Jokes » Rose, Lilac, and Cinderblock...
A woman had 3 daughters. They're names were Rose, Lilac, and Cinderblock.
One day Rose walks up to her mother and says, "Mom, why did you name me Rose?" The mother replies, "Because on the day you were born a rose petal fell on your head, so we named you Rose."
A few days later, Lilac walks up to her mother and says, "Mom, why did you name me Lilac?" The mother replies, "Because on the day you were born a lilac petal fell on your head, so we named you Lilac."
Soon after, Cinderblock approaches her mother and says "MAAHAHHHANAAAKKKKAAA BBAAAAAA GAEEEEEEEEUUUIIIIIIMAAAAAA". Then the mom says "shut up Cinderblock".
submitted by ToiletPaper on Tuesday, April 6 at 5:51 PM