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 Message Boards » » Blender meal suggestions? Page [1]  
All American
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I just had oral surgery and Im not supposed to eat anything near-solid for a few days. I've been eating soup and yogurt for days, and Im utterly sick of them. Does anyone know of some good whole meals that can be made in a blender? I tried googling it, but I mostly came up with blended sauces and toppings.

1/4/2006 8:04:30 PM

All American
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1/4/2006 8:07:33 PM

All American
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instant potatoes can be made into a whole meal with cheese, sour cream, etc. Just make em with a little more milk than you would normally to a moister texture.

1/4/2006 8:10:04 PM

Yankee Cowboy
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1/4/2006 8:10:40 PM

All American
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when I had my wisdom teeth out, I ate broken up cornmeal dumplings in chicken broth. it was really thin but tasted good and had a lot of carbohydrates and protein

1/4/2006 8:13:33 PM

All American
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i broke my jaw when i was like 14.... had my jaw wired shut for a few weeks (you're sick of soup after only a few days???). the oral surgeon gave me a recipe book of liquid meals. i remember most of them being gross (i ended up mostly eating pureed soups) but i do remember 1. you had to cook a couple hot dogs, and then blend it with a can of tomato juice... it was supposed to taste like a hot dog or something.

i'd probably stick with the soups.

1/4/2006 8:14:51 PM

All American
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shakes, smoothies, or meal replacement stuff added to it.

[Edited on January 4, 2006 at 8:16 PM. Reason : m]

1/4/2006 8:15:49 PM

All American
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This is going to sound weird, but home-made baby food ... here's some stuff I made for my son (and some I still make)

1. "Creamed" spinach - get canned spinach and put it in a food processor with cream of mushroom soup, no extra water/milk needed

2. various steamed or baked veggies - his faves are butternut squash and twice-baked sweet potatoes - I make his plain, but you can add salt and/or butter if you want

3. fruit smoothie (Hell, I even make this for ME) ... adult size: 1c cinnamon applesauce, a dozen or so frozen strawberries, and a whole banana. For the strawberries, slice them first and freeze on wax paper.

4. chicken/veggies - bake chicken with a good 1/2" or more of water in a covered pan, preferably a roaster pan. puree it in the blender with some steamed veggies, or just open a can of peas or something

5. Broccoli and cheese - get the condensed soup, and puree a can of soup with a can of peas and carrots - this is NOT tasty with meat

All of these you should be able to suck through a straw, although it'll be kinda thick so you might want to have some juice (for the fruity things) and boullion cubes/broth (for the meat/veggies) handy to thin them out, or get an oversized straw. You could also spoon it if you can open your mouth enough.

Aside from the texture being weird, all four of these are pretty good I've tasted them to make sure they taste like table food should taste since I'm weaning my son onto table food. I make them without salt or a lot of spices, so they are kinda bland when he eats them - but spices can of course be added for your tastes.

1/4/2006 10:21:14 PM

All American
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1 cup milk
1-2 cups of frozen fruit (usually strawberries, blue berries, peaches, or some combo)
1 bananna
couple tablespoons of vanila yogart
1-2 teaspoons of all natural peanut butter (i use crazy richard's brand from food lion)
1 packet worth of plain instant oatmeal (cooked)
1 scoop protein powder (I use strawberry)
little bit of flax seed
1/3 pint glass of crushed ice

Blend until liquid, add more milk until you get the right thickness.

Stole this from my roommate's "Abs Diet" book, tastes pretty good.

1/5/2006 12:48:15 AM

All American
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I got my wisdom teeth out today sucks

1/5/2006 12:54:22 AM

All American
14033 Posts
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Whey Protein (preferably chocolate)
Scoop of Peanut Butter
Glass of Milk
Couple Squirts of Chocolate syrup
Spoonful of ground flaxseed
Glass of ice

This shit is tasty. I sometimes add instant coffee for breakfast to wake me up. Add some nuked oatmeal if you want fiber.

Workout smoothie recipes are what you want. Check out the Men's Health website for tons of recipes from the Abs Diet

1/5/2006 1:14:19 AM

All American
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pizza, beer, blender. good shit.

1/5/2006 1:30:34 AM

All American
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Blend up babies. They are high in protein.

1/5/2006 2:02:16 AM

All American
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^ higher in fat

1/5/2006 2:15:22 AM

All American
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1/5/2006 3:41:09 AM

All American
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1/5/2006 6:40:23 AM

All American
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I'm getting my jaw broken in about a year.
I'd rather live on smoothies and lose a few pounds than drink pureed meat.

1/5/2006 2:13:30 PM

All American
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Quote :

1/5/2006 2:18:54 PM

All American
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^^^^ my first thought..

1/5/2006 5:05:59 PM

All American
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i had my jaw broken and realigned a few years ago. i couldn't eat solid foods for 6 weeks. the thing i remember making the most is taking a soft taco from taco bell & putting the inside in the blender. from what i remember it tasted like that 7 layer dip stuff. wasn't too bad & beat the hell out of drinking another ensure.

1/5/2006 5:14:06 PM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » Blender meal suggestions? Page [1]  
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