LadyWolff All American 2286 Posts user info edit post |
So, a long time ago folks bought NIMH dynacharge batteries as a group on here, I got a few, and loved 'em, but I've lost most of them and really need to buy some more- but cant seem to google a place online that sells them. Any recommendations then for brands of rechargables (cant do alkalines, can do the other two types with my charger, any size) and places to order them?
Needing mostly AAA and AA 1/6/2007 4:13:25 PM |
0EPII1 All American 42552 Posts user info edit post |
jesus just pick them up in a shop. (unless you need tons of them... do you?)
best brands: energizer, sony, duracell, etc. [most of the good ones are still made in japan]
don't get any crap chinese no-name brands. 1/6/2007 4:24:24 PM |
stowaway All American 11770 Posts user info edit post |
3625 S. Wilmington Street Raleigh NC (919) 661-9990 4907 Atlantic Avenue Raleigh NC (919) 790-1800
store is called Batteries Plus. Sell nothing but batteries.
or walmart, best buy, etc. 1/6/2007 6:06:16 PM |
Seotaji All American 34244 Posts user info edit post |
energizer 2600mah batteries are great.
made in japan.
$less than 10 at wal-mart/target.
get a coupon from their website.
[Edited on January 6, 2007 at 11:24 PM. Reason : r] 1/6/2007 11:23:51 PM |
LadyWolff All American 2286 Posts user info edit post |
well, i was thinking about getting about 24 or so of each, so, hence the asking. No, i wasn't meaning i want 2-6 of the things. 1/7/2007 2:10:28 AM |
0EPII1 All American 42552 Posts user info edit post |
what do you want 24 rechargeable batteries for? 1/7/2007 4:52:36 AM |
LadyWolff All American 2286 Posts user info edit post |
wireless keyboard, wireless mouse, digital camera, PDA that isn't the internal battery type, wireless game controlers, tv remotes and stereo remotes of which we have like 4..
I could keep listing. But I prefer to have 1 set in use, and at least half that number charged and ready to go.
That and I'm bound to loose 2-3 of them, I'm absentminded.
So may as well go ahead and get about 1.5 times what I'd use at any given moment in the house and add a couple extra. I get about 24 of each. 1/7/2007 11:57:14 AM |
Prospero All American 11662 Posts user info edit post |
Good price on 8, use Google Checkout as a new customer and get $10 off $10, bringing it to $12 shipped
though Walmart/Target would be the cheapest 1/7/2007 4:15:01 PM |
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
$5/each, plus free shipping...i've been using these for nearly a year and they're just fine
5 1000mAh AAA plus a battery case
5 2500mAh AA plus a battery case 1/7/2007 4:32:37 PM |