AxlBonBach All American 45551 Posts user info edit post |
i heard it comes with a copy of pro-tools, but i dunno if my laptop system resources can handle the needs of an M-Box and i'd hate to spend the $$$ and find out it didn't work.
anyways, do any of you guys have one? how easy is it to use? any problems with it? how is the recording quality?
any feedback is appreciated. thanks. 2/5/2007 6:06:33 PM |
AxlBonBach All American 45551 Posts user info edit post |
anyone? 2/7/2007 10:45:08 AM |
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11611 Posts user info edit post |
This big question is: What are you planning to do with it? Saying a Ferrari is a good car is a no-brainer, but if you're driving to the supermarket, it's overkill. Applications are everything. 2/7/2007 11:04:47 AM |
AxlBonBach All American 45551 Posts user info edit post |
mostly home recording and mixing, sharing files with my drummer in minneapolis and my guitarist in DC. We're all thinking about purchasing them, that way we can mix, add layers, and pass it over to the next person to mess with.
i'm just wondering if anyone's had any experience with one, and what they thought of it as compared to other recording/mixing devices for the pc 2/7/2007 11:08:08 AM |
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11611 Posts user info edit post |
Just remember this: With the proper interface cards, any recording/mixing equipment can be used with a computer.
I'm sure someone around here has some first hand experence and can give you their opinions. Nicer music stores will have demo workstations setup and should let you try out anything you could ever want. 2/7/2007 11:32:33 AM |
spöokyjon ℵ 18617 Posts user info edit post |
The M Box is really overpriced if you ask me, but I don't have any personal experience using one. The sound quality will be more than adequate, but depending on what you're doing with it I might not spend that much. If you're just recording one or two channels simultaneously, I'd go for the M-Audio Firewire Solo. It comes pretty highly recommended from some friends in bands, and I believe sarijoul bought one a month or two ago.
I use a MOTU 8pre and I fucking love it, fwiw. That's a little pricier, though, and you don't really need it if you aren't recording live drums or several instruments at once. 2/7/2007 12:26:42 PM |
Syrinx All American 13507 Posts user info edit post |
I have the M-Box 2 Pro. It's a really good interface, but Pro Tools isn't for the faint of heart, and I probably wouldn't run it on a laptop with questionable resources. If you have any specific questions about it, let me know. It sounds like, for your applications, you'd be better off getting something cheaper, then maybe buying one copy of Pro Tools LE to do all the mixing in one place. The M-Box bundle is intended as an everything-in-one-package kind of deal, so it's silly to have 3 of everything. 2/7/2007 3:19:50 PM |
AxlBonBach All American 45551 Posts user info edit post |
well i'll be doing vocals and some guitar/sax/synth work here at my place, and the lead guitar/bass will be done in DC, and the Drums and Piano will be done up in Minneapolis, so we just figured the M Box might be a good idea for us to streamline all the files so that we can all mess around with them to get the sound we're looking for.
thanks for the suggestions, i'll prolly hit up some of you via pm to get specs 2/7/2007 4:32:58 PM |
sarijoul All American 14208 Posts user info edit post |
i have the m audio box. it's very simple and streamlined. i really haven't tested its limits yet. i've pretty much just used it to flesh out ideas with one instrument at a time (though two at a time should work just fine). 2/7/2007 4:35:40 PM |