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All American
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I put my computer together sunday afternoon with these parts...

AMD|OPTERON 165 1.8G 2x1M 939 R
1Gx2|D400 OCZ4002048ELDCPE-K R
XFX 7900GT 256MB PV-T71G-UCE7

(no overclocking on anything yet)

I installed the fear demo, and it ran perfectly at maximum settings for the first day. On Monday, I was playing the demo and all of a sudden all the walls in the game turned purple and pixelated, and i had to shut it down, but thought it was just a glitch. I went and bought the full version, and whenever i play it on the max settings it locks up completely and restarts on its own. And when i have it on high settings it has these long shadows that arent supposed to be there, and random spots in the sky in the game.

Is the video card going bad?

I reinstalled nvidia drivers...didnt help.. installed nvo drivers.... didnt help.

Its not a heat issue either... the temp never goes above 47 C

What should i do?

[Edited on April 30, 2006 at 5:58 PM. Reason : ]

4/30/2006 5:57:43 PM

All American
11215 Posts
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have you ran 3dmark in loops to look for errors?

have you checked temp. settings on the 7900 to make sure it doesn't overheat?

run memtest on your memory (probably not it, but test anyways).

go to the xfx message boards and if you don't see anything there call them.

4/30/2006 6:00:07 PM

All American
3592 Posts
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what happens when you lower the settings?

And do you have the video card on its own power line, or shared with lots of other things?

4/30/2006 8:47:30 PM

11931 Posts
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Why do you jackasses buy 7900gt's when 8200 is coming out in 3 months, jesus you waste your money.

4/30/2006 9:35:37 PM

All American
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and then a few months later something better will come out.

shut the fuck up.

4/30/2006 9:58:50 PM

All American
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Overheating was a big issue with my X800XT. I made sure air was circulating and that it wasn't getting too hot. I wound up adding an extra fan just to make sure. No more issues.

4/30/2006 10:08:32 PM

1255 Posts
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^ you could just blow off the heat sinks with compressed air. Thats what i did, kept it from running hot.

4/30/2006 11:42:02 PM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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My guesses are heat and/or drivers, but you seem to have covered the troubleshooting for that. I'd check the various game and harware forums and see if anyone has had a similar problem.

4/30/2006 11:56:08 PM

All American
1172 Posts
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^^^^^ you could say that about any card at any given time. jackass.

5/1/2006 9:52:15 AM

19558 Posts
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Quote :
"Why do you jackasses buy 7900gt'svideo cards when 8200 you haven't had girlfriends is coming out in 3 monthsyears, jesus you waste your money."

5/1/2006 10:09:30 AM

All American
11215 Posts
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we all know you get all the girls state409c

5/1/2006 12:27:01 PM

19558 Posts
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My post was the shortest path to saying "I get sick of all these damn video card threads" and "you guys play computer games too god damned much" without going into detail about how at least once a week (and more when new models come out) someone cries about their video game performance without taking the basic debugging steps or doing a little more research themselves into the matter.

Of course, this seems to be a little bit more unique case, but generally speaking, if drivers and heat have been checked, then a very quick google search should render any card specific issues and barring that then I doubt any of us will have a clue what the problem is.

5/1/2006 1:15:22 PM

All American
15654 Posts
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The early versions of the 7900GT have had some issues with many people RMAing their cards due to artifacts on stock speeds. You may want to consider calling XFX because you might end up RMA.

5/1/2006 1:18:07 PM

All American
542 Posts
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Quote :
"what happens when you lower the settings?

And do you have the video card on its own power line, or shared with lots of other things?


Lowering the settings keeps it from locking up for a little longer.
Video card has its own power line.
Voltages on PSU are right on and stable.

Quote :
"have you checked temp. settings on the 7900 to make sure it doesn't overheat?

run memtest on your memory (probably not it, but test anyways)."

Temp is fine... the cpu and gpu are liquid cooled.
Memtest ran for 5 hours with no errors.

Quote :
"The early versions of the 7900GT have had some issues with many people RMAing their cards due to artifacts on stock speeds. You may want to consider calling XFX because you might end up RMA."

That seems to be the issue. Ive read other reviews saying that the card ran perfectly at max settings for a few days, and then began artifacting and locking up.
I went ahead and did an RMA on it. Hopefully the new one will work ok.

5/1/2006 7:28:26 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » 7900GT problem Page [1]  
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