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All American
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Quote :
"A Wake County grand jury today handed down indictments alleging that a top aide to Gov. Bev Perdue's 2008 campaign schemed to pay a staffer $32,000 for work that was kept off the books in violation of state election laws."

11/29/2011 6:07:23 PM

Sup, B
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try posting that in a few more threads, man

11/29/2011 7:50:00 PM

All American
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Perdue isn't liberal.

11/30/2011 2:47:28 PM

All American
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Government statistical agency helping NC Democrat illegally - Washington Examiner

Quote :
"The Carolina Journal, published by the Raleigh-based John Locke Foundation (for which I’ve given paid speeches on occasion) reports that staffers in North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue’s office have been getting advance word on monthly unemployment statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is highly illegal under federal law and violates what I have understood to be a strong tradition in the BLS and other government statistics that no one—no one at all, not even in the White House—gets advanced word ahead of the public announcement of government statistics.

There’s obviously good reason for this: someone with advanced word could place bets in financial and community markets and make lots of money. That’s why Congress provided for penalties of up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for early release of this data. And there’s another excellent reason: government statistical agencies should be free of political influence to insure the integrity of the numbers on which many people depend. My understanding is that an important part of the bureaucratic culture of federal statistical agencies is a pride in their independence and integrity; this is something not to be lightly squandered. Maintaining that culture is vital if the government wants to get highly competent people to dedicate their careers to this important work.

It doesn’t appear from the Carolina Journal story that Perdue tried to or indeed could have influenced the numbers; rather her staffers used the heads-up to craft their press releases, presumably to make Perdue look better. That probably hasn’t been very effective; her poll numbers have been dreadful and she seems to be behind Republican Pat McCrory (48%-39% in a PPP poll released last week) in her 2012 race for reelection. It is quite shocking to think that someone at the BLS is squandering the agency’s integrity just to give a Democratic governor a little edge in writing press releases.

The Carolina Journal also reports that someone in the BLS was giving advance word of statistics to someone in the office of Perdue’s predecessor Democratic Governor Mike Easley in 2003 and 2004. This suggests that the culprit is someone at the BLS who is not a political appointee (since Republicans were in power back then) but with Tarheel Democratic connections or sympathies, and it may not be difficult to identify who that might be. There’s nothing in the Carolina Journal report to suggest that something like this is happening in other states. But it is something the U.S. House Education and the Workforce Committee should look into."

12/19/2011 4:55:29 PM

All American
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Until this thread starts talking about Bernie Sanders or Dennis Kucinich, this thread might as well be locked up. Every other Democrat in office is a corporatist and a conservative. Some just happen to be pro-choice. That's it, that's the only difference.

12/20/2011 4:20:53 PM

All American
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if you're not a scarlet red communist, you're a corporatist conservative.

12/20/2011 4:25:55 PM

All American
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Democrats are:

pro-gay rights

pro-big business
anti-civil liberties
pro- big financial institutions
pro-christian fundamentalism

The two options the country gets an actual say on are gay rights and women's rights. Everything else is decided for you.

oh shit, it's solinari, son. awoken from his troll slumber.

[Edited on December 20, 2011 at 4:37 PM. Reason : ]

12/20/2011 4:36:00 PM

All American
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the answer to everything of course!

12/22/2011 5:14:48 PM

Sup, B
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-1000 for the payroll tax politics and Harry Reid. last time I checked, "compromise" doesn't mean "you pass what we just passed and then we'll talk about it"

[Edited on December 22, 2011 at 9:36 PM. Reason : ]

12/22/2011 9:35:24 PM

All American
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i mean hes a super-liberal right?

12/28/2011 7:17:39 PM

All American
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Chavez? Yes. Obama? No.

And it wouldn't surprise me at all if the CIA is/was plotting the covert death of South American democratically-socialist leaders. Chavez has cancer, Kirchner just got cancer, and if Evo Morales get's cancer, you can probably guarantee that the fix is in. This is the same agency that once tried to plot to make Castro's beard fall off (apparently not just for the lulz, either).

Venezuela has lifted much of it's population out of poverty by nationalizing their oil reserves. Hell, Chavez has survived a coup backed by the US not too long ago. The US and the oil tycoons who run our country don't take too kindly to foreign nations using their sovereign resources for their own people.

[Edited on December 28, 2011 at 9:16 PM. Reason : ]

12/28/2011 8:59:42 PM

All American
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haha, you think we have targeted cancer weapons.

bravo sir, bravo.

"the watchmen" anyone?

12/28/2011 10:43:28 PM

All American
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This lady

is clueless.

Quote :
"Froma Harrop (born March 18, 1950 in New York City) is a liberal writer and author.

Harrop later became a business editor for The New York Times News Service. She returned to her reporting roots as a business writer for the Providence Journal in Rhode Island and subsequently joined the Journal’s editorial board, where she remains a member. Harrop currently resides in Providence.

Harrop has been a guest on PBS, Fox News, MSNBC, NPR and many other television and radio stations. Specific appearances include the Lou Dobbs Show, The Ed Schultz Show on MSNBC and PBS’s White House Chronicles.

Her column has become a regular feature on the website.

In 2011, Harrop was the subject of a parody interview by The Daily Show, which repeatedly mocked her hypocrisy for simultaneously serving as the President of the Civility Project while having denounced the Tea Party as "terrorists."

Harrop has written for such diverse publications as The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar, and Institutional Investor. Her columns have been published in several book anthologies.

Harrop is the President of the National Conference of Editorial Writers. One project of the NCEW is the Civility Project, aimed at restoring civility to America's public discourse. Her position was criticized by the Wall Street Journal, which noted the contrast between this role and her comparison of the Tea Party to terrorist groups such as al-Qaida. In her response to the criticism, Harrop stated, "I see incivility as not letting other people speak their piece." She subsequently deleted all the comments from the post and shut down the commenting feature of her blog.

Her blog subsequently addressed the decision to delete the posted comments, saying that she was unwilling to spend time monitoring the large number of comments, while noting that a website is private property and that commenters could post their opinions elsewhere. Other bloggers, she said, have shut down their forums for similar reasons."

[Edited on January 14, 2012 at 10:17 AM. Reason : tiggity]

1/14/2012 10:16:47 AM

All American
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Why did it take Republicans to come up with the term "vulture capitalist"?

It always seems like the Right comes up with the best catch phrases...

1/15/2012 2:35:19 PM

All American
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Newt just called Bain Capital "exploitive"

Santorum wont be one-upped, I bet next debate he opens with "A spectre is haunting America -- the spectre of Bain Capital...The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles..."

1/18/2012 12:39:28 PM

All American
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keystone pipeline project is now likely dead.

canada to team with china-

1/18/2012 12:40:47 PM

All American
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Talk to Nebraska. They didn't want it and when's the last time they voted Democratic?

1/18/2012 1:05:59 PM

All American
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Obama fucked us again. No lube, no warning...straight up the ass!

1/18/2012 1:07:49 PM

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[Edited on January 18, 2012 at 1:15 PM. Reason : .]

1/18/2012 1:12:56 PM

All American
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Oh come on. The president has NO problem throwing my people under the bus. He, and the state of Nebraska, merely want it rerouted out of environmentally sensitive areas.

1/18/2012 1:13:18 PM

Sup, B
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the problem is that stupid environmental nutjobs think EVERYWHERE is an "environmentally sensitive area"

1/18/2012 1:14:44 PM

All American
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obama is just stalling till after the election so (for the time being) he can keep his environmental base happy.

then after he wins (maybe) he will fuck them in the ass just like everyone else that puts their trust in him.

then his memoirs can reflect upon the jobs it creates and the falling oil prices, etc.

1/18/2012 1:19:32 PM

All American
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Quote :
"stupid environmental nutjobs"

language like this is why no one wants to engage you in meaningful dialogue.

I'm not sure how large you think this magical environmental base is but I assure you that it isn't large enough to make or break this election. Aside from me, can you name one other active Soap Boxer who's #1 priority is environmental preservation?

1/18/2012 1:23:21 PM

Sup, B
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I call it like I see it. It often seems like every time any one tries to do something, there's an environmentalist popping up telling us how there is this snail there that lives only there that we just can't kill! OMG, think of the snails! So the company picks another site and there is magically another snail there. I don't know what you call it, but I call that "environmental nutjobs."

A better example is energy. We can't use fossil fuels because of the boogeyman of glabal warming. We can't use nuclear because Obama killed the only suitable place for the waste and people are afraid of radiation, even though it's all around them every day. We can't use wind power because it hurts the birds (or the Kennedy's views). We can't use hydro because fish die. We can't use solar because some ant somewhere gets hurt. These people won't be happy until we are living in caves and shivering our asses off. You call it what you want, but that's a "nutjob" to me

1/18/2012 1:40:31 PM

All American
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I'm pretty sure 99% of environmentalists are pro-solar, pro-hydro, pro-geo, pro-wind, and at least half are pro-Nuclear. It's the anti-environmentalists (like you, aaronburro) who fight against this mythical tree-hugger that hasn't existed in reality since the 60's who oppose every form of energy except fossil fuels and nuclear (and when you do support nuclear you make sure you raise a big fuck you to anyone who wants to be cautious about the waste).

Like most of your positions, I suspect you adopt them not out of having much knowledge on the subject, but out of simple spite for the lib'ruls made of straw that dance in your head.

[Edited on January 18, 2012 at 1:43 PM. Reason : .]

1/18/2012 1:42:46 PM

All American
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1/18/2012 1:54:52 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"I'm pretty sure 99% of environmentalists are pro-solar, pro-hydro, pro-geo, pro-wind, and at least half are pro-Nuclear."

which explains why every single time anyone mentions any of these for development, you get an environmental outcry, NO MATTER WHERE it is brought up. I'm not saying all environmentalists are nutjobs, but there are enough of those nutjobs out there that they are making everything else incredibly difficult for the rest of us.

1/18/2012 2:58:10 PM

All American
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I love the "us vs. them" paradigm. It suits your purposes quite nicely here because you can always point to a stereotype or caricature to use as an example instead of discussing your disagreement with an actual person. I am not anti-wind because it kills birds, I am anti-feral/outdoor house cats because they kill significantly more birds than turbines ever will. I should also be anti-above ground power lines because they, too, kill more birds than windmills.

If you want to bitch about this pipeline to someone, then bitch to the liberal bastion (oh wait, it's NOT) of Nebraska and the republicans in Congress who gave this ultimatum to the president before viable route alternatives could be properly surveyed. But no, it's far easier to be intellectually lazy by pointing the finger at wacko tree-hugging, hippy, enviro-nazi, nutjob, anti-capitalist, eco-freaks....

1/18/2012 3:14:12 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"I love the "us vs. them" paradigm. It suits your purposes quite nicely here because you can always point to a stereotype or caricature to use as an example instead of discussing your disagreement with an actual person."

way to deflect from my point to attack me instead. do you deny that these issues always come up when any proposal for just about any energy producing structure is formed? Hell, do you deny that almost any major infrastructure project gets nailed hard by environmentalists? I'm just trying to understand your argument. According to you, there aren't many hardcore environmentalists as I describe, yet they seem to keep getting in the way of, well, EVERYTHING. Might that fit pretty damned well the definition of "nutjob"?

1/18/2012 8:03:14 PM

All American
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Insofar as this particular issue is concerned, your ire of environmentalists is ill placed. The president correctly attributed this decision to not being wrangled by republicans in Congress. I've stated that he should have simply let the clock run out and then given the presidential "fuck you" to those whom see fit to hold him hostage. I won't deny the abundance of environmentalists who breathed a brief sigh of relief today taking slight solace knowing that this project wasn't going to simply be foisted upon the folks of Nebraska through inarguably sensitive areas. This delay merely allows for TransCanada to submit their proposal again making the appropriate accommodations.

You can chase your "all the time with every issue" boogeyman to your heart's content all the while heaping upon them whatever pejorative makes you feel more secure. And what you decry as "nailed hard" is merely prudence to weigh the totality of our often reckless actions and incursions against our habitat.

1/18/2012 9:43:56 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"Insofar as this particular issue is concerned, your ire of environmentalists is ill placed. The president correctly attributed this decision to not being wrangled by republicans in Congress."

Maybe. The 'pubs played politics, and instead of actually looking at the issue, Obama punted, AGAIN, in order to play politics.

Quote :
"through inarguably sensitive areas"

except, every area always seems to be "inarguably sensitive". I just can't fathom that big companies always seem to pick the absolute worst place every single time they want to build something. every. single. fucking. time.

1/19/2012 9:14:24 PM

All American
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Would you care to explain to the class how an aquifer which provides water for eight states is not "inarguably sensitive"?

1/19/2012 9:20:22 PM

Sup, B
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in that case, everywhere in the world is now "inarguably sensitive". congrats! this is better than the magic snail that can only fuck in farmer bob's pond

1/19/2012 9:30:59 PM

All American
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provides water for eight states as well? Fascinating!

1/19/2012 9:39:08 PM

Sup, B
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I see a snail there, though, so that's good.

1/19/2012 9:47:00 PM

All American
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So you've got nothing to back up your continued nonsense? fantastic.

1/19/2012 9:56:19 PM

Sup, B
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i'm sorry you don't comprehend that water flows everywhere. Even in the desert, when there's the ever rare rain, the water will flow into groundwater sources. Thus, the claim of "OMG, groundwater sources!!!" is about as foolish as the magic snail that can only fuck in farmer bob's pond.

but, let's play your game. 8 states are served by this aquifer. guess we better route the pipeline in a big "C" through more land just to avoid it. yep. that's a great idea! or, we could just ship the oil by tanker truck, that'd be better, right? sure is a great thing we got the magic boogeyman of "OMFG GROUNDWATER!!!!" all across the US so that we can't build anythingq

1/19/2012 10:10:19 PM

All American
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Apparently, your absurdity knows no bounds. Water flowing everywhere isn't germane to this discussion. How they reroute the pipeline isn't my concern but it clearly is to those whom it's currently proposed path would threaten. Do you trust the oil and gas company's enough to construct a pipeline over Fall's Lake?

1/19/2012 11:00:00 PM

All American
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FYI the governor of Nebraska wants this pipeline. And I think 3 years is long enough for a study...

1/20/2012 8:19:29 AM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"Apparently, your absurdity knows no bounds. Water flowing everywhere isn't germane to this discussion."

the hell it isn't. the only reason to mention an underground aquifer is to suggest possible pollution of a water source. well, guess what? all rainfall flows to a drinking water source, and it rains pretty much everywhere on earth, even in deserts.

^ exactly. Obama claims they need "more time" but what he really means is "I want to play politics and punt because my base won't like me doing what's best for the country in this instance." If they haven't done a damned study yet, then it's the fault of the environmentalist nutjobs for not even trying to prove their claims.

Quote :
"Do you trust the oil and gas company's enough to construct a pipeline over Fall's Lake?"

With proper regulation and oversight, sure. Oh, and if we could sue the piss out of them for the actual cost of any cleanup, then there'd be no problem. Limited liability is bullshit

[Edited on January 20, 2012 at 10:14 AM. Reason : ]

1/20/2012 10:12:53 AM

All American
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Quote :
"With proper regulation and oversight, sure. Oh, and if we could sue the piss out of them for the actual cost of any cleanup, then there'd be no problem. Limited liability is bullshit"

this....Allow unlimited liability for damages and suddenly there would be little need for regulation proper since companies would be doing everything possible to ensure no accidents.

[Edited on January 20, 2012 at 10:27 AM. Reason : .]

1/20/2012 10:26:50 AM

All American
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Quote :
"FYI the governor of Nebraska wants this pipeline. "

Does he want it? Sure, but does he want it on its current path? Not so much.

I entered this discussion fairly apathetic about the pipeline knowing that it will likely get built regardless. I merely took umbrage with the perpetual qualifiers from the right of "nutjob, wacko, radical, et. al." attached to environmentalist especially in a case such as this where while some certainly applaud this, had little to do with why it was turned down at time.

I certainly favor unlimited liability. Let them drill in already authorized areas and when they fuck up, then bankrupt them.

1/20/2012 12:20:14 PM

All American
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Quote :
"These people won't be happy until we are living in caves and shivering our asses off."

lol wut

1/20/2012 12:29:16 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"I merely took umbrage with the perpetual qualifiers from the right of "nutjob, wacko, radical, et. al." attached to environmentalist especially in a case such as this where while some certainly applaud this, had little to do with why it was turned down at time. "

I'm certainly not calling every single person who cares about the environment a "nutjob." Neither am I calling every single environmentalist out there a "nutjob." The people I am calling "nutjobs" are the ones who block any progress anywhere at any time.

1/20/2012 12:38:38 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Liberal Hypocrisy on Obama Vs Bush

2/11/2012 8:00:29 PM

All American
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2/11/2012 8:06:48 PM

All American
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making its rounds on my facebook this morning.

2/13/2012 9:27:46 AM

All American
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Well, your facebook is fucking dumber than you are.

2/13/2012 9:34:52 AM

All American
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2/13/2012 10:58:56 AM

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lol @ all the butthurt

2/14/2012 11:26:15 AM

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