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All American
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I'm not asking for a suspension. Just posting what I just did.

I just added 37 images to my "ad-blocker" - and even with just the text, his posts are about 4 'pages' long. before i added his images to the list, i had to hit page down about 15 times every time i came upon one of his posts.

Can a moderator please explain why this is acceptable or necessary? This isn't about who makes shitty threads, etc etc etc. They all suck, even mine. I'm just wondering what the mods think about these 15 page posts and why they seem to let it slide.

Also if anyone has that "block user" plugin for firefox, let me know. I guess he has the 'right' to be on TWW like the rest of us, it would just be nice if he wasn't intentionally annoying. There is NO legit reason to post 15 pages of random pictures and words inside each thread.

2/29/2008 9:44:11 PM

All American
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I've never actually seen him use that many words... pic-bombing, yes, he does that, but words? Having anything more than two or three all-caps lines has never really been his style.

Well, nevermind, I just went into the "post when you're stalking jackleg" topic and I see your point... He basically took a large series of phrases from EUPHALO and stacked them all together with some pictures in between... just PM him to keep it on the low or something... or maybe he'll see this topic.

Oddly enough, none of those are his actual words... it was all copy-paste.

[Edited on February 29, 2008 at 10:16 PM. Reason : .]

2/29/2008 10:12:11 PM

balls deep
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It's my firm belief that over the years he has just gotten the moderators 'accustomed' to his posting style (spam), and has continued to build on this posting style (more spam).

So now, he just kind of gets away with an ungodly amount of utterly worthless post padding (OH MY FUCKING GOD, DO YOU ALL REALIZE HOW MUCH HE SPAMS TWW?!)

It sucks. I mean, who wants to see that shit over and over again?

2/29/2008 11:00:14 PM

12937 Posts
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jackleg had to scroll!

2/29/2008 11:08:57 PM

All American
5342 Posts
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Quote :
"utterly worthless post padding"

Posts : 45872 (18.3 per day)

[Edited on February 29, 2008 at 11:15 PM. Reason : .]

2/29/2008 11:13:27 PM

70170 Posts
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well jackleg, if you didn't have a faggot script that auto-posted in your thread every time someone viewed your profile (fucking lame and attention whorish if you ask me, oh look at me nobody wants to post in my thread, let's make it so they have to!)

then I wouldn't have edited my post in that thread to say that

it's one thread

and you know you don't have to click on my EUPHALO thread, so shut the fuck up and quit bitching

2/29/2008 11:19:04 PM

70170 Posts
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oh and

Quote :



2/29/2008 11:25:25 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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^^^ thing is....there is actually content behind my posts. I'm not going to say that all of them are goldmines. But I will say that I don't copy something and paste it into the reply dialog box hundreds of times per day...

2/29/2008 11:33:52 PM

All American
9667 Posts
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Oh shit,

ReceiveDeath is pissed!

2/29/2008 11:34:25 PM

All American
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im pretty sure this is /thread now

2/29/2008 11:39:20 PM

All American
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Quote :
"well jackleg, if you didn't have a faggot script that auto-posted in your thread every time someone viewed your profile (fucking lame and attention whorish if you ask me, oh look at me nobody wants to post in my thread, let's make it so they have to!)

then I wouldn't have edited my post in that thread to say that

it's one thread

and you know you don't have to click on my EUPHALO thread, so shut the fuck up and quit bitching"

Attention Whore? Seriously? I like TWW as much as the next guy, but don't go projecting your stuff on me just because I apparantly touched a nerve with this thread. (Might I also add that it was a respectful thread that did not insult you)

I've never clicked on the "EUPHALO thread" so I'm not sure about all that. And now that you mention it, it was in that particular thread where i did all the picture blocking (so I didn't see it anymore after that). I assumed that it was everywhere else. I admit to assuming.... and I think you should admit that you post a ton of those pictures in other threads as well. Maybe not the 15 pages worth, but definitely strings of random pictures and huge text and all sorts of crap like that.


Also, I made this thread and asked that you NOT be suspended or anything like that. I simply asked what the point of it and threw it out there to see if anyone else felt the same way or noticed it. I didn't do any namecalling or any of that shit.

Then I asked for the block user plugin. I was looking for ways to avoid having to see this crap all the time without "getting you in trouble" - and you come in here and start throwing around profanity... fuck this, fuck that, fuck my faggot script, etc.

As for the script, I've been on TWW for like 7 years. I've seen it all, I don't get off on how many pages my threads hit like you do. I don't spam and ask people to post in my threads. Just because you're like that doesn't mean that I have the same condition.

Actually, its quite the opposite. if there were a way to make that thread invisible, I would do it. I just thought it would be a neat way to keep track of it. If it REALLY bugs people, they can say something and I can just set up a database to save the names who click it. It's not about getting posts, but I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that.

So, if this is being a "whiny little bitch", then so be it. I'd much rather present my points calmly without calling names and being rude and demanding suspensions than to come in and project my issues and start calling people faggots and attacking their ideas. You act like I make this thread in an effort to actually cause you some sort of harm.

I appreciate comedy, I think the Crispus sings thing was funny. The indian dude thread was funny. The dancing mouse thing was funny. I like a lot of the other things, too, but not 40 of them in a row in the middle of threads.

Thank you and have a nice day, sir.



aka the stupid lame faggot crying whining baby son of a bitch loser who cant get anyone to post in his thread which is actually a database of people who clicked my profile, who made this thread out of jealousy of RDs ability to pad

3/1/2008 1:17:08 PM

25063 Posts
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i think that RD should go in timeout because it's not acceptable - i also think jackleg's profile thread should go away and if anything use something like

there is no need for both of those things in my opinion

3/1/2008 1:40:15 PM

All American
25609 Posts
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miley cyrus = not hot

3/2/2008 2:49:19 AM

70170 Posts
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I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that

3/2/2008 3:15:19 AM

All American
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warning: i will reply to omar without the traditional caps and punctuation because i feel this is less formal.

Quote :
"i think that RD should go in timeout because it's not acceptable - i also think jackleg's profile thread should go away and if anything use something like

there is no need for both of those things in my opinion"

this is great, and you know why.... cause the ISSUE people be upset about is the actual fact that they are being logged and not the method of storage. and considering we have essentially the same thing going on, i just find it funny that you'd call mine UNACCEPTABLE - but as i will touch on eventually in my story, i'll be happy to move it back to where its been for the past year where no one noticed it at all and no one was ever hurt by it. or i'll move it offsite all together. but first hear me out.

my profile thread has moderator approval. it used to go to the "what are you thinking about right now" thread (which is 1000000 pages of spam) and just post "jackleg" -- but then i had the output page changed so i could actually keep up with the list.

since i have moderator approval, both now, and implied permission from the chit chat mods the last time i had it (they erased posts for me from people who posted because of it, i think you get the idea), i saw it as no big deal.

but obviously there are 1000 other ways i can have it output. i thought all the mods were cohesive or whatever and wouldnt be trying to overturn each other (especially in this case, considering...), but if there is a problem then you guys can let me know and i'm sure i can talk with the host and make some changes that either just send me a PM, or store up the names in a table and email them to me weekly and then flush and redraw the table.

i guess what im saying is that i can see that the script itself is not an issue but if the chit chat mods want me to take the output out of chit chat, i will be happy to. i just assumed that they didn't mind since they have both assisted me with the output in the past.

no big deal, though. just tell gunzz to pm me if its a big deal and i'll redirect the output. only difference between mine and yours is that mine isnt quite so hidden... the output shows up in a thread, and yours shows up offsite at a location you have to find inside the client side source code. at least that i know of. could be an object in your profile, i havent been lately (as you know!!1)

but as i told you a couple weeks ago, my purpose here is not to bitch. i know the right to do that is not guaranteed, and i'll gladly work with the host to change it if TWW (meaning the mods, not the users) would like me to. it's just hilarious to me that i had it up for a year posting into a random thread and NO ONE noticed but now that it has a thread that says "stalking jackleg" in the title, people are offended. either way i will take it down if required. i only get mad about tww IRL when tww people cross a certain line and send letters into my IRL and shit, as we discussed a couple weeks back

3/2/2008 6:17:53 AM

70170 Posts
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WHAT IS LOVE????????????????????????????

3/2/2008 6:44:20 AM

All American
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go play nintendo. grown folks are talking.

[Edited on March 2, 2008 at 6:48 AM. Reason : he originally called you a faggot, omer. then ghost edited it. fwiw]

3/2/2008 6:47:23 AM

70170 Posts
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I have never once acknowledged Omar until now, pre-edit or without, so quit fucking lying

3/2/2008 7:12:39 AM

25063 Posts
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i was just stating my preference - not going to do anything about it

3/2/2008 9:44:15 AM

40404 Posts
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yeah really. mods can say and do things without it being interpreted as coming down from up high on mount wolfweb.

3/2/2008 2:14:50 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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I just like how this is taking all the attention off of me.

3/2/2008 2:41:40 PM

All American
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what did you do, i never pay you any attention anyways

3/2/2008 6:36:18 PM

Mr Scrumples
61466 Posts
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seriously. I don't wanna talk bad about anybody to any serious degree, but when your posts are like a neurotic synapse that you can't control and it inflicts other people even at a distance on ther Internet, then you need to calm it on down.

3/2/2008 7:15:22 PM

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note that I'm not the one getting worked up about this

the amount of threads that are made about me only serve to amuse me

3/4/2008 10:05:10 PM

All American
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no one's worked up about it, as in literally upset or mad or angry or anything. i'm gonna try to explain this to you and type as much as i can. just to show you how calm i am

i, for one, am calmly sitting in my chair. not much is going on in my mind, i'm just chilling. reading some tww. tv in the background might catch my attention if one of my DVR shows starts recording and the channel switches itself

so my blood pressure is normal. same as it would be if i were on the couch watching tv relaxing.

when i think worked up, i think that at the very least, blood pressure would be through the roof. in the extreme/funny case, the person would likely have a frown or grimace, maybe some veins on the forehead popping out. probably sweat. typing feverishly, not thinking clearly.

but seriously, when i think "worked up", especially when talking about me and tww... a good example would be when someone is trolling me about "innocent until proven guilty", or the death penalty, or basically anything that somehow involves the real world. i've caught myself arguing about that with people, and i would say that i was worked up. i'd be visibly mad, and anxious to get the post done, and then when they still didn't see it "my way" (the right way!), i'd feel like i wanted to punch something. that's worked up.

when i talk about you being annoying on tww, i am not worked up. basically, if i wouldn't get worked up about it while having the conversation in person, i wouldnt on the internet. which is why if we discussed politics or something i might get worked up. but post padding (assuming id ever talk about it to someone IRL) is not the kind of thing that sane people get worked up over

3/5/2008 7:51:14 PM

70170 Posts
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Quote :
"but when your posts are like a neurotic synapse that you can't control and it inflicts other people even at a distance on ther Internet"

no one's worked up about it?

so my posts are somehow a "neurotic synapse" (as little sense as that makes) towards people

but they don't care

and they continue to make threads and post novels in them


3/5/2008 8:43:36 PM

All American
14538 Posts
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you do quite a bit of bitching lately

3/5/2008 11:44:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"no one's worked up about it?"

not at all. if i were bent out of shape id be posting after you and in all your threads to talk shit. definitely not worked up, not even a little. sorry

3/6/2008 12:11:32 AM

Tom Joad
72757 Posts
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i don't click on the thread

does it slow tww down physically?

having all those pages?

3/6/2008 12:28:00 AM

All American
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it's no more padding than evan and jackleg telling us every new thing they come across on the internet

3/6/2008 12:59:01 AM

All American
8704 Posts
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Quote :
"it's no more padding than evan and jackleg telling us every new thing they come across on the internet


3/6/2008 1:25:26 AM

All American
8019 Posts
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can we delete him, his threads, and posts?

3/6/2008 4:13:18 AM

1084 Posts
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only if were allowed to delete you and any number of random users that equal up to his number of posts

3/6/2008 4:14:35 AM

All American
8019 Posts
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thats a deal

[Edited on March 6, 2008 at 4:21 AM. Reason : if you terminate you, rd, and all aliases with that crew]

3/6/2008 4:21:05 AM

1084 Posts
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you arent allowed to negotiate

3/6/2008 4:23:11 AM

32613 Posts
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so how much did his post count drop??

3/6/2008 8:08:33 AM

147487 Posts
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none i dont think

3/6/2008 9:19:49 AM

 Message Boards » Feedback Forum » ReceiveDeath Page [1]  
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