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 Message Boards » » Time Warner Broadband and WiFi Page [1]  
All American
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So I have Time Warner Broadband and they set me up a wireless router, but I don't think they password protected it. Sometimes I feel like my neighbors could be mooching (ie, massive slowdown and what not.) Is there anyway to tell how many computers are connected to my wireless?

10/19/2006 12:48:57 PM

All American
3592 Posts
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sure, what brand is the router....that will give you the base ip address of the router

from there go there some menu options depending on brand and you can get that info.

10/19/2006 1:00:47 PM

41754 Posts
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Get your own router and save the $10 a month you are paying TWC for it. If you lookup the model of the router on the internet you should be able to find the manuals and shit which will tell you how to get in to the controls. Most of them have a thing where you can password protect it or use MAC adress filtering.

I prefer the password because then when people come over and try to use their Laptops I do not have to go reconfigure the router.

10/19/2006 1:02:29 PM

All American
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I get the router for free, so I don't need to worry about buying my own.

10/19/2006 3:54:53 PM

136 Posts
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It definitely could be your neighbors, but I wouldn't rule out it just being the connection itself. You might want to try plugging directly into the modem next time it slows down on you and see if it makes a difference.

10/19/2006 4:02:13 PM

All American
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^^yea you get it for free but you pay an extra monthly fee for using the wireless network that they "set up"

10/21/2006 12:39:53 PM

75 Posts
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^^ so we want to see if wired is faster than wireless?

10/21/2006 7:07:34 PM

All American
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^ Seriously, go away.

10/22/2006 12:03:57 AM

All American
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Quote :
"^^yea you get it for free but you pay an extra monthly fee for using the wireless network that they "set up""

No, I don't. When I said free, I meant that they are not charging me any money for it. As in, free.

10/22/2006 12:03:03 PM

75 Posts
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^^ I'm not allowed to ask a question?

And I know wired is faster than wireless, I was just trying to make sure I understood what the guy was saying.

10/23/2006 11:48:46 AM

Thots and Prayers
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By plugging your PC directly to the modem and taking the wireless router out of the equation, you give that PC 100% of the bandwidth available from the RR connection.

If the slowness goes away, then either the router has some problem(s) or there are others leeching off of the wireless.

This is just basic troubleshooting.

10/23/2006 1:49:27 PM

499 Posts
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Quote :
"By plugging your PC directly to the modem and taking the wireless router out of the equation, you give that PC 100% of the bandwidth available from the RR connection.

If the slowness goes away, then either the router has some problem(s) or there are others leeching off of the wireless.

This is just basic troubleshooting.


My router that time warner gave to me was pretty god awful. They were running some sort of special for free wireless and no extra monthly charges so I thought why not. Turned out pretty slow connection, got disconnected every 5-10 minutes just terrible. Now I use a wired network and just plug directly into the wireless router/modem and have no problems.

As for configuring your wireless router I know there is a specific port to connect to ( to open up a web based configuration but it is password protected and you'd probably have to ask your cable guy or look on the internet to find the default.

10/23/2006 2:22:02 PM

All American
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Quote :

hahaha, not quite

finding your router's ip address is pretty easy.

from windows, start menu, run, 'cmd', ipconfig from teh command line.
your default gateway is your routers local 'inside' ip address.

from there, http to that ip address.

10/23/2006 2:41:51 PM

136 Posts
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Quote :
"And I know wired is faster than wireless, I was just trying to make sure I understood what the guy was saying."

Yeah, wired is faster than wireless, but thats really only significant inside the network, assuming your internet connection isn't something crazy fast. Max Theoretical Throughput for an 802.11g connection is 54Mb, but the real world max is 24.7, and what the user actually gets is probably much lower than that. Either way, assuming the computer is within range of the access point, the connection will still be faster than most broadband (RR is 5Mb, and DSL is usually 1.5Mb for home users).

10/28/2006 2:22:30 PM

All American
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ok let me get it free for 6 months, afterwhich they charge you per if you cancel the wifi after 6 months they charge you for the router unless you bring it back to the twc building...but ok, since youre convinced its free. Also, the routers they use are shitty and arent manufacturer supported, so no firmware updates are provided-which is why your router is slow as hell

[Edited on October 29, 2006 at 11:29 PM. Reason : as]

10/29/2006 11:29:16 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Time Warner Broadband and WiFi Page [1]  
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