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 Message Boards » » *GOD* is a "racist" and "anti-Semite" Page 1 2 3 4 5 [6], Prev  
All American
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I don't have all the answers, I never said these rules were or weren't obsolete - just trying to figure out why some aren't (white folk screwing other races, eating figs/pork/shellfish) and some are (wearing cotton/poly or wool blend stuff is ok, right?).

I don't really see any of those rules applying to my life, but am wondering how you decide which ones to apply to your life.

3/8/2006 4:54:48 PM

All American
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its sweet that he has resorted to not even typing any more

he is at the crtl+c ctrl+v level now

thats so cute

3/8/2006 5:01:14 PM

All American
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I know it is useless to argue with salisburyboy, but I did want to point this out for anyone who is of sound mind.

Quote :
"Deuteronomy 7:3 "Neither shalt thou make marriages with them: thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son." "

Tell me how you translate "them" to mean races...why could this not mean people of another religion?

Quote :
"Exodus 33:16 "So shall we be separated, I and all of Thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth." "

God wanted the Jews to be separated because of their religion. It says nothing about being separated because of race.

Quote :
"Ezra 9:2 "For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons: so that the HOLY SEED have MIXED themselves with the people of those lands: yea, the hand of the princes and rulers hath been chief in this TRESPASS ." "

Again, where does it say that God was upset because of race? He did not want the children to mix with other religions.

Quote :
"Nehemiah 9:2 "And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all STRANGERS and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers." "

Even if these people separated themselves from all strangers, how does that say that God is racist? Are they not separated by religion?

Quote :
"Nehemiah 13:3 "Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the MIXED multitude." "

Ooooh, the Bible daresay the word "mixed." Could that not mean mixing of religion??

Quote :
"Hosea 5:7 "They have dealt treacherously against YAHWEH: for they have begotten STRANGE children:"

Begotten strange children with the mixing of religious backgrounds. The children were strange because they had mixed religions. As I said before, back in the day, it was considered proper to celebrate both the husband and wife's religion in the house. Therefore, the children would be of both religions.

You cannot quote the Bible and just give one verse. You must quote enough of it to give the storyline behind what you quoted to begin with. Just because the Bible says certain words, such as "mixed" and "separated," it doesn't mean that it is referring to race.

3/8/2006 9:50:07 PM

All American
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3/8/2006 9:59:42 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Those bible quotes were all translated incorrectly. Using Strong's Lexicon I have determined that all bible passages are about killing jews.

3/8/2006 10:02:56 PM

278 Posts
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If GOD is a so called "racist" then why would other races exist??

3/13/2006 6:24:56 PM

All American
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oh hell
its monday night

almost time for a new salisburythread

i'm guessing this one will be about the Swiss Banking shadow government

3/13/2006 11:05:08 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Those groups are Zionist-controlled and used for propaganda purposes to demonize whites who hold certain viewpoints"

wait a second, you're saying that the KKK, National Alliance etc are actually controlled by Jews who want to smear white people?

if thats the case, then qhy do you pull nearly all your "facts" from the National Alliance website..and their Vanguard Books offshoot?

[Edited on March 24, 2006 at 9:07 AM. Reason : ]

3/24/2006 9:04:00 AM

278 Posts
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there is also about a thousand biblical quotes that contradict this entire thread.

3/24/2006 1:11:57 PM

All American
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3/24/2006 1:28:52 PM

play so hard
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^^^ still waiting for answer salisburyboy.

4/10/2006 6:28:04 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"wait a second, you're saying that the KKK, National Alliance etc are actually controlled by Jews who want to smear white people?"

Yes, many of the neo-Nazi and similar organizations are, in fact, controlled by government agents. Some of them are even lead by Jews (who are hiding their Jewish roots, of course).

Quote :
"if thats the case, then qhy do you pull nearly all your "facts" from the National Alliance website..and their Vanguard Books offshoot?"

I have NOT pulled any facts directly from the National Alliance website or Vanguard Books.

Now, that doesn't mean they don't refer to some of the same Biblical quotes or talk about similar subjects. If you are going to have a good phony opposition group, you have to talk about the same things as genuine opposition groups. And just because some of this information or subject matter is included on such a neo-Nazi website does not mean it is wrong. Much of what those groups promote is wrong, but not all of it. For example, most neo-Nazi type groups openly oppose illegal immigration and homosexuality. Does that mean it's wrong to hold those viewpoints? Of course not. The purpose of the phony opposition groups is to smear legitimate conservative viewpoints by associating those viewpoints with groups that you control and demonize.

4/11/2006 8:03:57 AM

All American
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salisburyboy... did you eat paint as a child or are you just a regular idiot?

4/11/2006 8:49:42 AM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"salisburyboy... did you eat paint as a child or are you just a regular idiot?"

He's no worse than you.

4/11/2006 8:50:26 AM

All American
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OOOOH ive just been e-slapped by a guy who uses paint to "prove" his point in a religious discussion. Im hurt. no really, i am.

4/11/2006 8:54:02 AM

All American
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The only thing you've illustrated on these boards is a crippling inability to form a cogent argument, idolatry and incessant fellating of philosophers laymen in the West have canonized, and a drive to remain ignorant and uneducated.

Being horrible at conveying your poorly thought-out points isn't a crime in and of itself, but the fact that you're a Poly Sci major makes it horridly embarassing.

4/11/2006 9:41:14 AM

All American
2384 Posts
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Quote :
"Yes, many of the neo-Nazi and similar organizations are, in fact, controlled by government agents. Some of them are even lead by Jews (who are hiding their Jewish roots, of course)."

prove it

4/11/2006 11:38:26 AM

1520 Posts
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^the conspiracy theorist's paradox

4/11/2006 12:18:33 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"prove it";jsessionid=U2VVXTXP0QPB5QFIQMGSM5WAVCBQWJVC?xml=/news/2002/07/16/wgerm16.xml

Quote :
"Germany's top neo-Nazis spy for ministry

By Hannah Cleaver in Berlin
(Filed: 16/07/2002)

One in seven of Germany's top neo-Nazis is a secret service agent, the government has admitted in an attempt to sustain faltering efforts to ban a far-Right political party."

So, if the "top" neo-Nazi leaders are really government agents, what does that tell you about who really runs and controls these organizataions?

Oh, and this isn't done in America right? And 1 out of 7 doesn't constitute control? Well, they're only admitting that 1 out of 7 are agents. The true number of agents is surely higher, and then there are other leaders who aren't technically government agents, but are merely plants who are controlled by the government.

[Edited on April 11, 2006 at 12:40 PM. Reason : `]

4/11/2006 12:40:09 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"Now the authorities have admitted that they have been paying 30 of the 210 top NPD functionaries for information."

They have informants. So what? The US government has had mob informants for years. Are you also going to tell me that Uncle Sam runs the mafia?

4/11/2006 12:42:59 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Are you also going to tell me that Uncle Sam runs the mafia?"

A mafia is organized crime. The government is the biggest mafia of all. It's one gigantic, highly-organized, sophisticated, criminal operation.

This is because the International Zionist Mafia controls the government.

Oh, but a Jewish/Zionist Mafia doesn't exist right? There are only Italian and Russian mafias, etc, right? But not Jewish. Oh, no!

Know anything about Meyer Lansky?

Quote :
"Meyer Lansky (born Majer Suchowlinski, July 4, 1902 – January 15, 1983), was a gangster born in Grodno, belorussian town, then part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, after dissolving Commonwealth was joined to the Russian Empire then Soviet Union but now in Belarus. His parents were Polish Jewish immigrants. He was instrumental in the development of the mafia in the United States."

The truth is that the Jews (not Italians) are the genesis of modern-day organized crime and mafias. Most of the top mafia bosses were Jews, including Lansky.

[Edited on April 11, 2006 at 12:53 PM. Reason : ``]

4/11/2006 12:44:15 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"It's one gigantic, highly-organized, sophisticated, criminal operation."

Prove it.

Quote :
"This is because the International Zionist Mafia controls the government."

Prove it.

Quote :
"Know anything about Meyer Lansky?"

Everyone knows about Meyer Lansky, little buddy.

I get it, now you're going to try to blame organized crime on jews. How novel.

4/11/2006 12:52:31 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"This is because the International Zionist Mafia controls the government."

Quote :
"Prove it."

Zionist power over U.S. Government confirmed by renowned American scholars

Quote :
"Pro-Israel lobby in U.S. under attack

WASHINGTON, March 20 (UPI) -- Two of America's top scholars have published a searing attack on the role and power of Washington's pro-Israel lobby in a British journal, warning that its "decisive" role in fomenting the Iraq war is now being repeated with the threat of action against Iran. And they say that the Lobby is so strong that they doubt their article would be accepted in any U.S.-based publication.

Professor John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, author of "The Tragedy of Great Power Politics" and Professor Stephen Walt of Harvard's Kenney School, and author of "Taming American Power: The Global Response to U.S. Primacy," are leading figures American in academic life.

They claim that the Israel lobby has distorted American policy and operates against American interests, that it has organized the funneling of more than $140 billion dollars to Israel and "has a stranglehold" on the U.S. Congress, and its ability to raise large campaign funds gives its vast influence over Republican and Democratic administrations, while its role in Washington think tanks on the Middle East dominates the policy debate."

Full paper, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" from London Review of Books website:

Link to paper in pdf format from Harvard's website:

[Edited on April 11, 2006 at 12:57 PM. Reason : `]

4/11/2006 12:57:08 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Its a fucking lobby, little buddy.

4/11/2006 12:59:51 PM

9434 Posts
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A "lobby" that has a "stranglehold" on Congress, enormous influence on the executive branch of government, dominates/controls our foreign policy, and controls the mainstream press and media.

Calling it a "just a lobby" does nothing to detract from the power of this Zionist Cabal that controls our government and mainstream media.

4/11/2006 1:03:05 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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"It's" just a lobby, "little buddy". Trying to "trump it up" with "quotation marks" proves nothing.

Now please go back and prove that the government runs the major white power groups.

4/11/2006 1:06:23 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"I have NOT pulled any facts directly from the National Alliance website or Vanguard Books.

so wait, you're saying you've never linked to the National Alliance website or Vanguard Books to support some of these threads in the SB?

4/11/2006 1:08:37 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"so wait, you're saying you've never linked to the National Alliance website or Vanguard Books to support some of these threads in the SB?"

I don't recall ever linking to one of those websites.

And when I responded to your accusation that I was pulling facts from those websites, I assumed you were specifically referring to the information in this thread.

4/11/2006 1:13:09 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Why fight a battle you can’t hope to win, why not just try to get sucked into the delusion like the majority & find as much happiness as you can there?

4/11/2006 1:20:53 PM

9434 Posts
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Quote :
"Why fight a battle you can’t hope to win"

It's a battle that we WILL win. It's predetermined. Even though it seems like the forces of evil are winning at every turn, good will triumph over evil in the end. Any "victory" by the opposing side is only termporary.

Quote :
"why not just try to get sucked into the delusion like the majority & find as much happiness as you can there?"

Going along with the majority/mainstream/world/"Babylonian Beast System" and participating in the illusion/lie is--in effect--joining the side of the enemy. God calls us to resist and stand up to evil, not to submit to it and participate in it.

Life is ultimately not about happiness. It is about the truth, and about your eternal destiny. Life is a testing ground. Loving pleasure and comfort so much as to submit to evil to attain it will lead to your ultimate destruction. Those who would live will stand up for the truth and what is right no matter what the cost.

4/11/2006 1:54:00 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't recall ever linking to one of those websites.

And when I responded to your accusation that I was pulling facts from those websites, I assumed you were specifically referring to the information in this thread.

On no, I mean in general, all over this message board. I know for a fact I've seen you link to those websites (you know, those jew controlled groups from which you often get your info), and I shall do the research to prove such at a time in the very near future.

4/11/2006 2:17:29 PM

All American
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4/11/2006 4:11:40 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Quote :
"Now please go back and prove that the government runs the major white power groups."

Glad to see that he's gone back to ignoring questions that he can't answer.

4/11/2006 4:13:15 PM

All American
2384 Posts
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so the proof is that there was a spy posing as a top man in the neo-nazis.


4/11/2006 4:44:33 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"It wasn’t until I first heard him say that Caucasians are better than everyone else because they are the real Jews (chosen of god), that I realized that this was a case of religious justification for racism (maybe also penis envy) rather than only a case of the crazies."

I said this in another thread. But I'd feel better about it if I didn't just put it somewhere that he can't respond... even though there’s no real incentive to respond since it only was potentially a hyper-characterization for the purpose of a being funny.

4/11/2006 6:22:38 PM

Mr. Joshua
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So what evidence is there supporting the "official story" in the bible?

There more evidence supporting 9/11 and the Holocaust than there is for anything in a centuries old book.

4/18/2006 12:07:25 PM

7284 Posts
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"The Heart of Christianity" by Marcus Borg - read it.

4/18/2006 3:56:28 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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dance to the music

5/9/2006 3:55:13 PM

39171 Posts
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adam wasnt the first man
you dont build cities for one person

there were entire races before him

5/9/2006 3:57:39 PM

All American
12790 Posts
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5/12/2006 3:20:35 PM

31803 Posts
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i lolled

5/12/2006 3:24:17 PM

All American
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5/12/2006 3:26:08 PM

9434 Posts
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5/12/2006 3:38:26 PM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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So what evidence is there supporting the "official story" in the bible?

Theres more evidence supporting 9/11 and the Holocaust than there is for anything in a centuries old book.

5/12/2006 3:47:48 PM

All American
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do you admit that you are not the person who signed up for salisburyboy and that in fact the person who did still posts under that name

5/12/2006 3:48:29 PM

31803 Posts
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hey salisbury

die in a fire

5/12/2006 4:35:54 PM

26780 Posts
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"conspiracy theorist whacko", Christian Identitist, White Nationalist and Separatist, "racist", "bigot", "intolerant hatemonger", "anti-Semite", "Holocaust denier",

5/12/2006 5:25:10 PM

39171 Posts
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i agree

5/12/2006 7:03:29 PM

All American
2109 Posts
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8/17/2019 10:19:31 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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i bet salisburyboy, wherever he's at nowadays, has a life-sized, anatomically correct Donald Trump mannequin, and that he has worn the finish off of its naughty bits.

8/17/2019 11:13:11 PM

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