KiLLm3rEd All American 1952 Posts user info edit post |
So i got this sweet car mp3 player w/ a HD and wifi that updates every night over my wireless connection. Problem is I have 100's of mp3's that are not properly named with the same case and spelling of the mp3s and id3 tags. anyone know of a good program that can help me go through and organize... and yeah, i searched tww. and google, but who knows there are so many.. what do you recomend? 8/11/2005 7:01:34 PM |
scrager All American 9481 Posts user info edit post |
mp3 tag studio 8/11/2005 7:22:31 PM |
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
Check out MusicBrainz... It analyzes the file and compares it to an online database and tags/renames automatically. It's great and FREE 8/11/2005 7:23:35 PM |
duro982 All American 3088 Posts user info edit post |
musicbrainz worked really good for me. Ran almost 2000 mp3 through, and it got a lot of them on it's own, then there were a few hundred where it gave me choices and it was usually the very first one, so I just had to click it. I would just leave the program open then do like 30 or so at a time until I got done. That may seem like a pain in the ass, but it's the best option i found and once it's done it's just a matter of getting the stuff right as you add new songs from there on. I think i did have to register or something but it's free, and this was several months ago so they probably have a larger data base by now. 8/11/2005 7:24:56 PM |
A Tanzarian drip drip boom 10996 Posts user info edit post |
I usually use TagScanner.
Quote : | "Software Publisher's Description: TagScanner is a multifunction program to organize large music collections. It can edit tags of several progressive audio formats, rename files based on the tag information, and generate tag information from filenames. Also you may get album info via Internet music database Supports ID3v1, ID3v2, Vorbis comments and APEv2 tags. Worksheets technology. Powerful TAG editor with batch functions and special features. Playlist maker with ability to export playlists to HTML or Excel. Built-in player." | 7:56:09 PM |
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
^ This is a good program.
If you have a ton of files named so incredibly wrong, MusicBrainz is wonderful 8/12/2005 6:59:48 PM |
statepkt All American 3592 Posts user info edit post |
Tried MusicBrainz worked great. 8/12/2005 10:15:45 PM |
BEUs Lady All American 2414 Posts user info edit post |
w00t thanks, I was soon going to attempt a music organization spree 8/13/2005 11:59:54 PM |