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Forgetful Jones
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3/7/2021 9:33:29 PM

Tom Joad
72757 Posts
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lol nice

3/8/2021 2:00:36 PM

Save TWW
37120 Posts
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Quote :
"Schumer: “What happened in 2009 and ’10 is, we tried to work with the Republicans, the package ended up being much too small, and the recession lasted for five years. People got sour; we lost the election.”"

Quote :
"IOW: given what Dems convinced themselves they could not do with 60 votes in 2009, the fact that this made it through the Senate on a VP tie-break represents a quantum leap in the party's ambition and capacity for member discipline, bullshit on $15 and means tests notwithstanding"

3/8/2021 4:15:38 PM

Save TWW
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Another cool (but temporary for now) provision of this law is reducing the health care subsidy floor
Quote :
"As a matter of government philosophy and ideology the health care portion of the COVID relief bill is a bigger deal than the Obamacare ever was"

3/9/2021 2:49:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Manchin is actually being more specific about what filibuster reforms he'd support—and it's bad for the GOP. He previously said he'd consider reinstating the talking filibuster. Now he says he's open to requiring the minority to keep 41 votes on the floor."

a very small sign, but a good sign

3/9/2021 3:31:37 PM

Save TWW
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^ya it's better than nothing hopefully he follows through

Quote :
"NEW: @DCCC is officially reversing its controversial "blacklist" on Tuesday, ending a blanket ban on consultants/firms who work with primary challengers of House Dem incumbents

This is a HUGE win for progressives, who have lobbied for it for 2 years"

3/9/2021 7:04:36 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Sen. Joe Manchin opposes two gun safety bills passed in the House earlier this month, underscoring Democratic divide over gun control"

3/24/2021 7:53:25 PM

All American
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Wonder when we can start background checking printers?

3/25/2021 10:39:14 AM

Save TWW
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Wrong thread

3/25/2021 11:44:41 AM

All American
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It's related to gun safety.

3/25/2021 12:06:00 PM

Save TWW
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3/25/2021 1:27:54 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"As if Bill Clinton's presidency didn't already look like a pathetic failure, his two SCOTUS picks are likely to doom the country by dying in office."

5/17/2021 8:34:39 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"The DNC chair leaving to join a union-busting law firm is a little on the nose"

5/28/2021 7:37:46 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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I've read the argument that Democrats have less to lose from reforming the Senate filibuster rules than Republicans do, since Republican priorities can mostly be accomplished through reconciliation.

However, are there any significant Republican priorities that would be passed with filibuster reform that otherwise wouldn't? One that immediately comes to mind could be the privatization of Social Security.

I'm just wondering if Democrats might reform the filibuster and then look back regretting the decision.

5/28/2021 4:24:12 PM

Save TWW
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The thing about the modern republican party is, if their donors and/or base want something bad enough theyll just do it. They use the rules as a cudgel until it benefits them. Then when they break them Dems scream about hypocrisy which affects about 0.0001% of the voters.

5/28/2021 5:07:04 PM

Save TWW
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Any democrat not looking for ways to pressure Breyer to retire needs to retire right along

6/14/2021 8:41:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"“The only face more suitable for the US empire than a sociopathic billionaire is a decrepit warmongering corporate whore with dementia.”"

6/15/2021 11:47:28 AM

All American
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Biden doesn’t have dementia

6/15/2021 12:26:49 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Pelosi also questioned the policy wisdom of cancelling student loan debt:

“Suppose…your child just decided they, at this time, [do] not want to go to college but you’re paying taxes to forgive somebody else’s obligations. You may not be happy about that.""

Please retire

7/28/2021 3:05:08 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
""This is a gift," Cory Booker says in an animated speech praising Tommy Tuberville's non-binding amendment to punish localities that defund the police.

"I am sure I will see no political ads attacking anybody here over defund the police."

It passed 99-0, all Dems voted for it."


8/12/2021 2:10:02 PM

1331 Posts
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revolution when

8/12/2021 2:52:12 PM

All American
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Hmm, was it just strategy? (i honestly don't know)

Quote :
"It was a non-binding vote, which essentially means nothing. Tuberville was trying to have a “gotcha” vote, but Booker helped all Dems escape it in good light."

8/12/2021 3:00:04 PM

All American
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it’s non-binding and was only introduced as a bullshit gotcha attempt by the GOP

8/12/2021 3:00:42 PM

All American
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Although that doesn't explain his statement

Quote :
"“If it wasn’t complete abdication of Senate procedures and esteem, I would walk over there and hug my colleague from Alabama,” Booker said in his speech."

And then he proceeded to walk over there an hug him.

8/12/2021 3:09:00 PM

All American
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bad optics for Tubberville to be seen hugging Corey Booker

8/12/2021 3:10:14 PM

Save TWW
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^^^why would they vote for a resolution they didn't support

It's insane for the federal government to punish a municipality for reducing funding to their police, regardless of your take on the defund movement

Senate also voted to add 100000 officers, only Sanders voted against. Why does the federal govt need to be providing more officers??

[Edited on August 12, 2021 at 4:19 PM. Reason : E]

8/12/2021 4:19:02 PM

All American
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because they knew it didn’t mean anything and recognized it as the GOP trying to get them to vote a certain way just so the GOP could say, “see, they ARE the PARTY of DEFUND the POLICE!!1!1!”

8/12/2021 4:28:55 PM

Save TWW
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They're gonna say that anyway.

What possible value does a yes vote have for, say, those in safe democratic states.

The only thing this does is provide fodder for Tuberville ads and piss off components of the democratic base. Just spitting in the face of the millions of people that spent all summer protesting for a better path forward.

8/12/2021 4:49:06 PM

Save TWW
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This shit is real btw, as far as I can tell
Quote :
"95-3: Senate adopts Hawley (R-MO) amendment to Democrats $3.5T budget resolution to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to hire 100,000 new police officers nationwide. "

8/12/2021 4:51:27 PM

Save TWW
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He obviously doesn't speak for everyone, but watch this video and tell me that Cory Booker is voting for something he doesn't actually support
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""This is a gift," Cory Booker says in an animated speech praising Tommy Tuberville's non-binding amendment to punish localities that defund the police.

"I am sure I will see no political ads attacking anybody here over defund the police."

It passed 99-0, all Dems voted for it."

8/12/2021 4:55:51 PM

All American
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Yeah, I'm confused. Was that supposed to be satire? He seemed pretty genuine.

8/12/2021 5:12:57 PM

All American
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if you can’t pick up on him being facetious, I don’t know what to tell you

did you not watch til the end? with the apple pie bit?

he even mentioned political ads, which is the main reason the GOP pulled the stunt

[Edited on August 12, 2021 at 6:07 PM. Reason : .]

8/12/2021 6:06:13 PM

Save TWW
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Yes he thinks it's as obvious a bill as saying you're for God country and Apple pie. Do you think he's against God country and Apple pie.

He is trying to be funny but the root of the joke is how obvious of a yes vote it is.

It's a shit resolution and if 20 Dems had voted no you would have never heard about it

[Edited on August 12, 2021 at 7:34 PM. Reason : E]

8/12/2021 7:34:01 PM

All American
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it was an absolutely meaningless vote that was only held because Republicans were trying to muck up the process and cynically use the vote against Democrats for sound bytes

it’s the same reason Bernie voted for an amendment over the Green New Deal

Quote :
" unanimously backed Sen. John Barrasso's, R-Wyo., amendment to bar any Green New Deal provision that would "ship" jobs overseas, raise energy prices, or make the country "increasingly dependent on foreign supply chains."

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said he had "no problem" backing the amendment because it "has nothing to do with the Green New Deal.""

8/12/2021 7:55:35 PM

Forgetful Jones
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if 'DEFUND THE POLICE' wasn't such a stupid fucking phrase in the first place, they wouldn't have to do all this jumping through hoops.

8/12/2021 8:15:47 PM

Save TWW
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It's weird that you posted an article quoting a bunch of people that care about this issue agreeing with me.

And if the vote I meaningless then why vote a way that will piss off activists?

Quote :
"amendment to bar any Green New Deal provision that would "ship" jobs overseas, raise energy prices, or make the country "increasingly dependent on foreign supply chains."

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said he had "no problem" backing the amendment because it "has nothing to do with the Green New Deal."""

Does the GND plan to "ship" jobs overseas, raise energy prices, or make the country "increasingly dependent on foreign supply chains."

[Edited on August 12, 2021 at 8:18 PM. Reason : E]

8/12/2021 8:17:55 PM

All American
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it’s pretty simple. they didn’t want to give the GOP what they wanted.

8/12/2021 8:22:50 PM

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^^, ^^^^
that amendment actually is very bad because it prevents us from buying green energy technology from china

8/12/2021 8:24:30 PM

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Quote :
" It's a shit resolution and if 20 Dems had voted no"

Something tells me less than 20 dems voted no. I wonder why. You oblivious turd

8/13/2021 1:46:10 AM

Save TWW
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Lmao who the fuck is this guy

8/13/2021 1:48:09 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"By a 5–4 vote, the Supreme Court just allowed Texas to enforce a law that prohibits abortions after six weeks, with no exception for rape or incest. Roe v. Wade is, functionally, overturned. Justice Sotomayor all but says it."

9/2/2021 7:07:24 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Masks still prohibited in abortion rooms.

9/2/2021 7:37:24 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"The case for liberal inaction is always that the worst case scenario of doing something is the current scenario and somehow that’s persuasive."

9/2/2021 11:29:48 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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While I lean towards reforming the filibuster, I still think that it's worth considering all of the shit legislation that Republicans would pass with just a simple Senate majority.

9/2/2021 12:01:44 PM

All American
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which is why you abolish the filibuster, pass legislation, some of which has the overwhelming support of a majority of Americans, and assume that passing popular legislation gets votes

seems like a much better bet to make than worrying about something that could happen

the GOP has been banking off of that fear and getting more and more power with less support. it’s time to call their bluff. it’s better politically, and more importantly, morally.

9/2/2021 12:21:42 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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I agree with that, and I'm not suggesting that filibuster reform wouldn't have a net-positive outcome.

However, even if Democrats pass popular legislation and benefit electorally as a result, it seems unrealistic to think that Democrats will maintain majorities indefinitely; for that reason, it's worth having an expectation of what legislation Republicans would pass when they reclaim the majority.

9/2/2021 12:53:45 PM

Save TWW
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Republicans could just as easily abolish the filibuster, I'm not sure what gives confidence that they won't

9/2/2021 1:08:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
" REPUBLICANS: *strip basic rights*

DEMOCRATS: *send an email with the subject line “uh oh” asking you to donate $15*"

9/2/2021 1:52:06 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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At some point Republicans need to be responsible for their own actions.

The two-track system needs to be eliminated and the filibuster needs to return to the talking filibuster, if not outright abolished. The minority needs to be prevented from obfuscating their own obstruction.

9/2/2021 2:11:34 PM

All American
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I'm not going to call a right or wrong based on what party would do what, because that is based on party bias rather than what's right or wrong for democracy.

When it comes to the filibuster, I'm in favor of providing the minority a way to buy time if something is enough of a conviction. In which case, a talking filibuster makes sense to me. But not a simple vote filibuster, because it negates the point having much of the checks and balances that restrain questionable legislation (e.g. requiring more than a simple majority to pass a bill).

9/2/2021 2:14:53 PM

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