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 Message Boards » » President Trump credibility watch Page 1 ... 68 69 70 71 [72] 73 74 75 76 ... 211, Prev Next  
All American
38974 Posts
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hate-watching is a real thing

a few years back, I used to watch the Five on a semi-regular basis just to check in on the daily absurdity

I caught myself looking forward to watching it and had to stop. it was a good decision.

6/22/2017 7:52:22 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"Trump is laughing right now at all of the fake news and people taking his words to mean more than what they say"

Is that supposed to be reassuring? That the President is making official statements (tweets apparently are considered his official statements, disturbing in its own fucking right) that are misleading, untruthful and designed to intimidate people? And that he is laughing about it? That's supposed to be a good thing?

I simply do not understand support for this man. I completely understand opposition to Hillary. I even understand blind loyalty to a party. I do not understand a single living person with an IQ above 90 supporting this person.

At best, he's so incompetent, conspiracy minded and uninterested that a foreign adversary (whom is an existential threat to us) interfering with our elections is simply a non-sequitar joke to him. At worst, he's a traitor.

And somehow, neither of these options bothers his supporters.

The man has zero grasp of geopolitics, zero grasp of foreign relations, zero grasp of how to get things done and has zero interest in actually accomplishing anything of substance and value.

The guy is over 150 days into his presidency and is spending more time golfing and holding campaign rallies (does he, himself, not believe he won either? why would he still be campaigning?)? He sat in a meeting room while his subordinates went around the table praising him. Kim Jong Un much?

If you truly look at him objectively, ignore party affiliation, ignore whether you believe in abortion or not. Simply look at what he says, how he thinks and what he does. There is no person out there that could honestly do that and still support the guy. The man is a complete disaster.

[Edited on June 22, 2017 at 8:05 PM. Reason : a]

6/22/2017 7:59:45 PM

All American
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everything the President says is an official statement

it comes with the job

6/22/2017 8:09:59 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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Quote :
"The guy is over 150 days into his presidency and is spending more time golfing and holding campaign rallies (does he, himself, not believe he won either? why would he still be campaigning?)? He sat in a meeting room while his subordinates went around the table praising him. Kim Jong Un much?"

I'm confused. Is this now, or 2009?

6/22/2017 8:10:17 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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you're confused and/or deranged

6/22/2017 8:11:13 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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Door number one, please

6/22/2017 8:12:30 PM

2953 Posts
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I don't support Trump but think he's perfect for America and am getting a kick out of this entire train wreck.
Quote :
"Is that supposed to be reassuring? That the President is making official statements (tweets apparently are considered his official statements, disturbing in its own fucking right) that are misleading, untruthful and designed to intimidate people? And that he is laughing about it? That's supposed to be a good thing?"

The media and intelligence services, (the entire establishment) deserves it. They've dished it out for so long and now they have to take it.
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"with an IQ above 90 "

this is not helping your cause

[Edited on June 22, 2017 at 8:37 PM. Reason : lol]

6/22/2017 8:31:58 PM

5608 Posts
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If Trump does absolutely nothing else in the presidency, besides the supreme court pick and calling CNN "very fake news", it is a win. Yuuuuuge net gain over Hilldawg.

6/22/2017 8:34:44 PM

2953 Posts
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Quote :
"Can someone answer for me why people watch CNN if they hate it? How is that enjoyable.

I don't like Hannity. I don't watch Hannity.


WatchingCNN now is as enjoyable as watching fox was from 2009-2012. Its fun to watch these assholes cry.

6/22/2017 8:35:41 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"The media and intelligence services, (the entire establishment) deserves it. They've dished it out for so long and now they have to take it."

Dished what out? When did it become the President's job to have a schoolyard fight with journalists and intelligence operatives? I always thought the President's job was to take input from the intelligence operatives to assist with defending our nation and communicate to the citizens via the journalists?

This is the reason I made the IQ over 90 remark - this childish, neanderthal view of reality. "The media is spreading fake news." No it isn't. You can justifiably complain about the click-bait nature of headlines but once you click an article and read it you aren't being fed lies. This isn't Russia or North Korea. Intelligence operatives are not trying to take down Donald Trump because he's a Republican. They are trying to let the citizens know that something very serious happened and the one guy who is supposed to be spearheading the response believes it didn't happen and is actively lying about it and trying to cover it up.

As for the "establishment" remark - this shit has gone on for eternity. The establishment never goes away. When an outsider runs and actually wins and enters the arena, guess what? They become part of the establishment. The establishment is the system, not the people. Blaming the "establishment" for anything is the most conspiratorial minded thing ever. You want to know why Trump is getting almost nothing done? Because he's dishonest, abrasive, egotistical, mentally deficient, paranoid and incapable of critically analyzing complex situations. He surrounds himself with people who are loyal only to him and will do anything to keep his approval. They do not serve him well and by extension do not serve us well.

6/22/2017 9:28:43 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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Watch the video

Except for that one guy, the rest were all retarded sheep

6/23/2017 1:28:54 AM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"As for the "establishment" remark - this shit has gone on for eternity. The establishment never goes away. When an outsider runs and actually wins and enters the arena, guess what? They become part of the establishment. "

This. Exactly

And the crazy part is trump IS the establishment. Always has been. Always will be. Earl has bought into this whole "fifth dimensional chess" game that Trump is playing. The reality is always simpler and that reality is the same impulsive grifter he has been his entire life. He will walk back near everything when he gets deposed by Mueller just like he has in depositions before where he admitted lie for lie his impulsiveness.

[Edited on June 23, 2017 at 6:20 AM. Reason : Just because you SAY youre anti-establishment doesn't make it so]

6/23/2017 6:19:54 AM

All American
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^And just like he walked back the oval office recording remarks.

6/23/2017 9:34:32 AM

All American
22925 Posts
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How come all I hear from right wing outlets is that "time and time again it has been said that vote tallies were not modified by Russia?" That is a blatant attempt at redirecting the attention of people. I don't think at any point during this whole fiasco anyone was arguing that Russia hacked into voting machines and changed numbers. Influence has many faces.

But all I hear is "vote tallies, vote tallies, vote tallies"

6/23/2017 10:08:05 AM

All American
8264 Posts
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yep. it's a distraction technique, same as when anyone goes "x months have gone by and there's no evidence."

no, there's no evidence publicly displayed. they act like somehow that's normal, for a criminal investigation to just start publishing evidence. imagine if during all of the build up to the oj trial, the DA had simply been giving the press all the evidence.

it's all about delay and distract. except now that we finally have a special counsel, the only way this goes away is by firing him at which point you'd likely see an independent commission.

[Edited on June 23, 2017 at 10:12 AM. Reason : a]

6/23/2017 10:11:02 AM

All American
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I will say this though, I'm so sick of the constant barrage of negative stories on CNN regarding Trump. Jesus Christ they need to give it a break. I mean I could go story by story and do a headline comparison with how Trump is represented vs how Obama would have been represented, and it is sickening.

Note - this is not a defense of Trump or his policies - they are indefensible. I just have a loathing for CNN lately.

6/23/2017 10:22:53 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Dished what out? When did it become the President's job to have a schoolyard fight with journalists and intelligence operatives? I always thought the President's job was to take input from the intelligence operatives to assist with defending our nation and communicate to the citizens via the journalists?"

You're saying terms like "intelligence operative" and "journalist" as if they exist objectively... but they don't. It is all 100% partisan. Every institution was politicized, from Loretta Lynch as AG to Obama using the IRS to target conservative groups. It was all party over country.

And Trump was elected because he was willing to have a schoolyard fight with the fake news, something most GOP members were too scared to do.

6/23/2017 10:26:06 AM

All American
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^^nah, i'm with you there. that's why i started really screening what i pay attention to news-wise. i watch absolutely no video news as that's all a complete joke.

on cnn/nbc/fox, i skim through the stories and unless it references something actually important like russia, iran, specific legislation, etc., i don't even bother.

the tough part is you have to ignore the emotional impact of the clickbait headlines as they are incredibly misleading.

but yea, the constant negativity (same as with fox with respect to obama for instance) is just worthless. it's just their way of getting their base viewers to continue clicking and sending in that ad revenue.

any story that references trump, or really any politician, i simply ignore unless it can tie to an important issue.

[Edited on June 23, 2017 at 10:28 AM. Reason : a]

6/23/2017 10:26:52 AM

All American
38974 Posts
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Quote :
"I mean I could go story by story and do a headline comparison with how Trump is represented vs how Obama would have been represented, and it is sickening."

by doing this, you're making the argument that Obama was just as awful as Trump currently is

6/23/2017 11:22:33 AM

All American
33745 Posts
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Trump seems like he's mad that Comey helped him win... Which is fair I guess.

6/23/2017 11:37:17 AM

2953 Posts
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Quote :
"assist with defending our nation and communicate to the citizens via the journalists?"

They haven't done this in a long time. They've been lying about what they're doing for as long as I've been paying attention. Iraq intel and war drum is the best example.
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"but once you click an article and read it you aren't being fed lies. "

Most people don't make it that far
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"This isn't Russia or North Korea. "

A lot of the same shit under different flags. The people of Russia view us in a similar way as how we view them.

Quote :
"something very serious happened and the one guy who is supposed to be spearheading the response believes it didn't happen and is actively lying about it and trying to cover it up."

Its something they consider serious but for decades they have been doing serious things that fit their agenda yet are crooked and the american people don't find out about it until its too late.
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"As for the "establishment" remark - this shit has gone on for eternity. The establishment never goes away. When an outsider runs and actually wins and enters the arena, guess what? They become part of the establishment. The establishment is the system, not the people. Blaming the "establishment" for anything is the most conspiratorial minded thing ever. "

I agree with all of this but am saying the system and everyone controling it are all broken and not acting in the interest of the everyday american people. We can't change the system because the establishment controls it and we can't change the establishment because they set up the system to keep them in power. Thats kind of how power works though.

Quote :
"You want to know why Trump is getting almost nothing done? Because he's dishonest, abrasive, egotistical, mentally deficient, paranoid and incapable of critically analyzing complex situations. He surrounds himself with people who are loyal only to him and will do anything to keep his approval. They do not serve him well and by extension do not serve us well."

Trump is all of those things and is getting nothing done but Obama was none of those things and got nothing done. Nothing has changed so those things don't seem to have an effect. We thought Obama wasn't getting anything done because of republican obstruction.
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" Earl has bought into this whole "fifth dimensional chess" game that Trump is playing. The reality is always simpler and that reality is the same impulsive grifter he has been his entire life. He will walk back near everything when he gets deposed by Mueller just like he has in depositions before where he admitted lie for lie his impulsiveness."

Trump is the president today because he is a genius who you think is an idiot. He understood the entire system so well that he manipulated it into making him president. He is like Neo and the establishment and media are the matrix. Everything he does it "art of the deal" style manipulation. Have you even read his books? He's talked about this forever and people still can't figure it out.
Quote :
"^And just like he walked back the oval office recording remarks."

He didn't walk anything back because unlike what CNN says, he never ever said there were recordings or that he had recordings. Did you even read his tweets or listen to his statements or any of his press people? No one at no point said he had tapes besides the media.
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"How come all I hear from right wing outlets is that "time and time again it has been said that vote tallies were not modified by Russia?" That is a blatant attempt at redirecting the attention of people. I don't think at any point during this whole fiasco anyone was arguing that Russia hacked into voting machines and changed numbers. Influence has many faces.

But all I hear is "vote tallies, vote tallies, vote tallies""

This is because the quote "Russia hacked our election" is constantly thrown around along with other things like
"Russia interfered with our democratic process"
The election and the democratic process is voting and there is no evidence for that but the media narrative makes people belive that. The media should only be saying things like "Russia hacked the DNC and leaked evidence of corruption"
"Russian hacks did not target the GOP"

This is what they originally reported before the election (barely) but no one cared so they had to spice it up to gain attention of angry democrats who had just lost the election. Its manipulation.

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"by doing this, you're making the argument that Obama was just as awful as Trump currently is"

Obama was great on the mic and trump is awful on the mic but in terms of real action, I don't think there will be much of a difference. Obama did a lot of bad things you guys don't seem to know about and did a lot of weak, ineffective things that you guys overcredit him for (healthcare and climate). Its too early to tell for trump though.

6/23/2017 12:11:54 PM

All American
597 Posts
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Regarding those tapes, I'll like to go off of what Trump said:

Reporter: Big news today, you said you didn't tape James Comey? Can you explain that, why did you want him to believe that you did that?

Trump: Well, I didn't tape him, eh, you never know what's happening when you see that the Obama administration or perhaps, longer than that, was doing all of this unmasking and surveillance and you read all about it and I've been reading about it for the last couple of months about the seriousness of the... and the horrible situation with surveillance all over the place and you've been hearing the word 'unmasking', a word you probably never heard before. So you never know what's out there, but I didn't tape and I don't have any tape and I didn't tape, but when he found out that I -you know- that there may be tapes out there, whether it's governmental tapes or anything else, who knows? I think his story may have changed, i mean, you'll have to take a look at that, because then he'll have to tell what actually took place at the events and my story didn't change, my story was always a straight story, my story was always the truth, but you'll have to determine for yourself whether or not his story changed but I did not tape.


So, in order of importance according to Trump, he sent that tweet because:
1. Obama's administration wiretapped me and he might still have mics set up in the WH
2. I invented the word "unmasking"
3. I didn't want his story to change, despite having no proof his story would have changed
4. I didn't tape him but some other part of the government might tape him

[Edited on June 23, 2017 at 12:54 PM. Reason : .]

6/23/2017 12:51:40 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Except for that one guy, the rest were all retarded sheep"

Says one of the bigger hacks on this site posting Occupy Democrats propaganda. lol

6/23/2017 3:32:00 PM

2953 Posts
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^^I posted that the day before he actually said it and people thought it was ridiculous.

6/23/2017 3:46:56 PM

26632 Posts
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you might have tried to

6/23/2017 3:51:47 PM

2953 Posts
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^You actually responded to it with a blank post which was more content than you responded with last time

Quote :
"So he's saying that public surveillance is so widespread in this country, that you can almost assume there is a tape of everything somewhere.

To be fair, he never said there were tapes. In hindsight, he skated around actually saying there were tapes and can claim he spent the last 41 days contacting intelligence officials to see if they had the tapes.

This is all in line with the notion that he was wiretapped by Obama. "

6/23/2017 3:58:30 PM

All American
597 Posts
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Sometimes your posts are on the nose (I think you were on the Doeren was awesome/Gottfired sucks train before your typical TWW, myself included). This was pulled from his interview on the 22nd with fox & friends.

This is the second time Trump has used "I hope" in a way that allows him to back out of statements, first time being with Comey. I guess it's something of a Rorschach test to the viewer. I think both cases he's full of crap but I'm also super biased.

Also the fact that this news came out the day that ACHA was released to the public speaks to me as an attempt to distract from that bill.

6/23/2017 4:10:55 PM

50084 Posts
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Or he was just impulsively making shit up like he has his entire adult life until he is forced to confront his nonsense under oath.

Occam's razor folks. When someone spends fifty years being a complete joke of a bullshitter that person doesn't change at 71 years no matter how much Earlsplaining is done.

Quote :
"^^I posted that the day before he actually said it and people thought it was ridiculous"

So the standard for POTUS is mirroring the thoughts of a guy who has spent the better part of a decade spam trolling a dying college message board.

[Edited on June 23, 2017 at 4:24 PM. Reason : X]

6/23/2017 4:20:18 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"Or he was just impulsively making shit up like he has his entire adult life until he is forced to confront his nonsense under oath."


6/23/2017 4:25:02 PM

50084 Posts
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The media eats this shit up but he's not playing chess while they are playing checkers -- it's simple greed. They are generating ad revenue because people read/watch it.

6/23/2017 4:29:09 PM

All American
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Bingo again.

6/23/2017 4:30:35 PM

All American
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Trump travel ban partly reinstated; fall court arguments set

Quote :
"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is allowing the Trump administration to go forward with a limited version of its ban on travel from six mostly Muslim countries, a victory for President Donald Trump in the biggest legal controversy of his young presidency.

The justices will hear full arguments in October in the case that has stirred heated emotions across the nation. In the meantime, the court said Monday that Trump's ban on visitors from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen can be enforced if those visitors lack a "credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States."

Trump said last week that the ban would take effect 72 hours after being cleared by courts.

The administration has said the 90-day ban was needed on national security grounds to allow an internal review of screening procedures for visa applicants from the six countries. Opponents say the ban is unlawful, based on visitors' Muslim religion. The administration review should be complete before Oct. 2, the first day the justices could hear arguments in their new term.

A 120-day ban on refugees also is being allowed to take effect on a limited basis.

Three of the court's conservative justices said they would have let the complete bans take effect.

Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch, said the government has shown it is likely to succeed on the merits of the case, and that it will suffer irreparable harm with any interference. Thomas said the government's interest in preserving national security outweighs any hardship to people denied entry into the country.

Some immigration lawyers said the limited nature of the ban and the silence of the court's liberals on the issue Monday suggested that the court had not handed Trump much of a victory. They said relatively few people would fall under the ban because people coming to study, work or visit family members in the United States already have sufficient relationships with others already is in the country.

Trump, though, hailed the high court's order as a "clear victory for our national security." He said in a statement that his "number one responsibility" is to keep the American people safe.
The court's opinion explained the kinds of relationships people from the six countries must demonstrate to obtain a U.S. visa.

"For individuals, a close familial relationship is required," the court said. For people who want to come to the United States to work or study, "the relationship must be formal, documented and formed in the ordinary course, not for the purpose of evading" the travel ban.

The opinion faulted the two federal appeals courts that had blocked the travel policy for going too far to limit Trump's authority over immigration. The president announced the travel ban a week after he took office in January and revised it in March after setbacks in court.

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, said the ban was "rooted in religious animus" toward Muslims and pointed to Trump's campaign promise to impose a ban on Muslims entering the country as well as tweets and remarks he has made since becoming president.
The San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the travel policy does not comply with federal immigration law, including a prohibition on nationality-based discrimination. That court also put a hold on separate aspects of the policy that would keep all refugees out of the United States for 120 days and cut by more than half, from 110,000 to 50,000, the cap on refugees in the current government spending year that ends September 30.

Trump's first executive order on travel applied to travelers from Iraq and well as the six countries, and took effect immediately, causing chaos and panic at airports over the last weekend in January as the Homeland Security Department scrambled to figure out whom the order covered and how it was to be implemented.

A federal judge blocked it eight days later, an order that was upheld by a 9th circuit panel. Rather than pursue an appeal, the administration said it would revise the policy.

In March, Trump issued the narrower order."

6/26/2017 10:09:44 PM

5608 Posts
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It's almost as if things the executive branch has the ability to do things the constitution says it can do...

but muh leftist activist judges and muh appeal to emotion!

6/26/2017 11:59:27 PM

50084 Posts
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Really throwing some red meat to his base today. I'm sure cucks like JCE will eat it up.

** and of course they are cucks because they are too stupid to realize that Trump needs media attention to survive. And craves media adoration in the worst way. Always has since he was feeding anonymous stories to the NY rags about his dick size and sexual prowess.

[Edited on June 27, 2017 at 9:10 AM. Reason : X]

6/27/2017 9:06:56 AM

All American
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the Leader of the Free World has copies of fake Time magazine covers with him on the cover at his golf courses

totally normal

6/27/2017 2:38:08 PM

4362 Posts
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that's hilarious. link?

6/27/2017 3:57:18 PM

All American
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6/27/2017 4:00:43 PM

oh we back
25215 Posts
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Mr. Fake News proudly displays a piece of literal fake news. hahahahahahah

6/27/2017 4:32:17 PM

All American
17452 Posts
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LOL we have truly reached a point where Trump supporters are never going to change. This is an endless cycle. It doesn't matter what he does.

6/27/2017 5:11:31 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
" they are too stupid to realize that Trump needs media attention to survive."

This is laughable coming from the left. You realize your fakenews media outrage is single handedly the MVP for Trump's win, right?

You leftist got played like a damn fiddle. The initial "illegal immigrants are rapists" line was calculated af, and the left couldn't help themselves.

6/27/2017 5:20:35 PM

41737 Posts
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call it #swampcare

6/27/2017 6:29:28 PM

50084 Posts
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^^ ok?

Doesn't change my post.

[Edited on June 27, 2017 at 6:33 PM. Reason : JCE still getting cucked. Sad.]

6/27/2017 6:33:12 PM

5608 Posts
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Your post makes no sense to begin with.

Your side is the one that still hasn't figured out your leftist media machine's constant bullshit only helps Trump. If your leftist overlords would just put the brakes on the FakeNews narratives for a year, it would work wonders for you, and help some of your more gullible hacks sleep at night, instead of worrying about Putin, ____phobia, ____ism, or whatever other boogey man you can think of.

6/27/2017 6:53:49 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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^^^^^^ & ^^^^^^^ & ^^^^^^^^^

Holy crap...stop the presses...Trump is a narcissist!

That's all you got?

6/27/2017 11:01:13 PM

All American
38974 Posts
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he knows absolutely nothing about the defining bill of his presidency

he's the least curious/intelligent person to ever be president

[Edited on June 27, 2017 at 11:09 PM. Reason : .]

6/27/2017 11:08:54 PM

All American
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So Manafort and Flynn both are officially registered foreign agents of Russian interests, roger Stone has admitted to talking directly with Russian hackers, sessions claims he has never been briefed on Russian hacking and is not aware of any action being taken to counter it.

Trump simultaneously accuses Obama of tolerating Russian collision, but doesn't clearly believe any interference happened or something should be done about it.

6/27/2017 11:35:24 PM

2953 Posts
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why does he need to know about version 2 when version 4 will be the first one that has a chance to get to his desk?

6/28/2017 3:09:39 AM

50084 Posts
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Are you serious?

Because he talks about it all the time and sounds like a fool. And part of his job is to sell it to his base who the people actually voting on it need to placate for re-elections (eventually).

Stop excusing his ignorance ALL THE TIME.

6/28/2017 6:20:11 AM

All American
27946 Posts
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(i think if someone shouts fake news, they should be able to explain what's fake about it)

6/28/2017 9:36:20 AM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"The #AmazonWashingtonPost, sometimes referred to as the guardian of Amazon not paying internet taxes (which they should) is FAKE NEWS!"

Can someone translate?

6/28/2017 10:04:13 AM

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