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 Message Boards » » Passport info, true or false Page [1]  
All American
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is it really acceptable to just use a raised certificate of birth and drivers license instead of a passport to go to oh say the caribbean islands? dont know if i have the itme to get one

1/5/2006 2:56:35 PM

25082 Posts
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as of january 01 2006 - no - before then yes

1/5/2006 2:57:52 PM

All American
38546 Posts
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well damn

1/5/2006 2:59:09 PM

25082 Posts
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you can get it rushed pretty fast - but you will pay for it - google

1/5/2006 2:59:55 PM

All American
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yeah i think it's an extra $60 to have it mailed to you within 3-5 days

1/5/2006 3:01:47 PM

76471 Posts
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there's an office on campus that can rush a passport for $75, iirc

the folks at CSLEPS can tell you more. they're who i heard that from.

1/5/2006 3:01:58 PM

217 Posts
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Pretty sure the passport requirement got pushed back by another year, so other forms of ID which were previously valid should still be. New date of implementation is December 31,2006.

[Edited on January 5, 2006 at 3:15 PM. Reason : more]

1/5/2006 3:15:13 PM

All American
646 Posts
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This is a total n00b question, but how do you go about getting a passport? I don't have any need for one in the immediate future, but you never know, it could come in handy some day.

1/5/2006 3:16:14 PM

25082 Posts
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ahh hadn't heard it got pushed back

1/5/2006 3:16:17 PM

All American
4414 Posts
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^^ read up on it,

1/5/2006 3:21:05 PM

All American
9855 Posts
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It usually takes about 3 weeks to get your passport.

1/5/2006 3:27:15 PM

All American
60354 Posts
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if you're not in any rush

go to the post office

1/5/2006 3:32:43 PM

All American
1958 Posts
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not just any post office, but it has to be one with an in-house passport guy. but yeah they already had the passport fair at school in the fall, i dunno if they have another one in the spring or you could go there. you need to have your pictures taken to be on the safeside if u go to a post office bc not all of them take them there... i got mine done at sears for like 12 bucks i think.

1/5/2006 3:43:34 PM

All American
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i did a search and they gave me post offices with in house photos, which im assuming means i can take my photos there

the cost to get a passport is 97 bucks with all the fees and such, to expedite it the cost is 170 dollars. and itll take 2 weeks instead of 4-6. but in order to get one you need a birth certificate with the raised certificate and drivers license, which i was also told those few items would be fine

i mean what would be the penalty of not wasting 170 bucks to use on the trip and just bring the other forms of identity?

1/5/2006 5:24:22 PM

All American
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the only potential penalty is being turned away at any border crossing or port of entry. doubtful it will happen given the pushed back date but could be a possibility.

Oh and if you get arrested outside of the country, having a passport will greatly expedite any services that the US Embassy might be able to provide.

1/5/2006 5:38:57 PM

All American
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i was able to goto (and return from) the bahamas without a passport back in christmas of 2004

1/5/2006 6:14:33 PM

Neil Street
All American
3067 Posts
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just go ahead and get a passport. when you can get r/t tickets to europe for < $400 you won't be pissed at yourself for not having one.

1/5/2006 7:34:24 PM

All American
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just do what i did when i first became a citizen. Drove to DC and had it done on the spot.

1/5/2006 7:38:16 PM

All American
6858 Posts
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Also, if you contact your Congressman/Senator, you should be able to expedite a passport...within days, not weeks.

1/5/2006 7:55:05 PM

All American
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I paid for the rush shipping on mine in October, and got it back in 8 days

1/5/2006 8:42:21 PM

All American
7620 Posts
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How soon do you need it? You do it now you should have it back by spring break. As has been said, you can certainly go into another country with identification, but it will be much less hassle to have the passport. (I myself don't feel comfortable carrying around my original birth certificate into another country).

Go here to lookup a specific country:

From Sizzle's link:
Quote :
"When will the Travel Initiative be implemented?

In the proposed implementation plan, which is subject to a period of initial public comment, the Initiative will be rolled out in phases, providing as much advance notice as possible to the affected public to enable them to meet the terms of the new guidelines. The proposed timeline will be as follows:

* December 31, 2006 – Requirement applied to all air and sea travel to or from Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.
* December 31, 2007 – Requirement extended to all land border crossings as well as air and sea travel.

I thought there was an additional phase to be implemented on December 31, 2005. Is this a change?

In April 2005, the Departments of State (DOS) and Homeland Security (DHS) announced a proposed plan to be implemented in three phases beginning on December 31, 2005 for the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. After further review and considering the delay in publishing the public notice in the Federal Register, DOS and DHS recognized that implementing the December 31, 2005, phase would be problematic for travelers during the upcoming winter tourism season. This change will simplify the implementation and provide a longer lead-time for travelers to come into compliance with the requirements.

1/5/2006 9:15:20 PM

All American
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i need it for spring break
im afraid to risk it
but i guess i could and if i dont get it just bring the other documents

1/5/2006 9:34:22 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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i need to get a passport

i have one that has expired, could i just have an updated picture taken and use the old passport to ease the process at all?

1/5/2006 9:46:18 PM

All American
6985 Posts
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^ I was in the same boat

You have to get a new passport, they take your old one and the picture and your money and send you back your new passport and your old one.

1/5/2006 11:13:56 PM

All American
77386 Posts
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so i dont have to fill out the forms?

itd be nice if i could just do like you say and get a new pic made and just send the old passport w/ it

1/5/2006 11:42:18 PM

All American
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you still have to fill out the forms, but you no longer need all that extra identification. just bring your old passport in with a filled out form (it doesn't take long to fill it out). you might want to bring extra ID just in case.

1/6/2006 1:13:28 AM

All American
1958 Posts
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wait so im now gonna have to use my passport to get back from tiajuana.. oh o. before they didnt even check my id.

1/6/2006 3:34:32 AM

217 Posts
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Um, no. Well not until the end of this calendar year.

1/6/2006 10:18:10 AM

All American
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Quote :
"BAHAMAS - Proof of U.S. citizenship, i.e., a passport (if you are using an expired passport it cannot be expired more than 5 years) or original or certified copy of a birth certificate with a photo ID, and onward/return ticket required for stay of up to 8 months. Proof of sufficient funds required. Passport and residence/work permit needed for residence and business. Permit required for firearms and to import pets. Departure tax of $15 must be paid at airport. For more information call Embassy of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, 2220 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20008 (202/319-2660) or nearest Consulate: Miami (305/373-6295) or New York (212/421-6420). Internet:"

am i reading this right meaning i don't have to get a new passport, since mine expired just 3 years ago?

1/6/2006 4:09:06 PM

150 Posts
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It's really just a lot easier to get a passport, then to fool with the other shit. No one will question it and you won't have to worry. Plus, they're good for such a long time that it's worth it just have one.

On the application, put a travel date of a month/month and a half before your actual departure date and it will be processed faster. If you do it right now, I'd think you'd be fine for spring break.

1/6/2006 5:19:51 PM

All American
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one hundred dollars though

1/6/2006 6:26:40 PM

 Message Boards » The Lounge » Passport info, true or false Page [1]  
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