

9/20/2016 3:07:56 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
""We live in a world where people are upset if a black man takes a knee, but unaffected if a black man takes a bullet.""

9/20/2016 3:58:35 PM

All American
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9/20/2016 4:03:28 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"I should march outside and unceremoniously rip that coexist bumper sticker off my Prius.

Lol well done

9/20/2016 4:06:19 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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^^LOL @ John Swofford

9/20/2016 4:15:11 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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PCP would explain the lack of compliance. He probably thought all the police surrounding him and the helicopter whirling overhead was just another delusion.

9/20/2016 4:15:16 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Quote :
"Wood said Monday that Shelby's drug recognition expert training led her to believe Crutcher had been exhibiting signs of being under the influence of PCP."

Drug Recognition Expert training? Sure.
No way to know if/how aid should have been administered to a downed suspect. Sure.

9/20/2016 4:19:15 PM

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