dave421 All American 1391 Posts user info edit post |
Ok, I'm pickin up a .40 XD SC and after thinking about it, I'm going to sell my XD9 and use it toward range time and/or XD40 service. I'm looking for face-to-face sales in NC.
Melonite finish 574 rds. to date with no malfunctions Hume Open Top Holster (black, right hand) 3 16 rd. mags 1 mag (16 rds) of Speer Gold Dot 124 gr. case (either mine which has new cutouts as it's my "range bag" and holds my glasses/ear protection/etc. or the XD40 case if it will work) 20-25 Dummy rounds for practice (used for trigger control) Polished exposed area of barrel (i.e. ejection port & muzzle) and end of guide rod. All the XD gear
Gun is in great condition. I can get $340 worth of trade at a local range (membership, CCW class, & ammo) so I'm looking for something around that before I'll consider it. I plan on keeping the Hogue grip but it's not a huge deal if buyer wants to keep it on (it is trimmed). Only pics I have are with my phone so the quality is horrible. Locals can call me at 610-1049 (Raleigh area code), pm me here, or email me at dave421*at*gmail*dot*com.

Forgot to add, will consider partial trades for a C-Tac, Supertuck, XD40 mags (standard or SC)/accessories, & Pierce grip extensions

[Edited on November 30, 2006 at 2:06 AM. Reason : damn pics.] 11/30/2006 1:45:58 AM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on November 30, 2006 at 1:51 AM. Reason : ] 11/30/2006 1:50:40 AM
Wolfmarsh What? 5975 Posts user info edit post |
Good gun/package you are selling for anyone interested in shooting.
If i hadn't just bought a house, I would be all over this.
If it's still available after January 1, let me know. 11/30/2006 3:22:30 AM
fourty8ashes All American 587 Posts user info edit post |
if i had the money... 11/30/2006 3:36:42 AM
dave421 All American 1391 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " Good gun/package you are selling for anyone interested in shooting.
If i hadn't just bought a house, I would be all over this.
If it's still available after January 1, let me know. " |
I seriously doubt it will be. I'm checking with one more place that's supposed to be opening their range in January to see what they'll give me and then I'll probably give it 1-2 weeks tops before trading it in if it doesn't sell. Figure I'm going to use most of the money on gun stuff anyway so....
But, if for some reason I do still have it, I'll let you know. 11/30/2006 3:50:24 AM
dave421 All American 1391 Posts user info edit post |
*bump* 11/30/2006 9:15:22 PM
bhswain All American 1101 Posts user info edit post |
If I was 21.......cant wait 11/30/2006 10:09:49 PM
Jeepman All American 5882 Posts user info edit post |
^same, can ya wait 25 days?  11/30/2006 10:14:51 PM
WMVlad007 All American 1212 Posts user info edit post |
i wanna pick up the new xd 45, i dont know if i want a 9, it's a lot more accurate but it's just a 9..... let me think it over and if you dont sell it i'll grab it 11/30/2006 10:26:14 PM
MiGZ All American 2314 Posts user info edit post |
Got a .40 Beretta myself. I've shot the XD and I gotta tell ya I prefer the feel of the Beretta. 11/30/2006 11:05:32 PM
tennisdude All American 2350 Posts user info edit post |
how long does it take to get a purchase permit? 12/1/2006 12:01:55 AM
Mescalero Veteran 440 Posts user info edit post |
^about 2 weeks 12/1/2006 12:05:19 AM
dave421 All American 1391 Posts user info edit post |
^^ 7 business days max to get a permit. 12/1/2006 6:11:24 AM
dave421 All American 1391 Posts user info edit post |
SOLD!! 12/1/2006 10:34:13 AM
tennisdude All American 2350 Posts user info edit post |
oh well.. so much for that... 12/1/2006 10:49:48 AM
Redneck Bob All American 1040 Posts user info edit post |
imo Beretta ftw 12/1/2006 10:58:26 AM
dave421 All American 1391 Posts user info edit post |
Primary competition is going to be Glock, not Beretta. They're just too different. I personally don't like them but to each their own. They are one of the few things my roommate can shoot well. 12/1/2006 1:29:11 PM
MiGZ All American 2314 Posts user info edit post |
^ took my conceal carry class with a 9mm glock of my dad's.... sweet fucking gun.... I'd like to get one for myself. 12/1/2006 8:25:26 PM
WolfAce All American 6458 Posts user info edit post |
I used to like the Beretta more, but I am starting warm to Glocks and XD's, but if I were to buy one, it would probably be either an XD or Beretta. 12/1/2006 8:44:41 PM
gk2004 All American 6237 Posts user info edit post |
Damn 12/1/2006 10:01:56 PM
dave421 All American 1391 Posts user info edit post |
I think that Glocks are great guns but unfortunately, the grip angle doesn't work for me. I have to readjust my aim when I draw. I wouldn't mind having one for a range gun though.
For anyone looking at an XD, go to Lawmen's. It's off Tryon Rd at 401/70 in Garner/Raleigh. XD w/ 3 mags and all the XD Gear (normally comes with 2 mags) is 418.99 for non-night sights. I've yet to find a cheaper price ANYWHERE (online, other states, etc.).
Now I just have decide whether I'm going to go with another XD Service in .40 or get a Sig. 12/1/2006 10:11:44 PM
birdbrainjms Veteran 134 Posts user info edit post |
I LOVE my XD. I got it at PDHSC tho, I paid 445. Whoever got the one that was selling on here got a great deal, 574 rounds is barely used (lucky bastard).  12/2/2006 11:26:21 AM
tnezami All American 8972 Posts user info edit post |
what's the difference between the 3inch, 4inch service, and 5inch XD's?
What is each used for? I mainly want something for the range, but will prolly get my ccl sometime in the near future. 12/2/2006 1:32:54 PM
dave421 All American 1391 Posts user info edit post |
3" is your SubCompact. It's easier to conceal but harder to shoot basically. 4" is the Service or "Compact". It's not really *that* compact. It's a good all around size. Can still be concealed with slightly more work and attention but also more accurate and easier to shoot. 5" is the Tactical. It's going to be the easiest to shoot and the most accurate. Typically they're used as Range guns or competition (IDPA, etc.).
The size (3"-5") is the length of the barrel. The 4&5" share the same frame with the 5" having a longer slide & barrel. The 3" is a unique frame that is shorter (grip length) than the other 2 combined with the shorter slide & barrel. Full length frames still work in the gun with a spacer (Subcompact XD's will usually come with one of each). Hope that helped. 12/2/2006 11:52:59 PM
WolfAce All American 6458 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Sounds like 4" is what you're looking for then. Unfortunately for me, I've got a little over a year to wait before I can get one, do you guys have any recommendations on which XD to get? What are the pros-cons of having a 9mm, .40, or a .45 XD? 12/3/2006 12:07:58 AM
dave421 All American 1391 Posts user info edit post |
^ have you fired them yet? Check out several before you choose the XD. I love it but you may be one of the people that a Glock (or whatever) was built around.
Anyway, 9mm is going to be the easiest to shoot. It's pretty much accepted as the minimum round for Self defense (some say the smaller .380 is enough but 9 is always considered "enough"). Easiest of the 3 to shoot and definitely the cheapest.
.40 is (for me and many others) the hardest to shoot. The recoil is a combination of the 9 & .45 whereas the 9 has a small "snap" and the .45 has a push, the .40 has both (although it's hard to describe until you've shot it, not worse or better than a .45, just different and many find the .45 a bit easier). .40 is seen as the do-all round since you have the higher velocities of the smaller rounds (9, .357, etc.) with the large wound path of the .45. Ammo is not cheap and usually going to be right around the price for .45.
.45 is probably the most popular round for shooters in the U.S. It's big, heavy, & slow but has a great reputation for effectiveness. In the XD (and some others) the grip size of the .45 is larger which can cause issues shooting due to a less capable grip. Recoil is heavier than the 9 and gives you a nice push but follow up shots are fairly easy for me. I've not had a chance to fire the XD in .45 yet but I'm considering getting a .45 Service or Compact. Ammo is one of the more expensive rounds. The XD .45 Compact is
If you're looking strictly for a range gun or if you're new to them, get the 9. It's cheaper and you'll shoot more, increasing your skill level. If you're new to guns and care only about Defense and not having fun at the range, consider the .45 as it tends to give people more confidence and confidence is extremely important. Overall, just go to the range and rent a few different guns in a few different calibers. Even if you start off with a .22, it will teach you the skills you need for later down the road. 12/3/2006 8:42:25 PM
WolfAce All American 6458 Posts user info edit post |
Ok thanks, I am not totally new to shooting, just wanted to see what the opinions are out there. I have shot a Beretta 92 and Glock 19, as well as a .22 Browning Buckmark (and some rifles and shotguns but that's besides the point). I just have never shot anything above 9mm in a handgun, thinking about trying something bigger.... 12/3/2006 9:44:04 PM
Ds97Z All American 1687 Posts user info edit post |
Ammo for the .40 isn't bad. Only a buck or two more per box than 9mm. .40, to me, is the most efficient of the three, combining 93% of the stopping power of the .45 with the same magazine capacity as a 9mm. Ditto even more so for .357 Sig, (it uses .40 mags) though the price of ammo spoils that one for me.
I usually encourage people not to comment on pistol recoil until you have fired the round of concern through the same pistol. A 1911 in .45 will recoil differently than a Glock 21 chambered for the same cartridge. A Beretta in 9mm will feel/recoil differently than the Springfield XD or Glock. However, if you shoot a 9mm Glock and then shoot a Glock .45 back to back, you probably have a good feel for how the cartridge recoils. Not all types of auto pistols recoil the same, some shoot more gently than others, even when chambered for he same cartridge. For example, the .380 Walther PPK, to me, snaps and recoils worse than most .45's due to it's design as a straight blowback pistol. 12/4/2006 10:19:59 AM
gk2004 All American 6237 Posts user info edit post |
lovin my Sig P220 .45 12/4/2006 11:00:41 AM