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All American
38980 Posts
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a new page to start while waiting on those 8 videos that are allegedly hard to find via a simple search

10/27/2021 2:51:59 PM

oh we back
25226 Posts
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Lol at “how could you not support him”

Jesus Christ

10/27/2021 4:52:23 PM

All American
10673 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm sure that it will be rehashed during the trial, but my recollection is that someone threw what appeared to be a water bottle at Kyle Rittenhouse, he shot someone as a result of feeling threatened, others chased him as a result of him shooting someone, then he shot someone else as a result of being chased."

a guy was mad rittenhouse literally put out their dumpster fire, started chasing him and threw a plastic bag with a rock or something at him. another guy fired a pistol in the air at this time. rittenhouse stopped running(maybe parked cars stopped him?) and shot rock throwing guy trying to fight him point blank.
update to first one

[Edited on October 28, 2021 at 7:09 AM. Reason : didnt rewatch, wrote summary from year ago memory ]

10/28/2021 7:00:56 AM

45908 Posts
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Quote :
"The judge in Kyle Rittenhouse's trial says lawyers cannot call the 2 people he killed "victims."

Not a defense of this dude as I think he was wrong, but my understanding is that this is typical of this judge and for many judges around the nation. Certainly not rare or unique to this case from what I've read. Now, the bigger question would be, for those judges who do this, how is it applied among racial groups.

10/28/2021 7:46:27 AM

All American
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^I don't have any problem with the judge not allowing them be called "victims", it's the juxtaposition of that with the fact that the judge does OK calling them "rioters, looters or arsonists" that I have a problem with. That's some bullshit.

10/28/2021 11:22:50 AM

All American
38980 Posts
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after hours and hours of searching the Dark Web, I was able to find this video that had been scrubbed from a simple search:

10/28/2021 12:34:57 PM

All American
8595 Posts
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No doubt this is a factor in the Alex Baldwin investigation

10/28/2021 3:01:32 PM


10384 Posts
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Clearly you are spending a lot of time here, while I hopped on because I remembered that this site existed and was curios if it was still around.
Unlike you, apparently, I don't devote a lot of time to the internet anymore.

10/28/2021 3:21:17 PM

Save TWW
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Are you trying to insult him? Bc that's a logical fallacy

10/28/2021 4:35:12 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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just gonna start reading his posts in Ben Shapiro’s voice

still waiting on those videos, btw

10/28/2021 5:53:00 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Judge Schroeder’s phone rings in the middle of the Rittenhouse trial. It's Trump's walk-on song, "God Bless the U.S.A." by Lee Greenwood."

I don't know if the song choice is even THAT damming but my God what kind of clown shoes judge even has his phone on him much less let's it ring

11/10/2021 7:28:51 PM

Forgetful Jones
147735 Posts
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Nick Mullen does a pretty good Ben Shapiro

11/10/2021 7:54:15 PM

All American
846 Posts
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the prosecution is really knocking it out of the park

11/11/2021 7:57:44 AM

balls deep
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Hey guys

Just popping in to say that if a black kid showed up at these protests with a rifle strapped to him, he would have been gunned down by either the police or the citizens out on the street "guarding their businesses". No one would have given him the benefit of the doubt. No police would thank them for being out there.

11/11/2021 10:41:46 AM

All American
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Quote :
" At the Kyle Rittenhouse trial this morning, the judge asked, given that it's Veterans Day, if there were any veterans in the room.

The only one appeared to be Rittenhouse's next witness, a use of force expert. So the judge asked everyone in the court to applaud for veterans."

11/11/2021 11:31:09 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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It appears that the judge was aware that the defense witness was a veteran prior to asking the courtroom, including the jurors, to applaud for him.

11/11/2021 1:26:01 PM

All American
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what a travesty

hes going to get discounted food at red lobster and logans roadhouse today too

11/11/2021 2:04:53 PM

All American
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It's not like he landed a plane or something

11/11/2021 6:48:22 PM

All American
846 Posts
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kyle doesnt go to jail, blame one:

1) recognizing a veteran on veterans day
2) god bless the USA ringtone
3) prosecutor

[Edited on November 12, 2021 at 7:31 AM. Reason : format]

11/12/2021 7:27:58 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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Quote :
" Hey guys

Just popping in to say that if a black kid showed up at these protests with a rifle strapped to him, he would have been gunned down by either the police or the citizens out on the street "guarding their businesses". No one would have given him the benefit of the doubt. No police would thank them for being out there."

Definitely seems like theyre giving fascist the recipe for committing more violence at future protests. Just have to show up as a counter protester pretend you’re scared when people yell at you, and you can shoot whoever you want.

11/12/2021 10:28:54 AM

All American
11407 Posts
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Quote :
kyle doesnt go to jail, blame one:

1) recognizing a veteran on veterans day
2) god bless the USA ringtone
3) prosecutor"

No doubt!! The piece of shit deserves consequences for his vigilante actions. Third degree reckless homicide?

11/12/2021 10:43:12 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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^^^ Please indicate where anyone suggested that Kyle Rittenhouse won't be convicted because of a God Bless The U.S.A. ringtone or recognizing a veteran on Veterans Day.

Or is it just easier to argue against a straw man?

[Edited on November 12, 2021 at 10:53 AM. Reason : ]

11/12/2021 10:50:00 AM

All American
846 Posts
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i apologize for upsetting you. its possible i just missed the post where someone pointed out how badly the state is handling this.

11/12/2021 11:28:55 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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I agree with that, so why not make that your argument?

11/12/2021 12:49:50 PM

6283 Posts
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Is the twerp gonna be found innocent? Probably. Do i want to punch him in his smug ass face? Definitely

11/12/2021 6:49:52 PM

Save TWW
37143 Posts
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Let's agree today: Yes and yes

[Edited on November 12, 2021 at 7:09 PM. Reason : I don't know why I chose this sucky subject but oh well. World is on fire]

11/12/2021 6:58:46 PM

All American
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members of the jury are in for a wild ride

11/13/2021 8:36:20 AM

All American
27962 Posts
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This judge really seems incompetent.

He gave the prosecution 20 minutes to find an expert witness that could explain if an IPad video was manipulated by AI or [i]logarithms[u]. And justified the concern because when he does screen shots of text messages on his phone and tries to zoom in, the screen shot becomes blurry....

11/15/2021 1:25:23 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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crazy you can shoot 3 people killing 2 of them, and still get your gun possession charge dropped

11/15/2021 11:02:24 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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that's a judge and a lawyer in the strongest country the planet has ever seen, the same country that boasts the world's best universities and research centers?

were the judge and the lawyer uneducated, backward rednecks who live in a trailer with no running water and electricity? heck, even those people would laugh at this bizarre, face-palming nonsense from the judge and the lawyer.

Quote :



11/16/2021 1:33:11 AM

All American
846 Posts
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which part is the judges fault when its:

1) legal for a 17yo to have a gun
2) not a short barrel rifle as the defense described

these are laws that should be changed sure but whose idea was the strategy "okay... lets prosecute this the way we think things should be."

11/16/2021 9:05:59 AM

All American
846 Posts
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the privilege in that boston mayoral election tho

11/16/2021 3:23:22 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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Are you trying to make a point? Is your point that because an asian woman was elected mayor in a city, white privilege doesn't exist? If that isn't it, then can you explain the point you're trying to make?

11/16/2021 4:00:27 PM

All American
846 Posts
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i think you need to calm down and read NPR

11/16/2021 4:37:37 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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If you're trying to make a point, I think you should explain yourself. Because if you are trying to make a point, you're doing a bad job of it and look foolish.

11/16/2021 4:41:28 PM

All American
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i think if you knew anything about the mayoral race in boston you would know exactly what im talking about.

the privilege in the race was the point.

11/16/2021 5:20:17 PM

Save TWW
37143 Posts
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Quote :
"I vaguely remember you but you've been gone awhile, was your posting style always what it now seems to be: sarcastic shitposting?"

If you wanna say something just say it straight, stop making all these snide remarks trying to force people to guess

If people are constantly asking wtf you're taking about, it usually isn't bc you're the smartest person in the world and everyone else is dumb, it's usually bc youre doing a poor job communicating

11/16/2021 7:09:41 PM

All American
846 Posts
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are you two the same dumb, overly sensitive user?

dont worry, ill spoon feed you both "the point" every time i post in the future. how embarrassing.

[Edited on November 16, 2021 at 7:17 PM. Reason : there is nothing sarcastic or shitposting about expecting you to know how the black candidates fared]

11/16/2021 7:16:04 PM

Save TWW
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Why would you expect everyone to know about Bostons mayoral election, what a weird expectation.

It's kinda funny I looked back in my PMs and remember you a tad better, you were always pretty upset by DTR. Makes me laugh bc a couple times lately I wondered if you sold your account to him!

[Edited on November 16, 2021 at 7:44 PM. Reason : Very good imitation ]

11/16/2021 7:32:38 PM

All American
846 Posts
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jesus christ and you think im a troll.

"hey guys you expect me to follow some teenager trial in wisconsin shooting some guys? how weird."

same logic.

11/16/2021 7:48:31 PM

Save TWW
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Nobody expects that. Most* of the other posts in this thread about that are links to reports of events happening during that trial and then conversation resulting.

*except yours which just assume that since people are aware of these stories that they are also fully detailed on the strategies of the persecution. Like you could have started with "man y'all seem very focused on the judge while the prosecution fucks this up by doing x, y and z" instead of forcing us to guess wtf you're talking about

[Edited on November 16, 2021 at 8:01 PM. Reason : Also Rittenhouse is like top front page on every news site]

11/16/2021 7:53:47 PM

All American
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again, spoon feeding. is that a new expectation here? im not trying to troll or be insulting im just assuming it was fairly obvious the prosecutor did a bad job.

anyway, here you go:

[Edited on November 16, 2021 at 8:05 PM. Reason : anyway, its fine, it mostly became a story after NPR got dragged for being disappointed ]

11/16/2021 8:01:20 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^This guy has me lost. Just post a coherent thought about something locally or nationally recognizable.

But let me just say that Kyle Rittenhouse is a little faker instigator bitch. He probably won't see justice, but here's hoping. . .

11/16/2021 8:05:15 PM

Save TWW
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Not everyone is as engaged in the same way and the same sources as you. I'm not gonna go Google shit bc you're too lazy to make a point.

I happen to have some thought about some city council folks in LA but I don't post about it here bc I figure it's not big enough to engage. If I did post about I would say something more than "great job doing city council in LA huh guys"

(also three people on this page are overly sensitive while you're calm as a bomb. You're laughing, actually, I bet)

11/16/2021 8:05:20 PM

All American
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i mean this is a pretty specific thread, imo, if someone posts a race for mayor in a major city or whatever you might be interested enough in "white privilege" to wonder what role it played in the results?

11/16/2021 8:08:23 PM

Save TWW
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I guess I just don't understand posting something, getting a confused response, and then getting angry, instead of just adding context and explaining your point. Maybe we're all dumb as shit but if so why keep engaging.

Anyway we won't see eye to eye so I'll leave you alone. Thanks for posting the link.

11/16/2021 8:22:56 PM

All American
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I'm sorry, I hadn't heard much at all about the Boston Mayor race. After you posted your comment, I did a quick google search, but all I saw was stories about her being the first woman of color mayor.... so I didn't understand your comment, and I made an (incorrect) assumption on what your point was.

11/17/2021 9:43:53 AM

All American
846 Posts
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NPR "corrected" their reporting after outcry on social media. That is likely the reason you see all positive stories now.

Interestingly enough that's probably also an example of white privilege... anyway I apologize for being a douche.

11/17/2021 10:14:44 AM

Save TWW
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I want to fit in I apologize for trying to call people out

^but seriously, they corrected from "bad that black candidates couldn't" to "good that Asian woman could"?

[Edited on November 17, 2021 at 11:00 AM. Reason : E]

11/17/2021 11:00:17 AM

All American
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i dont know why NPR felt the need to do anything. the whitest parts of the city only accounted for one quarter of the black candidates votes.

11/17/2021 12:03:16 PM

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