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All American
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My Aspire 3000 is pretty much my budget laptop. Only downfall was the battery and now im tired of hunting for power outlets every where I go so I decided to upgrade my battery.

The only upgradable battery for my series is from tiger direct (i was surprised to see new egg not carrying it because i got the laptop from new egg). I couldn't find any reviews on the longevity of the battery so I was curious what usage times i could expect from it.

the only thing the site had was:
# Chemistry: Li-Ion
# mah: 4400

any idea how long this sucker lasts? for 149$ it better last atleast 2hrs.

oh here is the link:

1/10/2007 2:13:56 PM

All American
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It all depends on the system and how it was designed (processor, chipset, video, power management software, and etc...).

After a quick google search:
Looks like the Aspire's battery life SUCKS... Look at this CNET review,

It says the aspire wouldn't last 70 minutes before dying. Guess you're SOL.

1/10/2007 2:51:40 PM

All American
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jesus christ man, read what I posted. I KNOW IT LASTS 45-70 minutes THUS WHY I AM UPGRADING.

1/10/2007 2:55:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"jesus christ man, read what I posted. YOU KNOW IT LASTS 45-70 minutes THUS WHY I AM TELLING YOU IT'S NOT GOING TO GET MUCH BETTER."

I test battery life in laptops for a living. Lenovo laptops run about 4-5 hours on ~4400 mah batteries. So, I'm guessing you might get an maximum of 2 hours out of that upgrade for your Aspire. Thus, giving you a total of 3 hours of battery life, with both batteries on hand (if you're lucky).

[Edited on January 10, 2007 at 3:10 PM. Reason : more helpful info]

1/10/2007 2:58:48 PM

play so hard
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did you check ebay?

looks like theyre ~$60 there

1/10/2007 2:59:50 PM

play so hard
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you rarely "upgrade" batteries if thats what you mean. you simply replace them when they stop holding a charge.

1/10/2007 3:01:39 PM

All American
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it holds a charge, but like the reviews say, it's only 45-50 minutes max for me.

im looking to get a charge of 2-3 hours.

1/10/2007 3:09:03 PM

All American
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If the old battery is 4.4 Ah and the new one is 4.4 Ah, then it won't make much of a difference on battery life. 4.4 Ah at some voltage is the same charge regardless of the battery manufacturer. A higher quality battery will hold full charge for a greater number of cycles (the more you use the battery, the less charge it will hold as the surfaces corrode over time) and deteriorate more slowly, but will not affect your battery life on a full charge. To get better battery life you need a higher capacity battery.

If you want to determine the difference in life between your current battery and a new battery, you'll have to test your current battery to find out how much charge it will actually (rather than claims to) hold. If the battery only holds a 4 Ah charge rather than 4.4, then you could expect a 10% increase by replacing it with a 4.4 Ah battery. However, if your battery does not hold the indicated charge and your laptop is under warranty, contact the manufacturer and tell them you have a faulty battery.

The cause of poor battery life is more likely that your computer consumes a lot of power. If you want to get good battery life, disable your CD/DVD drivers, disconnect any peripheral hardware, disable your wireless if you aren't using it, turn down your screen brightness, disable screen-savers, close all unnecessary programs and disable unnecessary services, and decrease the color depth of your display to 16-bit. This will increase your battery life by up to about 10%. If your computer does not have a lot of RAM, page file usage may be killing your battery life. If you have less than 512 MB of RAM, a memory upgrade will almost certainly boost your battery life.

Ultimately, if you want better battery life, you need to go for a higher capacity battery. I would wager that your laptop has poor or non-existant power-saving features. My Vaio gets about 8.5 hours on a 4.4 Ah, 7.4V battery.

Bottom line... the problem is the system, not the battery.

[Edited on January 10, 2007 at 3:29 PM. Reason : ]

1/10/2007 3:26:03 PM

All American
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the original battery is 2000 mAh ~ (2.0 AH). A 4.4 Ah would be pretty much double right?

[Edited on January 10, 2007 at 4:12 PM. Reason : yeah just checked, 14.8V - 2000mAH - LITHIUM - ION]

1/10/2007 4:07:05 PM

play so hard
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give it a try, doubt it will be 3 hours tho unless you play with settings like^^ recommended. and you are going to buy thru ebay and how tigerdirect right?

1/10/2007 7:30:38 PM

All American
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i'll go ebay if i can find the exact model that is.

1/10/2007 8:01:06 PM

All American
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For that batt, 2-2.5 hrs nominal. The first few drains on a li-ion/li-poly will be shorter though (if they still make em like they used to) so dont get worried if the runtime is short in the beginning, sorta like a break-in period. Quality is highly different among brands so you're gonna get what you pay for.

[Edited on January 10, 2007 at 8:13 PM. Reason : .]

1/10/2007 8:12:20 PM

All American
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Before you ever boot your computer, fully charge the battery with the computer off, then turn on the computer and completely drain the battery until the computer cuts off. Recharge the battery completely again before rebooting the machine. That's all the breaking in you should have to do. To get the most out of your battery, fully drain it each time before recharging it. That will keep the cell surfaces corroding evenly so you'll get the most cycles out of your battery.

1/10/2007 11:34:28 PM

play so hard
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try to get an oem if possible

1/10/2007 11:39:50 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » Laptop battery question Page [1]  
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