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 Message Boards » » Access Xbox file system on modded xbox Page [1]  
All American
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So i just got my xbox modded with the xecutor 2.6 I have a later but not latest version of evox and avalanch. I've tried to ftp to the xbox through several ftp programs, xplorer, and ie. The xbox is on my network connected on port 4 of my router whereas i am on port 1. I'm reading the ip address on the xbox as a local one (, and it's accessing shoutcast. I cannot freaking access the file system no matter what i do. I've read all kinds of tutorials at but they all assume you ALREADY have access to it. I can't change the config files cause i can't get to them. What am i supposed to do?

Before i get teh typical responses about looking it up somewhere else... .I've goggled it and searched it at xbox-scene AND searched through tech talk already

[Edited on August 10, 2005 at 7:40 PM. Reason : Covering all the bases]

8/10/2005 7:36:55 PM

All American
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*sigh* just as i tried to connect again to see what the error was it mysteriously started working. This makes no sense.

8/10/2005 7:42:34 PM

All American
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Without more information, this could be anything... The choices range from incorrect settings on the xbox (unlikely), configuration problems with the router (more plausible, but doubtful), and user error (probably).

8/11/2005 1:05:14 PM

22518 Posts
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Quote :
"user error (probably)."

basically it is an ID-10-T error

8/11/2005 1:34:48 PM

All American
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I'd know if it was user error.

It works intermittedly. I can changed absolutely nothing except reboot the xbox and close the programs i'm using a few times and it'll start working again.

I did get some advice today tho, apparently the avalaunch ftp server isn't very reliable so i've swtiched to the media center ftp. It seems to work much better. OH LOOK IT WASNT USER ERROR AFTERALL.

I'm not an idiot, btw. I am a computer engineer major, I know about this stuff. I wouldn't have come to ask you guys questions if i thought i was going to get stupid shit about how i must be an idiot. Save that shit for chit chat.

[Edited on August 13, 2005 at 12:48 AM. Reason : ]

8/13/2005 12:46:37 AM

El Nachó
special helper
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I should have responded to this a couple of days ago like I was going to, but I too have seen many instances of evox's ftp server simply not working properly. I probably have an older version (well I know I have an older version, but maybe it's been fixed in a later version) but I'm just too busy/lazy to bother upgrading since everything else works fine.

But I was gonna suggest loading up xbmc to ftp to your box, but it sounds like you already figured that out.

Maybe you're not as stupid as ^^,^^^ they think you are.

8/13/2005 1:36:45 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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xbmc's web and ftp servers are gimp compared to whatever version of evox I have on my xbox (OLD, from v1.0 softmod). when my xbox is in xbmc the ftp often fails to connect outside my subnet and it's often slow. when I leave it on evox the problem goes away. I wish someone would update these servers to take ssh commands as raw ftp commands so I could control things remotely in a non-gimp manner like with xbmc webserver

8/13/2005 1:46:05 AM

All American
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Quote :
"xplorer, and ie"

Quote :

Yeah it was. Use a real FTP client and you'll see Ava has one of the most stable ftp servers on teh xbox.

8/13/2005 7:57:33 AM

All American
11215 Posts
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ava itself is buggy and has freeze errors

8/13/2005 12:13:17 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Access Xbox file system on modded xbox Page [1]  
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