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 Message Boards » » Sony is funny Page [1]  
All American
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Sony is "informing" all 360 owners that we are required to buy a 20gb HD, and HD Drive, and a wireless controller, and an xbox live subscription.

Funny as shit

10/20/2006 6:39:47 PM

All American
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Interesting article. But all they're basically saying is that you need to spend an extra $400 to rice out a core 360 to get it to equal the base PS3.

They do, however, ignore the fact that all of that is included in the premium 360's. They also assume PS3's online service equals Xbox Live Gold, which I highly doubt considering the massive amounts of $$ they could miss out on making (to break even on the PS3's).

What can I say? I doubt anyone's waiting in line Nov. 17th to buy a console they're actually going to play

[Edited on October 20, 2006 at 7:01 PM. Reason : ]

10/20/2006 7:01:09 PM

All American
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i mean, if you add in the hd drive and wireless adapter, 360 is more, but i think options are nice (particularly when the system costs so damn much).

10/20/2006 7:34:03 PM

39171 Posts
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to get a comparable system (as they are showing) you are required to buy those things

i dont get how that is misleading or what the big deal is? are the nerds still touchy with sony over the cd thing?

10/20/2006 8:06:42 PM

All American
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1) if they used the premium as a pricepoint, itd be at least 50 cheaper
2) the core comes with a controller, sure you dont get a wireless one, but you dont need to buy it (even then you now have a comparable system WITH an extra controller)
3) they never say that it is for a comparable system. it is meant to be misleading by saying you need to buy those things for it to do the same things (true for the hd-dvd, not true for playing the same games)
4) you can still get a lot of online advantages using the silver xbl account, such as downloading previews, updates, and demos.

[Edited on October 20, 2006 at 8:33 PM. Reason : .]

10/20/2006 8:33:14 PM

1374 Posts
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ha ha, that is very funny indeed.

10/20/2006 8:53:28 PM

39171 Posts
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its not misleading, it shows comparable specs and the additional costs. if you dont want those specs you just subtract out the cost

10/20/2006 9:06:01 PM

All American
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i think whats funny is that some of you guys have your panties in a bunch over it.

its a press release FOR the PS3 BY Sony

what do you expect?

but it's true, PS3 may seem really expensive but it's packed full o'goodies. For anyone that has an HDTV, it's a huge bonus that Blu-Ray is included. And streaming PS3 media to PSP sounds delightful, too. THE FUTURE IS NOW.

10/20/2006 9:22:21 PM

All American
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for or against, theres certain standards we have in advertising. many things tread that line, this is one of those things.

[Edited on October 20, 2006 at 9:25 PM. Reason : and youre still ignoring all of my 4 points in some way or another]

10/20/2006 9:24:44 PM

39171 Posts
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1. premium what? does the premium have the same specs?
2. the others have wireless. compare apples to apples
3. its not misleading because it clearly shows the price of the core unit
4. those features are free from the other mfr's but cost money with microsoft

[Edited on October 20, 2006 at 9:33 PM. Reason : also this was a release, not advertising]

10/20/2006 9:32:30 PM

All American
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1) premium system. they compare their cheaper version 360 to the cheaper version ps3 which sounds fine until you realize that even the premium 360 costs less than the low-end ps3. the premium version has lots of those things (wireless controller, hdd, etc) built into its price and offers a good deal so you dont have to spend 100 on a hdd, 50 on a controller, etc. it isnt like the ps3 where you just get an upgraded hdd or whatever, it just bundles in accessories to save money. thats why i felt adding the wireless network was a fair comparison (but then they'd have to use the more expensive ps3 as their price point)

2) again, by getting a premium system the "cost" of getting that wireless controller is less, thus the deception. either way a controller is a controller to me. wireless is a nice to have, but i dont think id bump up 50 bux to replace my wireless if i was too poor to buy a premium system to begin with. i think they are missing the point of the core.

3) again, the core just is a premium machine without the accessories, thats why you buy it. the low end ps3 has, a) the same parts but less of them, and b) parts you CANNOT buy to upgrade to the nicer version like you can with a 360. having something built in VS as an option is much different as well. like Specter said, if you want the 360 as a hd-dvd player you can do that...or not. with a ps3 you just pay for that funciton despite whether you utilize it or not. options cost money. their comparison is fair if you are buying it as an all-in-one, top of the line system (but again, why would you buy either "core" system at that point).

4) the features i listed are free from xbox live. you only have to pay to play multiplayer (which admittedly is a benefit of the ps3 if it is better or comparable).

The low-end ps3 is more comparable to the high-end 360 (which is why sony is trying to market themselves as such a high tech, high price, high value box). both have 20gb hdd and wireless controllers. if you add the hd-dvd the 360 is more, but much lower than the price the ad quotes, which is why it is deceptive. even adding the extended, xbox gold subscription plan it is cheaper than what the ad quotes.

[Edited on October 20, 2006 at 10:30 PM. Reason : .]

10/20/2006 10:02:07 PM

All American
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Linux on the PS3, plus Blu-ray playback are going to make it an excellent HTPC. It probably could encode video faster than most desktops out now too, once someone optimized encoding software for the Cell.

If I had the money and an HDTV, I would definitely buy a PS3. Plus, you have that added benefit of being able to play games too.

I don't see why people hate on the PS3. It's expensive, but it can do a lot, and is easily worth it. Sony does some dumb things, but it doesn't make the PS3 any less of a cool device.

10/20/2006 11:06:07 PM

soup du hier
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ok belikin allows you to use a router as a wireless access point
thats a $40 saving from the wireless adapter for the 360 and it works fine
btw.. most people that can afford one can afford both..

10/20/2006 11:35:37 PM

All American
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Sony is hurting from all the battery recalls....and now news that they might not have the ps3s they promised. Looks like they are holding on by their fingertips over the edge of a cliff

10/20/2006 11:58:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"They do, however, ignore the fact that all of that is included in the premium 360's"

Xbox live does not come free perpetually, nor does the premium come with an HD dvd drive...

10/21/2006 10:20:52 AM

All American
11443 Posts
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I can't wait for the Apple game system to come out. It's gonna kick ass and take names!

10/21/2006 11:08:26 AM

10214 Posts
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wii might as well be the apple system

10/21/2006 2:03:34 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Sony is funny Page [1]  
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