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 Message Boards » » FS: African Grey Parrot and Cage Page [1]  
New Recruit
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This is a feeler:

An old friend of the family recently died and left my father with a 10 yr old female African Grey Parrot. The bird's name is Polly and she came with a large cage. I saw her over Thanksgiving and she looked healthy and likes to mimic (has been known to say words in the past, including cuss words) - no feathers missing or anything like that. We need to find a new home for this bird. My father would like to sell the bird to a good home – About how much do you think she could sell for? Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I could find a buyer or if not a parrot rescue?

[Edited on December 3, 2006 at 10:39 PM. Reason : .]

12/3/2006 10:26:04 PM

All American
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how big is the like the cage, but not the bird

12/3/2006 10:53:48 PM

All American
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$100 and i can pick her up tomorrow

12/3/2006 10:56:30 PM

All American
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those birds go for $$$$

If it is a really nice cage alone it would go for $$$

I would really think any offer under 1000 would be way too low.

12/3/2006 11:54:02 PM

Kitty B
All American
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honestly, it may be harder to place the bird due to the bird and not the price. many birds, especially larger parrots, can be very picky about people. often, they are "one person" birds and will not tolerate anyone else.

i think the best thing you and your father can do is find a good, loving, secure home with a person that Polly approves of. selling her to the highest bidder won't be in her interest.

12/4/2006 12:05:07 AM

New Recruit
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It is also important to know whether or not the bird would accept another owner. African Grey's are known to be one-person oriented. I also suggest the above and think you need to look into a family that can afford to care for the bird.

BTW--do a google-search for bird rescues in raleigh...I know there are plenty.

12/4/2006 12:38:51 AM

Starting Lineup
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You should ask who has owned African Greys or other large parrots before and invite them to meet the parrot. Greys are not easy birds to own, and anyone who hasn't owned a bird larger than a conure probably cannot give her a good life and home. The only one who suffers when a Grey or other large parrot like a Macaw is placed in a bad home is the bird. I don't mean you shouldn't ask for money for such a nice bird and cage, but selling her to the highest bidder might be worse than you think. My boyfriend raised a Grey when he was younger (the bird now lives with his mother) and I know how much of a pain they can be if they are not owned by someone responsible. That bird can live eighty or ninety years and some people may not realize how much of a commitment she is. Please consider this seriously as you try to place this bird. If you need any information, I'm sure my boyfriend can help.

12/4/2006 2:04:19 PM

All American
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^Most sources point to 50-60 years, not 80-90.

12/4/2006 3:19:13 PM

222 Posts
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50-60 or 80-90 i dont think it really matters.

12/4/2006 5:22:45 PM

 Message Boards » Classifieds » FS: African Grey Parrot and Cage Page [1]  
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