jchill2 All American 2683 Posts user info edit post |
I have decided to sell my Wii.
It is in perfect condition as I have kept all of the baggies, twisty ties, and instructions. You could easily pass it off as new(If you're a bad parent) seeing as the box was not sealed.
What I have:
Wii Original Controller/Nunchuck 2 extra controllers 2 extra nunchucks 1 VC controller Wii Sports Zelda: Twilight Princess VC Game(installed) Super Star Soldier
A pair of controller/nunchuck is still unopened as my friends just bring theirs over usually, and I haven't need of them.
I will entertain all offers, seperated or the lot. GO! 12/6/2006 2:22:14 AM
dbtriebe Veteran 362 Posts user info edit post |
Tired of it already? Find something you didn't like about it? I am interested in one. 12/6/2006 2:32:51 AM
SuperDude All American 6922 Posts user info edit post |
$400 for all 12/6/2006 2:34:08 AM
jchill2 All American 2683 Posts user info edit post |
I will not take less than MSRP+tax. If you think I'm crazy, fine, great. Just give me bumps until you give up.
[Edited on December 6, 2006 at 2:41 AM. Reason : tax] 12/6/2006 2:41:26 AM
pcmsurf All American 7033 Posts user info edit post |
how much would that be ? 12/6/2006 2:49:52 AM
El Nachó special helper 16370 Posts user info edit post |
FYI ] 12/6/2006 3:49:40 AM
LadyWolff All American 2286 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ Then why buy used? 12/6/2006 9:11:57 AM
Probasesteal All American 10307 Posts user info edit post |
^^^^haha, wtf?
Buy it, USE it, sell it and expect NEW prices....
some people.... 12/6/2006 9:17:04 AM
Nashattack All American 7022 Posts user info edit post |
Even tho we are bumping the thread for him.
Yes, he is an idiot for thinking he can get retail for it. The only argument I can see him giving is that he thinks there aren't many available, but there will be a big shipment before christmas.
Good Luck getting MSRP + Taxes. You should take the $400 bid and RUN! 12/6/2006 9:20:00 AM
Wraith All American 27291 Posts user info edit post |
10 on the classic controller 12/6/2006 9:23:39 AM
awwwwkenan All American 1432 Posts user info edit post |
I like my gaming consoles "broken in" before I play them
ZING! 12/6/2006 9:25:01 AM
humandrive All American 18286 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I will not take less than MSRP+tax. If you think I'm crazy, fine, great. Just give me bumps until you give up." |
 12/6/2006 9:29:33 AM
jatncstate All American 724 Posts user info edit post |
willing to trade for a XBOX 360 package 12/6/2006 9:45:59 AM
jchill2 All American 2683 Posts user info edit post |
I didn't expect any less from TWW. If you haven't been looking for one of these, then you simply wouldn't understand. Thank you for your bumps.
If you can't find one new(most likely) and you plan on playing it yourself (ie not giving it as a gift), only then is there justification for the premium. I understand this.
I'm going to split this up to make my life easier. Bid seperately please. Controllers: I expect to break even, as they are hard to find.
PM for 2 Nunchucks: 50
PM for the system+controller set+Wii sports is 275.
[Edited on December 6, 2006 at 11:37 AM. Reason : organization] 12/6/2006 11:35:12 AM
Noen All American 31346 Posts user info edit post |
ill go 280 12/6/2006 11:51:41 AM
jchill2 All American 2683 Posts user info edit post |
Ok, to help smooth things out. If you are going to bid on controllers, bid on individual pieces. Example 40 on a wiimotte and 20 on a nunchuck.
That being said.
Standard wii package at 280. Neon 2 Nunchucks at 50. ThatGuy 12/6/2006 12:15:49 PM
Wraith All American 27291 Posts user info edit post |
10 on classic controller 12/6/2006 3:44:52 PM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "If you haven't been looking for one of these, then you simply wouldn't understand." |
wii's are not hard to come by, and with every weekend that goes by, they become easier and easier to find...you can get to a walmart or best buy right at open on sundays and pick them up...tell me again why someone would pay more than retail for used gear?
[Edited on December 6, 2006 at 4:03 PM. Reason : ncemt edited my post! ] 12/6/2006 3:55:12 PM
Lutra All American 12588 Posts user info edit post |
Just to clarify...I bid $425 for everything. 12/6/2006 3:58:19 PM
MOODY All American 9700 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "wii's are not hard to come by, and with every weekend that goes by, they become easier and easier to find...you can get to a walmart or best buy right at open on sundays and pick them up...tell me again why someone would pay more than retail for used gear?" |
i wish that was true...wii and accessories are still pretty hard to come by...i'm looking for one so i would know. people camped out again last night for the batches that walmart got this morning. 12/6/2006 4:51:45 PM
ncemt_03 All American 5453 Posts user info edit post |
play nice children  12/6/2006 4:53:27 PM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
all i know is that the walmart in hillsborough never has lines for it, and it usually takes the entire day a shipment arrives for them to sell out...and i know for a fact that they have the controllers, nunchucks, and twilight princess all there as of this morning
i guess raleigh's different, but for a 45 minute drive you can get it without problem
shoot, with as much as these jokers are trying to sell available units for, i should pick up 3 or 4 and match pricing and give you new units  12/6/2006 4:57:42 PM
jchill2 All American 2683 Posts user info edit post |
Please, please stop pm'ing me with offers less than MSRP. I'm just selling this thing now because I don't play it at all and I'd rather buy more 360/ps3 games. Whatever I don't sell, I'll keep for when something worth playing comes out. 12/6/2006 4:59:00 PM
ncemt_03 All American 5453 Posts user info edit post |
^ u should- lol- i'll take one....
this thread is getting way off topic..... ur best bet is post each item again in a new thread with the price u want for each (itemized) and i will delete this one.
it is going no where  12/6/2006 5:00:25 PM
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
^ would you support me creating a classifieds ad for it? i'm dead serious 12/6/2006 5:02:11 PM
jchill2 All American 2683 Posts user info edit post |
Buying a wii was the biggest waste of money I've ever had. If I was 10, a girl, and was poor it would be great. Fuck the Wii. Seriously. 12/6/2006 5:05:53 PM
jchill2 All American 2683 Posts user info edit post |
I think i'm just going to give it to my gf for christmas. Thread closed. 12/6/2006 5:06:27 PM