Daer21 Veteran 352 Posts user info edit post |
I just recently installed windows server edition 2003 on my old ass file server: 2X 333mhz P2's W/MMX 512Mb SDRAM IWILL DPIILS2 Motherboard GeForce4 ti 4400 64mb AGP GFX card 3 X 5gb SCSI drives Dlink 10/100 card Ultra 66 ATA card and an old ass creative sound card from the 486 era. I realize its old as hell but it was free and i can fit 3.4 TB of hard drives in it for very little money, however, the motherboard states the max ram it can handle is 512MB SD or 1024MB EDO ram. On a lark i threw in a 256 stick i had lying around for 640mb SDRAM. It posted exct. and ran but it didn't seem as stable so i went back to 512 and installed server edition. It runs fine most of the time but sometimes it will become completely unresponsive. The hard drives run a bit hot but everything else is rediculously well cooled. Any ideas whats causing the stops? 2/8/2007 2:34:43 PM |
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11611 Posts user info edit post |
I'm guessing it's a RAM problem. However, why not run llinux and reduce your system overhead?
[Edited on February 8, 2007 at 3:20 PM. Reason : spelling] 2/8/2007 3:20:09 PM |
Daer21 Veteran 352 Posts user info edit post |
Linux isn't easy. I run four different flavors i just don't want to bother with this server. Especially since its going to run in a windows dominated environment. As far as the ram goes that may be true, I'll take out the IBM stick and see if that helps 2/8/2007 3:49:59 PM |
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11611 Posts user info edit post |
Linux is very easy for files servers. Just setup samba and you're done. 2/8/2007 4:13:47 PM |
Daer21 Veteran 352 Posts user info edit post |
Its going to do more than that, I realize Linux is good, I use it daily, I just want this particular server to be 2003. Regardless it ended up being a bad keyboard (!?) of all things so it's not an issue anymore. 2/9/2007 12:39:35 AM |