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All American
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Democrats digging harder than ever for dirt on Republicans
July 7, 2010

Quote :
"The Democratic Party is moving faster and more aggressively than in previous election years to dig up unflattering details about Republican challengers. In House races from New Jersey to Ohio to California, Democratic operatives are seizing on evidence of GOP candidates' unpaid income taxes, property tax breaks and ties to financial firms that received taxpayer bailout money."

With no plan other than more government for the country, here comes the DNC dirty tricks hit team! Stay classy, Democrats!

7/13/2010 4:07:50 AM

All American
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Sheila Jackson Lee Catches Flack for Citing "Two Vietnams"
July 16, 2010

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"Today, we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam, but they are living side by side."

--Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

Lee also declared that "victory had been achieved" in Vietnam. Look, we should move past the whole "this officeholder is stupid or that officeholder is stupid" thing, but let's face it: Lee was never the sharpest tack in the box. This is really no surprise.

And I wonder if Lee ever got that photo she requested of the flag Armstrong planted on Mars.

7/17/2010 6:36:05 AM

All American
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Clinton texts a $10 donation to Pakistan flood relief
August 5, 2010

Clinton's money
Net Worth: $34.9 million

8/6/2010 4:06:15 AM

All American
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How much have you given?

8/6/2010 4:31:03 AM

All American
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^ I gave double that to Haiti. I haven't given anything to Pakistan--yet.

[Edited on August 6, 2010 at 4:44 AM. Reason : And, FTR, supposedly caring liberals give much less to charity than conservatives. ]

8/6/2010 4:42:40 AM

All American
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So why single out Hillary and not any other liberal who has more than $10 to give? Does it upset you that she committed a charitable act and encouraged others to do the same? As for liberals in general being charitable, are there some causes that are more important than others? I ask that because, as a liberal, I'd rather give my money to conservation as opposed to people.

[Edited on August 6, 2010 at 4:58 AM. Reason : webster]

8/6/2010 4:57:09 AM

All American
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^ I didn't really single Clinton out. There were headlines about this and I simply picked up on it.

Sure, there's nothing wrong--and everything right--with encouraging folks to donate. It's just that there seems to be a pattern with liberals tossing around terms like "GOP millionaires" and so on, all the while ignoring their own who are also rich and who don't give to charities nearly at the rate the "mean old greedy conservatives" do.

And this is somewhat confusing:

Quote :
"As for liberals in general being charitable, are there some causes that are more important than others?"

The idea is that we're talking generally here. Yes, among charities, one might choose a specific charity over another. I mean, do you have evidence that a lot of liberals give to conservation and so on instead of human-related causes?

8/6/2010 8:24:09 AM

All American
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Quote :
"hooksawI didn't really single Clinton out."

Quote :
"hooksaw:Clinton texts a $10 donation to Pakistan flood relief
August 5, 2010

Quote :
"hooksaw:Clinton's money
Net Worth: $34.9 million

Nah, you didn't single her out at all.

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"The idea is that we're talking generally here."

That's good enough for me.

8/6/2010 10:26:31 AM

All American
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New Hampshire Lawmaker Resigns After "Dead Palin" Comment
August 12, 2010

Quote :
"A Democratic New Hampshire state lawmaker has resigned after speculating on Facebook about Sarah Palin's death. A second New Hampshire Democrat, an activist running for the state legislature, is apologizing for the same gaffe.

Responding to a thread on Facebook, New Hampshire State Rep. Timothy Horrigan reportedly posted a message Wednesday night that read, 'Well a dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one...she is all about her myth & if she was dead she cldn't commit any more gaffes.'

Today, Horrigan posted on his website a resignation letter to the New Hampshire House speaker.

'I wish to resign from the House of Representatives effective immediately, and to discontinue my re-election campaign for Strafford County District 7,' the letter says. 'I apologize for thoughtless remarks I made which have brought this House into disrepute. I enjoyed my time in the House and I thank you personally for your support over the years.'"

Quote :
"In a thread relating to the plane crash that killed former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens this week, [Democratic activist Keith] Halloran wrote, 'Just wish Sarah and Levy were on board.' The comment appeared to be in reference to Palin and the father of her grandson, Levi Johnston. Halloran reportedly posted an apology on his Facebook page, saying he wishes the best for the Palin and Johnston families."

Wow. The Palin derangement syndrome has gotten totally out of control.

8/14/2010 7:09:49 AM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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you stay classy, liberals
Quote :
"As you know, I find black garbage pail kids black conservatives fascinating not because of what they believe, but rather because of how they entertain and perform for their White Conservative masters.


We always need a monkey in the window, for he/she reminds us of our humanity while simultaneously reinforcing a sense of our own superiority. Sadly, there are always folks who are willing to play that role because it pays so well.


Herman Cain’s shtick is a version of race minstrelsy where he performs “authentic negritude” as wish fulfillment for White Conservative fantasies."

can you even imagine the outrage if a conservative called a black man a monkey? Can you imagine the outrage if a conservative referred to a black person as a minstrel? Can you imagine the outrage if a conservative said a black person had a "master"? You stay classy, liberals.

2/16/2011 11:01:02 AM

Sup, B
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really? no comments on liberals calling a black man a monkey? i guess liberals are fine showing that they use blacks

2/17/2011 7:09:35 AM

All American
7551 Posts
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there is always a double standard here.

2/17/2011 8:12:26 AM

All American
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It’s generally more difficult to criticize a black person for saying racist things about black people… does that mean he has irrational prejudices against himself too?

But sure, i’ll call some black guy i’ve never heard of a racist against blacks for his blog article on a website ive never really heard of, if it’ll make you guys happy...

2/17/2011 8:34:51 AM


18617 Posts
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Quote :
"can you even imagine the outrage if a conservative called a black man a monkey? Can you imagine the outrage if a conservative referred to a black person as a minstrel? Can you imagine the outrage if a conservative said a black person had a "master"? You stay classy, liberals."

Conservatives say racist shit about black people ALL THE TIME. Are you kidding me? Do you remember the 2008 election? And, yeah, most of the time, people didn't give a shit. They should, but they don't.

But anyway, I apologize on behalf of all liberals everywhere that a black person described another black person using terminology with connotations that you clearly don't understand in completely tactless and offensive manner. He's a total pussy to write shit like that under a pseudonym, btw.

2/17/2011 7:08:07 PM

Sup, B
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sure, some conservatives said bad shit in 2008, and they were blasted in the media as racists. but this guy? hardly a mention for calling a black guy a monkey

2/18/2011 2:02:40 PM

Sup, B
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mmmm, I'm loving the comparisons to Stalin being thrown around in the Wisconsin rallies on signs. Oh, and the signs with a crosshairs on Gov. Walker's head. You stay classy, Wisconsin. So much for that "civility" Obama asked for.

2/22/2011 7:10:09 AM

All American
25822 Posts
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^Your girl Palin started that.....she is anything but classy....

2/22/2011 10:07:45 PM

Sup, B
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really? palin put cross-hairs on people HEADS?
moreover, if you are talking about cross-hairs on districts, then you might want to consider that the DNC made graphics in 2008 that did that as well. AKA, you are full of shit

2/22/2011 10:18:35 PM

Sup, B
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speaking of credibility, how bout those democratic senators in Wisconsin LEAVING THE FUCKING STATE instead of discussing the proposals. And people accused Republicans of being obstructionist. At least they showed up, lol

I really like how those same senators get the balls to say "hey, we've got a compromise" today or yesterday. LOL, where the fuck were you Friday when we wanted to talk about it? GTFO!

[Edited on February 22, 2011 at 10:55 PM. Reason : ]

2/22/2011 10:50:56 PM

All American
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^ it's the governor in this case who's refusing to discuss anything. That's why the democrats decided to stall the vote.

2/22/2011 11:00:13 PM

Sup, B
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I can't imagine that leaving the state fosters an atmosphere of cooperation or discussion

2/22/2011 11:53:33 PM

All American
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The governor clearly doesn't want any cooperation. And there's been copious amounts of discussions going on. As a matter of fact, these discussions have been prompted specifically because of the democrat's antics... imagine that...

2/23/2011 12:04:39 AM

Sup, B
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however, when they leave, the lose all sympathy. They gave up and said they weren't interested in talking. They should get NO say in this matter at all at this point.

2/23/2011 12:10:16 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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You are living in your own world.

They didn't give up and say they weren't talking. They left to force a conversation that would have otherwise been ignored.

2/23/2011 12:17:00 AM

Sup, B
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riiiiiiiiiight. And I'm sure you think equally of Republicans filibustering in the US Senate, right? At least the 'pubs showed up and did their fucking job. These dems are scumbags, and they deserve no voice in this discussion now. Fuck em. They wanna make suggestions? They had their chance, and they ran away like little pusses. Fuck em

Quote :
"They didn't give up and say they weren't talking."

What would you call "leaving the state". Or are they magically able to talk on the floor when they aren't there?

2/23/2011 12:20:10 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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lol - you are such a perfect caricature

2/23/2011 12:23:48 AM

All American
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^^Do you understand how telephones, the internet, etc. works? Of all the issues for you to try and use to make democrats look bad, this is one of the worse.

If they would have showed up, they would have had a quorum to vote, and since the republicans have a majority, they were going to just steam roll their vision through anyway. There would have been no debate like you are apparently envisioning? Or did you not know about the quorum issue?

In any case, the very existence of this conversation proves that you are wrong about the facts of this case, since not only are WE discussion this issue, everyone in Wisconsin is too. If things went the way you wanted them too, there would have been NO discussion at all.

In any context, winning 52% of the vote doesn't give you license to ignore the 48% of people who didn't vote for you.

[Edited on February 23, 2011 at 12:24 AM. Reason : ]

2/23/2011 12:24:09 AM

All American
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Also, they left to prevent a quorum from being held. If they were there no amount of "discussion" would have mattered. The governor and his republican lackeys would have steamrolled through their proposal.

2/23/2011 1:04:16 AM

All American
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On top of that, they were trying to prevent a quorum so that the republicans in the state didn't just steam roll them.

2/23/2011 1:19:13 AM

All American
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Quote :
"On top of that, they were trying to prevent a quorum so that the republicans in the state didn't just steam roll them.


Yep which can happen when your party loses elections. Remember that super majority thing?

So stop acting like they are doing something just. They have a job to do, go cast their vote and do their job.


2/23/2011 10:25:34 AM

2953 Posts
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they were just going to get steam-rolled anyways if they stayed.

2/23/2011 10:33:34 AM


18617 Posts
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Abraham Lincoln: Historical Pussy
Quote :
"There was only one way that Lincoln and his fellow Whigs could find to stop the Democratic majority from passing a motion to adjourn: Don’t show up.

With the Whigs absent, there would be no quorum.  The Democratic Speaker sent the sergeant at arms into the streets and saloons of Springfield to round up any nearby Whig legislators, while Lincoln and two comrades sat  in the back of the room making sure that their strategy was working.

 Whatever satisfaction they felt at having pulled off their parliamentary trick evaporated when the Speaker recognized them as present and announced that a quorum had been met.

Lincoln and his fellow Whig enforcers quickly tried to leave, and, finding the chamber doors locked, resorted to climbing out of a window and dropping to the ground. Their self-defenestration was in vain, however, as the motion to adjourn passed, with the predicted consequences for the state bank. Lincoln was afterward embarrassed by what he had done and did not speak of it. "

2/23/2011 10:43:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"they were just going to get steam-rolled anyways if they stayed.


Like republicans did? I dont recall them hiding under their beds. They showed up for work.

2/23/2011 1:39:36 PM

All American
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^ A quorum in the US Senate is 51 senators so it wouldn't have worked. You don't think they would have tried it if it was possible? They tried everything else in the parliamentary rules.

2/23/2011 2:14:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"They have a job to do, go cast their vote and do their job."

Yeah, their job is to represent the 48% of people who didn't vote for that governor, which they are doing.

Are you suggesting it's okay to ignore everyone else because of your 3% edge...?

And i wonder if the same ilk who are trying to chastise these politicians as abandoners, when they are not, were equally critical of Palin for actually abandoning her post as governor of Ak?

[Edited on February 23, 2011 at 3:18 PM. Reason : ]

2/23/2011 3:17:21 PM


18617 Posts
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Quote :
"Like republicans did? I dont recall them hiding under their beds. They showed up for work.

Um, fillibusters?

2/23/2011 3:34:39 PM

All American
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^^ 3% is an unquestionable mandate from the people to pass any legislation you could possibly want whether or not you actually campaigned on that specific point, unless you're a Democrat and then it doesn't matter how much you won by the people* want everything you do to fail.

* "the people" means Republicans, which are obviously the only American citizens who count.

2/23/2011 3:38:42 PM


18617 Posts
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I think the phrase you're looking for is "The Real America".

2/23/2011 3:48:01 PM

All American
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I thought those were Hulkamaniacs.

Actually, there's probably a lot of crossover.

2/23/2011 3:53:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
""Yep, this is our moment," Walker responded.

The remarks showed Walker's private relationship with David Koch. He and his brother, Charles, own Koch Industries Inc., which is the largest privately-owned company in America and has significant operations in Wisconsin."

Shocker. Nation's largest privately owned company hates unions and is using their financial clout to buy favorable legislation.

Quote :
"Republican lawmakers in Indiana have given up on a controversial anti-union bill that drove Democratic legislators out of the state"

Looks like the not-doing-their-job did their job...

[Edited on February 23, 2011 at 4:09 PM. Reason : ]

2/23/2011 3:56:27 PM

All American
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Indiana is a different situation. As the governor pointed out, no one in Indiana mentioned to the voters they might change the states right to work status after the election. No so in Wisconsin, where the governor himself ran his campaign around the idea of kicking out the unions.

That said, the Democrats do that all the time. I don't recall any Democrats at the federal level running on half the crap they've done.

2/23/2011 4:37:02 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Yeah, their job is to represent the 48% of people who didn't vote for that governor, which they are doing.

Are you suggesting it's okay to ignore everyone else because of your 3% edge...?

And i wonder if the same ilk who are trying to chastise these politicians as abandoners, when they are not, were equally critical of Palin for actually abandoning her post as governor of Ak?


I dont remember all the republicans not showing up to work simply because obama won 52% of the vote.

Yes, they were elected to serve their people. So go to work. Vote against it. Do your job.

Her quiting will cause her to not be seriously considered for president. (as if people needed more reasons)

And yes, these Dems are Fleebaggers.

Spooky, does the fillibuster require they show up to work? Is it part of the rules?

The governor is required to balance the budget kids. Education/medicaid are big expenses.

^yes, different situation.

[Edited on February 23, 2011 at 4:51 PM. Reason : .]

2/23/2011 4:51:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I dont remember all the republicans not showing up to work simply because obama won 52% of the vote."

That's because they didn't have to. If you recall, Obama bent over backwards asking for their opinion.

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"Yes, they were elected to serve their people. So go to work. Vote against it. Do your job."

They're doing their job, and it's obviously working.

[Edited on February 23, 2011 at 4:54 PM. Reason : ]

2/23/2011 4:53:23 PM

All American
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^haha, good one.

2/23/2011 4:54:44 PM

All American
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^^^ What's the difference between not showing up for work and showing up for work with the intent of doing absolutely nothing.

Besides wasting utilities and all.

[Edited on February 23, 2011 at 4:56 PM. Reason : /]

2/23/2011 4:55:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I dont remember all the republicans not showing up to work simply because obama won 52% of the vote."

If the quorum rules were the same on the federal level, I guarantee you the Republicans would have done the same damn thing.

2/23/2011 5:00:09 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Some "incendiary" rhetoric from Rep. Capuano:

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"During the Tuesday rally – a gathering of more than 1,000 union supporters protesting a proposal by Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker to diminish the collective bargaining rights of public sector workers in that state – Capuano, speaking in front of the State House, fired up the crowd by saying, “I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”"

I think it was about a month ago that people were going nuts over the same kind of rhetoric that was, according to some, almost exclusively on the "right." Anyways, who really cares, just throwing some troll bait out.

[Edited on February 23, 2011 at 6:08 PM. Reason : ]

2/23/2011 6:08:36 PM


18617 Posts
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Quote :
"Spooky, does the fillibuster require they show up to work? Is it part of the rules?

The governor is required to balance the budget kids. Education/medicaid are big expenses."

If you show up for work and refuse to do anything, is that really "showing up for work"? And the procedural filibuster is only a part of the rules in that it's a clever exploitation of the rules used to circumvent the intent of the founders--as opposed to the quorum rules in Wisconsin, which are in the state constitution.

And if the governor wanted to balance the budget, he shouldn't have thrown his surplus away on corporate tax breaks.

btw, anybody willing to bet the no-bid selloffs of utilities to private parties in Walker's budget aren't going to go to Koch affiliated companies?

2/23/2011 7:38:18 PM

40408 Posts
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Quote :
"An old article from the Illinois State Register captured what it called an extraordinary spectacle. According to this article from December 11, 1840, Democrats planned to pass a banking bill. The opposition Whig Party fled to prevent a vote. They left only a few Whigs behind to monitor the proceedings, including a young lawmaker named Abraham Lincoln.

The old newspaper article says the legislature was stalled for hours. Finally, Democrats brought in some lawmakers from their sickbeds. They barely managed to pack enough people in the room to call a vote. Abraham Lincoln did make a final, failed attempt to prevent a quorum. The paper says, quote, "Mr. Lincoln came under great excitement, and having attempted and failed to get out of the door," which was locked, he "very unceremoniously raised the window and jumped out." It was a second-floor window, but the paper says this was not so bad for the famously tall Lincoln, as his legs reached nearly from the window to the ground.

There are lessons in this incident that apply through history. One is that maneuvers to tie up a legislature like this usually fail. Another is that they're often entertaining while they last. In that case in 1840, the Illinois newspaper went on to report that lawmakers considered proposing a state Capitol that was one story higher, making it harder for lawmakers to leap from the top floor"

yo Lincoln do your job asshole

2/25/2011 10:10:33 PM

All American
5853 Posts
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^stalled for hours huh. Great story.

Id say if the best example you can find to defend the fleebaggers is back in 1840, then it is probably a bit of a stretch. fyi

2/25/2011 10:23:40 PM

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