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 Message Boards » » IE hangs randomly using 99% of CPU Page [1]  
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First and foremost, I HAVE to use IE so the standard link to firefox reply might be funny, but it won't help.

That said, I am working on an automation project using Rational Functional Tester (I work at IBM so once again, I HAVE to use it). I can't go into a whole lot of specifics on the project so I'll try to provide as much information as possible. Basically we are performing web-based testing on servers using RFT. We have a process for running several scripts over and over for testing purposes. For the most part, everything works fine, and our test scripts are working perfectly. However, we running into a problem when we try to log into a system remotely through the system's web-based RSA. The problem is that IE will hang at random times at the log in screen and use 99% of the CPU on the system the test is running from. The system bogs down and everything comes to a halt. I say random times because, as I said above, we're running the same set of scripts over and over and the one it fails on is different every time. We have a timeout period coded where the script is supposed to fail and kill IE using taskkill, but that is not working. Some investigation into that part of the problem has found that executing taskkill on IEXPLORE.EXE while this is occuring gives the following error: "Server execution failed" Also, we have checked the script code and logs and it appears that everything is being executed like it is supposed to, but IE just doesn't want to cooporate.

So now my questions. One, any idea what could be causing IE to hang like this? Two, anyone know what the "Server execution error" means for taskkill? I did google it and search the MSKB, but have not found anything relivant. Three, and I know this one is a long shot, but has anyone ever had experience with Rational and seen this before? Thanks.

11/29/2006 1:23:39 PM

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11/29/2006 3:38:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So now my questions. One, any idea what could be causing IE to hang like this? Two, anyone know what the "Server execution error" means for taskkill? I did google it and search the MSKB, but have not found anything relivant. Three, and I know this one is a long shot, but has anyone ever had experience with Rational and seen this before? Thanks."

seems to me like you might get better feedback from the people you fucking work with.

11/29/2006 3:52:06 PM

442 Posts
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^wow, gee, i never thought of that..thanks

11/29/2006 4:45:34 PM

play so hard
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do you think this is a problem with your computer or a problem with the process? If its the former then it might be hard to fix. I had an IE 100% CPU problem once and ended up having to reformat

11/29/2006 5:29:47 PM

All American
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^^ his point is.... you work at IBM.... who owns Rational.... and apparently you're developing or testing a webservice, something that IBM get's paid millions of $ a year to do.

There must be 100s of people at IBM that can figure this out. This is what testing departments are for. why are you asking us.

11/29/2006 5:44:00 PM

All American
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Given your description, you'll need to do both a systems debug and a software debug to try to track down the problem. We aren't going to be able to help much with a "100% CPU" problem ... they are too common and require a lot of detail to correct.

11/29/2006 5:57:04 PM

442 Posts
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^^^at this point everyone is a little purplexed which is one reason i came here for some ideas. there are times where we can run the thing 200 times with no issues, then later, on the same system with the same setup, it will hang in just a few minutes. we're seeing it on multiple servers as well as multiple client systems so it doesn't seem to be specific to any one computer or server.

^^I know his point, and I am very aware that IBM owns Rational, hence the "I HAVE to use Rational" part of my first question. But of course its not a wolfweb post if someone isn't a smartass. Today we talked to 2 leads of the group who does the testing manually, another tools developer and a Rational "guru" in California. To answer the questions I proposed here requires no knowledge of Rational, except the 3rd, which I admitted was a long shot. Other than that, all I asked was if anyone had any idea what could cause IE to hang like that, or if anyone knew what the error code from taskkill meant. Thats all. The rest was posted as information people could take into account if they had a suggestion or have had experience. I have no problem at all talking to people at work, but finding the right person there takes time, and i have a limited block of time I can do it in. Posting the question on here takes five minutes and people can post suggestions here whenever.

^yeah, we're doing that, like i said above i'm looking for ideas more than solutions, but thanks

[Edited on November 29, 2006 at 6:12 PM. Reason : last edit...i hope]

11/29/2006 6:05:15 PM

All American
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try rebooting first?

11/29/2006 7:29:18 PM

442 Posts
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^yeah but we haven't noticed any coorolation between rebooting it before running vs not, but we honestly haven't really paid attention so its something i might look at tomorrow, thanks.

11/29/2006 9:26:06 PM

All American
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oh, wow. i was totally just being facetious.

11/30/2006 6:21:36 AM

442 Posts
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haha...well its amazing what just rebooting will do you know ...besides it was an idea

11/30/2006 8:22:42 AM

All American
10505 Posts
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maybe your IBM guys should get on the phone with MicroSoft guys and figure this thing out. Possibly get one of your leads or that "guru" on the phone with someone from the IE team.

12/1/2006 1:14:40 AM

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ok honestly idk...i'm with synapse...i had to reformat...always figured it was a virus


[Edited on December 1, 2006 at 2:38 AM. Reason : .]

12/1/2006 2:33:04 AM

All American
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Tech Talk is only good for php/sql basics and picking out a high definition tv. You will not get your answers here.

12/1/2006 5:08:20 PM

All American
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well you certainly won't get answers for a broadly posed question concerning a specialized problem with a specific set of expensive, proprietary tools that the company you work for owns, which is best left to the QA department of said company, if that's what you're getting at.....

12/1/2006 5:16:43 PM

All American
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If you search on w3, there should actually be a support site for Rational Functional Tester.

12/1/2006 5:27:28 PM

442 Posts
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hydro290, we opened a ticket with rational today and are testing a workaround to handle things in the mean time. thanks anyway.

12/1/2006 6:27:10 PM

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