69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
so hers the deal, i am planning on running a second deep cycle battery on my truck just for a winch, lights, etc., completely isolated from my starting battery, i am planning on running an ignition hot relay to charge the second battery, but what the hell could i use to limit to charging current to that battery to about 10 amps with no voltage drop to reduce the load on my alternator? i need to maintain the charge at around 14.5-15 volts when the truck is running, but the depending on the discharged state of the battery anywhere from 11-13 volts, the current demand will change 1/27/2007 1:36:33 PM |
qntmfred retired 40848 Posts user info edit post |
garage? 1/27/2007 1:53:56 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
Not trying to be an ass here, but weren't you the same guy that was battling some other dude about car stereo stuff and you acted like you were gods gift to 12V electricity? 1/27/2007 2:41:51 PM |
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
http://www.google.com 1/27/2007 2:49:29 PM |
8=======D Suspended 588 Posts user info edit post |
pwn ftw 1/27/2007 3:41:36 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
^^^ this has nothing to do with half ass wiring that you do, this is about designing something thats not commercially available jackass 1/27/2007 3:49:31 PM |
Aficionado Suspended 22518 Posts user info edit post |
just throw a resistor in there to limit the current 1/27/2007 4:49:47 PM |
joe17669 All American 22728 Posts user info edit post |
throw some capacitors and some thyristors on the line and use a PWM switching technique to inject reactive currents into your load to help maintain voltage levels and frequency
[Edited on January 27, 2007 at 5:29 PM. Reason : OH FUCK IT'S DC]] 1/27/2007 5:28:47 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
Well, I was going to give you various alternatives, but since you insist on being a real dickhead, fuck you. 1/27/2007 6:13:45 PM |
fregac All American 4731 Posts user info edit post |
I believe the diode type isolator is what you're looking for, and certainly the simplest method. 1/27/2007 7:03:20 PM |
EEstudent All American 2595 Posts user info edit post |
^ I concur. 1/28/2007 1:59:43 AM |
joe_schmoe All American 18758 Posts user info edit post |
1.21 Jiggawatts. 1/28/2007 2:56:28 AM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Well, I was going to give you various alternatives, but since you insist on being a real dickhead, fuck you." |
i really don't give a shit about your half asses nigger rigged suggestions
now for everyone else, the diode type seems to be the ticket, and i have a few few 12v regulator/rectifiers laying around i may be able to scavenge parts out of1/28/2007 10:12:13 AM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
The diode seems to be the ticket? But you wanted to current limit things. Do you intend on killing your deep cycle, then throwing that + the stock battery onto the alternator at once?
If so, have fun with the diode solution! 1/28/2007 2:19:08 PM |
Quinn All American 16417 Posts user info edit post |
what the fuck does a diode have to do with limiting charge current of a resistive SLA at low open terminal voltage?
NOTHING 1/28/2007 11:29:00 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The diode seems to be the ticket? But you wanted to current limit things. Do you intend on killing your deep cycle, then throwing that + the stock battery onto the alternator at once?" |
wow, you just get stupider every day, there a hundreds of commercially availible isolators that do just that
the alternator won't charge more than it's capable of, that's why it has a regulator, the purpose of the diode isolater is to prevent backfeed from the starting battery to the auxillary battery while allowing the alternator to charge both, mr. god's gift to electrical engineering fucktard
[Edited on January 29, 2007 at 12:56 PM. Reason : and the current limiter is completely separate fromt the isolator, that was my original question]
[Edited on January 29, 2007 at 12:56 PM. Reason : asshat]1/29/2007 12:52:56 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "and the current limiter is completely separate fromt the isolator, that was my original question" |
So why are you even commenting on the isolator if that wasn't even your original question? I was commenting about your original question you stupid mongoloid. It's funny, you have such a hard on about beating the college boy that you are blind to what is going on here.1/29/2007 1:11:00 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
the point is you stupid fuck is that isolators are readily availible, but they split my 160 amp alternator between two batteries, i want no less than 150 amps availible to my main system at all times, with a max of 10 amps to my secondary battery, i don't know how to make it any clearer to you than to beat you upside the head 1/29/2007 1:23:51 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
You really do have a massive mental block on everything I am posting to you. You're so hell bent on not being trolled, that you are completely missing what I am saying.
You just said this:
Quote : | "with a max of 10 amps to my secondary battery, i don't know how to make it any clearer to you than to beat you upside the head" |
Which is pretty easy to read in your original post
Quote : | "but what the hell could i use to limit to charging current to that battery to about 10 amps" |
Someone tossed out the diode isolation idea, which btw, you didn't mention having trouble with in your original post, yet, you replied this
Quote : | "the diode type seems to be the ticket, and i have a few few 12v regulator/rectifiers laying around i may be able to scavenge parts out of" |
Which is strange, because, like I just said, this doesn't have anything to do with your original post, yet you make it seem like this solved your problem
to which I replied
Quote : | "The diode seems to be the ticket? But you wanted to current limit things." |
and Quinn replied (who also has a solid EE foundation)
Quote : | "what the fuck does a diode have to do with limiting charge current of a resistive SLA at low open terminal voltage?
So I think it's good and fucking given that I know what you are talking about you sorry sad existence for a person.
And since I apparently haven't proven my utter domination of you in regardless to this type of electronics problem solving, I almost started to help...but I think I'll just revert to this
Quote : | "Well, I was going to give you various alternatives, but since you insist on being a real dickhead, fuck you." |
1/29/2007 3:48:11 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
all i just read was blah blah blah TypeA is a fucking idiot 1/29/2007 4:00:44 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
You lost your own thread my man. Bobby, this needs moving to the garage I think, no need to have tech talk polluted by the likes of this redneck. 1/29/2007 4:01:39 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
hahaha, he already proved himself an idiot in the garage so that no one listens to him, i am still waiting for some legitimate answers here instead of this asshole's bullshit 1/29/2007 4:21:18 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not sure why you even posted this thread. You already claimed car wiring and electronics superiority in the other thread.
This thread needs locking. 1/29/2007 4:28:18 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
this whole god damned message board needs less fucktards like you 1/29/2007 4:42:51 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
Hey pal, you're the one, who in this very thread where you asked about current limiting, said that a diode would work for you. 1/29/2007 4:46:42 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "the diode type seems to be the ticket, and i have a few few 12v regulator/rectifiers laying around i may be able to scavenge parts out of" |
let me interpret since you can't read worth a shit, read real slow now, the diode type isolator will work well for my application of two isolated batteries, but what can i scavenge out of what i have laying around here for a current limiter?1/29/2007 4:56:14 PM |
LoneSnark All American 12317 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not sure any would be necessary as the voltage drop accross the diode would make sure the secondary batter always drew substantially less current than the primary battery (unless the secondary is near fully discharged and the primary is fully charged).
Regretfully, the voltage drop would also make sure the secondary battery never would be fully charged. 1/29/2007 5:34:14 PM |
Bakunin Suspended 8558 Posts user info edit post |
how about a 10 amp charger on an inverter? 1/29/2007 5:47:16 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
well the secondary battery would be flat out dead at times, but the alternator puts out 14.5-15.5 volts, and the battery only needs to be charged to 12.6, the voltage differential will determine the current flow, problem is, its always changing 1/29/2007 5:50:01 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
You do realize to get the best life out of a deep cycle that you should kill it before recharging don't you? 1/29/2007 6:15:09 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
you do realize, no how many boats have you owned? none? how long have you had a battery last? oh, thats right, you don't know because you are a fucktard? 1/29/2007 6:22:56 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
Just trying to help you man. I'm pretty sure you've been enough of an ass to me that you aren't going to get too many other folks in here to help. 1/29/2007 6:37:47 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
actually i already have several answers, and i dont give a shit about your opinion, cause you spew so much bullshit that nothing is relevant anymore that you post 1/29/2007 6:46:49 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
Excellent, now you can get the fuck out of Tech Talk. 1/29/2007 8:33:51 PM |
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "You do realize to get the best life out of a deep cycle that you should kill it before recharging don't you?" |
You have GOT to be kidding me. none of my suppliers advocate this.1/29/2007 9:11:30 PM |
Bakunin Suspended 8558 Posts user info edit post |
TypeA is Tech Talk's village idiot, you can safely ignore him 1/29/2007 9:14:23 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
^^ yep builds up excessive lead sulfate on the plates quickly reducing its capacity 1/29/2007 9:27:36 PM |
zxappeal All American 26824 Posts user info edit post |
^THANK YOU. 1/29/2007 9:31:55 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
Guh...I don't mean kill the thing dead down to nothing. I mean, you get longest life out of it by not using it lightly and then putting a charge back on it.
I was going to ask the OP how he intends to use this on a day to day basis, but he clearly knows everything, else he wouldn't have made this thread. 1/29/2007 9:33:26 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
running a winch is a lot different than sitting in the gas station parkin lot with your nig music bumpin, thats all you need to know faggot 1/29/2007 9:39:24 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
You really need to grow up man. You're acting like a spoiled 7 year old that doesn't get his way. I can't figure out if you were coddle too much by your mama or your daddy wasn't around. That's the only way I can figure out how a guy your age can have such a large chip on his shoulder. 1/29/2007 9:41:27 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
this mother fucker just doesnt quit, i can tell he never goes out much, or he would get beat to a pulp on a daily basis 1/29/2007 9:43:40 PM |
TypeA Suspended 3327 Posts user info edit post |
Is your maturity level hovering somewhere in the middle school range? 1/29/2007 9:51:42 PM |
69 Suspended 15861 Posts user info edit post |
no, just your intelligence level 1/29/2007 9:55:59 PM |
Bakunin Suspended 8558 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Guh...I don't mean kill the thing dead down to nothing. I mean, you get longest life out of it by not using it lightly and then putting a charge back on it." |
No, with regard to a deep cycle lead acid battery you're absolutely and 100% without exception incorrect. You couldn't be more wrong without failing to respond to the question. Depth of discharge is the determining factor in the life of these batteries. You may be thinking of NiMH, which loses capacity at a rate directly proportional to charge and temperature, but I seriously doubt you were thinking at all.
In any case you clearly don't have a working knowledge of what you're talking about and make no attempt to acknowledge your ignorance, a pattern which is consistent in much of your posting and is the reason why nobody cares to hear your opinion.1/30/2007 5:56:03 PM |
Wolfrules All American 1880 Posts user info edit post |
deep cycles are designed to be discharged to about 20% capacity from time to time..
found this: http://www.amplepower.com/wire/sarv3/index.html .. a regulator that has a current limiter on it, uses potentiometers to control the duty cycle of the alternator output.
not sure if that helps, but you may be able to rig something up
[Edited on January 31, 2007 at 8:21 AM. Reason : ] 1/31/2007 8:18:26 AM |