lolz black people [Edited on March 18, 2010 at 10:19 PM. Reason : page 5 is black]
3/18/2010 10:19:07 PM
it's aight for a white chick. i don't have a ghetto bootie or anything.I GUESS THAT MEANS YOU CAN STOP TRYING TO BWN ME NOW EMCE HINT HINT
3/18/2010 10:19:55 PM
I'm not black if thats what you're referring to.
3/18/2010 10:20:10 PM
hint taken
3/18/2010 10:25:19 PM
can i try to bwn you now instead?
3/18/2010 10:26:37 PM
yes. you may now try and fail miserably to bwn me.
3/18/2010 10:27:59 PM
^^why would you want to bwn a fat chick?[Edited on March 18, 2010 at 10:28 PM. Reason : ]
3/18/2010 10:28:21 PM
obligatory I'm not fat I'm big boneddk
3/18/2010 10:29:03 PM
if kate's fat, then I'm NOT jerking off right now
3/18/2010 10:29:15 PM
how would one go about successfully bwning you?]
3/18/2010 10:29:50 PM
It really amuses me how everyone assumes I'm fat. Like just because I don't have pictures up in my gallery I MUST be hiding the fact I'm 400 pounds.
3/18/2010 10:30:25 PM
[Edited on March 18, 2010 at 10:31 PM. Reason : ]
3/18/2010 10:30:39 PM
A full body shot with normal lighting would probably cut down on the volume of these threads.
3/18/2010 10:30:52 PM
fermat!! dude I finished your scarf I swear I will mail it to you by next winter
3/18/2010 10:31:22 PM
3/18/2010 10:31:28 PM
well in fairness TWW collectively *thinks* that 120 is fat.
3/18/2010 10:31:42 PM
i was cold all winter
3/18/2010 10:32:38 PM
oh. well shit then I am fat fo sho i'd probably die if I weighed 120 pounds
3/18/2010 10:32:53 PM
[]70s tits[]80s tits[]00s titsthis is relevant to my interests
3/18/2010 10:36:46 PM
kate, fat chicks like meno wonder you cant resist.
3/18/2010 10:36:53 PM
but I hate you?
3/18/2010 10:38:34 PM
3/18/2010 10:39:34 PM
hate, love, its all the same in bed.
3/18/2010 10:39:50 PM
3/18/2010 10:44:05 PM
I have a feeling DDK and I would get along great IRL.
3/18/2010 11:02:20 PM
3/18/2010 11:03:02 PM
ddk talks a mean talk but in real life she is a soul reaver
3/18/2010 11:04:19 PM
^^ Oh yeah. We'd be best friends fo' sho'.]
3/18/2010 11:04:24 PM
ahahahamn1roddkitijohtalso, bark>bite
3/18/2010 11:06:15 PM
jk guys I'm totally not a bitch irlOR AM I? STFU MIKE OR I WILL CUT YOU]
3/18/2010 11:06:36 PM
ddkmore like pee pee gay
3/18/2010 11:06:38 PM
3/18/2010 11:08:46 PM
Under that tough exterior lies creamy nougat and caramel. I love girls who are like candy bars!
3/18/2010 11:09:36 PM
I'm like ice. hard and cold all the way through.
3/18/2010 11:13:48 PM
likeits creepy enough hitting on a fat chick on the interbitch, but its double creepy to to make nougat references about her insidesi am starting to not like this thread.also, kate is like ice...she melts when you fart on her[Edited on March 18, 2010 at 11:16 PM. Reason : ]
3/18/2010 11:14:13 PM
^^ I am 100% positive you are not.^ Sorry.
3/18/2010 11:15:16 PM
So you're saying that you're more like a freeze pop?
3/18/2010 11:19:08 PM
I don't even want to know how truly heinous your farts must be if they melt ice
3/18/2010 11:23:34 PM
^^ Please to enlighten everyone.
3/18/2010 11:24:18 PM
wait, does that mean you had some interest in how heinous my farts were prior to me offering up that bit of info?
3/18/2010 11:28:25 PM
fuck. no.
3/18/2010 11:33:24 PM
Kate promised, after a series of discussions, to go to karaoke with me sometime (in the immediate future) so we can booth look like fools or just drink and still look like fools.I fully intend to keep her to this decision. Although I don't think you're going to be as mental as I was trained to believe.
3/18/2010 11:33:34 PM
i for one <3 ddk
3/18/2010 11:34:28 PM
i agreed to that when i still went to karaoke. i go to trivia now and no i am not going to go to karaoke over trivia.and of course I don't act bat shit crazy all out in public in shit. the hell.^ wifey
3/18/2010 11:36:25 PM
we'd make a great couplei already hate all your friends[Edited on March 18, 2010 at 11:42 PM. Reason : words]
3/18/2010 11:42:18 PM
Fine, trivia. I would be considerably better at trivia anyway.Though maybe not as amusing.
3/18/2010 11:42:35 PM
i saw dropdeadkate out at a karaoke once and she was pounding tequila and screaming over the microphone about how bad her ass itchedthen, i shit you not, she punched a fucking midget
3/18/2010 11:42:45 PM
don't be mad just because I wouldn't sing a disney duet with you ok
3/18/2010 11:44:30 PM
Do you know "A Whole New World"?
3/18/2010 11:45:07 PM
3/18/2010 11:45:25 PM