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12/24/2008 3:49:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"greed and individualism "

Some people in your own generation would argue that individualism is a GOOD thing.

The generation you're in does not determine your values.

You do.

I find this talk of "generations" ridiculous. It's you who decides what is valuable to you, your age has nothing to do with it. Your values should NOT be determined by what everyone else your age is doing either.

12/24/2008 5:42:56 PM

All American
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not to mention the values of a generation should not be defined when some of the members are still in their early teens

12/24/2008 5:47:56 PM

All American
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Quote :
"its called grade inflation, and professors have kept it going to keep their research time and meet the administration's goals"

That's a myth.

Quote :
"To get a more accurate picture of whether grades have changed over the years, one needs to look at official student transcripts. Clifford Adelman, a senior research analyst with the U.S. Department of Education, did just that, reviewing transcripts from more than 3,000 institutions and reporting his results in 1995. His finding: "Contrary to the widespread lamentations, grades actually declined slightly in the last two decades." Moreover, a report released just this year by the National Center for Education Statistics revealed that fully 33.5 percent of American undergraduates had a grade-point average of C or below in 1999-2000, a number that ought to quiet "all the furor over grade inflation," according to a spokesperson for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. (A review of other research suggests a comparable lack of support for claims of grade inflation at the high-school level.)

[Addendum 2004: A subsequent analysis by Adelman, which reviewed college transcripts from students who were graduated from high school in 1972, 1982, and 1992, confirmed that there was no significant or linear increase in average grades over that period. The average GPA for those three cohorts was 2.70, 2.66, and 2.74, respectively. The proportion of A's and B's received by students: 58.5 percent in the '70s, 58.9 percent in the '80s, and 58.0 percent in the '90s. Even when Adelman looked at "highly selective" institutions, he again found very little change in average GPA over the decades.]"

12/24/2008 10:51:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you're a millennial right, so i'm guessing you really mean "Woodfoot for the mother fucking participation award""

That stung a little. Saying I'm a Millenial because I was born in the 80's holds as much water as saying I must be rich because I lived in Cary.

This "study" takes nothing into account concerning socioeconomic differences, geographical locations, family type, etc. There are far more gradients and nuances than this farce of sociology can muster. Not to say that there can't be a profile, but 75 million people cannot be conveniently put into one category.

12/24/2008 11:00:32 PM

All American
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^^ i wouldn't call it a myth, but i'll acknowledge it may not be rampant in all areas of higher education
Kuh basically says that it is a fact in the most prestigious/selective schools and that it is worst nationwide among the hard sciences

that said - i'd like to see the data isolated to Research 1/Ivy League schools

^i was only kidding, i find this whole idea of grouping/blaming a generation where the oldest members have been out of college less than a decade and the youngest members are still in middle school a bit absurd

[Edited on December 24, 2008 at 11:53 PM. Reason : its hardly a "myth"]

12/24/2008 11:38:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"That stung a little. Saying I'm a Millenial because I was born in the 80's holds as much water as saying I must be rich because I lived in Cary.

... 75 million people cannot be conveniently put into one category."

umm.... waah?

you know, its called a "generation" for a reason. as in, defined solely by the time period you were born in. its not something you opt into. you're either in one generation, or the other.

members of a generation share certain cultural experiences and social phenomena that were unique to the time. its just a convenient categorization that broadly describes the context and framework in which a group of people formed their values and ethics.

I'm a "Gen X"er, my formative years were the mid-80's thru early-90's. Does that really mean anything? and so you're a "Millenial" . so what? its just your peer group. Don't let it ruin your life.

12/25/2008 3:05:48 AM

All American
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yeah, we think it's wrong to stereotype based on race or gender but it's perfectly reasonable to stereotype fifteen years of people. doesn't make sense

12/25/2008 10:24:07 AM

All American
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^^ I just equate the term "Millennial" with a " 'Why-don't-you-go-die-in-a-fire' type of asshole". I'm a pretty nice guy.

Good thread tho, 10/10.

12/25/2008 10:35:06 AM

All American
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why think that? other than cranky fucksticks like hooksaw?

i read a good academic article about how the Millenials are the generational cycle associated with creative change, and will be the ones to fix a lot of the shit that the Boomers fucked up.

Boomers rode the wave of prosperity brought about by the War Generation. Boomers totally took self indulgence and crass consumerism to an obnoxious extreme. everything was about what they wanted and fuck everyone else.

Gen X rejected the boomers gross materialism and their all-about-me attitude. But since Boomers were a *huge* group, and a major force of political and corporate power, Gen X didnt have the effective means to do much about it for a long time. So Gen X became defined by apathy and angst, with a lot said about what they were against, but not so much about what they were for.

Now that Boomers are going out the door, Gen X will be in power -- but this is a smaller generation in numbers, and will need the creative abilities of the Millenials to help turn things around.

or we may just all smoke it away. time will tell, i suppose.

[Edited on December 26, 2008 at 3:34 AM. Reason : ]

12/26/2008 3:31:40 AM

All American
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so i guess the only point of mine that hooksaw is going to approach is the (justified) knock i made on liberal studies degrees

i figured dude was old so he clearly has to do family stuff at this time of year, but i see he's been continuing to troll around in his Caroline Kennedy soapbox thread, so its clear now that he's just ageist and doesn't want to have a real discussion


another gen x'er who runs away when faced with a challenge
another baby boomer who is so rooted in his opinions that he refuses to look at new information

1/2/2009 1:08:14 PM

All American
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hooksaw isn't Gen X. he missed the cutoff. He's a late-Boomer, or better described as "Generation Jones"

Quote :
"The name “Generation Jones” has several connotations ... [the one] which is best known stems from the slang word "jones" or “jonesing”, which means a yearning or craving. Jonesers were the people who as teens in the 1970’s made this slang word popular, but beyond this historical claim, many believe the concept of jonesing is among this generation’s key collective personality traits. Jonesers were given huge expectations as children in the optimistic 1960’s, and then confronted with a different reality as they came of age in the pessimistic 1970’s, leaving them with a certain unrequited, jonesing quality."

only knowing hooksaw by his posts, i'd say that describes him pretty well.

And don't hate too much on Gen X, btw... it covers everyone born up to the early 1980s, ie about half the regulars here.

[Edited on January 2, 2009 at 1:32 PM. Reason : ]

1/2/2009 1:19:56 PM

76471 Posts
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This thread is still alive?


1/2/2009 2:06:20 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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i breathe new life into the [old] ok?

1/2/2009 2:08:15 PM

76471 Posts
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Stop giving hooksaw CPR

[Edited on January 2, 2009 at 2:15 PM. Reason : lfkjd]

1/2/2009 2:14:45 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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I like this thread, but believe it belongs in TSB.

1/2/2009 2:38:01 PM

All American
18758 Posts
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i thought this was TSB.

damn, i need to check "my topics" a bit more closely

1/2/2009 5:49:43 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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1/2/2009 5:51:52 PM

Tom Joad
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1/2/2009 6:32:47 PM

22518 Posts
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is hooksaw still bitching in this thread?

1/2/2009 6:33:58 PM

Tom Joad
72761 Posts
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[Edited on January 2, 2009 at 6:43 PM. Reason : !!!]

1/2/2009 6:39:14 PM

All American
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^^ actually, he's not.

but the rest of us are still making fun of him in absentia, however. please do join in.

[Edited on January 2, 2009 at 6:40 PM. Reason : ]

1/2/2009 6:39:47 PM

Tom Joad
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i ain't makin fun

i'm just carrying a tune

1/2/2009 6:42:04 PM

All American
5405 Posts
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Quote :
"cranky fucksticks like hooksaw"

crazy fucksticks that might as well jack off to this face -->

dicksaw loves that face.

1/2/2009 6:45:53 PM

All American
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i ain't making fun

i'm just making sense

1/2/2009 8:47:27 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
9654 Posts
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Quote :
"dicksaw loves that face."

I think he likes penis pictures better

[Edited on January 2, 2009 at 9:19 PM. Reason : ]

1/2/2009 9:13:55 PM

All American
3626 Posts
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wtf how is this alive still? and why isnt it in entertainment?

1/2/2009 9:17:19 PM

All American
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because the *LAST* thing we need is to get vinylbandit involved in this grabass festival

1/4/2009 1:58:38 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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The only reason why this thread amuses me is because hooksaw got called the fuck out for blatantly belonging to the dumbest generation.

I mean, seriously, dude works as a prison guard for several years and then goes to college just in time to insult us, the "Millenials?" It's hilarious. I've witnessed the "dumbest generation" firsthand. I had a friend whose parents drove a Z3 while she rode in an '82 POS that broke down all the time...they didn't care about her grades cause they were scrappy and didn't need she didn't go to she works as a waitress. Another friend's parents were similarly scrappy and two of their kids had kids of their own before they reached twenty. Another friend's parents made their fortune in real estate (w/o college), and their kid spent time working as a hostess at Pure Gold (now she just waits tables at any eatery that will have her). I could go on forever. These are all kids who grew up around me in the same class as me with boats and ski lodges and shit, and I didn't put it together why they were so different until I read about the so-called "dumbest generation" (their parents).

So I guess, in terms of millenials, I'm only concerned about those who were raised "weak" by the "dumb" parents who expect them to be magically "scrappy" like they were.

But, for real, it's all about Vietnam. It's not fair to look at the early boomers and congratulate them for their educational successes when they were really just tryna avoid the war.

But, for real-for real, fuck hooksaw.

[Edited on January 4, 2009 at 3:12 AM. Reason : ]

1/4/2009 3:07:49 AM

All American
18758 Posts
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i like you bridget. you're scrappy

hey, when you gonna finally finish college, anyhow?

1/4/2009 3:16:04 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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I dunno. If things go as I planned, a year or two. But if they go like the U wants, I might be done next semester or summer. I might have to make a real contribution to the community earlier than I had intended (which was never).

1/4/2009 3:30:22 AM

Big Business
9099 Posts
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if i could make a thread right now i'd make Mellennivans (page 1, 2, 3)

I'm Big Business and i approved this message

1/4/2009 3:34:39 AM

Zinc Saucier
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Quote :
"I'm very curious as to why hooksaw thinks that I should be aware of a woman who is from another part of the country, has done nothing noteworthy, and whose sole connection to importance is from a last name that I do, in fact, recognize, but only because it puts her in a family of near-extinct national punchlines that arguably produced two competent offspring, both of which hooksaw's generation promptly shot."


1/4/2009 10:35:28 AM

All American
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i do love the "promptly shot" bit

1/5/2009 1:42:34 AM

All American
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hello hooksaw

1/22/2009 1:26:21 AM

All American
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Nice to see that FrigidPDQ came to long enough to share her morning-after diarrhea here. We see that she's now returned to her natural habitat ^. BTW, eat shit.

And joe_solecism is wrong again--as usual--"I'm in Gen X, you dumbass troll--supposing for a moment that I buy into generational cohorts." But, hey, he doesn't even know what branch of government the AG is in--GG.


BTW, OldBlueBalls, I don't have any history with you. But I'm going to just go ahead and say you can eat shit, too.

As for you Woodfool, some fun things (at ~4:45):

Quote :
"It's important to live. I don't have a lot of faith in kids who are just getting out of school, because they don't really have anything to say because they haven't lived.

I like to hire people who have had some kind of other life, that had another profession. You know, had something that they can bring to the room--some life experience."

--Ed Bernero, former cop and writer, producer, and director for Criminal Minds

I have lived--and I make no apologies for it.

AND HE SHALL LEAD THEM ALL Generation Yer Kevin Colvin, caught on Facebook after telling his boss that he had to miss work for a 'family emergency'

Generation Slap
They're naive, self-important, and perpetually plugged in. This is a call to arms against Millennials

I must've really struck a nerve here. Hmm--revealing.

1/22/2009 7:49:24 AM

All American
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5 pages of arguing over whose stereotype is more correct.

1/22/2009 8:56:32 AM

All American
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i just find it funny that you love to talk shit to the people you think are uneducated about their own generation

but when someone shows up who wants a discussion, you run and hide and troll around the soap box

or post pictures of guys in fairy costumes

1/22/2009 11:44:46 AM

All American
16500 Posts
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Nice wand.

1/22/2009 12:12:43 PM

All American
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dude, everyone knows that story

you're not clever

i actually now have moved into feeling pity for you


when you care to adress any of the multitude of points i've presented, i'll be waiting

1/22/2009 5:48:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you have fun criticizing us because we like jobs where we can do what it takes you an hour to do in less than 15 minutes and would like a management style that reflects that

you have fun making fun of our lack of civic engagement in regards to the senate seat chances of some twat from "Camelot", while my generation will continue to run out and marginalize the lobbyists, theocrats, and greedy deregulators your generation was so desperate to embolden with more power

and finally, you keep on decrying our weak results in education, results you've found statistics to engineer, when it is your fucking generation teaching the classes, designing the curriculum, setting the policies, and dishing out the budgets"

Quote :
"lol, i love when people blame the students for the "devaluation of degrees"

sure, students might not appear to be putting in the work their parents did in college, but if you want to know the real problem with college today:

its called retention, and boards of trustees have sacrificed their degrees and departments to keep it high

its called grade inflation, and professors have kept it going to keep their research time and meet the administration's goals

its called us news and world reports, and our schools have knelt before it and offered up their sacrifices of rigor and scholarship in order to get a golden ribbon for their school

its called standardized testing, and our grade schools have looked at them and looked at their school boards' demands and goals and said "we don't care what happens once they get there, but we will do whatever it takes to send our students to 4-year colleges"

its called community colleges and trade schools, and the concerted effort of the 4-year-college-culture to bastardize the associate degree

but you go ahead and blame the 18 year old who shows up to a messed up system for coming out with a messed up degree"

1/22/2009 5:50:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"My lack of empathy for Kevin comes from my sense of loyalty to the generation born between the years of 1961 and 1981. Generation X. Kevin is part of the generation born between 1982 and 2002—a Millennial, formerly known as Generation Y"

I have nothing in common with the bitchy, spineless, spoiled kids I used to supervise with no work ethic who were born in the 90s.

I still don't think it's about generations.

There are quality people who care about values in any age group, you just have to look around to find them.

1/22/2009 6:22:40 PM

Tom Joad
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people born in the early 1900s hated the kids born in the 50s


1/22/2009 6:32:49 PM

All American
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people born in the early 1800s hated people born in the 1850s


1/23/2009 12:03:42 AM

Squishie Enthusiast
4040 Posts
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[quoteI have nothing in common with the bitchy, spineless, spoiled kids I used to supervise with no work ethic who were born in the 90s.

I still don't think it's about generations.

There are quality people who care about values in any age group, you just have to look around to find them.[/quote]

Agreed. My parents were unable to pay for my schoolin' so I went and got a job and a fuck ton of grants and scholarships so I could take out minimum loans.

I resent being grouped in with over-privileged 18 year olds with iPhones and a decade worth of cable modem access.
Did I mention they won't get off my damn lawn? See, I'm doing it.

But yeah, I'm sick of the generational stereotyping--but that's the way it's always been. It makes great news headlines about how the kids of today are fucking up the world of tomorrow. ::shrug::

1/23/2009 2:22:29 PM

Art Vandelay
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generations overlap by quite a bit so by some definitions I'm X others Y others Millennial other MTV/Boomerang (81)

Quote :
"I'm in Gen X, you dumbass troll--supposing for a moment that I buy into generational cohorts."

then why the fuck did you even make this thread you imbecile

grade inflation is partially a myth, shit is either curved or un-curved.

curved - ~50% get grades in the 70's, 10% in each the 80's and 60's, and 5% each in the 90's and <60's - this makes it appear to outside observers that the material is hard, when, in fact, it is just based upon the internal competition inside a small subset of students (one section one class).

un-curved - objective based grading independent of population. in simple terms this means your grade does not affect someone else's grade in the class. this also makes it appear in many cases as if the material is easier as a higher % of students tend to get grades above the 70's.

I still don't understand what is so hard to grasp about this....

oh and
Quote :
"But yeah, I'm sick of the generational stereotyping--but that's the way it's always been. It makes great news headlines about how the kids of today are fucking up the world of tomorrow."

as you are taking over from the baby boomers you sure as shit seem to be doing a piss-poor job of things

I'll be loyal to a company when they become loyal to me. It's a dog eat dog world, and I'll fucking eat you if you get in the way.

1/23/2009 3:03:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"sole connection to importance is from a last name that I do, in fact, recognize, but only because it puts her in a family of near-extinct national punchlines that arguably produced two competent offspring, both of which hooksaw's generation promptly shot.""


1/23/2009 3:14:44 PM

Art Vandelay
45166 Posts
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i got a kick out of that tid-bit as well....

1/23/2009 3:20:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I still don't understand what is so hard to grasp about this...."

when looking at certain types of institutions, and especially certain programs within there, some of the brightest minds in higher education (including some who had a hand in creating my masters degree, hooksaw) do find evidence of grade inflation

it may not be as widespread as some people make it out to be, but it is definitely not a myth

1/23/2009 5:50:30 PM

All American
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set em up

1/23/2009 7:02:59 PM

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