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El Nachó
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I've been mentally preparing a "things I didn't like about the finale" list for the last hour or so but the more I think about it, I could make a "things I remember about the finale" list and it would pretty much so be the same thing.

The first hour was stupid CW relationship drama bullshit. Yes, the show was basically Dawson's Creek with superheroes at times, but I would hope that with only 2 hours to go in your 10 year show you tighten things up a little bit. Entirely too much of the finale dealt with relationship drama that didn't matter one bit.

The stuff with the farmhouse. It's entirely possible I glazed over it with all the other excitement ( ) but did that ever get resolved? And what was the deal with Martha and Jonathan? Sometimes she could see him, but sometimes she couldn't and sometimes he was a ghost, but other times Clark could see him, and the weird lighting trick they used to show that he was a ghost was sometimes used with Martha too and I'm pretty sure she disappeared once or twice as if she wasn't really there but Clark was talking to her "spirit" or whatever. Just about every instance of Jonathan and Martha being on screen was confusing as shit for no reason. And then the payoff was, what exactly? Did we even find out if Clark actually sold the farmhouse or not?

I absolutely abhor fights that end by the good guy convincing the bad guy that he's not really bad. It just negates every single action they've shown the bad guy doing. It's the reason I hated Spiderman 2 (hey Doc Ock, you're not really a bad guy! you know what, you're right, I'm not. Let me throw myself into the harbor. yay! roll credits.) and I hated it with Oliver tonight. It's just the lamest way to end a threat and one example of many where the drama gets built up to an very unsatisfying ending.

Speaking of unsatisfying endings, I literally don't know how Clark defeated Darkseid/Lionel because I looked down for 3-4 seconds and it was over. Yes, I watched all 10 seasons of this show, and yes I know they don't have the budget to make a movie style 10 minute long CG fest of a battle but the final villain fight of the show doesn't need to be so short you can sneeze and miss it. The show deserved better, and the fans deserved better.

Bringing back Lex was necessary, but I didn't like the way it was done. He's perfected cloning enough to where this guy has a perfect left shoulder and this guy has a great set of knees and this guy has three toes on his left foot that match up perfectly with the real Lex so lets chop them all up and Frankenstein them all back together? LAME! Even if they took the torso from one and the legs from another that would have been better, but they showed the arm and it had been stitched together from 9 different clones? And then the heart thing was just beyond retarded. I really just didn't like any part of the Lex return at all.

Lex killing Tess? Pointless. Just something to do for the finale. Hey, lets make sure to kill off a "major character". The memory wipe thing was cheap too. We're to believe that Lex can clone himself (including, apparently all of his memories) but there's not another brain left in one of the dozens of hacked up Lex parts that still has some memories he can download? I know it's just a dumb teen show based on a comic book, but it was just so bad.

But the worst was Clark moving the planet out of the way. The special effects for that weren't just bad, they were something you'd expect to see on a video that 8th graders did. I know, tv show, low budget, blah blah blah, but at least show a close up of Clark pushing really hard on a rock. Or like building a giant rope to wrap around the planet to pull it away, or something. Make it be at least somewhat of a challenge. It's literally the last hardship we see Clark face on Smallville and all we get is a big red circle moving up in the sky and then getting smaller. Lame doesn't even begin to describe it.

And Jimmy Olsen's brother? The fuck. Just so they could say they had all the old actors back on the show. I'm surprised they didn't have Pete Ross delivering a pizza to the Planet. That had to be the shit flavored cherry on top of the giant pile of shit sundae that was the 2 hour finale of Smallville. I said it before, and I'll say it again: The show deserved better, and the fans deserved better.

5/14/2011 3:28:33 AM

All American
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Hahaha I lolled when Jimmy showed up. It was hinted at during the funeral of the old Jimmy when it showed his little dorky brother with a bow tie and a camera. But seriously it's the third time this actor has shown up in the series portraying a different character. Back in the early seasons, he was that dude that got Clark's powers when he was struck by lightning, then he played Jimmy Olsen, now he's his little brother. I didn't really know that identical twins could be born 7 years apart.

[Edited on May 14, 2011 at 9:33 AM. Reason : At least Lana didn't show up]

5/14/2011 9:33:37 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Back in the early seasons, he was that dude that got Clark's powers when he was struck by lightning"

No, the first one was his brother.

Shawn Ashmore ( ) was the guy who stole Clark's powers.
Aaron Ashmore ( ) was Jimmy Olsen(s).

5/14/2011 12:01:00 PM

Burn it all down.
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It's impressively easy to get on Air Force One nowadays.

BTW, pretty sure the guy who played Pete Ross in jail.

[Edited on May 14, 2011 at 12:36 PM. Reason : a]

5/14/2011 12:19:57 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The first hour was stupid CW relationship drama bullshit. Yes, the show was basically Dawson's Creek with superheroes at times, but I would hope that with only 2 hours to go in your 10 year show you tighten things up a little bit. Entirely too much of the finale dealt with relationship drama that didn't matter one bit."

I don't know why you would expect after 10 years that the last two hours would morph the show into something it never was. Smallville was never about Clark not having the power to be the hero he's supposed to be, it was always about him not being the man he had to be.

Quote :
"The stuff with the farmhouse. It's entirely possible I glazed over it with all the other excitement ( ) but did that ever get resolved? And what was the deal with Martha and Jonathan? Sometimes she could see him, but sometimes she couldn't and sometimes he was a ghost, but other times Clark could see him, and the weird lighting trick they used to show that he was a ghost was sometimes used with Martha too and I'm pretty sure she disappeared once or twice as if she wasn't really there but Clark was talking to her "spirit" or whatever. Just about every instance of Jonathan and Martha being on screen was confusing as shit for no reason. And then the payoff was, what exactly? Did we even find out if Clark actually sold the farmhouse or not?"

Pretty sure he sold the farm and that it was never really in doubt. Jonathan wasn't a ghost, really. He was just a vision of the past the characters clung to. First Martha, then Clark. Things get a little tricky when you get to him handing Clark the suit, but that was in the Fortress, so anything goes.

Quote :
"I absolutely abhor fights that end by the good guy convincing the bad guy that he's not really bad. It just negates every single action they've shown the bad guy doing. It's the reason I hated Spiderman 2 (hey Doc Ock, you're not really a bad guy! you know what, you're right, I'm not. Let me throw myself into the harbor. yay! roll credits.) and I hated it with Oliver tonight. It's just the lamest way to end a threat and one example of many where the drama gets built up to an very unsatisfying ending."

The threat was "built up" over like half of an episode and even so, the "good guy convinces bad guy" was all this fight was ever going to be. They said it time and time again throughout the season that the only way (paraphrased) for humanity to fight off the darkness was to believe in the light.

Quote :
"Speaking of unsatisfying endings, I literally don't know how Clark defeated Darkseid/Lionel because I looked down for 3-4 seconds and it was over. Yes, I watched all 10 seasons of this show, and yes I know they don't have the budget to make a movie style 10 minute long CG fest of a battle but the final villain fight of the show doesn't need to be so short you can sneeze and miss it. The show deserved better, and the fans deserved better. "

He flew threw him, Lionel explodes in the Darkseid birds and blackness and disappears. Oliver shoots the 3 horsemen with the Orion's Bow (which they honestly needed to devote more time to, or just do some CGI work on).

Quote :
"Lex killing Tess? Pointless. Just something to do for the finale. Hey, lets make sure to kill off a "major character". The memory wipe thing was cheap too. We're to believe that Lex can clone himself (including, apparently all of his memories) but there's not another brain left in one of the dozens of hacked up Lex parts that still has some memories he can download? I know it's just a dumb teen show based on a comic book, but it was just so bad."

The way I see it, Lex has to kill Tess so he can take sole control of Luthercorp, but even then I agree it was dumb as was the memory wipe, but this is Smallville if we got upset every time someone lost their memory, we wouldn't have made it past season 2.

Quote :
"And Jimmy Olsen's brother? The fuck. Just so they could say they had all the old actors back on the show. I'm surprised they didn't have Pete Ross delivering a pizza to the Planet."

They teased the Jimmy Olsen thing at the end of season 8, and as was said, the guy playing Pete Ross was in jail so he was out, unless you count him showing up in the comic book.

5/14/2011 3:52:24 PM

Burn it all down.
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I don't think it was Orion's bow...didn't they go with the 'real power of orion's bow is from within' bullshit. I thought it was just his normal bow plus phantom zone crystals on the arrow heads.

5/14/2011 4:26:18 PM

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anyone catch when the luthorcorp sign turned into lexcorp

[Edited on May 14, 2011 at 4:47 PM. Reason : *]

5/14/2011 4:39:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I don't think it was Orion's bow...didn't they go with the 'real power of orion's bow is from within' bullshit. I thought it was just his normal bow plus phantom zone crystals on the arrow heads."

Actually, I never thought of it that way. I figured they'd go with the "real power of Orion's Bow is within" so that when Oliver fired his bow it "transformed" the arrows into being like they'd been fired from the OB. Did a pretty bad job of explaining what I thought.

5/14/2011 6:08:51 PM

All American
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lol well still, Aaron Ashmore and Shawn Ashmore appear to be identical twins so it's still a little funny.

5/14/2011 6:40:59 PM

uNC SUcks
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Orion's Bow was destroyed last week by the old lady in the caves where they retrieved it. Right after that was when she wiped his mind and the dark side completely took him over.

I loved the finale. Would have liked a little more suit time and close up and it would have been nice for him to be called Superman by the end but oh well. The show was never about Superman so there shouldn't have been any epic battles. It was about his life leading up to it.

I totally agree it should have ended with him flying over the earth in the sun then smiling at the camera.

5/14/2011 10:10:30 PM

All American
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Mixed feelings about the finale, but oh well. It was a proper ending for the show was portrayed over the years.

No EPIC Battle, alot Romance, and some mind wiping....

And I took the Bow to be a Regular Bow, bc Orion's bow as destroyed by Granny. And the whole power is in the believer BS....was well explained even if poorly executed.

All in all, it was on par with the show.


5/14/2011 10:47:25 PM

?? ????? ??
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i feel like there were tons of storylines from over the years that were never tied up, but i loved the last few minutes

5/17/2011 10:46:37 AM

Burn it all down.
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You mean all the CGI from Superman Returns chopped into Smallville...yeah, that was awesome.

5/17/2011 2:19:06 PM

?? ????? ??
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i was more referring to the 7 years later part, i found it entertaining

5/18/2011 4:48:51 PM

All American
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i had like 5 episodes backed up and pretty much fast forwarded through 75% of them to get to the finale. shockingly, the only thing i apparently missed was the bit about orion's bow and believing in yourself.

what was the reason kara had to leave? i remember seeing her fly off but was too lazy to rewind to see why

[Edited on May 19, 2011 at 9:49 PM. Reason : .]

5/19/2011 9:49:26 PM

All American
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"I only missed one thing. Now please explain this other thing."

5/19/2011 9:50:33 PM

All American
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as far as the finale went

5/20/2011 6:55:04 AM

El Nachó
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I found a video of Stein watching the finale. This explains a lot.

5/20/2011 12:11:30 PM

uNC SUcks
All American
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Quote :
"what was the reason kara had to leave? i remember seeing her fly off but was too lazy to rewind to see why"

Jor-El told her she had to make a choice and that there were consequences to each choice and that it was not her destiny to defeat Darkseid despite that she wanted to stay and help him. I don't remember exactly what it was, but basically it was like a no-win choice.

5/20/2011 12:43:21 PM

All American
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Jor-El pretty much told her that if she stayed, Clark would never be able to fulfill his destiny.

5/20/2011 1:46:34 PM

Burn it all down.
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11/10/2017 9:26:11 AM

Burn it all down.
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4/20/2018 5:42:58 PM

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